
Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Can you follow me? =========================================================================

Using the downward force, cut down from the top of the head as hard as possible.

Crack, crack, crack, crack.

Although full of mana, the stone-hard body of gigas broke in half without a single obstacle. I stepped on the floor as I saw gigas slowly tearing down the body, half of the center of my upper body.


As big as he was, the sound of falling was magnificent. There was no relief of dealing with the difficult monster. I knew he wasn’t my opponent after the first crash. Still, I was grateful to the group for following my order, which was a little different from usual.

“Thank you, brother.”

A string that’s stuck behind me. I couldn’t look closely this time, but I could see some of the gloves that I had adjusted at best were crushed. The arms were almost tied up by me and the wizards, so they probably grazed a few attacks using the tail or torso.

An-hyun opened her mouth with an unusual, sparkling look on her eyes.

“You’re amazing.”

“Well, the wizards did a good job.”

“Still, I never thought I’d end him like that.”

“It’s not just one shot….”

I blurred my words vaguely. I made fun of Hyun’s feet in a hurry because his expression was becoming increasingly burdensome. Yoo-jung was told to go with her in the back, but she just ignored and walked.

The faces of the party were more spectacular. I’m surprised you took care of him with one stroke. Anyway, it’s true that everyone suffered, so he opened his mouth with a soft voice.

“What a magical combination. Thanks to you, I was able to get a great opportunity.”

“Oh…yes…user Kim Soo-hyun is great, too. Ha, ha, ha.”

Shin Sang-yong answered with a dumb face, but he couldn’t hide his embarrassed heart. I could tell by the fact that he changed his name after calling him leader.

Ansol was sighing with relief. When I turned my head and looked at the children’s faces, I couldn’t find anything unusual. As much as I’ve been with him, he’s just “great.” It’s just a degree, not a doubt to me.

However, Shin Sang-yong and Jung Ha-yeon were not. With this battle, I showed them a part of me, and even a part of me showed enough power to surpass the 0-year user. That is to say that I am not like the average user in the same year.

After exchanging eye contact with Shin Sang-yong and Jung Ha-yeon for a while, I opened my mouth with a calm face.

“You’ve used too much magic. Are you feeling better?”

“It’s okay, but….”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who said, “By the way,” paused. A lot of conflicting light passes through her face. A heavy silence followed and the lips of the fly opened again opened.

“…But didn’t you feel a little comfortable thanks to us?”

Jeong Ha-yeon immediately cleared her expression and answered in her usual clean voice. And listening to her answer, I forced myself to smile. I see. She is definitely a woman who can tell the difference between situations unlike Kim Han-byul. Are you saying that you’re going to wait for it’s okay?

I couldn’t resist her unexpected response and smiled softly.

“Yes, it was very good.”

“Hoot, I look forward to your next battle.”

The party just listened to me and Jung Ha-yeon’s conversation. Shin Sang-yong wanted to say something, but only scratched his head when Jung Ha-yeon didn’t give him a chance.

I decided to take a break for a very short time. And I made up my mind here. I’ll put both of them on the list of solid recruitment of Clan One like Ko. Based on the conversation and atmosphere we have now, chances are high that he will accept it, but there were times when he refused it.

If they refuse…Do you want me to kill him?

No, you don’t have to kill him. It would be tricky to be an enemy, but it didn’t appear as an enemy in the first inning like Ko, so I thought I needed to think a little more.

I kept tapping on the floor with my fingers while the group was resting like that.


In conclusion, my concern was nothing but an inclination.

After leaving the gigas room, we opened both of the remaining doors in the first space. One of the rooms was Jjaptung Cockatrice, while the remaining rooms were full of enhanced dead.

If the level of difficulty was distinguished, it could be seen in order of gigas, Cockatrice, and the dead. However, compared to yesterday, we were able to handle it more easily as we strengthened our equipment and experienced it. Of course, there was a reason why I was more active, but I couldn’t ignore the experiences of my party.

“Oh, I’m afraid my prediction is wrong. I’m sorry.”

Shin Sang-yong apologized to me in a low voice.

Currently, we have moved beyond the passageway that connects the divided space to the next space. The number of doors seen here was also three, the same as the entire space. There was a door next to the aisle in the entire space, but I couldn’t see the door in the space where it is now.

I shook my head and opened my mouth in a calm voice.

“It’s okay, we didn’t live in those days, and it’s hard to infer everything from one record. And giggas was just a little bit of an error, and everything else is going as expected.”

“Ha ha…”

Shin Sang-yong smiled awkwardly at my warm consolation. The most important thing we’re going to check out on the second floor is the level of monsters. If 100 human beings are sacrificed, they can summon a whole lower-class horseman. The level of monsters on the second floor was jagged, but what was certain was higher than the first floor.

“Well, Master.”


“How many of the Mahs could you summon if you sacrificed 100 monsters of a similar level to Gigas said the leader.

“Well, that can’t be true.”


Shin Sang-yong’s bocham made Vivien look worried for a while. But soon he shook his head and answered with a cautious voice.

“As Su-hyun said, gigas are a combination of giants and basilisk. I think that’s enough to look at the top.”

“Most advanced?”

When I asked back sharply, Vivien immediately shook his hand.

“Mo, I don’t know. I just…I told you it couldn’t be.”

I turned my head after snoring. You think the best is someone’s dog’s name?

Although it is divided into lower, intermediate, upper, and upper classes to make it easier for users to distinguish, the magic world was also forming a class society. If you’re at the top of the class, you’ll have more than a peacock. Now only I in our party can predict a chance of victory over him. Vivienne could fight for her own sake, but it was hard to guarantee that she could win for sure. It’ll probably be defeated by more than 80 per cent.

And even if it comes out….

“I think we’d better start exploring this space.”

I shook my seat and stood up. This is because the atmosphere of the party seemed to be unstable little by little. Jeong Ha-yeon, who was calmly closing her eyes and controlling her insides, opened her eyes and looked up at me.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been overdoing it a little, but my fair skin has turned pale. The original Jeong Ha-yeon would have been appropriately controlled by her abilities, but since Giga’s room, she has been drawing her own abilities that are almost limited in each battle.

And I didn’t say anything because I could guess the reason roughly. It was a matter that would tie up after the expedition anyway.

A group of people who rose from their seats after a moment’s rest. I led the party, chose a door to the heart, and moved on. On the way, I roughly sensed that this space was responded to in the rooms in the west and north, and nothing was caught in the rooms in the east.

As the door you chose as your first target is in the west direction, you can turn clockwise.

There was a heavy silence within the party as they went. Everyone had a little tired look on their face. However, he seemed to be getting nervous knowing that the battle with the Ma people was approaching every time he cleared a room.

Also, the lack of exploration compensation, such as items from the second floor along the way, was fueling the trend. If there is no turning point that gives you new vitality, the more you fight, the heavier your body becomes. Of course, even if the products obtained on the first floor had already surpassed the jackpot, there was no end to a person’s greed.

In time we stopped walking in front of the heavy iron gate showing off our enormous appearance.

Just before I opened the door, I looked back at the depressed party. All eyes were on my face with dry faces. I sighed for a moment and then put my hand on the doorknob. When he used his strength as it was, the grumbling iron of courtesy sounded unpleasant. I opened the door wide with the same force.


At the same time as opening the door, a cool chill came in sharply after me.


At that moment, a translucent sphere was formed around me. I could see the sword dying down with a thud and a sound. It was Ansol’s protective spell. I don’t know when I was getting ready, but I didn’t compliment him.

Although Ahn Sol may be the subject of praise because he did it, it was natural for the priest to do this. The current behavior was nothing more than just a meal.

“There’s a monster. Be careful, everyone.”

After I finished speaking, I picked up a sword and prepared for another attack. However, there has been no attack since the first offensive. Eventually, I had no choice but to go inside.

As we took another step in, a dark blue sword came upon us once again, perhaps aiming for a gap. As I was also preparing, I swung a sword to cut the sword and moved forward to secure a safe zone for the group.

It was only then that I could see the monster in front of me after all the party rushed in. This room was a little darker than the other rooms, but it wasn’t too dark to be visually identified. And the one who showed up in front of us….

“Spirit Knight.”

At my words, Shin Sang-yong and Jung Ha-yeon made an impression at once.

“Ha. This lab looks like a collection of magical resistance monsters.”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who is quite angry, also spat out a ball-men sound, as if she was getting annoyed.

With two horns bent in the middle, a bright fire was burning inside the raised helmet. Rusty armor and black bloodstains everywhere. It is already difficult to see him as a human being. The other part is covered with gloves, but the very little visible pitching face was definitely a skeleton.

The knight of Manghon had physical aggression, but most of all, he was picky in that he also had a magical attack. And as much as he has mastered mana, he has a strong tolerance to mana resistance, or magic. This is why Jung Ha-yeon complained.

Since he was a knight in his lifetime, he can carry out close combat, use magic, and resist magic. Of course, he’s not as much of a boss monster as he is in the pre-death Knight stage. However, he was not an easy opponent because he had three beats.

However, the above words were nothing short of mud.

“…Suhyun, is it the result of the Chivalry Institute of Manghon?”

“They summon the Ma people, too. There’s nothing weird about it.”

Vivienne frowned at my clear answer. Then I stared at her face and turned my head.

“Playing with a man’s soul…It’s unacceptable as an alchemist.”

I stepped forward one step further, shedding her voice that followed. He was gradually reducing his distance from us, as he thought it would be difficult to harm us with a simple sword attack.


“Anhyun, Keeper, Yoojung.” Behind me. Sol is ready to order restraints…Wizards, please use auxiliary magic to help Wonho. And….”

I paused for a moment and then continued. I didn’t refer to anyone, but the only people who didn’t give orders were the wizards.

“Don’t push yourself too hard.”

After I finished talking, I rushed for Spirit Knight.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I’m Ro Yu Jin.

Well, I just decided to run two series today.

Come to think of it, I can’t post it at midnight tomorrow, but I think I can do two serials later that day. I don’t know if I can upload it at midnight tomorrow, but I’ll try my best. 🙂

And…there seems to be some tired people from the battle scenes following the ruins’ lab. It hurts to see the notes you sent me. Haha. We’ll wrap up the second or the next episode, and then we’ll wrap up the third floor as soon as possible. Thank you. (__)

리 Ripple 『

1. MT Bear: Huh. Is that so? I actually like bears. Congratulations on winning first place. Introduce me to a bear sometime…Yes?

2. Human life: Oh. You made a good choice. I sincerely wish you a safe recovery from today’s surgery. Haha. If the hospital is close by, there’s nothing you can’t do. And the work you mentioned is also one of my favorite works. 🙂

And I can’t refute your criticism. Random malicious comments and criticism can be convinced with sufficient explanation and understanding, but I think poet Fool’s criticism is well-mannered and valid from another point of view. As I always say at the end of my review, criticism is always welcome. There is just a difference of opinion as the poet said.

But I gained a lot of strength after reading the long comments from a human teacher. Thank you. Once again, I hope you can finish your surgery safely today. Way to go for it’

3. Noble: Oh. You must be Bugilma! Welcome!

4. GradeRown: In fact, it may be much worse than that…No, it’s going to be worse. I’m still thinking about it a lot of things. Crying. Crying….(?!)

5. hohokoya1: I see this comment and say ah. I thought I’d just run it today and write it two times even if I can’t run it at midnight tomorrow. 부디 I hope you enjoy this episode as well.

6. Ragnar-Blaze: Oh! This is fate! Now, let’s grab the day and raise the ceremony…What?!

7. zjekfksqlc : 네. Now that angels have set it up, it’s a long way from exercising power against angels. However, as long as the flower tablets are included, the power has also been restored. Hah, hah, hah.

8. Ibien: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

9. Refill: Thank you. I’m also looking forward to that day. I’m excited to see if I can do it. Hah, hah, hah.

10. Ma Hwang-salt: Thank you for the coupon. You must be living in a foreign country now. I will also continue to do my best until the day you come in. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I’ll answer them!

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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