Although Limuru didn’t need to celebrate that he had eaten and tasted again, he acquired a human body and let the village celebrate.

So the red pill they also came just right.

“What are you going to do in the future?” Limulu leaned against the tree, put her hands in her pockets and closed her eyes and said lightly.

Several people were silent suddenly, after all, they had no strength, they were just the defeated subordinates of the pig-headed people, and the number of pig-headed people far exceeded their big ghost clan, not to mention that they only had six people left now.

“Well, how about you become my subordinates together?”

Rimulu’s words made Red Maru stunned, he had this idea before, but not as a subordinate, but as a friendly army.

“Of course, there is no need to rush to reply, I will give you a day to think, after becoming my subordinate, even if you join our big family, I will definitely not treat you badly.”

Limurlu spoke out his purpose.

Anyway, he didn’t leave until three days later, and he had enough time for Red Pill to submit.

The Great Ghost Clan is still relatively important, except for the Black Guard, almost all of them have extraordinary strength.

Originally, Limulu planned to save the Great Ghost Clan, but considering that if the entire Great Ghost Clan survived.

Then they really don’t necessarily choose to join Limulu’s command, after all, there was a Grumid who went to give them a name before, but they were also rejected by Red Pill and others, and finally scolded and left….

Of course, Grumid’s strength is also on the one hand, and on the other hand, the big ghost clan is very united, and Limulu is still a little worried, so he can only let them be exterminated.

“Moe King-Rimlu: I suddenly have an idea…”

“Moe King-Su Ze: After I eat the Pig Head Emperor, after obtaining the Demon King seed, and directly sacrifice 100,000 Pig Head People, will I be able to directly evolve into the Awakened Demon King??”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Good guy! Sacrifice your own people, you are too black-hearted!”

“Moe King-Rimlu: I haven’t been confiscated yet, so I shouldn’t be my own person…”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Although we now have a chat group, but the chat group is so wasted, it can’t be regarded as a plug-in at all, at most we can play the Heavenly Stream, then our biggest advantage as traversers is to be familiar with the plot.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Become a demon king in advance, you basically don’t have this advantage, because the emergence of a new demon king will cause surrounding countries and forces, and even those strongest demon kings all target you, the plot will also change a lot, didn’t you find that Rimuru in the original book hid himself almost the whole time.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Yes! Even after becoming the Awakened Demon King, he is everywhere promoting himself as a rookie Demon King under the banner of Virudra


“Pirate-Suze: You have to think about it, the water in this world can be deep, and the ultimate skill is not only yours.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Forget it! I just had a whim…”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Or I will awaken in your world! Anyway, it’s only 10,000 souls!”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Hold the grass! How did you become so cruel, 10,000 souls, that’s all?”

“Pirate-Su Ze: If he wants to become stronger, he can only go through the path of awakening the demon king, he is a monster, you can’t let him become a brave, anyway, sooner or later.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: What can I do, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Ghost Annihilation-Suze: It’s exposed!!”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Hot! Can’t retreat!”

“Moe King-Rimlu: What can I do, I am also helpless.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: …”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: …”

“Pirate-Suze: …”

“Supergod-Angel Night: …”



“We have decided! Allow us to be your subordinates! ”

Early in the morning, Red Maru took the remaining five clansmen to Limulu’s tent.

“Don’t worry, the contract lasts until the leader of the pig head tribe is resolved, at that time, you can leave if you want, and we will welcome if you want to stay.” Limulu said with a smile.

“Thank you, Lord Limlu!” When several people heard this, they were immediately even more moved, not only taking them in, but also giving them freedom.

“Then, the next thing is to give you names.” Limuru looked at the six.

“Eh!! Give names to all of us? ”

“Please wait a minute! There will be a great risk in giving names, only high-ranking monsters can…” The gentle Zhu Nana began to worry about Limulu as soon as she heard this.

“Lord Limulu is powerful, there should be no problem.” Several people had also seen Su Ze’s terrifying power yesterday, but Red Pill was not very worried, or he had already prepared.

“Then, let’s start with you, the young master of the Great Ghost Clan, and give you the name Red Pill!”

The moment he gave his name, Limulu found that the magic element in his body was suddenly reduced by nearly a third…

“I’ll go! It is worthy of a red pill! ”

Thanks to the fact that Limulu had a lot of magic elements stored in his body that he usually absorbed, he quickly used some magic elements that were restored to his body.

“Next is the princess, Zhu Cai!”

“Purple hair, your name is Ziyuan!”

“Grandpa Swordsman, your name is Jiraiya!!”

“This cold handsome guy is called Cangying!”

“Last one, Kurobei!”


Because Bai Lao and Jiraiya’s voice actor are the same person ~

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