
Chapter 973

It was a quiet night with a cool breeze. However, the garden of the castle was very busy with a loud noise.

Lim Han-soo said, “It’s about sharing a lot of stories, but it is not true at all. It should be said that it is the largest of the festivals I have ever experienced.

It was not just for us, but also for some outside parties, such as the Central Government Agency, East Titel and Hamil Clan. So it is natural that this large garden is crowded.

Nevertheless, I think that it is a great thing that there is a joyful and cheerful atmosphere rather than a chaotic mind.

“When I was drafting the plan, I was just feeling a lot. Oh, this is possible. It can really happen. ”

He was singing and unraveling while sitting at the central table. When I heard it, it seemed to be a plan to rescue me.

“Actually, I was dubious at first. It was not too much to worry about. Who should I save from? Would you mind persuading me? And above all, GP is enough. ”

“Right there! This body is coming! ”

As soon as the words of the performance were finished, he was standing on the floor.

It is not true at this time, but surprisingly, it was one of the people who settled down to rescue me. No matter how much you play, even if you have a GP of over six billion, there are only six hundred users who can make a wish. In other words, it was not enough to save the thousands of people who died in the war of the promised temple war and thousands of people in the North and South continents.

It was the reason for finding the solution to the problem. As I used my GP for my permission, I collected all of the users of the North Continent as ‘agents’. By including the user GP of the user.

“Oh, okay. I know. This is exactly the twenty-second I hear it. ”


“And right. It is our sister who reinforced our plan, but it is ours that we acted on our own. How much is it to take one person and explain the situation … ”

“…….”Kim Han-fyeong’s pin-jin was sobbing his lips. But I did not know what to say, but I sat down and started to blow up.

Soon I looked around slowly, responding moderately to a horse that boasted a ball from every side. The preparations were already over, and the participants and invited guests were not at all interested in enjoying the festival.

Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo Hyun had already been drunk and drunk and took off their clothes and screamed and ridiculed around.

Shin and Sang – yong chattered and smiled at the cup with a smile.

Yu Jeong-min was talking to Won Hye-soo with a heart-to-heart talks, and Sunyoung of the same table was tearing a glass of wine as if it had been spruced up.

He laughed at seeing that kind of fortune, but when Seunyoung stared at him unconsciously, he turned his blind eye.

Vivian wanted to eat the food he made, and he poured out a bowl to Jung – yeon. He was rejected by the fool and shrugged his head. Then he found a hundred passers by the side and shone his eyes.

I did not want to be a hundred people, but I had a torch, and ate the mouth of the end and closed my eyes with a comfortable face. When Vivian turned his appetite again, the source screamed and ran away.

Sue took the baby Pegasus’ tail and rolled it like a rat, but missed it.

Ansol, staring alone at the moon with his wet eyes, burst into tears as he was hit by a sudden baby Pegasus.

Gehenna and Han So – young confront each other and form a kind of atmosphere. Finally, Gehenna laughs arrogantly, hugging Sina staring blankly at the place where the baby Pegasus flew. Han Soo-young calmly looked around and stroked the unicorn nearby, took Maru, who was smiling, and hugged him the same way. Gehenna was embarrassed and blinked twice with dry eyes.

Jeegar Hasols was smiling a strange smile as she watched the fighting of two women.

I slipped away from the center of the festival, and burnt the burning tobacco and shed smoke long. The sky was tinged with dark indigo, and the shadows of a huge bonfire blazing like a campfire beneath it silently.

I stared at this uncomfortable and ordinary scene for a long time and I opened my mouth without knowing it.

“It’s boring.”

I wanted to talk to him.

“Maybe it certainly is.”

Back then the voice of the low man speaks.

“You might feel boring depending on the person.”

I felt a familiar voice, and at the same time, over the shoulder, the liquor came over. Even though I did not look back, I could see that he was hungry and snatched lightly. Within a short period of time, I was told to stay alive.

“But this is not what you want.”

I touched only a cup of tea at my brother’s end. I’m not wrong. Long before I started this turn, I painted and wanted this future. A world where no one dies, no one sad. A peaceful world that has lost its nerve.

okay . . . right? That’s right.


My brother opened his mouth.

“Are you sick?”


“Oh, you went to the shrine?”

“I went there.”

“What are you doing?”

just… I thought I’d think about it. ”

It is a lie.

‘I am… . ‘

I did not hear the right answer after that. But Seraf seemed desperately appealing as if he wanted to know something, and I finally got out of the way because I could not make my choice. Seraf did not catch me like that. In the end, nothing is decided. As of now.

“I thought … . It ‘s OK to organize over time. I do not have any distance. ”

“It sounds like sarcasm because it’s not so easy to do.”

No way. And what if you’re comfortable with it? There is nobody here to blame because you do it. Even if you do not know the situation. ”

“…Or is it?

Why do you feel the faintness of performing even when you hear the words that encourage you?

Heavy darkness sinks.

“But then.”

It seems as if the brother felt a similar feeling.

“For example, if you really mean it.”

“Tell me it’s okay.”

“…What would you do if you put your angels together and you stay here? ”

Yes. it is.

“As a user, you will not keep doing this, are you?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

It seemed that the expression of his brother changed a little. But strangely, as soon as I heard the question, I suddenly felt the sense of the whole body was stiffened. The ambiguous scenery that seemed to be inexplicably and suddenly appears suddenly. It was not that bad feeling.

“It’s good to be like this, but you still have to do what you have to do?”

What I’m going to do: Do you have more to do here? ”

Sure! Lots. First of all, I have to take a little time to get my hands on the South continent. I have something I’ve done before. ”

and also

“Then, using the continent and the continent as the outposts, I will attack the barren wilderness and frosty gorges. The two are places I do not know well, so I guess it will taste adventurous. If it is our level now, we have enough to capture. ”


After that, he kept silent for a while. I do not know why.

You… Now I’m laughing. ”


“Until a while ago, it seemed so hard.”


He did not say any more. Just put your head down and empty the liquid left in the cup. I stood up blankly and stared at my face. I realized that my mouth was up.

It was then.

Yaaaay! Here is a playboy, no king! ”

With a youthful cry, I saw my brother’s vision. It was feeling suddenly drawn.

“magneton! From now on, we will start the king game that everyone has been waiting for! ”

I could barely make up my mind, and Zegal HaSol, grabbing my arm, shouted to the sky and shouted.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, Do not pull it out. Do you know how much it looks like you’re staring at a festival hero in the corner and looking like a returning student? ”

“That’s what it is.”

“Well then, start the question from me! Our clan rod is one of the women in this place who is nearest to the ideal? ”

At that moment, the bustling streets were silent for a moment. It is a testament to the pouring out of the pussy everywhere. I was in a very embarrassed situation, and I turned my eyes to hurriedly.

My brother was still standing there and still looking at me with his bitter face. I slowly relaxed the glass and slowly turned my back and began to walk somewhere.

I. “… … ”

I stared at him in the back of his brother.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== You read more than you think. Thank you. _ (__) _ Originally, I was going to select 5 minutes randomly for 5 minutes, but I changed my mind to see the number of comments and broaden my selection.Of course, the first condition remains the same.)

First of all, I will upload the content and I will start my selection right now. We will update it as soon as it is completed, so we would appreciate your confirmation later.

And readers who are concerned about the slow progress or the recovery of Seraf ‘s rice are often present, but do not worry too much. As I said before, episode 0 is definitely finished in 6 ~ 10 times, and Seraf’s rice cake is scheduled in it. So do not worry too much, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as you can. 🙂 * Event result announcement!
The correct answer was a performance. 🙂 First-come-first-served (5 minutes in the series, 6 minutes in the announcement, 4 minutes in the courtyard) – 100 tickets each Xyroe, Unkn0wn, game power, fish man, card insurance, please. I have not found my login id), Apron, Sha Tien, Bajima Moller, Malfurion Stormrage, Baegal Mine, Ho0149, Schwy Dewi, (A prize for the person who gave a comment on the serial content without showing any interest in the event) – 50 tickets for each of them NineBreaker, Odin z, moonlight sticker, myverry1, kyyc3748, 쭌 1218, dumaro, danggallar, nourvorse, dhgkdldy2 , Love is like moon, Larry Aunt, international economics and mental awards (for those who call it Eugene) – each with 50 tickets each, blue sky, Mungu Hunter, (Even if you have been steadily calling Yumi, please stop asking me to quit now) – each 10 tickets each hwang3820, Sad Moon Cat, I feel the same feeling to the person who feels the same as my server because of my server connection error.) – Each one of them scored 10 tickets each time. So I thought about who I would like to buy again. – Idealiste, Meliss, hohokoya1, Optolove, Gemmaster, Leche, Ouch, UrDREAM, Flute and more. Each one of them is a monster shrine, pumpkin pumpkin, dusk, quartz, fantasy nirvana, rocket dan.

I wanted to give it to as many people as possible, but there was a limit. ^^; I congratulate the winner and ask for your understanding if you can not win.
Tickets will be paid in order at the current time.
Thank you for always loving! : D

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