
Chapter 944

(This meeting contains contents related to NTR. Sexual content does not come directly from you, but if you disagree with this, please skip it.

Suddenly laughter came out. Yes. There are only two people who are in this space, and it is obvious that whoever it is.

I wonder if you sneak around sneaking. Han Soo – young was chained to me by twisting my chains.

“…….”I kept feeling sick because I was constantly flinching. In the dark space where the soft blue light was shining, a mature woman sitting on a chain and feeling hesitantly felt why it seemed to be the only one.

“Mercenary Road?”

Then I suddenly heard a voice calling me, “Oh, I’m sorry.”

I apologized without even thinking about it.

I think the situation is strange. pathetic. Perhaps Han So – young had no trouble.

“Why are you apologizing?”

in Yes

uh. Did not you have a sensation? Maybe I was not looking at you.

“Did you imagine that you should look at me?”

“…Our apologies.

You also knew. Yeah, I do not know. I’m ashamed.

I could not overcome my feelings, so I leaned over my head and laughed lightly.

Han So Young … . You are Smiling.

Did you put a mental line? Or for some reason?

I was worried about whether I would pick up my hair.

“Mercenary Road.”

She calls me again.

I caught sight of the sound of a much more subdued voice than before. I do not know how long it took to get upset, but it seems like my eyes are adjusting to darkness. The loose surroundings now look pretty clear. Han So – young seemed to be a little bit out of shape, but he was making a smile that was not so bad.

Probably… Do you remember the promise you made to me in the past? ”

“A promise?”

“Yeah. I will tell you when this is over. ”


It seems like that.

No. Han So – young would have been wondering a lot longer than I thought.

‘Mercenary Road … . Why are you doing well to me? ”

Probably from the steel mountains.

It should not have been possible for a user of Hansae Young to notice it until now. Maybe I had some doubts in my heart, and I would have been convinced when I entered the court. The conversation with Gogaku played a great deal too.

“that… . So, I guess that’s still over … ”

“…Are you kidding me? ”

No, I’m scared. It ‘s so cold because it’ s so sudden.

Ah… Hmm …

I will tell you. You are so worried.

In fact, it does not matter if it comes now. I know that.

But I do not know why my mouth does not fall like this.

“Do you want to hear it?”

“Yeah. I must listen. ”

It was rarely a decisive expression for Han Sang Young.

“Even if I do not like it? Is it really forced? ”

I did not open my mouth right this time when I put an armageddon in the antics.

But the silence was not long.


Han Sooyoung nodded his head.

“because… . If this is not your chance … . I do not think I’ll hear it again. ”

I suddenly felt like a loud voice. I felt more desperate than Han, who hesitated because I did not feel like a different reason.

More than anything else, I moved my mind that I would not listen again. At this point there is nothing I can not tell you.


the filtering element. Instead, just make a promise. ”

“?””I promise I will never get angry after I hear … ”


Han So – young refused to speak to me before I was finished.

“If you listen and you have an angry story, you will get angry. So I hate that promise. ”

It’s a sign that you will not give up too much. …Well, good. It seems that now it is time to confess whether you are angry or insulted. I do not have a feeling of being late.


When I thought so, I breathed my breath and opened my mouth.

It was then.

* Suddenly a loud noise rang the room.

Kim Soo-hyun, who had just opened his mouth, was surprised and turned his eyes.

“Huh. What are you talking about? ”

There was a ridiculous voice on the entrance side. It was a little dark and dark but the voice of a lustful woman.

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes, which he looked at with his nervous face, fell on him, and he was frown. I did not want to hear it at all because it was a voice.

“Ririsu … ! ”

Yoink! Do you notice the voices? You were interested in me that much? ”

The shape of the darkness gradually emerged with a smile of a carrara. At that moment, the big bat wings spread wide and the goddess black hair, which reached the ankle through the waist like the willow branches, was scattered.

“Why are you here?”

Well? Why did you come? ”

The voice of Kim Soo-hyun was so full of frost that the hearer could feel the cold, but he did not mind the liris. Rather, he walks to the edge of the road, pushes his face closer and glances openly.

“Why do you think you came? Ho Ho.”

The slightly wet pupil, which is slightly hazy, streaks like a crescent moon and stares at the opponent. I saw Kim Soo-hyun face to face with hatred.

Anyone who is a demon hates me, but liris is special and special. It is a level that is almost disgusting. Because the death of his brother or Han So – young was the result of a sudden turn of events, all because Lilith and Belpegor were directly related.

“The child is true. Look at your eyes. Do I do that? ”

Lirith stretched a thin, long index finger and gutted his chin. Kim Soo-hyun tried to get rid of the roughness, but only the smile that caught her mouth felled. As if I had found a favorite prey for a long time.

“I wish I could turn it off. I can not see you. ”

“Fuhu. Agreed. Keep it so stiff. That’s how it tastes. ”

“What, what?”

“And you better watch your mouth. What do you think about your situation now? ”

When Kim Soo-hyun came to the conclusion, Liris was humming as if he was dying.

“I heard you would not touch it if you were quiet.”

“Ah. That’s what Satan said. ”

Lilith nodded and acknowledged.

“But I am not in a position to be commanded. And we have to do what we have to do now. ”

And he nodded, “Is it okay to be a little annoyed before then?”

I suddenly bounced my finger.

Then the chain that was tied to two ankles of Kim Soo-hyun was loosened in an instant, and it suddenly disappeared in a sudden sound.

As soon as the bridge was free, Kim Seo-hyun could not hide his wonder at the moment, but as soon as he saw the front, he could understand why he had released the chain.

Liris was suddenly licking the sensual lips that seemed to hold blood like a snake reminiscent of the tongue of a snake. In addition, with one hand, the exotic texture of the light gray light sweeps and swoops, and Hutunbu is brittle, as if burning the lingerie of a man.

As if proving the tinnitus called the queen of the night, the decadent shadows that emanate from the delicate body were not enough even if it was explosive.


Kim, Soo-hyun was the exception, but I do not think there would be a man who would not be tempted to tempt him. Rather than being excited, it must be said that you are feeling disgusted enough to get nauseated.

Of course, I have been forced to break the lease at one time, but I was only acted from a vengeance. Moreover, there was no thought to want to be forced in front of Han Seo Young.

“go away. I do not have anything to do with you. ”

“Fuhu. I think I’m mistaken for something, but I’m not begging for it. What is it? How many times do you have to tell me? You said you do not have a choice? ”

Kim Soo-hyun roared in front of me, but Liris cried out as if it was pale. I was terrified when I saw it on the battlefield, but now it’s just a catch.

“Do not look so hard to kill. The more you want to break it, the better. ”


Y..yes. Did not you say? My hobby is that. Whether you are a man or a woman, you do not know your subject, you take them and you give in. That way, we will be free. ”


“Oh, I can not stand it. Be strong in a human subject, pretend to be arrogant! But eventually, when you realize your fountain and bow to yourself while kneeling on your own, that is the pleasure at that time! Alas, it’s amazing to imagine! ”

crazy bitch

Kim Soo-hyun cried out for evil as he watched the sadness that had already fallen in ecstasy. However, Lirith was so cute that even his rebellion was so loud that he was licking his voice in his mouth. At the moment of the moment, the fireworks bloomed in the eyes of Kim Soo-hyun, who allowed him to kiss in a moment.



Strongly spitted saliva sticks to the face of Liris.

Wait, there was silence.


I wonder if this was as hard to turn over to rebellion. Lilith, who has stopped acting, turns to cheek when she uses her cheek.

Oh… blech. okay . . . Will you come out this way? ”

The lingering facial expression became clear in a moment. I will smile when I’m in a hurry, but this time, my pride will be greatly hurt.

“If you come out like this, I have an idea.”

Lilith, who was staring at Kim Soo-hyun for a while, suddenly smiled at her mouth. Then he glanced at Han Sang – young next to him and said.

“I heard everything. Do you mean it? ”

At that moment, the eyes of Kim Soo-hyun, who was looking at what you were doing, shook.

“Good, good. There is Satan’s word, and I will let you go. But you know what? You told him not to touch me, but he is not? ”

As soon as he heard the following words, the sound of the crab came out as it faded. It was because she knew what she was going to say.

“Kick. What do you think? Do you know where you are now? No, not yet? Is that woman turning, spinning, spinning, turning her into a pussy?

Don’t You…

Of course, I took it out for intimidation, but I have not had the pleasure at all yet.

“huh. So when you treat me like that, why do not you pretend you did not win? Then you are good and I can enjoy it. This stupid bastard. ”


However, since I need to kill the flag once, I pretended to turn around without hesitation.

“Are you waiting patiently? I’ll bring it up right now. Maybe they’re not the only ones who will run and run. ”

That was the moment.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly there is a huge roar in a row, rolling, rolling!

An unpleasant noise that seemed to scream the chain rang the king.

“Really, please!”

Could this be the sound of the beast crying?

Lilith, who turned his back, fluttered deeply into the inside. Because Kim Soo-hyun was not able to make a move, he was looking at himself with his bright eyes. Just as soon as I break the chain and chew out.

“What, what?”

I also had to shake off the rilis when I was told that I could live to shiver.

However, Kim Su-hyeon was an anger and an explosion.

Han So-young is being hit again?

It goes without saying. It was one of the biggest traumas in the day, remembering that I refrained from even thinking about it as usual. Of course, it is difficult to say that he intended to, but as a result, he has touched the backbone of Kim Su-hyun.

Liris spent a lot of trouble trying to calm her breath and calm her breathlessness. It is not only the chains of both arms, but also the limbs and the restraints, and the sculpture of the Tanatos is embedded.

Barely, he forced his lips to calm down and quickly opened his mouth.

“Yes, I would do it if you would refuse. If you will respond nicely to my expectations, I will leave that year fine. ”

In the meantime, Kim Suhyeon, like a fish caught in a fishing needle, while hanging on the chain, was breathing roughly.

Seeing that, Liris got a sense of self-confidence as he regained his leisure. It is because Kim Hyun-hyun guessed how she thought about the woman.

‘I did it, but it was the right answer.’

Lilith thought so and opened her mouth with a faint smile.

“Did I say that? I feel the greatest pleasure when I tame those guys like you. So you did not play it moderately? ”

“Great … ! ”

“For writing. …But I mean. Did you say this, but would you be quite happy? If you only listen to my words, I promise you the pleasures you’ve never experienced before. Dress

“Whoo … . Hoook … ”

After a while, Liris’ hands slammed his buttocks quietly. Then the black silhouette covering her lower body fell off, revealing a thin, resilient thigh, a sensual ass, and a clean vagina with no hair visible.

Lilith walked with a smile on his shoulders. Then I felt a slight jerk, but that’s it. Except for the trembling touch, the resistance is weak. Liris’ mouthpiece went up.

“Ho ho hoho. Agreed. Good, good. Good to look forward to. You think I’m a big hot girl and a queen of the night? I want to sleep with you once in a while, so I kneel is a heaven and earth, heaven and earth. Rather, know in glory. ”

Liris laughs at the reminiscence as much as he can, “I mean.”

Suddenly it was color.

At the same time, after giving up his hand on his shoulder, Kim Seo-hyun was seduced and pushed his vagina out of his anger. And he spoke in an angry voice.


============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Kim Soo-hyun: It was for this moment that I bought the ring of Serpu’s nag, !
This episode was originally intended to be a backward sightseeing tour, but I thought it was too bad … . ^^; July 27 (Monday) is a day off.
I do not have anything else, but I want to rest my head and body.
Then I’ll see you on Tuesday, July 28th.
Everyone, please make it a comfortable week. 🙂

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