
Chapter 979

It is … .

I heard the door open. It was a very small, just noise that was only heard from daily life.

The intestines were an atmosphere that would explode immediately if you touched lightly. But as nobody opened their mouths, the opening of the door caused a great wave like a ripple in silence.

At a place where dozens of eyes were turning, residents of a fringe dress were coming in. The man was stunned when he saw the excellent eyes and focused eyes.

“I will excuse you during your meal. The messenger. ”

“What?” Burr, already? ”

The reason that I get up like this and makes a foolish look. The new building, which blinked for a while, opened its mouth in a more cautious tone.

“In any case … . Are you Mermionary Road? ”

At that moment, Shin Jae – ryong closed his eyes. Jung had a long sigh, and Kim Han – soo bowed his head. Vivian’s spoon, which poured food without breaks, stopped moving.

It just came from the temple. It has not been a strange thing that has happened several times. It was difficult to see the reaction of various colors seen around the same time as usual. If you express yourself tied together, you are coming. It looks like a facial expression?

Kim Soo-hyun was able to see those scenes clearly.

After a while, Kim Soo-hyun, who was raised slowly from the chair, raised his hand.

“That’s me.”

“Yes, yes. You are asking me to come right now … ”

Yes, sir, I


The man bowed and hid his hump.

A heavy static is settled again in the restaurant where the fuse has disappeared. And how much time has passed. The mouse rumbles to a deadly dining hall, followed by a rumbling noise.

“I’ll have to go again.”

The main character of the quiet voice was Ahn Hyun.

“anyway… . You were always busy. ”

Ahn did not even look back and ended the tongue. I guess I felt something in the tone. Kim Soo-hyun stared at the back of the innocent eating Ahn Hyun.

“I will not go.”

This time it was Vivian’s voice. I spoke with the voice of Momentum, and it was a cold drink of water.

“So I have an appointment with you. Remember? So where are you going? I can not go anywhere until I make a promise. ”

Even though I just drank water, my voice is still locked.

“why… ”

Kim put his forehead in one hand. He pounded his head and paused for a silent breath. Apparently there was something going on.

“What’s going on today … ”

I usually look unfamiliar and I look around. But the answer is not heard anywhere. When I wait for this, it is only a sigh.

In the end, Kim turned toward the entrance.

“Anyway, the call is coming, so I’ll have to respond. And whether it is tonight or tomorrow morning, I will come and listen first. I have a story to tell. ”

Just three words. Leaving three of them, Kim traversed the table. In the middle, someone ‘s hand is stretched as if trying to catch him, but he can not scratch his collar and stirs the air without meaning. Kim Soo-hyun just quickly disappeared out of the restaurant as he did not know it.

Thugbug … .

One step.

Thugbug … .

Two steps.

Tugub, Tugub … .

Three steps, four steps … .

Even after a long time, even the footsteps faded. Kim ‘s agility ability is really huge. Usually, there is a difference between the walking speed of the user. It was soon to leave the front door.

“Is that why you wanted to make the last place? Are you just grumbling? ”

The voice of the concert sounded in a quiet restaurant.

Are you really okay? Even if you send it this way? Even if I leave this way? ”

The gaze was headed towards Ahn Hyun, but it was not a single word.

“At least you can laugh and let go.”

The tone that seemed to be hilarious for the first time turned into a soothing tone.

“think carefully. After this moment, I might not see again. The man you know and remember. ”

However, Ahn Hyun still was moving the spoon slowly. It was more of a mechanical action than a meal. Within a minute, he grabbed a glass of water by grabbing his hand and began to tease the spoon again.

Do you hear me?

There was a sad light shining in the face of the performance.


Agreed. Do it yourself. ”

I finally opened my mouth.

“If you are confident not to regret.”

That was the moment.


In a word of regret, Ahn ‘s behavior stopped like a machine. As the tree was shaking, I shivered the whole body and turned back like a broken robot.

So, Kim Soo-hyun, who has just come to see … .


There was only emptiness and vainness that remained.

Ahn Hyun’s mouth gently opened.


I have called them all, but of course I do not see them looking. Kim was not here. So I can not hear you. Then the two pupils gazing at the blank stool slowly wondered whether or not they recognized the reality.

Kim Soo-hyun really left.

“Looks like he came up to get the equipment … ”

Going to play slowly turned his eyes. In the direction of Kim Soo-hyun.

“It’s not too late yet.”

That moment.

“Tongue, brother!”

thud! Suddenly, suddenly, with the sound of spurting the chair, he ran out of the dining room like crazy.

At that time.

As he said, Kim was taking his gear from the office and getting off the entrance.

I wonder if he felt the popularity of being pushed all of a sudden. The steps toward the garden were louder. Behind the back of Ahn Hyun-kun, the mercenary clan members were running out of order.


Ahn Hyun grabbed her back and banged at him. Kim Soo-hyun of the far-off eyes opened his eyes in a circle. And he laughed and shouted so pleasantly.

“Hehe, I’m sorry! I was sick and I was a little bit tired! ”


“Is it okay, though? But no! Are you going to be okay? ”


“Oh, you’re okay. Tell me it’ll be okay. He’s the strongest. It does not matter what it is! ”

Don’t You…

The words of Ahn Hyun were heavily enraged and did not sound right at the end. It was virtually gibberish and incomplete.

But Kim Soo-hyun could not say what a bullshit he was from before. I saw the tears that flowed from the eyes of Ahn Hyun.

“You’re right. How big is our brother! ”

Ansol also shouted and shouted.

“Obviously you’ll be okay, obviously. I swear by my luck! ”

I was talking to my room with a smile … .

“indeed? Sibling My brother! ”

Anol’s face, shouting like an evil, was also wet with tears.

Agreed. If so, I will not delay my appointment! ”

Vivian could not have done either, putting both hands on his waist and stepped forward.

“You can finish it lightly and come back soon! got it?”

However, the gesture of intense acting was shaking thinly.

here, I’ll be waiting for you … ! Yes. it is.

Then other users could not have stayed still. Soon after the end of the word Vivian, the clan members of the Mercenary began to cry out.

I really appreciate it, to say that I believe, to say no, to say that I must return … . Though they were slightly different, they were all words that could be tied to the category of encouragement. The scene was enough to embarrass the man who was about to leave, and Kim Soo-hyun was standing there for a while.

“No, I’m not going to any limbs … ”

But while I was still listening to one by one, laughter suddenly emerged. I do not know why, but Kim Seo-hyun himself was not in a bad mood. I still do not know why, but I felt a little bit confused.

Haha… Real

Kim Seo-hyun, looking for a place to hide his eyes, raised his gaze. He looks at the dim night sky and scratched the ball.


“Well, I will come as soon as possible.”

He looked ashamed and laughed.

The moment of the moment.

“……!”The turmoil stopped like a lie.

It was just a laugh that was uncomfortable.

But just laughing was no laughing laughter.

It was the smile of Kim Soo-hyun who saw for the first time.

After a while, Kim completely disappeared into the darkness.

“Ahhh… ”

Soo-yul kneeled down. As it stood on the ground, it began to pound and kill.

The same time.


In the four-story office, Sina was lying close to her eyes while she was lying on the bed.

The outside is very clamorous with the sound of moore.

“I am true. Why is it so loud? He’s a human being. Anyway, it is a bump. ”

Sue: I did not want to listen to it, but I put it in my ears and impressed me. Nevertheless, the feeling of clutter continued to be heard.

“No matter how I think, I’m stupid. Oh, I am genuine. That guy is his father? What the… I can not admit it. Let’s do it. It’s me if I go back to hell. ”

As if I was trying to shake something, I continued to mumble with my own words.

“…Ha, but I’m grateful. If I come back now, I can reconsider … ? ”

It was then. While she was accusing me of all kinds of accusations, the girl suddenly realized that the outrage had ceased.

“…….”I still did not open my eyes. But both hands clutching the two ears were loosely torn away without knowing themselves.

The outside was definitely quieter than before. The only thing that can be heard is the woman’s whining sound. My heart was sore.

No way.

I could go straight to the terrace and looked down at the garden. Below was the Mercenary clan members. Sui’s gaze sweeps all over the place.




No matter how I look and look.

“Oh, dad … ? ”

There was no Kim Soo-hyun’s appearance.

“Uh, where are you?”

It is pointless advice. It is ridiculous that a person who played with a god of death in one hand can not find a man in the first place.

“Oh, huh?”

When I looked around for a long time, I realized that Kim Soo-hyun was not really seen and made a disappointing look.

“…Really, did you go? ”

It would not be like that, but the moment I wanted to be in my heart, it was the moment I turned into a bubble.

You, really. Dress

I still can not believe the reality.

“What, what? Something like this. I’m still here … ”

Sue I blinked my lips and quickly blinked my eyes.

“You, too. I saw that you only played for a day … ”

A voice full of power. Even before the day stood still, the crying was mixed.

“I ran so buried that I did not come back … ”

The blinking light blinks, and every time it wakes up, the eyes gradually start to get wet, and the liquid starts to flow from underneath.


In the past, it was full of big eyes.

“do not go… ”

The end of a hot liquid begins to flow gently on cheeky cheeks.

“Oh, okay! Because you were so naughty … ”

Suddenly, I was laying down my arms under the railing. Like a fern clinging like someone trying to catch someone, he repeatedly pushes and pulls.

“I’ll tell you what I’m saying … ! Uh. ”

There is no hearing, no hearing. I know that very well. However, the tone of the soul was changing into a momentous sob.


I touched my horse and shook my head.

“I do not … ”

In the end, tears begin to flow in the eyes of both eyes. I swallowed the crying up to the throat, and I could barely spit.

“Do not go … . please… . Dad ah … ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== One hint is that there is no reader who has yet to fully meet the ending.
Of course, Kim Seo-hyun’s memories can not be ‘deleted’.
You might look like that.
Then have a good day! 🙂

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