“Didn’t you say that the goblin was led by a slime? Where is Slime? ”

When Limulu came to the entrance of the village with Orochimaru and the others with Gobuta, Gaviru looked at a few people and did not find the existence of slimes.

“Is it because you are afraid of Lord Gaveru and dare not appear?!” A lizardman guessed.

“Uh-huh! It must be so! ”

“Ahem!” Gaviru coughed and came to Limuru and the others in a serious manner.

“You should have heard about the invasion of the Great Forest of Jiula by the pig-headed tribe!”

“Hmm.” Everyone nodded, wanting to see what else this second product had to say.

“We lizardmen have already subjugated the surrounding goblin villages, how? Are you going to join us? By the way, the slime that is in charge of you may have been scared away when he heard the news of the invasion of the pig-headed people! Gaviru said with a little snort.

Then at this moment, the faces of several people around Limulu had completely darkened, mocking their masters in front of their masters, which was completely out of their eyes.

“Don’t play tricks with fools.” The corners of Limulu’s mouth rose slightly, and he said to everyone with his thoughts.

Gaviru this guy, Limulu still thinks it’s quite interesting, after all, it’s a funny character, although it’s a little missing a string, and often makes that kind of little speech, but he is a responsible man, and his emotional intelligence is actually very high.

The lizardman is also very powerful after evolving into a dragon man, and he can fly, so it is useful to keep him.

“Gobuta, send him away! Whatever you want, don’t kill them. Limuru waved his hand and left with the remaining few people.

“Leave it to me!” Gobuta knew his mission when he was called, so he said confidently.

After returning to the village.

“Lord Rimulu…” Red Pill was a little puzzled.

The number of lizardmen is about 10,000, which is also a good combat force, why doesn’t Lord Limulu cooperate with them.

“Cangying, you go directly to the leader of the lizardmen to talk about cooperation, and you can use force if necessary. This fool should have been held too high. Limuru shook her head and said.

“Yes!” Listening to Limulu say this, Red Pill and the others understood.

This lizardman is too stupid, and his personality is not pleasant, not very suitable for cooperation, or directly to the leader of the lizardman after all, it is easy.

“Worthy of Lord Rimlu!” Zi Lai also sighed with emotion.

“You guys go back to work first, have a meeting tonight.” Limuru waved his hand.



“Moe King-Rimlu: @超神-Angel Night, how many points are missing?”

“Supergod-Angel Night: It’s already 95, if nothing else, it should be fine tomorrow.”

“Witch-Suze: Speaking of which, what’s going on with the plot over there? Where has it come?”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Gaviru just came.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: That dumb-looking lizardman.”

“Moe King-Limulu: Well, the pig-headed emperor doesn’t matter to me, but Miriam is a little tricky, you guys get me some delicious snacks, try to be sweet, Angel Ze, buy me some more expensive honey.”

“Pirate-Suze: Ordinary honey may not be as delicious as Yapito, speaking of which, have you gone looking for the two monsters Zechien and Yapito?”

“Witch-Suze: Zeqien is a strong man second only to Xiao Heiko in the future.”

“Moe King-Limulu: You reminded me like this, I remembered, just now that I have time, I’ll take a look and go first.”

“I remember that Zechien and Yapito were attacked by a lone bladed tiger in the original book…”


“I’m in! Lord Limulu! With an order, Limulu summoned Arashi out of the shadows.

“Are there lonely bladed tigers in the Great Forest of Jiula?” Limuru asked curiously.

“Yes, yes, but the Lone Blade Tiger is not a gregarious type of monster, so it may take some time to find it.”

“What about bees or insects?”

“The insects are not clear, but the bee monster is near the village, Lord Limulu, do you want to go and see?”

“Hmm! Let’s go! Limulu sat on Arashi’s back and rushed straight into the forest.

Soon after, it arrived at its destination.

“Lord Rimuru! It seems that there is a battle ahead! Lanya did not rush forward.

“It wouldn’t be so coincidental…” Limulu raised his eyebrows, and then his figure flashed and disappeared directly onto Arashi’s back.

“Lord Rimlu!” Lan Ya was suddenly shocked and quickly followed.

When Limuru arrived in the battlefield, he found that the battle was almost over, and a black beetle actually killed the lone bladed tiger alone.

“It’s better to come early than to come.” Limuru knew that this beetle monster should be the future Zechien, and the big bee that was protected was Yapito.

“Who!!” Limuru did not hide his aura, so it was quickly discovered.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not an enemy!”


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