For two days, Su Ze was not idle, frantically exercising, mastering ninjutsu, and space and time also used the only 1200 trading points, bought some strange weapons, and then gave them to Samsara Su Ze.

Among them, there is a second-hand shrinking gun that can shrink the life form, which is deeply satisfied with the reincarnation of Su Ze.

After all, the effect of this gun is to forcibly shrink the life form, and those who do not have special abilities can really not solve this situation.

And Samsara Su Ze was also very satisfied, and bought the dark ring in advance and gave it to himself.

It’s a pity that at present, Su Ze does not have any power, nor has he encountered large monsters, so there is no way to obtain its energy to make monster cards.

Therefore, this dark ring was of little use for the time being, and it was directly integrated into Su Ze’s body.

Samsara Suze also mentioned that he has cards for sale there, but the pit is that every Ultraman card and monster card is worth more than 150,000!

Also “seven seven zero” means that every card that can be summoned or fused is more valuable than the ring itself!

Actually, this is also supposed to be, because the ring itself is only used to liberate power, or to absorb power to make cards.

The ring does not have the ability to be used against enemies.

Cards are different, cards themselves contain power, and even some cards are more powerful than monsters or even Ultraman, so their value should be more valuable than rings.


Two days later, Suze came to the place where he had made an appointment with Gagula.

“I’m still the first to arrive?” Su Ze raised his eyebrows.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, I suddenly heard a familiar BGM.

“No, I’m not watching TV, where is the BGM is Kai, that guy is playing the harmonica…” Su Ze looked speechlessly not far away, and sure enough, Kai, who was standing behind Gagula, was playing his harmonica.

“Hello! I’m Kay! You’re the wandering ninja Gagula is talking about! Kai was a self-acquaintance, and walked directly to Su Ze and said with a smile.

“Suze.” Su Ze nodded.

“Let’s go! Stop wasting time! Gagula said with some impatience.

As the three of them continued to go deeper into the mountains, the surrounding environment began to become more and more harsh.

Su Ze might as well care, after all, his current physique should already be stronger than Kai and Gagula, but he doesn’t have much actual combat experience.

The last time he won against Gagula, he also used the surprise of the avatar technique.

Finally, the three of them came to the foot of the highest peak among the mountains.

“There, it’s the legendary warrior’s peak!” The three of them looked up at the top of the mountain that went deep into the clouds, as long as they could successfully challenge, they might be able to obtain the power given by the peak of the warrior.

“Let’s go!!” The three looked at each other and smiled, and then climbed towards the top of the mountain at the same time.

Su Ze had Chakra’s help, and challenging this thing was like walking on the ground.

Soon, Su Ze gradually disappeared in front of the two when they were stunned.

After climbing halfway up the mountain, Su Ze directly stopped acting, stepped on the steep slope with both feet, and ran directly on the mountain wall…

In less than an hour, Su Ze came directly to the top of the mountain.

I saw the so-called Ring of Light.

“I’ve passed your test and qualified for power, I hope you don’t know how to lift, you know?!” Su Ze said while walking towards the Ring of Light.

Then came to the Ring of Light.

Su Ze put his hand into it.


As expected, the Ring of Light refused, and electrocuted him.

“Give a face, not a face! If you don’t give it, I’ll just grab it!! Su Ze grinned, raised his hand and summoned the dark ring, aiming at the ring of light in front of him.

As if sensing the presence of energy, the Dark Ring directly began to absorb the power of the Ring of Light.

With the loss of power, the ring of light suddenly became anxious, and quickly shot out an electric light.


Su Ze was directly shot out by this powerful attack and landed on the ground.

However, after the dark ring broke away from Su Ze’s hand, it did not stop, still absorbing the power of the ring of light.

The Ring of Light instead targets the Dark Ring, sending an electric shock to attack the Dark Ring.

Who knew that the Dark Ring actually emitted a red-black electric shock, which canceled out the attack emitted by the Ring of Light.


Su Ze, who covered his shoulders and got up, quickly sealed the thunder in his hand and used the thunder dun, and after rushing over, the thunder light in his hand instantly pierced into the ring of light.

Bite!!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The ring of light seemed to be stuck, and suddenly there was no movement, and then a burst of light came out of the ring of light, and after passing through the dark ring, a card emitting a red-black light was formed, which fell to Su Ze’s hand.

“Thank you!” Suze looked at the strange Ultraman on the card and grinned, withdrawing the Rachel in his hand.

“I don’t do it on purpose, who made you refuse me! So be it, I’ll give you a bottle of full recovery medicine! “Su Ze took out a bottle of potion from the group space and poured it on the Ring of Light………

Halo of Light: I thank you!

The Halo of Light, as an existence that has made multiple Ultraman, did not disappear after being robbed of the power of an Ultraman by Su Ze, after all, he has existed for an unknown number of years, giving an unknown number of Ultraman powers.

The halo of light seems to have resigned itself to its fate and no longer attacks Su Ze, after all, the power has been snatched away, and it has been transformed into an entity, and it has not been recovered.

Su Ze did not care about the ring of light anymore, but instead looked at the Ultra card in his hand.

On the card is an Ultraman with a red and black body.

The appearance is somewhat similar to Obu as a whole, but I don’t know if there are more black patterns because of the dark ring, that is, the color scheme on the body looks very similar to Zaki.

If it weren’t for the fact that his eyes were still milky white and the lamp on his chest was blue, I am afraid he would have been mistaken for Dark Ultraman.

“Don’t worry about using it for the time being…” Su Ze put the ring into his body along with the card.

I sat on the mountain and waited for more than two hours before I faintly heard the sound of gasping next to me.

“I’ve been waiting for you guys for a long time!”

Su Ze looked at the two people who poked their heads out and grinned.

“I didn’t expect you to be so powerful!” Kai said in surprise, and Gagula looked at Su Ze with a complicated expression.

“Hey, it’s just a trick, and finally rejected by the Ring of Light, and then it depends on whether you can get the approval of the Ring of Light!” Su Ze waved his hand.

The two people who heard this were suddenly a little surprised, but they did not forget what they had changed, and still struggled to climb towards the top of 5.4.

Finally, Gagula reached the top first.

Unsurprisingly, Gagula was also rejected.

Gagula, who was electrified by the ring of light, suddenly froze in place, seemingly surprised by his rejection.

Immediately after, it was Kay.

As in the original book, he received the approval of the Ring of Light and received the Obu Holy Sword.

This is followed by the task of releasing the Ring of Light.

Of course, Su Ze can’t miss it.

Although Obu’s original plot is rotten like a piece of, a monster like Baalzebub is still a little useful to Suze.

Moreover, the planet where the queen of Raushizi is located is also quite technologically developed, and he has to go to get a spaceship to replenish Suze.

Moreover, the most important point is that Su Ze does not know the road, not to mention that this is a strange universe, even if this TM crosses the previous universe, he has not been out of the earth, how can he know…


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