
Chapter 990

I close my eyes once and then I slowly wake up.


The scenes that have seen hundreds of thousands of times are slowly stepped on one by one through the open field of view.

‘User Kim Soo-hyun.’

Gray brick, dark space, cold gray floor, angled rectangle altar.

A summoning room to announce the beginning of everything and finish everything. A room with summons where everything is intact. “three… ”

No, I have to correct it.
What has changed.
Obviously most of it is still … .
I do not see one of the most important things I can say that everything has changed.


Even if you call, the answer does not come back.
There is always an angel who is always waiting for me in this place.

After that day five years ago, Seraf no longer exists in this world.
Only the cold darkness is empty. “… … ”

I expected a certain amount of time, but I was so sick of seeing reality.
Should we say it is unbelievable?
Or is it my fault that seraph is always here without grounds?

Suddenly, the white wings, which seem to be strange in front of me, seem to reach out and reach out without knowing.
I have been on the road for a while.

‘Why are you rejecting me? I am the assistant of the user Kim Soo-hyun. ‘

Oh, I was really sick and tired.
I wanted to show you one time though.
What the future you wanted was the result.
I wanted to hear your story.
But is not this a bit too much space?

Slowly take a step in the feeling of being hired and sit on the altar.
Not to the center, but to the left a little.

‘I did not call today, but what did you find?’

Then he leaned over the altar slowly, as if to fall.

I look forward to it, and I remember what happened then.

When was it?
At the time, I did not know where to go for some kind of incident, and the end station of my step, which was wandering, was the room of the temple and summoned.
On the day he stood still at the entrance, Seraf looked at him with surprised eyes.
And without saying anything, I wrapped it warmly with two wings.
I did not say honestly at the time … .
It felt so good.

“…Follow-up. ”

I think it’s next to Eroda right now … .

– Do you want her to come back?

What is it?
This sound … ?

– I’m sick of this. It’s been five years and you’ve forgotten me?

At first I thought it was a fire, but no.
It is like the voice of an aggressive woman, the voice of an old woman, the voice of a thick, polite male, and the voice of an old boy.
Okay, this vocal that can not catch this … .

– It’s the one who made your wind.

“Zero code?”

For the first time in my room I had a blank voice.

– I know now … . Ho What is the horsepower?

what? What horsepower? “- It’s only been five years or so. .

“Zero code?”

It is a monologue without an awkwardness when it comes out without an awkwardness.

– It’s definitely different from the past. . But the tendency to change has attracted this much … . Hoo, this is almost like a king of monma … . But strange, it’s weird … .

“Stop talking about your strange self. Zero code? Are you still there? “- Yes. …No, what’s so ridiculous.

– At present it is only a remnant, a fragment. Forgot? I told you to watch your end. …stalker?

– Hmm, anyway.

This is a zero-cut code that sounds like an absolutely insignificant story, – Do you want her to come back?

I asked the question as if I was trying to turn the subject to the origin.

Of course I do.

And I answered without hesitation.

“Do you know where Seraf is?” – I can tell you a more accurate answer by asking what happened, rather than where it is. …What?
I do not know where it is, but how it happened … ?

“What else … ?” – Simple. Ten years ago, she did not include the wish you had hoped.

The voice, which is becoming thicker, sounds unearthed.

– As a result, Angel Seraf was forced to ask me on my own. I listened to her requests and accepted them. Because I thought her wind would help your wind.


– The first is to go back to you ten years ago without you knowing. And the second is to get a means of helping you out of your duties as an angel, helper. The former was noticed at a later time.

– I do not care if you talk now. Did you say Ansol?

“Ansol? Why did Ansol suddenly? “- Who do you think the man was awakened as a priest of brilliance, got the power to be as good as Blue Dahlia, and predicted the day ahead?

“What?” – Think carefully. Did you really think that one person could really do that much? impossible. Even if I awoke as a user.

“What are you talking about? The priest of Gwanghwi is also one time … “- It appeared. Do you remember the exact name of the priest of the brilliance that was active in the first round?

“That’s a sol … “- Your last name?

Suddenly the speech was blocked.
I only remember the name of the brush, but I can not remember the exact name including sex.
When I think about it, I guess that it will not be solely from the first meeting. – I’ll tell you exactly. The name is Hanjin Sol. At one time he was awakened as a priest of brilliance and worked in the Odin Clan, but died in the rite of passage at this time. The time of entry is similar, and it is different from you.

“Now, wait a minute.”

My head starts to get distorted.
It is hard to accept easily because information is more shocking than complex.

– Well, it’s not really important now. Back to the point, you qualified me at that time, but you could use me … .

The more Zero code words, the more uneasy I get.

It is not the angel. Though I was allowed to judge that it would help to make your wish, the content itself was close to the transaction. …Now, do you understand what I mean?

“But seraph!” – Angel is angel, helper is helper only.

The Zero Code hung up on the fingers, as if you already knew what to say.

– I can interfere indirectly with the activation of my power, but that is it. You can not be directly involved.

I could barely understand the following words.
What it means is that it means the price of the transaction. – Do you want her to come back?

This is the third question.

I grabbed my face with both hands and took a deep breath.
It is hard to think that the story I heard so far is more than a joke, as the name of God is the god of ten thousand.

Once I understood what the zero code meant to do.
Again, why is this place up and what you want to do.

Silence has passed for a long time.
I can not hear the Zero Code sound if I know I’m locked in thoughts.

How much time has passed.

I lowered both hands, clad in my face, and rose from the altar.

“Let me ask you one thing.” – Mm. “Is Seraph still alive?” – The existence of the angel did not return to nothing. First of all, I’ll tell you this.

First of all … .
Then it was.

What is it? Are you going?

I turn right, and a heavy voice catches me.

– We still have a story to tell.

Very I do not want to deal with you. ”

Seraf made a sacrifice of himself and traded with Zero Code.
The word “what happened” means that the Zero Code was responsible for her disposition.
Thinking like this, ‘Do you want Seraf to return?’ I can not help but think that the zero code is what I want.
I do not know why, but I have no idea what to expect.
So you do not have to listen.

– Is that what you mean to give up on her?

Do you admit it too.
I have no intention of giving up Seraf anyway.

“No.” – Hmm?

“I do not give up. just… .” – just?

“I’m tired of moving to someone’s will.” – … … .

“I’m sick of it. Dress So it’s my power to find Seraf, I’ll take care of it. “- That means you could turn me into an enemy?

An enemy.
To be honest, a zero code is an unwilling opponent.
Apart from the fact that the information of the opponent is absent, it is above the gehenna or the lantern.

But, you can not help it.

“The next opponent is the Zero code. Suddenly I feel like the nando has risen. ”

That would be a good answer.
There is no need to say hello. I just walked to the portal where I waved my hand in the sense of being well.

The moment of the moment, – ch. I heard a little smile, but soon disappeared.
I wonder if it is a hallucination.

Or is it? Then I see.

Something like a pity.


I’ve waited for another word, but I can not hear more of the zero code.

What… As soon as we get back. ”

If you do not regret it, but you do not have any regrets, it would be a lie. …Well, now there is no time to come here.

Soon after I had one foot on the portal, I turned around one more time without meaning.


‘Please give it to user Kim Soo-hyun.’

The room where Seraf always waited for me was’ really … . ‘

Now, only the shaded altar remains alone. “Really, I liked it.”

It was too cold.

Time seems to stop.

* I spent a lot of time in the summoning room than I thought.
It’s a waste of time that I keep seeing that there is no seraf.
My family will be waiting outside for me and there are others I want to see.
So will we go?

“The day is cold.”

It is definitely dawn, and the air is cool.

Yeah, right. I hope you turn around first … . Yes. it is.

I heard a kick, a little laughing burst.

Let’s hurry, “… … ! ”

In a sad corridor, a figure standing alone seizes the view in an instant.

And also,

Two eyes that swayed silently. The texture of white snow flowing.
Silky hair like a moonlight.
A pair of wings fluttering like spring breeze.

No way.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

She was there where the strange voice could be heard.


Thank you.

I see an angel who gives a thank you greeting, and I wake up as I close my eyes.
Still stare at the seraph which stands there.
She wakes her eyes gently and smiles softly and faces me in front.

“Yes. Su-hyun.”

That was the moment.
More precisely, it is the moment when Seraf opens his eyes and faces me in front of me.

“Thanks to Suhyon, Zero Code … . Yes, huh? ”

I do not know why, but the embarrassment has spread like a spider web on Seraph ‘s face suddenly facing me.
I was so amazed at what I saw.
And after a long time, her two eyes are wet and blunt.

Wed Well, is this really what I know? ”

It sounds like you can not believe something.
Why, I was calm until a while ago, and suddenly I’m doing this.

Oh, have I forgotten my face?
I’ve heard a lot about the mood changing, but I have not gone anywhere.
Impact is shock.


But it’s okay.
I do not know why Zero code changed my mind, but … .


At this moment, Seraph is in front of me.

The joy that can not be blasted explodes and she ran forward without her knowing.

But I forgot to forget it.

I have heard from Hundred Hanseol incident, I never warn you that you should not smile.

“Su, Suhyun? Now, wait … ! ”

I wanted a moment.

However, the mouthpiece, faithful to the emotions, seemed to have climbed as high as it had already been, with enough form to look at it.

And one more drink, until I push my face forward.


“Oh God!”

Seraph, with his eyes closed, squeezed his hands in prayer as he prayed.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I have read the comments one by one.
Thanks and sorry. ㅠ. ㅠ I remember a time when I wrote a comment on the comment that you want to see.
Abduction can not be long enough to put as much material as it is impossible to write, but I will give priority to what you think and what you prefer.
As we have disappointed our readers with untrustworthy behavior, we will complete our Abduction Series with the best of our ability.
_ (__) _ PS. Thank you very much for the broken fan, but I will tell you too late.
PS2. Readers. I did not get pregnant; ㅜ. ㅠ.

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