“Paranormal Recovery-Su Ze: Which world is safer now, I want to send my parents over.”

“Inuyasha – Inuyasha: ???”

“Moe King-Rimlu: How did you have this idea?”

“Paranormal revival – Su Ze: This world is a little terrifying, not Reiki revival, it is supernatural revival, ordinary people are not qualified to deal with tricks, they can’t even see it, and they may die without finding anything when they encounter it.”

“Witch-Suze: That’s a bit dangerous.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: What do I say here? Although it is a bygone era, it is absolutely safe under my protection.”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: But the question is, how to send it over?”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Just grab the two of them when crossing, and when I took Diablo to play before, I just had direct contact with him.”

“Paranormal Recovery-Su Ze: When I have saved enough points, I will send them over, and I have to do a good job of mental construction for them, after all, they have never even heard of such a thing as crossing the world.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: You’ll see.”


Kuloai and the others have all been abducted back by Limlu, of course, they also agree, after all, it is better to be with Limlu than those despicable strangers.

It doesn’t matter if they live or die.

“Is this Mr. Limulu’s home?!”

“Hiss!! It’s all monsters! ”


“Ichita!” Jian also covered his head and looked at Limulu with tears in his eyes.

“These are our companions, don’t underestimate them, if you annoy them, they will eat you while you are sleeping!” Limuru threatened.

After all, these are their own subordinates, and they can’t be bullied by the newcomers.


Sure enough, they were still children, and Limulu’s words directly scared them straight.

“Okay, come with me! I’ll arrange a place for you to live and a place to study later. “With unparalleled strength and terrifying talent, coupled with the fact that they have now become elven pillar power, these children only need a little training to have powerful combat power.

In a few days, the children adapted to the life here and liked it, and Limulu was also relieved, after all, if these children are used by people with intentions, it is also very troublesome, so it is best to stay by their side.

In a few days, the large enchantment envisaged by Limulu has also been studied by the Great Sage, and with the enchantment, the village is safer.

“Paranormal Revival – Suze: Hello Hello! @所有人!”

“Witch-Suze: What’s wrong?”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze:?”

“Moe King-Rimlu:??”

“Paranormal Revival-Su Ze: Found a good thing, something that can enhance the power of the soul!”

“Inuyasha – Inuyasha: !!!”

“Moe King-Rimlu: !!!”

“Witch-Suze: !!!”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze:!!! What?!”

“Paranormal Revival-Su Ze: An extract of something that can increase strength, I put it in the group space, but there is only one bottle, you guys will discuss who will use it in the end.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: I’ll come, I can study it and see if I can make it in bulk.”

Limuru curiously took out this special solution from the group space and swallowed it directly.

“Great Sage, analyze it!”

[Understand! Analytical identification is underway…]

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I didn’t expect that there was such a good thing in your world!”

“Paranormal Recovery-Su Ze: Because I donated a tube of blood, I got this compensation, and I haven’t tried it myself, so I’ll try it for you first.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: ???”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: Hey, hey! You experimented with me before, and I’ll do an experiment with you now, and it’s leveled!”

[Sue!] The effect does increase soul strength, but it is impossible to parse its composition, and the soul strength increase is about 3%. ]

The answer that the Great Sage could not parse, Limulu was not surprised, because this was not a thing of this world.

“Are there any side effects?” Limuru asked.

[Sue!] Not. ]

“Moe King-Limulu: The identification results are out, it can indeed enhance the soul power, but the effect is very low, or the effect is very low for people of my level, and there are no side effects, but the Great Sage cannot analyze and identify the materials and ingredients produced, which should not belong to the earth.”

“Paranormal Revival – Su Ze: The rumors of that meteorite are mostly true.”

“Witch-Suze: Meteorite?”

“Paranormal Revival – Su Ze: Every day he said that the supernatural revival was brought about by meteorites, but he also said that it was a rumor, and he could not find the source of this rumor.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Well, try to get as much as possible, after all, some people in the group need to increase their soul strength.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Like me!”

“Paranormal Recovery-Su Ze: I try my best, you also have any good things to put in the group, I can take them and exchange them with the country.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: You don’t use it yourself?”

“Paranormal Revival – Su Ze: No hurry, now the supernatural only appears occasionally, and my current ability is enough to solve most of the problems.”

“Dou Po-Xiao Ze: I can refine some pills that enhance strength and heal and put them in the group, you can’t waste this thing, you definitely need to exchange more of this soul-enhancing thing!”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: OJBK!”


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