
Chapter 956

After sending my third legion to the blow. “Huh?”

Tanatos, turning his face to a grim facial expression, shone a strange light at the moment. It was because the atmosphere of the enemies who followed the masters was more calm than expected.

I did not expect something great, but at least I was surprised. In addition, my colleagues died in vain.

Of course, I did not see the half-distorted face, but my mouth was chewed and extirpated. As if it had predicted that the march was blocked.

“Hmm… . Is there anything you believe in? ”

Then it would be fun, but anyway, Tanatos trudged down a little bit. But that’s also for a while. Thousands of people came to the moon, but they suddenly came to the eyes. It was because I had a familiar face while I was looking around slowly.

“Wait a minute, you!”

The fingertips of Tanatos head to someone.

“…Are you alive? ”

At the point where the index finger pointed, I was standing with an uneasy face. When he was pointed out correctly, he fell down and grabbed the ‘necklace’ on his neck and grabbed him. On the contrary, Tanatos’ mouth tongue went up. The next target was set.

From Sure!

Of course, Tanatos does not know much about Ansol. But Satan is such a human being. Also, from the moment that the woman summoned the souls of heroes, the situation began to change rapidly. I do not know, but it would be nice to have a nice aftertaste. It was the moment Tanatos thought so and pulled his right arm back.

“come! ARANA! I am the web of death that rules my thirtieth corps! ”
“come! Im Freeson! You are the Redeemer of Steel who ruled the Fourteenth Corps! ”

Suddenly the same voice is heard at the same time.

“What, what?”

The spider webs and dozens of steel chains that are wrecked from the rear wound the body of the Tanatos.

“…No way.

The two eyes of Tanatos are pounding and look back in a hurry. I pretended not to be on the outside, but in fact Behemoth ‘s confession (? But suddenly it was due to the thought that the army corps was summoned.

The moment of the moment.

To be more precise, Tanatos took turns looking at the back, and a total of four things happened sequentially.

When Kim Yoo-Hyun signaled quickly, ‘Ansol’ fell back in an instant, and a man quietly memorized ‘order’ at a fast pace, and a small ‘weirdo’ waiting alone in the last room did.

This series of processes took place indefinitely, and Tanatos did not see it. Too bad.

“Huh. What is it? I thought it was a real gehenna. ”

Then Tanatos, who confirmed the man with two sticks in both hands, shed a relief. I was relieved to see the Legion that was recalled afterwards.

No matter how you summon two corps, the third corps, the topmost corps, is just a bit annoying. It is Tanatos who said. So the subordinate corps below will come in the eye.

“Hey ~. You made me surprised. If you want to die first, did not you say? ”

Tanatos, who had found his spare time, looked at the man and said humbly. Then the man scrubbed his head neatly and opened his mouth calmly.

Ah… We apologize if you are uncomfortable with your city. But I need to get you out as fast as I can. ”

“day? What are you going to do? ”

“Poetry, I have to take time.”

hours Kick

Thanatos, who looked down on his head, burst into laughter when he heard that he would take the time. Then I twisted lightly, and the cobwebs and chains, which were wrapped around the body by Junggu heating, were cut off at once. Tanatos enjoys the subtle look of the company and puts a hand on his side.

“congratulations! Did you drag one day? ”

But why did the guy respond with a calm smile.

“What?” “That’s all I needed to know.” Hahaha.”


It was then.

“Goddess Oh on! Give me mine! ”

Suddenly a sweet cry rings the battlefield.

At that moment, man, no.

“Im Freeson!”

Shin Sang Yong stretched his left arm straight as if he had waited, and threw his hand hard. At the same time, the chain extending in the same direction grabbed ordo of order and flew to the place where the voices were heard.

After a while. “Good! It’s all dead! come! Behemoth! The ruler of the Third Legion, the last King to worship the enemy! ”

As soon as the voices are over, a dark fog rushes around in a moment.

And also,

– Yo ho ho! Good morning! Strong and strong morning! If you ask me who is, my name is Behemoth!

The mouth of Tanatos, who saw death knights running fast through the smoke, ricocheted.

What is this? Obviously, I killed the Summoner directly and forced it back, but it appeared as if it had passed.

Simple. The answer was in the utilization of user shops. Lee Ji – jung has already given permission in advance and has used Kim ‘s GP as a proxy.

So, using the same method as that, Lee Hyo – ul resurrected Vivien by purchasing wishes to the GP who got permission to act as soon as he heard the news of his death. And revived Vivian rushed to warp gate, which was activated immediately, and returned to battlefield, and summoned another third party.

The important thing here is that there are more than 20,000 users. That means that until the GP is dry, the North Continent can do infinite resurrection.

“you… “- This is true. Did you crawl again too fast?

Behemoth, who arrived at a glance at home, spoke swiftly and waved his long sword. This brought the situation back to normal. Tanatos, who was looking at the frowning eye, quickly forced his expression. I did not want to show weakness in my pride.

Wow… I’m really sorry. I was just about to finish the tuna and watch the reaction.

“reaction… ?” – Five! Do you want to hear it?

“…Talk to me. ”

Then Behemoth grabbed hold of both hands. Then she shook her fist like crazy up and down, just as if she was pushing something up.

– This profit! Ii Ii this profit!

Then, the face of Tanatos, who had been forced to sink, was again embarrassed.

– …You did this. You are so incredibly angry. Thanatos Now you have a great day.

“What, what?” – Oh! Do not get me wrong. Now, you are good at running and running well. Profit is just a habit. So when you pretend to be nasty or really angry … .

Wait a minute Did Gehenna do it? really?”

When Tanatos cuts off the word, what about Behemoth? I was stupid. It’s not Gehenna, but my reaction, and I do not understand what you’re talking about.

It was not unusual, however, that the king of hell, Tanatos, who had no idea that Sina was born, thought that Behemoth was teasing him.

– What are you talking about all of a sudden?

“Fou … . No, thanks. I do not know how the road came out, but if I kill it again. This time, it will completely destroy the soul. “- Hoo. It’s not as easy as it used to be.

“Ah ha ha! Hey, I do not have a legion of Gehenna. ”

Carratt laughed, Tanatos suddenly spread his arms wide and spread his head and made a long roar.

“─ ─ ─ ─! ─ ─ ─ ─! ”

At the end of a voice that I can not understand, I do not mind, I do not mind!

An earthquake accompanied by an unexpected roar begins to diverge.

The identity of the power is summoned by one of the powers of the Thanatos, which is no different. Like black summoning troops, the black clouds sprang up, covering the North Continent and the Masu Corps extensively in a short span of time.

Soon, the dark flame suddenly blooms in various places in the mausoleum, and it is equipped with a shape. It was not fully revealed yet, but the horrible energy flowing into the son-in-law had never been seen to be of a shallow quality.

Before long, Tanatos walked to the North Continent. Unless the Summoner is visible, it is enough to leave the Third Legion to the commanders. It is because I thought that it would be better to deal with an ansol which was found earlier than a human being.

Though it was an accurate judgment … .

Well Does Tanatos really know?

From the time I looked back on Shin Sang Yong to this moment, the northern continent had already completed some kind of preparations at a fast pace.

Perhaps Erwin, or Satan, might have doubted the dynamics of an opponent who was once quiet in the middle. Above all, rather than plowing the pavement with a single pillar, it is strangely calm, despite the fact that the four sides are surrounded by summons.

However, even though all of the enemy’s power ran, I was not feeling the need to doubt it as a Tanatos who is confident to deal with. In other words, it is a kind of room where you can kick yourself with absolute confidence.

On the other hand, the northern continent was in a state of damping. It seems as if it is caught in a power hold order, and is waiting for the approach of the Tanatos quietly with a very nervous face like one.

However, Tanatos, who walked without any consideration, grasped the anthole standing at the center and laughed and whistled.

Wu Have you been there yet? I imagine. I should have run away. ”

“…….””Anyway, I’m sorry to keep you waiting?”

“…….”I stretch my arms slowly while I am smiling with a smiley face, aiming at the point where I am sole. Then, it seems to be a joke to turn the hand for a while.

At the end, I was able to relax and finally raise the energy of the darkness.

Degur … .

Something like an angular object suddenly hit my head and fell.


The Tanatos, who was about to release the air, just stung his head without knowing it. And as I looked up at the sky in a reflexive manner, the two eyes that I was doing were tapering instantaneously. There are dozens of things that seem like square boxes from heaven.

“…What? This again. ”

Finally, he grabbed a box dropping in front of his face and tilted his head.

That was the moment.


There are dozens of boxes around the Tanatos that emit light at the same time, “… … ! ”

It was almost the same thing that Ansol who sprang his staff came to his mouth.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Why do I charge for games?

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