Ultraman Suzer: Chat group?

Moe King-Virudra Enperst: Hello! New Limloux body! Are you interested in having a strong battle with me!

Moe King-Rimlu: Shut up!

Ultraman Suze: Storm Dragon? Hold the grass! Is there such a strangeness?

Moe King – Virudra Enperst: ???

Moe King – Rimlu: Well, I can only say that he is an exception, everyone else is just like you.

Ultraman Suzer: So it is…

Moe King Rimlu: Tell me about you.

Ultraman Suzer: Me? I seem to have traveled to the world view of Obu Ultraman, which is the planet O50, the planet with the summit of the Black Heart Enterprise Warrior.

Witch Suze: So can’t you turn into Ultraman by challenging the Warrior’s Peak?!

Love Apartment – Suze: I depend, I also want to challenge!

Paranormal Recovery-Suze: I’m a little moved, Ultraman’s ability should be very easy to deal with tricks.

Moe King-Rimlu: The Ring of Light on the Warrior’s Top is not a fool, it will detect the heart of the challenger, you guys polluted by the world, it is impossible to obtain the power of Ultraman.

Ultraman Suzer: So wouldn’t I have a chance to 807?

Moe King – Rimlu: Give you a suggestion, if it doesn’t give it, you rob it! Hey……

Ultraman Suze: I don’t seem to have that ability…

Moe King-Rimlu: Advanced group to a set of qualified enhancements, and then go to Ghost Destroyer to strengthen the ultimate creatures.

Ghost Annihilation-Su Ze: The medicine is not enough, and after a while, the witch fights through the pirate martial soul and several people have used up the inventory.

Moe King-Rimlu: It’s okay, then go to the Hokage World to borrow some Chakra, with Chakra’s help, climbing the wall should be easy.

Ultraman Suze: Anyway, I’d better improve my self-preservation ability first, just two days after crossing over, I was almost killed by aliens…

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Uh-huh! Little brother, you can exchange things from the Ultraman world with me! My Lord God here is basically able to offer anything.

Ultraman Suze: There is actually a crossing to the main god, eh… Reincarnation space?

Ultraman Suze: What is this place?

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: It should be a fandom world view of a small author, in short, it is still very good.

(Bieh) Ultraman Suzer: But… What is valuable?

Reincarnation space-Su Ze: Alien high-tech weapons, and even some spaceships, these are very valuable in the main god space, such as the common spacecraft in the Ultra universe, in the main god, at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of points and side plots are needed to redeem it, you kid is in the blessing does not know the blessing!

Ultraman Suze: !!!!!

Ultraman Suzer: You say that, I already have direction! I’m going to be a cosmic thief!

Ultraman Suze: That’s right! Ultraman or something, do you have a dark ring over there?

Moe King-Rimlu: What do you want the Dark Ring for…

Ultraman Suze: The Dark Ring is the other side of the Ob Ring, which has the same abilities as the Ob Ring, so I can also transform into Ultraman, and if I have the Dark Ring, then I can not only transform into Ultraman, but also summon monsters.

Ultraman Suze: If the Ring of Light doesn’t give me light, I’ll take over and grab it!

Moe King Rimlu: It seems like some amazing switch has been turned on…

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Come on! I support you!

Reincarnation space-Su Ze: I checked, the dark ring is also there, but it is a little more expensive, 150,000 points plus a A side plot, but the advantage is that this dark ring will not slip like Gagula, this is permanently bound and can be fused into your own body, the only drawback is that it will increase the dark ability in your heart, but for us, it is not a decent person, and the darkness is estimated to be of little use.

Ultraman Suzer: No problem! When I get stronger, I’ll grab a few spaceships to give you!

Reincarnation Space-Su Ze: Okay, anyway, I can redeem my points for the Dark Ring now.

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Borrow you two things, unlimited ammunition cannon and RPG, remember to pay me back when you run out, I put it in the group space, it just so happens that my next world is supernatural, and I can’t use these two weapons.


Ultraman Suze: Thank you!

Taking out an empty ring from the group space, the corner of Su Ze’s mouth hooked a curve.

Although he is a crosser, he was bullied by the cosmic people when he first came, and the past two days have been too miserable, and now, his golden finger has appeared!

Returning to his broken tent, Su Ze immediately applied to go to the Hokage World.



Datumu Suze, who was performing a mission, was suddenly stunned, and someone applied to go to his world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Is there a new me, and this one is still from the world of Ultraman, interesting!” Otsuki Suze smiled and chose to agree.

In an instant, a figure appeared in front of him with a burst of intense white light.

“Hmm… Wearing, no wonder there is no little strength! Da Tumu Suze touched his chin and said.

“Are you… Me in the Hokage world? Otsuze was surprised, this himself is completely the appearance of the big tube.

“Well, I wore a big tube of Jupiter, and my current name is the big tube of Musu, and the purpose of your coming here should be for Chakra!” Hokage Suze said.

“Well, where is this?” Otsuze was surprised.

“I don’t know, it’s called Weilanxing, I came here to perform a mission, did I see that big tree, that is the divine tree, about nine hundred years later, it can bear the fruit of the divine tree.” Hokage Suze said helplessly.

For more than nine hundred years, if he was a pure big tube, I am afraid he would not care, but he is a human at heart, and he has only lived for 24 years in his last life.

It was so hard for him to wait for more than nine hundred years for a fruit that could live forever…

“You’re here to ask for Chakra! Come on! Hokage Suze put his hand on Otsuze’s shoulder and injected the Chakra seed into Otsuze’s body.

“There is a mobile phone in the group, there is a Naruto anime in it, and there is a Baidu Encyclopedia with screenshots, which has the seals and effects of various ninjutsu, and you can take out what you want to learn.”

“Thank you, but I’m going to strengthen my genes with you, after all, my world is too dangerous.” Otsuze directly took out the Galaxy Force gene injection.

“Okay! Then I’ll be a good person to do it to the end, and by the way, help you strengthen it again! Hokage Suze watched as Otsuze finished injecting, and once again entered a large amount of pure Chakra representing life force into Otsuze’s body.


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