
Chapter 992

‘What is the case of a hundred Hanseok?’

It was a simple question that struck from the memory.
There is nothing I did not seriously think about.

However, the tone of Ahn Hyun, who jumped on Jin Su Hyun last night, seemed to scold him not to speak easily.
Do you think that it was an attitude that seemed to have committed even taboo?

“…….”It was not unfounded at all.
It has been confirmed that the atmosphere of conversation that had just been warmed up until now has cooled down rapidly. How much time has passed?

Hur Junyoung, who was silent for a long time, puts his hand carefully in his arms.
Take out your tanned wallet and open it out for a while. Was it taken on the hot spring?
The photo, which was based on clear water and Hye – Yeon Kim, had the back of Kim Soo – hyun who was naked.
The bottom is covered with a white towel, but somehow it is a shameful picture.
In addition, there is a hundred naked naked sideways.
She was holding a grimly raised face, a slightly unfolded look, and Kim Soo-hyun.

It is a funny photo with Kim Soo-hyun stamped on the wall.
Yet, it is seemingly.

“This picture … ”
“It’s a picture taken during a trip.”
Yes Travel? ”
“No, not that trip.”

Recognizing the misunderstanding, Huh Joon-young hastily corrected the words.

“It’s not a trip, it’s another. This is a picture taken by Jin Su Hyun. We secretly. ”

Huh, Jun-young, emphasized ‘no man’ and ‘secretly’.

“I tortured and held at the scene and said that someone asked me to do something. If you take a photo of me as it is, I would buy it for an expensive price. ”
“Is not that a crime? Clan Road was still there? ”
“I do not know why, but with many women … . Especially, Kim Yu-hyun said that he actively set Jin-suhyun. I do not know if that’s possible. ”
“…Oh, yes. i See.”

Shin Sang Yong noticed the fallow land by that word alone.
On the other hand, I was wondering why Huh Joon-young kept this photo, but I decided to move on.

“In the end, Kim Soo-hyun has just passed over … . Anyway, this is important. ”

Huh Jun-young, who had the topic in place, knocked on the photo.
The index finger pointed to exactly one hundred.
Shin Sang Yong stared at his head.

“Hmm… . Well… Was it a confession? Haha

When Hur Junyoung admitted it, Shin Sang Yong’s eyes converged.
At the same time, it was no wonder that a small smile popped up.
I was instantly throbbed while I was feeling tense.
I am afraid it may be a very serious thing.

However, he still does not remove his finger.
Rather, it is more color and silent. Shin Sang Yong, who has been smiling for a while, stare at the picture again.

“Look here.”

The index finger presses one point of the photo.
The sharpened nail dug into the naked body of a hundred people in the photograph.
Exactly, white flesh was exposed to the chest.

“……?”Looking at her for a while, Shin Sang Yong’s eyes narrowed.

Whether it should be called rejection or embarrassment.

I can not say pinch, but should I say that I feel nauseous?

“Come to think of it… ”

The stagnation of the feeling of discomfort that drifted like a misty water vapor was nothing but a heart.
Of course, a man is not necessarily muscular, and I can understand how smooth the texture is.

The problem was the chest.

A row of fine white flesh, a gentle line with a gentle but convex curve, and a light colored nipple shyly shaded at the top of the lower two hills.
In addition, it is hard to think that the shape supported by solid resilience is the aftereffect.

It is the breast of a woman.

“I do not know a hundred people.”

Huh junyoung nodded his head slowly back and forth to the voice of lamentation.

“I was a woman, too.”

This is a little surprising, “added Shin Sang Yong.
However, Hur Junyoung grabbed his face with both hands.
Something seems to be wrong.


A few hours passed and the mouth opened with a sigh.

“It was not a woman, it was a man. No, it was a male. ”

Two words are emphasized.

“Have you ever heard of a transsexual?”


Shin Sang Yong was not a fool, and it was only about three seconds after the light that suspected his ear had spread.

“Now, wait a minute. Well, then … . One hundred, no sheep, no no! ”

Looking at Shin Sang Yong who fell in shock in a flash, Huh jung-young showed a sense of hope.

“Do not misunderstand. Sexually, one hundred men are still men. I did not go to surgery. ”

It cuts and speaks, and it connects words in a bitter tone.

“In modern times, changing sex is not as easy as it sounds.”

As I said, changing gender is not a nature that can be done simply by wanting to do it.
First, the psychiatric diagnosis of a sexually identifiable disorder comes out, then the sex hormone can be prescribed in the obstetrics and gynecology.
And you can get the surgery if you continue to administer and live sex hormone for about one year.
It is only through this long and complicated process that a kind of qualification is created.

“Then the picture … ”
“It’s been about half a year since I’ve given sex hormones.”

There was heavy infiltration.
Shin Sang Yong had only his lower lips for a while.
It is so clear that it is clear.

“I do not want to blame you for doing it. I would not have had to worry if a hundred had originally wanted sex transsexuals. Soon… This is not it. ”

It was literally.
It was an event that might have just laughed if a hundred people were at the level that Kim Soo-hyun was good.
But the important thing is that Kim Suhyun’s charm is an unusual event after the rise.
One hundred memories that Shin Sang Yong remembered were not users who want to live as a woman.

In other words, although it is indirect, Kim Soo-hyun has obstructed the spirit of one hundred.
There is a strange corner to think that it is not much different.
Especially, Kim Su – hyun, who is extremely alert to the mental pollution, felt the bigger thing.

“Uh, uh. However, I think I have solved it well. You said you were still a man … ”

Shin Sang-yong opened his mouth, but Huh Jun-yong denied it at once.

“After the fact turned out, I tore it off without anybody, . I really did not step back. ”
“Stubborn? Is that a group of hundreds? ”
“Well. I do not want to have surgery, but once I hold on to it, I’m going to go back to Hall plane and find a way to calm down, but it’s hard to see it fixed. ”

It is not solved at all.
Throwing the word throat, but Shin Sang Yong barely swallowed.
It was not the personality to speak as it was not actually experienced.

“Anyway, be careful, too.”

Do you want to finish it at this point?
After a long sigh, Huh Jun-yong began to take his place slowly.

“There is no law that we should not be one hundred and fifty. . I do not like it until I get used to it. ”

I am looking forward to seeing Huh … … ”

Shin Sang Yong could not keep up with why.

Meanwhile, the same time.

“Hey, hey!”

The source looked at an uninvited person who came to Vivian ‘s laboratory with an unfriendly attitude.
To be more precise, it was only on the surface, and there was little confusion inside.
Because the appearance is a woman in front of me, but the man who is judged to be a biologically male is like to have something to see for himself.

As it is, the relationship of the origin is narrow.
Except Kim Soo-hyun and Vivian, it is right to say that no one speaks very much.
Occasionally, some people visit Vivian’s lab, but most of them have had a chance to see Vivian.

But now Vivian is absent, and the uncertain gender has come to the source.
It was not unusual for the origin to be unfamiliar as there was no case to be directly pointed out.

“that… . I’m sorry, but I’ve been looking for a big favor … ”

I came because I had a favor.
It is not a small favor but a big favor.
In an unfamiliar situation, the source quickly checked my head.
In this case, it is necessary to follow the memory of the past to find a suitable answer.
Of course, the motif of the process was Vivien, who spent a lot of time together.

After a long time, the source could assume two situations.

1. Vivian’s reaction when Kim Soo-hyun came.
2. Vivian’s reaction when someone other than Kim Soo-hyun came.

In the former case, Vivian ‘s pelvis suddenly moved gorgeously.
In the latter case, Vivien showed almost similar attitudes even with slight differences.

It took a few seconds, but the choice of source was of course the latter.In fact, the source is why every time Kim Soo-hyun comes to mind, I was wondering if Vivian’s buttocks would be sore.
I raise my eyebrows, my head is stiff, my body is deep in my chair, my legs are twisted … .

One hundred hundreds of people said, ‘Say it once.’ I understood it in the sense that it was after a long time.
I hesitated for a while, and I opened the door.

“In the forest in the past … . Remember? That’s where we first met. ”

The source was heady.

“He, you know. The fog covered the body in the forest, and I fell asleep and woke up … . Did you say forest of mist? ”

Forest of fog. The root nodded a little.

“Oh, you remember! So do you remember the mist that covered the forest? ”
“……?””That fog, can you make it again?”
“……!”The eyes of the origin were glittering.

* It was noon from the wives who had turned into chickens.
I came back to the office with the matted hair, but somehow Seraf was gone.
At dawn, he suffered from a severe fever and continued to search for the gods, and the bed was white with only white sheets.
All that remains is a single square folded note.

The note says:

– I will be waiting in the summoned room.

Hmm. I think that’s the first time I have seen Ceraf’s handwriting.
It is as stylish and beautiful as the outside.
Anyway, it’s not a good thing to go to the aura, but it’s better to go to the summoning room first.

I walked around watching the temple, and it was soon.
Atlanta morning life in a long time, I guess.
Is there anything special?
It is because the time of five years is too short to expect something to change.
No, it’s only a matter of days or days.

As we went through the portal and into the summoning room, the translucent wings were running through the gray altar.
I saw the note, but I felt relieved because I saw Seraf in the seat.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

Tranquil voice.
Unlike yesterday, I gaze straight at my eyes.

“Are you okay now?”

As she laughed and put on her arm, Seraph blew a short breath.

“In the summoning room, my power is restored to some extent. You can resist it to some extent. ”
“Resistance … . What was it like outside? ”

Seraf seemed to be locked in for a moment and opened his mouth quietly, as if to say what he felt.

“I just want to run and pamper you right now.”



As soon as I opened my arms, Serap, who was hungry, laughed brightly and leaned forward.
But soon he stopped his body, and he glistened with my eyes.

“Do not even joke.”
“Why, do not you?”
“User Kim Soo Hyun. I am serious now. ”
“…That’s it? ”

It was a slightly angry voice.
Seraph, sitting on the altar, restores his posture and stirs his head.

“I expected the change … . In this case, I did not expect it. ”

He muttered like a private message and said, “I’m sure he might be aware of him.”

This time I looked at me as if I was sick.

“Umm . . .

The changes that have happened to me.
And the impact of the change around.

I can not say that there is definitely no problem as Seraf says.
I can not tell you what kind of change I have made, but it will have a detrimental effect on my life.
It was not just that either.

Anyway, I did not have a playful atmosphere but I sat down quietly.

By the way, it should be called Serap.
I am worried about my body, rather than sharing it after a long time.
I feel a little better.

In the meantime, Seraph, who nodded, opened his mouth quietly.

“Do you want to open the user information first?”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I was a lot late than I thought. ^^; Probably you have worried about so many people, do not worry too much.
If something happens in a month or two, I will leave it in the full notice.
The next abduction will be updated next week.
_ (__) _ Hoo-hooh / haha. Rather than that, you can think of it as a preparatory step for future events.
Blue stingray / You have good memory. There is also an episode envisioned about it. This is the episode that follows this Hundred Hanseong case.
Taesung 쉪 / Of course I am. I think it would be a good idea to focus on several episodes and focus on them as much as there are characters.
The charisma of Hassol / Suhyun did not disappear. Still valid. Please look forward to!
Mighty Liza / of course. I plan to introduce it in relation to my number by looking at the appropriate timing.
Laurnellis / Sorry for the inconvenience. I have no place to go except Joa … . / Ansol is the only EX class user with Kim Soo-hyun. Afterwards.
Chatien / Nimese, the Knights of Obel. OK We accepted. I think it would be fun if you write well in the Obelonic Knights.
UrDREAM / No. haha; I am a very solid body man!
Erbantes / Jung Hae Yeon was a snatcher. Maybe you will know the meaning of this word once or twice. 🙂 Doz / Yes. In fact, many things will change due to my desire, so I’m slowly moving on. Because there are many things that I missed in the series, there are many things to supplement.

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