“Next it’s Anilu, let Blackbeard come here.” The three discussed it.

Because Limuru has not yet found a passerby armor that can use armed color domineering to devour, but Blackbeard’s dark fruit has the effect of suppressing the demon fruit.

“No problem!” After the three of them made a unanimous decision, they flew directly onto the empty island with Blackbeard.

“Huh?!” Anilu frowned when he saw the four people who suddenly appeared in front of him, and was just about to strike, but he didn’t expect Blackbeard to be faster than him.

Because he didn’t know Anilu at all, there was no nonsense at all, and directly a dark water sucked Anilu over, banning his thunder fruit.

“Come on!” Limulu took out a sea tower stone handcuff and locked it directly for Anilu, and in a moment, he became a pure passerby.

“What did you do?! My power hmm!! ”

Seeing that Anilu was about to scold his mother, Limulu directly wrapped his mouth with spider silk.

“Take out his Devil Fruit!”

After receiving the order, Blackbeard directly used the ability of the Dark Fruit to take out the Thunder Fruit in Anilu’s body.

After getting the Thunder Fruit, Rimlu placed the fruit in the group’s shared space.

“Moe King-Limulu: @海贼-Suze, the thunder fruit is in hand, take it yourself.”

“Pirate-Suze: Finally arrived! Hey, hey, hey! I’m going to be invincible too!”

“Witch-Suze: This world can pump you now, say that there are more than a hundred less, you better learn to be domineering first.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Domineering is the strongest force in this world, but unfortunately our world is different, I can’t learn it.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Exactly! Otherwise, I would have gone to learn it a long time ago, and what more would I need to use the Nikki knife, directly pinch the ghost head, and then grow it and pinch it again!”

“Next is Luo…” The witch Su Ze looked excited, because she had been thinking about the fruits of Luo’s surgery for a long time.

“Let’s go!” After clearing the battlefield, the four of them flew towards where Luo was.

Blackbeard was naturally hung by the witch Suze and flew, anyway, Limulu was unwilling to lead him over…

Luo’s strength is naturally weaker than others, and under Blackbeard’s ability, there is no ability to resist at all, and his crew members were directly slept by Limulu.

“It’s a shame, I used to like this guy.” Witch Su Ze looked at Luo a little unbearably and said.

“Aren’t we all alone?” Limulu spread his hands, he did appreciate this one called Luo, but unfortunately, the reality was what his ability witch Su Ze needed.

“After sighing, you can start.” Witch Su Ze’s face suddenly changed, and then urged.

Like it, but the devil fruit on Luo’s body, witch Su Ze will not let go.

Soon, with the help of Blackbeard, the surgical fruit was also successfully taken out and was directly eaten by the witch Su Ze.

“Room!!” After eating the fruit, the witch Su Ze couldn’t wait to use the ability of the surgical fruit, and the capable person would directly know the ability of the fruit after eating the devil fruit.


The witch Su Ze is also big-hearted, he actually took out his brain directly…

Thanks to a special hood that protects her brain, she would have died violently and then waited for her brain to be revived.

“You are also disgusting, what is not good to take your own brain…” said Limulu with some disgust.

“I just want to see what is special about strengthening people’s brains, and it doesn’t look different from ordinary people.” After checking, Su Ze, the witch who found that there was no difference, shook her head and stuffed her brain back into it.

“Okay, it’s my turn!” Limuru said.

Multiplying the fruit, he is looking forward to it.

“Let’s go!”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Hello Hello! @魔女-Suze!”

“Witch-Suze: What’s up?”

“Ghost Annihilation-Suze: Did you get the fruits of the operation?”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Don’t you already have smoking fruit? The fruits of the operation have already been eaten by the witch Ze.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Hey! Just get it! I suddenly had an idea! Would you like to listen?”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Say…”

“Witch-Suze: Say.”

“Ghost Destroyer-Suze: Well, isn’t the surgical result able to exchange the hearts of two targets, that is, the souls? Can I put my soul into the body of Oni Mai Tsuji without misery? Anyway, the chat group is bound to my soul, not my body.”

“Ghost Annihilation-Su Ze: This weak body, if you have any difficulties, I can’t help much, but if you can get the body of Ghost Mai Tsuji without misery, will it become powerful?!”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Nima! I can really play!”

“Pirate-Su Ze: Is there such a possibility, after you change over, you won’t see the sun.”

“Ghost Slayer – Suzawa – Have you forgotten what Inosuke’s descendants said in the finale of Ghost Slayer? The cyan flower is a plant that blooms during the day only two or three days a year.”

“Ghost Annihilation-Su Ze: Coupled with the fact that in the end, You Bean and Ghost King Tanjiro overcame the problem of sunlight, is there a possibility, there is a cyan side near the flower stove door, Tanjiro and You Bean are because they ate the cyan side flower as wild vegetables, so they will create two ghosts who are not afraid of the sun.”


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