
Chapter 946

Tile, tile!

Because of the violent movement, the sound of the chain bumping into the bell rang, and the noise was silent. Even though I do not like to listen, Han Sang-yeong chews his lips to the point of getting blood.

I have never heard a man’s groaning. The only noise heard is the sound of a chain that strikes without a break, and the intermittently groaning of the woman.

If you focus on the mood you feel bad, you are more worried about the sickness rather than the chain. Nevertheless, Han So – young does not open his eyes.

Because the man asked me not to see. And I felt how I felt what I was saying.

In fact, I wanted to run right now. I wanted to whisper that I should not overdo it when I rushed and held the man tight.

But with both wrists tied together, it is not even possible. And if you do not mind, you may wonder if Lilith will react, and if you do not, you may be a victim of the company.

In the end, Han Soo-young can not do anything. It was like a mind that wanted to block not only the eyes but also the ears and all the senses that could be perceived. However, supernatural is still giving information in a sincere way, which is thought to be more than necessary.

In the end, I was left alone for a long period of time without knowing how much it had flown, and I had to endure it. It was then.

“I do not … . Uh-huh … ”

Until a while ago, it seemed like a sniff, but it suddenly turned into a whining sound.

Tile, tile!

Chime sound also continues.

The noise was gradually getting colder, and the more the time passed, the more the noise was going on. The lady ‘s voice was soon buried in a noisy chain, but the idea of ​​something strange came on. I feel so bad, not too bad.

I had a little conflict, but I did not have a long time to worry.

Han Soo – young gave his eyes a little strength and slowly opened his eyes.

“…….”The first thing that came to my eyes was the sight of a dark figure lying down about a meter ahead.

How long have I closed my eyes? As hot air was flowing and the smell of dark chestnut smelled, Han So – young tried to restore her vision. Then, after a long time, the surroundings gradually begin to become clear.

After a while, at the moment when I finally confirmed the shape of the figure, Han Soo-young suspected his eyes.

It took much more time than I thought until I was sure it was rilis. Because the devil, who was calling himself the queen of the night, had no choice but to go there, only to see a woman with a tear, a runny nose, and a cum with a semen.

Both eyes are completely turned over and do not know where to look, and limbs are shaking like a broken doll. It seems like he is looking at someone who is touched, but sometimes it seems like he begs him to save his life with a hard head. When I first came in, it was a spectacle that was not very appropriate.

And on top of Liris, someone was moving his back mechanically with his back turned.


At last, Kim Soo-hyun checked, but Han Soo-young was unaware of it.

Kim Soo-hyun, who leaned over his head, was crushing as if he were pressing the fallen Riris. From the beginning until now, it seemed to have been completely immersed not once in a while.

okay . . . Apparently it is.

“Well, Mercenary … ”

However, Han So – young, Han So – young is different.

The feelings of seeing the relationship between two men and women were not jealous. I do not even think I’m sick. The sight in front of you is no longer seen as sex. Apart from Liris, at least Kim Soo-hyun did it.

To be more precise, the feelings that spread like a spider web on Han So Young ‘s face were rather fearful.

What should I do?

Sadness is suffering, pain is resignation, resignation is pessimism, pessimism is self-loathing, self-loathing is despair, despair is madness, and madness is in vain … .

All kinds of negative emotions flow over the inside of Kim Suhyun. In the depths of this immeasurable emotions, where the tears of the unforgettable are just as likely to burst, Han Soo – young suddenly realized the collapse of Kim Soo – hyun. Something that barely survived until now has been going on. Too much, too little.

If the act of doing now is over, and the feelings that fill the inside get lost, then what will happen to Kim Soo-hyun?

At that moment, “Mercenary Road!”

Han So – yong yelled at her instinct for the first time. I thought that I should stop only, rather than others.

“Mercenary Load! Mercenary Road! ”
“User, user Kim Soo-hyun!”
“Kim Su-sung!”
“…Your really pretty

It was so urgent that I came to a sudden cliff.

But it was as effective as it was.

After calling and calling a few times, the cry arrived. It was a testimony that the constantly moving back wavered.

However, the intellect had already flew to the other side, and Kim Soo-hyun looked around with a very expressionless face. The two pupils sinking cold are blowing a chill that will be creepy.

Stop. Stop it now … . please… ”

However, when I spoke with a voice that seemed to be silent, I had a strange light at first. And then the moment I turned around Han Soo-young, half of the frost fell out of the hollow face. Just before jumping to the edge of the cliff, for a moment the reason is returned.

“This, Isantel … ”

It seems like you do not know what you did yourself.

However, Han So – young had to throw it away and toss the head like crazy. Above all, Han Sang Young’s second tears was a shock to Kim Soo-hyun.

“Huh … . In the … ”

So while Kim Soo-hyun came out of shock, Liris moved his body with his hand in instincts even while he was struggling with his mind. I barely barely notice the upper body, and I start to run away. When Kim Soo-hyun’s act stopped, the body reacted instinctively. I can not take it anymore.

The scene of staggering a few times on the way, and the semen bundle coming out of the vagina, like a thread on the floor, is very miserable. Still, the will to survive remained, Liris was desperately crawling out of sight.

So again, I was left alone again, and the noise was gone, and the space was back again.

Han Soo – young breathed in her mind and shook her head.

“Mercenary Road.”

After spitting out his rough breath, he stared at Kim Soo-hyun with his face not knowing whether he smiled or not.

“Well, I … ”

Kim stammered.

all right Now that it’s done, it’s okay. ”

Han Soo-young repeatedly said it was okay to calm down, but Kim was still confused. As if I do not know what to do now.

In fact, Han So-young was one thing. It’s not just reason, but emotion. I did not know what to do, so I just opened my mouth as it came out.

“to me… . Would you come near me? ”

“Yes, yes?”

“Please come this way. please.”

“…….”Kim Soo-hyun was trembling and uneasy, but Han So-young’s voice had impermissible urgency.

Kim Soo-hyun’s limbs were still tied to chains, but unlike the first, they were loosened considerably. It is because the liris has been extended quite long to make the relationship easier. Of course, it was not enough to make a round trip, but it was at least enough to reach Han Young-young.

In the end, I hesitated and I approached it carefully, and Han Soo-young gathered her knees as if to lie down here.

Then did I think it was Kim, or was there still a spirit? Or did he want to lean on someone. I was paused for a moment, but Kim Soo-hyun had his head on his thighs. And I shed a long sigh that I was patient.

“…for your troubles.” And I’m sorry. ”

If Kim Suhyeon had not followed the words of Liris, Han So – young also knew that he could have suffered. As a result of such a sincere thanks, Kim Soo-hyun’s answer did not come out for a long time. Just kissing the thigh of Han Soo-young and squinting and quietly closing his eyes. The only thing that is different is that the light of the ring, which was emitting a brighter light than ever before, began to fade away.

While awkward silence continued, Han Soo – young sang his mouth without a word. And for the first time, I sincerely resented myself. I want to do the words of comfort, but the child is completely confused. It is no wonder that speech has not been opened since I have never done it properly until now.

I wish I could hold you tight.

It was the moment I thought so.

“…Clan Road. ”

Kim Soo-hyun, who knew only how to sleep, opened his mouth.


Han So-young responded with reflexes and felt two emotions at the same time.

One is relief. The voice heard seems to be a little more excited than it was before.

However, on the other hand, I also felt a strange feeling of dignity. I always called it Yantan Tullo Road because suddenly I called it Clan Road. And it seemed that I had experienced something similar once before.

“It was a long time ago.”

However, Kim Su – hyun did not care, and his eyes closed.

“A long ago… . Probably about fifteen years ago. ”

“Twelve years ago?”

“Yes. I am now five years, so maybe that’s about it. ”

“…….”At that moment Han Sooyoung was quietly silent.

“There was a man in Hyundai. The man was a soldier. I finished my army life for this year, finished my report all over the country, and I set myself on a train that went home with a feeling of discomfort. ”

I do not have a sense of a little bit, but I must say that I have an intuition that something is important. I thought that maybe it was a story only to try.

The odd voice continued.

“But I guess it was because I was drinking the other day. At that time, I was extremely weak. On the subject of drinking a glass of beer, I was given a call to keep the dawn all day long, and both of them ate and drank chicken and beer. So, as soon as I sat in the seat, I did not know what the world was like. …But then. ”


“I sleep comfortably and open my eyes … . It was not in Seoul Station, but in a strange space called a summoned room. ”

“……!”* On the other hand, in the North Continent … .

The same sky was clear and clear without a single point of cloud, but what happened to Atlanta was daunting from the morning.

It was a strange thing. Something should not be appropriate. The atmosphere of the city that had been busy until last night changed completely overnight. Of course, it is hard to say that it is bright and hopeful, but at least the aura of vigor was obviously turning around.

“This way … . It’s really quirky. ”

At that time, I stared at the origins of the fuss and glared at me as if there was no music.

“me too. In the meantime, I thought it was a very bad taboo, I could not even think. ”

I shook my head so much that I stood next to him. However, there is a slight smile on his mouth.

Again, it is really strange. How did it turn around in a day like this? What the hell happened to you?

“It’s all thanks to you guys.”

The low voice of the company replies to the admiration of two women. It was Kim Yoo-hyun’s voice. As soon as he is about to leave somewhere, he ties the strings on the robe and ties them quietly.

“All I did was plan. The user has further strengthened the plan, and the user performance was the initiative leading to the realization of the plan. So I guess I should be thankful. ”

Surprisingly in the following praises.

“Oh, no … . I just … . I just remembered what I used to do before … ”

He also smiles and plays with his eyes.

“Ho Ho. Not just me. I also joined him and Maru. ”

Kim Yu-hyun also laughed at the light nose. I thought so.

okay . . . Soon … . ‘

I stared at the distant place for a while, and looked at two women again.

Sure! I would appreciate the rest. ”

He played his fist slightly.

“Yeah. Do not worry about the rest. By the time you get back, you’re all set. ”

I relied on Kim Hyun-hyun to answer his unbelievable answer.

Then, after a while, I turned my back without hesitation and began to move quickly.

Into the steel mountains.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== True … . I was very busy today.
It ‘s worse than that.
I think this week will be busy all the wrong time.
It would be nice if you could handle it a little sooner … . ^^; Oh, and illustrations of Kim Soo-hyun and Hwajeong are gradually being completed.
Maybe I can show you soon.
It is very pretty, but personally I like Kim Soo-hyun.
I was very handsome (?) I came out. 🙂

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