Mercenary War

Chapter 2764

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, 2,764, took off, floating astronomy
It has been seven days in Baghdad for a whole week. .

The Dark Devil has always been able to send information about Badadi, but he has never been able to confirm the exact position of Badadi. It is not easy to get close to this super big villain who has made an uproar in the world.

Even if the exact location of the target is not available, then naturally it is impossible to operate, except waiting for no other way.

Gleevav in Russia, Talta and Lebedev entered Ace, but the two of them did not, Rostowski and Vasily continued to wander around with Jim, that is The protection of Jim is also using Jim as a bait, and continues to use to call out the specific whereabouts of Badadi.

If you don’t break into Ace, you will definitely find Badadi. Now the Dark Devil has used all the methods to gather all the resources that Gao Yang can find.

Gao Yang would like to conduct several pre-war exercises, especially the helicopters to enter and withdraw from the battle, but in Baghdad there is no such condition, they are extremely secret hidden in Baghdad, it is impossible to use helicopters to rise and fall, more It is impossible to use helicopters to take off and land in the city.

Gao Yang also hopes to initiate an operation at night. If it is during the day, he can only give up, because launching an operation during the day means suicide. Although Gao Yang decided to kill Badadi at all costs, he really didn’t commit suicide.

These days, everyone in Satan should have a word, that is, people do not disarm, and the horse does not leave the saddle.

All combat equipment must be in an immediately usable state. The helicopter must be ready to take off at all times. The body armor and firearms ammunition and the backpack must be at hand. It must be able to depart within three minutes with one order.

The state of combat must be maintained, but rest should be good, because I don’t know when it will be operational. Otherwise, Satan should be equipped without leaving.

Just waiting for a whole week, Gao Yang finally got a call.

“21 points 30 points at night, Mosul Kabir Temple, the probability of the target is more than 80%, can not meet, can not know the exact room, can not confirm the guard force.”

Gao Yang was eating. He received a call from Talta. After the quick talk, Talta immediately hung up.

The situation in Tarta is not very good. It should be the only opportunity to seize the news from the place where the satellite phone was hidden, but no more detailed communication.

Gao Yang’s heart began to jump. This is the only information that has been attacked in Baghdad for a week. The probability of more than 80% is enough.

Gao Yang looked at the watch, the time was 5:17 pm, the time was too late, the location is one of the landmarks of Mosul, and it is clear that Talta said that Badadi will appear.

Time, place, character.

Live together.

Gao Yang suddenly stood up and said loudly: “Ready to go!”

Waiting, etc., people can’t always maintain a nervous state. Everyone is either listening to music or resting in bed, but when Gao Yang suddenly screams, everyone is suddenly popping like a tight spring. It’s up.

Flying quickly on the backpack, Satan everyone quickly lined up and then moved closer to Gao Yang.

“Introduction to the situation, everyone is on the bus!”

Gao Yang snorted and then said to Polovic, who was in a hurry. “Notify the airport, we have to take off immediately.”

Polovich took a deep breath and nodded suddenly, then he immediately picked up the phone and started calling the person he was in contact with.

When the US troops withdrew from Iraq, they left a lot of equipment, tanks, armored vehicles, cars, helicopters. These weapons used to arm the Iraqi Defence Forces did not exert much effect, and those who are in charge of these weapons are more willing to change these expensive things. Into money.

In order to use the two aircraft, Gao Yang spent a full 20 million US dollars, and not just bought the two aircraft, just use it.

It’s very costly, because it’s really impossible to spend less money. For these two helicopters, I don’t know how many people are going to take huge risks. Besides, a group of people of unknown origin go to the military airport in Baghdad and board. The two helicopters went away, and it took a lot of joints to get through.

But Gao Yang felt good because he had two transport helicopters available.

Polovich did not appear, and none of the people belonging to Big Ivan would have been contacted. The previous contact was all connected, and the rest was Satan’s own business.

Everyone pulled the hood, rushed to the car, and flew away to the military airport. The airport arrived soon, and a car belonging to the Iraqi Defence Force was waiting for them.

When seeing the agreed vehicle, Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief, then he waved his hand gently, and a total of seven cars approached the car waiting outside of the airport.

When Satan’s team approached, the waiting vehicles began to move slowly, and Satan’s team followed, and when the team approached the airport post, Gao Yang was slightly nervous.

The car with the road stopped at the guard post, the window shook down, and after a sentinel salute, the roadblock immediately withdrew, and the team slowly entered the airport.

Unimpeded, the team stopped in front of two Black Hawk helicopters on the helipad.

Gao Yang got out of the car, and Irene and Taylor got out of the car. Gao Yang looked at Irene, pointed to one of the helicopters, then turned to Taylor and pointed to another helicopter.

Irene and Taylor each got on the plane. Soon, Irene gave a thumbs up to Gao Yang in the helicopter cockpit. Following the climate, Taylor also gave a thumbs up.

The helicopter was fine. Gao Yang nodded and waved at the car that reached out. Five people came down and each took out a box from the trunk of the car and placed it next to the car with the road.

The money in the box, the deposit of five million dollars has been paid, these are the remaining $15 million.

A person came down from the car. He opened five boxes one after another, looked at the things inside, and took out a few flips. After confirming that there was money, there was no detail, then he looked up and faced The person who was always sitting in the back seat nodded.

When the people in the car signaled, the person who came to see the money immediately began to put the box in the trunk of the off-road vehicle. When he put all the money in the car, he nodded to Gao Yang and waved his hand. A gesture that can take off.

On the opposite side of the car, the car that came to trade with Gao Yang drove away, and Gao Yang waved his hand, and everyone in Satan began to board the plane quickly.

The transaction has ended and there is no sentence in the whole process.

According to the plan, everyone boarded the helicopter on their own. Gao Yang looked around and there was no abnormality. There was no one nearby, so he quickly waited for the helicopter.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yang said in the intercom: “Get off.”

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