“Eh!” When he saw Diablo behind Limulu, Chi Yi was obviously stunned for a moment, and then looked at Limulu’s eyes full of interest,

After all, the little black service that can make him all recognize, this person must have something, as for how much, I don’t know.

Diablo also smiled slightly when he looked at Kiy, but then stopped paying attention and focused his attention on the surroundings, after all, his mission was to protect Limulu.

Diablo and Kiy fought a long time ago, and the two fought to a draw, but unfortunately Kie was first summoned to receive flesh and then evolved into a demon king.

Because it is too old, Chiy’s strength has surpassed Diablo too much now.

However, Diablo does not care, he does not like to fight, but focuses on things that can interest him, such as becoming a subordinate of Limulu, which is enough to fascinate him.

“Came too early, there is no noodles!” Limulu thought to herself after sitting down.

After all, the protagonist is usually the last to appear, but the last one to appear today is not necessarily the protagonist, it may also be the clown.

Behind Limulu is the giant demon king Daguluru.

Walking loudly, the terrifying amount of magic overflows from the body, which is worthy of being a troll, but from the original work, it belongs to the category with a poor brain.

Immediately after, 590 is the vampire demon king, that is, the unlucky egg demon king who was later killed by Laplace, it seems to be called Roy, or Rey Valentine, anyway, one of the twin brothers, one is the demon king, the other is the French emperor, it’s really interesting…

He is followed by the real vampire lord, Luminas Valentine, a beautiful vampire who is also the god of the Holy French Kingdom of Rubelios.

“After solving Kleiman, we have to talk to her…” Limulu narrowed her eyes.


A yawning voice came from behind him, and Limulu looked over, the Fallen Demon King, the sleeping Dominator, Dino, a lazy king who liked to eat and drink.

After that, it will not be long before the most miserable demon king who will be driven out of the house by the giant demon king.

Other demon kings have their own power, even Miriam, who is playful, has his own people, and Dino doesn’t even have guards…

The worst, the most fishy, the most chilling demon king.

As soon as Dino appeared, he quarreled with Ramiris, and the two despised each other, but this time Ramiris won because she brought two very powerful guards over.

After that, it was the Winged Demon King of the Great Citrus, Fleur, and Limulu Willing to call her the strongest!

Of course, it does not refer to strength, in terms of strength, she is not even as good as Ziyuan, but in terms of figure, it is definitely far beyond Ziyuan.

It’s just a pity that it’s a birdman, and the lower body is the legs and paws of birds, the kind that makes people lose their sexual desire at a glance…

However, the callion behind her made several people a little concerned, after all, Calion had disappeared before and had been confirmed dead.

But Limuru already knew.

“You’re Rimlu!” Just as Limuru peeked at Frey’s big citrus, a cold voice sounded behind Limulu.

“Demon King Leon, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Lim got up and looked at Leon, the corners of his mouth raised.

“Wait for me?” Leon frowned and wondered.

“Kulo Ai’oberu.” Limuru said a name.

“Nani!!” Leon’s pupils shrank sharply when he heard this name, and his face changed greatly.

“How did you know the name!” Leon grabbed Limulu’s shoulder and said nervously.

“Kuloai is currently in Ternperst with her friends, and you are welcome to come over after dinner, but you have to say hello first, after all, you are the Demon King!” Limulu patted Leon’s arm and said with a grin.

“I see.” After Leon was silent for a while, he nodded, since Limulu directly said Kuloai’s name, it meant that he knew himself very well.

This slime is not simple…

This is not only what Leon thinks, but also what Kie thinks at the moment.

Being able to make the usually calm and calm Bifj Ang look like this, Kie became more and more interested in Limuru.

Then in the end, it is the goal of this dinner, Demon King Kleiman!

Miriam looks the same as in the original work, pretending to be controlled, although Miriam is playful, but how to say that he is also a demon king who has survived from ancient times to the present, and is not stupid.

Now that someone is secretly doing things, of course Millem will also want to find out who is behind the scenes.

“Go faster! You are retarded! When Kleiman at the end walked to Miriam’s side, he directly punched Miriam’s head, but Miriam’s physical strength was too high, so there was no harm at all.

However, this move directly attracted everyone’s attention, and several people familiar with Miriam looked at this scene in amazement.

However, they also quickly reacted that Miriam should have her own considerations, and a demon king species is not qualified or capable of controlling an ancient demon king.

Dare to make a move against Miriam, one of the three ancient demon kings, Kleiman will be killed by Mirim even if he doesn’t kill him today…

“Guys, wait a long time!” After returning to his position, Kleiman looked at everyone with a fake smile and said.

After Rein introduced everyone present, this Vopulges, the feast of the demon king, can be regarded as officially beginning.

Kleiman stood up after placing the pet in his hands on the table.

“Thank you very much for responding to my invitation today…”

“Stop talking nonsense, Kleiman!” Limuru directly interrupted this speech.

“Hateful Slime!! Don’t even understand the most basic manners?! Kleiman, who was interrupted, looked at Limulu with a resentful expression, and his eyes were even bloodshot.

“There is politeness, but you do not deserve it.” Limlu smiled slightly.

“Since they are all demon kings, it is better to speak with strength! Anyway, this world has always been honored by the strong, and what tricks you secretly play against me are really losing the face of the demon king! ”

“Each… Everybody!! Do you really acquiesce to it? This is an insult to us demon kings! Kleiman said excitedly.

“Limulu is right, it is the easiest way to decide the victory or defeat by strength!” Kie smiled slightly.

“Kleiman, after all, this is just a grudge between the two of you, since Limulu has spoken, do you agree?” Kie looked at Kleiman.

“Damn slime…”

“Ahem!! Since that’s the case, let’s speak with strength! Originally, I didn’t want to get my hands dirty, but now, it seems that I can’t talk properly, it’s time for you to appear, Miriam! Finish off this slime for me!! ”


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