[Sue!] Confirmed, the pig-headed demon has disappeared! Unique Skill: Hungry, Absorbed and Integrated by Unique Skill: Predator. ]

“Next, it’s time to summon demons!”

Limulu deliberately said this sentence just to let the little sunspot hear it, after all, there are too many demons in the Origin Black series.

This sentence is to let the little sunspot have a preparation, and the demon summoning in the original book was preempted by Beretta.

Limuru flew to the sky, looked at the tens of thousands of pig-headed human corpses under his feet, and directly launched the demon summoning magic: the sacrifice was the corpses of all the pig-headed people below.

The corpse of the alliance Limuru is useless, he still has a little conscience, although not much.

After the summoning magic was successful, at some point, a man dressed in black appeared under Limuru.

“It’s really you, little sunspot!” Seeing the coming Limulu, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“Kuhuhuhuhuh Finally see you, my great summoning Lord! After Limulu landed, the little sunspot came to him and said extremely respectfully.

“Give you a name first, Diablo! Become my personal guard in the future! “Such a powerful Primordial Demon, of course, Limuru has to use it to protect himself.

Limulu in the original book is a waste of talent because he does not know the true strength of Diablo, and actually let him do that kind of trivial thing to steal the country.

“Actually! …… What an honor!! Diablo was so shocked by Limulu’s methods that he couldn’t speak, you know, what Limulu gave was what he had always wanted.

“Come on!” Limuru jumped up and patted Diablo’s shoulder and said with a smile.

Xiao Heizi is simply a perfect tool man, and he must not let it go.

After successfully summoning Diablo, Limuru came to the side of the ghosts.

“Our agreement is to release you free after beating the pig-headed emperor, and it has been hard work for you so far.” Limulu said with a smile.

“Lord Limulu, I have a request!” Red Pill looked at Rimulu seriously and said.

“What?” Although he knew, Rimuru pretended to look at several people suspiciously.

“Please accept my continued allegiance! We will continue to serve Lord Rimuru in the future! ”

“Do you all agree?” Limuru looked at the others.

“No problem!” Jiraiya smiled slightly.

“We are lucky to meet you!” Cang Ying said seriously.

“Hey, hey!! I am Lord Limlu’s secret art and guardian, and I will never leave you!” “Ziyuan hugged Limulu and came directly to the brain….

Red Pill: “Until the end of our lives!” ”

“Ahem! Correct it! From now on, I will be Lord Limulu’s personal guard, and please entrust Lord Limulu’s safety to me in the future!” Diablo said lightly.

“Oh… Ziyuan, let me introduce to you, this is the demon I just summoned, Diablo, and the task of guarding him will be given to him in the future. Limulu saw that Ziyuan’s face was not good, and quickly explained.

“Guards? Can he? Ziyuan narrowed his eyes at Diablo and said.

“You don’t have to worry about this.” Diablo smiled slightly.

“Okay, okay! So be it! Seeing that they seemed to be about to fight, Limuru quickly stopped between the two.

If you really want to fight, ten aster is not enough for Diablo to pound…

Although Ziyuan likes to cook dark dishes, and the secretary work is not good at it, and her personality is a little poor, she is big and more eye-catching to put around.



As in the original book, Limuru founded the Mula Forest Alliance.

Pulled the pig-headed and lizardmen into the alliance.

And gave the pig-headed man and the lizardman a name, thanks to the fact that there were enough magic elements stored during this time, but they were also tired enough, after all, the pig-headed man plus the lizardman is also more than 100,000, fortunately with the support of Verudra.

More than 100,000 pig-headed people did not all live in the village, but pulled hundreds of them with strong combat power into the village to become labor, and the rest all entered the Jiula Great Forest separately.

And Gaveru was expelled from the lizardman tribe by Aviru, the leader of the Lizardmen, because of the usurpation, of course, so that he could join the village.

It took more than half a month to completely solve the invasion of the pig head, so that this plot basically came to an end.

The village is also getting more and more lively.

For the next two months, basically nothing will happen, after all, this is a forest, and there are no humans, and it will be a few months before you want to investigate the situation here.

“I can go to other worlds again, hehe!” Limulu looked at his points, it was already more than a hundred, after all, the last time he went to the pirate world was completely free.

And next time, it will only take more than a hundred points.

In addition, during this time, he did not forget to check in every day, and he gained a lot of points.

“I don’t know if the little sunspot can take it to other worlds…” Limulu looked at Diablo behind him.

Not to mention, if you can bring a powerful guard, you will have face in front of yourself in other worlds.

Chat groups can allow themselves to connect with people in this world across borders, and I don’t know if this connection can be used for summoning….


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