“The first target, Smogg, although he is not armed with domineering, the top of the ten hands behind him is equipped with sea lou stones, which just gives us a weapon that can attack him.”

The three had already arrived in the sky above Rogue Town, and Angel Suze had already seen Smog in the office.

“Do you say that this person has a brain bubble, there is basically no domineering person here in the East China Sea, a natural ability person can be said to be invincible, as a result, this fool specially brought a weapon that can restrain his own ability on his body, so that others can grab it and use it against him…” The witch shook her head speechlessly and said.

“If Smogg’s brain hadn’t been a problem, he might already be a brigadier general in the headquarters by now.” Limulu spoke.

“Okay, who’s coming first?” Angel Suze looked at the naval base below and said.

“I’ll do it! Presumably you are not interested in doing anything to such a weak guy either. The witch Suze looked at Limulu and said, and then her body began to land towards the naval base.

Limulu came over this time to experience his strength, and he couldn’t test it with Smogg, but he couldn’t measure his strength.


After the witch Su Ze landed, she did not force it, and directly smashed a big hole in the room where Smog was with her mental power.

“Enemy attack !!!”

After a while, a large number of navies appeared around the witch Su Ze.

“You guy! Who is it, exactly? Why attack the naval base ?! After seeing that the witch Suze was just a teenager, Smog frowned and said.

“Borrow your weapon and use it!” The figure of the witch Su Ze instantly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Smogg frowned suddenly, and quickly reached out to grab the ten hands behind him, he also knew that the top of the ten hands contained sea lou stones, in case they were taken away by others and used against himself, it would be dangerous.

“No way!!” Smogg’s face changed greatly, and in the next second, a sharp pain came from behind, followed by paralysis, and Smogg’s body snapped directly and fell to the ground.

“Smog Dazo!!”

Seeing this, the navy rushed up, wanting to defeat the witch Suze and save Smogg.

“Sleep~” Limulu looked at so many navies below, the witch Suze may not end well, so she fell from the sky and spewed out a large amount of paralyzing mist.

After a while, except for the two Suze in the field, there was no longer a standing navy.

Even Smogg, who was only put by the sea lou stone, fell asleep because of inhaling the paralyzing mist.

“Let’s go! Go find Blackbeard! “Angel Suze descended from the sky.

“Wait a minute, you have to tie up the ten hands with him, otherwise he can escape after elementalization when he wakes up.” Limuru tied Smog and Hailou Stone together with his ten hands with a spider’s web.

“Don’t bother so much, there are Hailou stone handcuffs in the naval base!” The corners of Angel Suze’s mouth rose, she had already scanned the situation here, and then walked into the base.

After a while, he came out with a few handcuffs and chains.

“Fortunately, many of them are used to deal with other abilities, after all, except for Luo, we have to deal with the natural system.” Limuru handcuffed Smog with a sea lou stone, and the rest of the sea lou stone was eaten into the stomach pouch using predators.

“Can you copy more sea lou stones?” Angel Suze asked curiously.

Dealing with natural abilities is naturally the best weapon for sea lou stone, but because sea lou stone is too hard, it is difficult for this world to process sea lou stone into sharp weapons, at most bullets, no swords and the like.

“Copy? I’m not copying, the great sage needs to have materials to make things, such as making potions, even if the analysis is successful, if you want to make potions, you need Xipokut herbs, you find Ge Xiaolun, give him the data of the sea lou stone, he may be able to copy the sea lou stone for you. Limulu said speechlessly.

“It’s been so long, I kind of forgot.” Angel Suze scratched his head.

“Let’s go, go find Blackbeard and recycle our first Natural Devil Fruit!” After the witch Suze grabbed Smog with his mental power, the three flew towards the place where the Great Passage was.

The angel’s flight speed is very fast, in less than half an hour, the three of them have already arrived above the magnetic drum island, after all, if you fly, you can walk in a straight line, and you can avoid all obstacles and troubles, so it is very time-saving.

“I’ll leave this to you, I’m really not sure I can handle it.” The witch Su Ze looked at Limulu and raised her eyebrows and said.

“No problem!” Limrubie made an ok gesture.

“However, you can’t kill, it’s really troublesome!”

Limulu fell from the sky and fell directly in front of the Blackbeard people who were preparing to leave Magnetic Drum Island.

“Oh! Little sister, what are you stopping us from doing? Lafitte, the navigator of the Blackbeard Pirates, said sadly.

“Of course I want to sleep with you…”

Limulu smiled slightly, quickly raised his hand, and a large amount of paralyzing mist erupted from his palm.


“Shhhhh The moment Limulu raised his hand, Blackbeard and the others reacted instantly, quickly covering their noses and jumping away from them.


Lafitte, who was the leader, was not so lucky, because he was too close, and was directly sprayed by Limulu’s paralyzing mist and passed out.


Thanks to the brothers for the flowers and monthly passes

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