Mercenary War

Chapter 2686

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, 2,668 chapters dare not provoke him to be angry, floating astronomy
To bury Yalebin in the New Virgin Cemetery, this is not as simple as it seems.

If you don’t say how difficult it is, it’s just that Gao Yang wants to make a public appearance at the funeral. This is a thing.

In Russia, Gao Yang is now a gateway, but to make a public appearance at Yalebin’s funeral means that he will definitely enter the Russian public eye.

Who is he? Why do you want to bury Yalebin publicly in the New Virgin Cemetery? What is the relationship with Yrebin? As long as Gao Yang shows up, there are certain people who want to get answers.

Looking at Yalebin was sent to the hail full of flowers, Gao Yang did not cry, but was lost in thought.

“Hey, it’s time to go to the airport, no more delays.”

Joseph whispered a few words around Gao Yang. Gao Yang was a stunner who took his eyes off Yalebin and stepped back two steps.

Joseph waved his hand and whispered: “Clos up, be careful.”

Two people carefully closed the coffin, Gao Yang took a deep breath, then he said to Uri Yangke standing next to him: “Thank you for coming, thank you.”

Uri Yangke was wearing a black suit. He patted it gently on Gao Yang’s back and then sighed: “Get on the bus, be careful.”

Gao Yang sighed and said: “Let’s go to the airport.”

The coffin with the fracturing ratio was sent to the hearse, and Gao Yang was invited by Uri Yangke into a Mercedes Benz. After Gao Yang was in the car, Gao Yang whispered to Uri Yangke sideways: “You In fact, there is no need to come in person, will it be dangerous?”

Uri Yangke shook his head. “Nothing is dangerous. Big Ivan is no one dares to move me, but I want to ask you, are you going to come out or secretly solve this?”

Gao Yang sighed: “I didn’t think about it, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

Uri Yangke looked at his watch and whispered: “The flight time is about a little over three hours. You better decide.”

The car drove up and Gao Yang whispered: “Who are we going to find?”

Uri Yangke said: “It’s hard to say that someone can help, but he is very high, so I have to personally talk to him on behalf of Big Ivan, but if he refuses to help, then we have to. Look for other people to help.”

“What do you want to do, can you disclose it now?”

Uri Yangke thought for a moment, then whispered: “This is not something that can be kept secret, but if things don’t work to tell you, it doesn’t make sense, wait a second, we have to wait for that person to make up my mind.”

Gao Yang is a little impatient: “But the plane has to take off.”

Uri Yangke smiled bitterly: “No way, really no way, Big Ivan is already in contact with him, but there is no reply, we can only wait for the news at the same time as the operation, and prepare a few more programs. If it is not, Then I can only secretly bury Mr. Yalebin in the New Virgin Cemetery.”

Helplessly sighed, Gao Yang patted Uri Yangke’s shoulder and whispered: “Whether you can, thank you brother.”

Uri Yangke smiled bitterly: “Thank you, thank you, you can sleep for a while, there are things waiting for you to be busy.”

Gao Yang shook his head and said: “No, I want to help the spirit, how can I sleep?”

“What is the spirit of help?”

“I don’t understand you, the customs of China.”

I know that Gao Yang is not in a good mood now, so Uri Yangke didn’t say anything more. They sat in the car silently and went to the airport.

The plane was a charter, and the hearse drove directly to the runway. When Yalebin’s coffin was carried by the four people brought by Uri Yangke, Gao Yang held the coffin and whispered: “Teacher, you have to get on the plane, You keep up.”

The coffin was sent to the plane, and the plane took off and flew towards Moscow.

This time, all of them were used by Big Ivan. Gao Yang didn’t use Baskov’s mind at all, but the speed was still the same. Some things Uri Yangke did not really be as good as Baskov.

When the plane landed, a black motorhome was already waiting at the airport. When the coffin was lifted off the plane, Uri Yangke apologized: “Sorry, it is not suitable for a hearse now.”

Gao Yang waved his hand and whispered: “It doesn’t matter, he won’t care about this little thing. Can you ask how it is now?”

Uri Yangke took out the phone, walked over to the side, and after a while, then walked back and whispered: “No, still no reply.”

Gao Yang took a breath and hurriedly said, “No, I can’t wait for it all the time. I don’t ask who it is. Uri, can you tell me what the price is? If it is money, how much?”

Uri Yangke whispered: “This is definitely not just a question of money, but it does need to pay, and it costs a lot of money. Big Ivan has paid $5 million in compensation. For this kind of thing, this price is definitely Very very high.”

“Does the other party ask for it?”

“The problem is here. Big Ivan personally contacted the person, but the person neither said consent nor refused.”

Gao Yang thought for a moment, then he sighed: “You are like this, please contact Big Ivan again. We will actively increase the code, $10 million, give him $10 million, and how to pay.”

Uri Yangke nodded and said, “I have to try this way. We will wait until this evening. If there is still no response, then it will not work. I can only think of other ways.”

“Give me a cigarette.”

From Uri Yangke where the root of the smoke was asked, Gao Yang said: “Go to Moscow first, then I will go see a person to get something. These things should not be delayed too much, just wait until the evening, if it still doesn’t work, Then you have to find another way.”

Uri Yangke whispered: “Then, are you going to attend the funeral, do you think about it?”

Gao Yang took a hard breath and coughed. He slowly said: “If you secretly buried him, then of course I must attend the funeral, but if I can bury it publicly, I can give him a flag. If I don’t go, the living person can’t let the dead drag.”

After that, Gao Yang looked at Uri Yangke and said, “Is this a bit ugly?”

Uri Yangke shook his head and patted Gao Yang’s shoulder: “This is a wise choice, really.”

Gao Yang sighed: “Actually, I want to give him Fu Ling to send him to the cemetery, but I can’t do this. If Yalebin knows that I am exposed to his identity because of his funeral, you believe it will be from the coffin. Jumping out and yelling at me, hey, you must not let the dead drag the living, Yalebin taught me too many times. As a materialist, he felt that the funeral was meaningless, although I don’t think so. But I dare not violate his teaching.”

Smiled, Gao Yang pointed to the sky and whispered: “Although Yalebin is a materialist and does not believe that there is such a thing in the soul, I firmly believe that he looks at me in the sky, so I am not Dare to make him angry.”

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