Mercenary War

Chapter 327

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, the text 327 chapters of the demon king, floating astronomy
When Gao Yang discovered the camp, he stopped the car at a distance of five or six hundred meters.

There was a big fire in the camp. The fire was very scattered. I didn’t know what was burned. Gao Yang looked at it with a thermal imaging night vision device. He could only see a bright group of light, but could not see the human form. The low-light night vision device on the helmet also showed no signs of activity.

According to the situation known to Gao Yang, there should be Chinese talents in this camp, but at this time, the fire has already been burned in the camp, and there should be no one left.

After thinking for a while, Gao Yang decided to look closely. He wanted to see if there were any people in the camp. If there were casualties in the Huaxia people, there should be dead bodies in the camp. If those Chinese people left, Maybe you can find some traces to tell if they are being hijacked or left.

At a distance of four or five hundred meters from the camp, Gao Yang began to slowly approach the camp. Nothing was found all the way. There was no movement other than the buzzing sound of the fire when the campfire burned.

Gao Yang feels that there should be no one in the camp. Although he dare not relax his vigilance, Gao Yang’s heart is still relieved.

Although there are barbed wire fences in this camp, the barbed wire has been pushed down, but it is completely undefended. When Gao Yang is 50 meters away from the house in the camp, he puts up hk417 and took it. Shotgun on the back.

The camp was a mess, and many simple houses had burnt marks, but the main fire spot in the camp was some machinery. Those are not easy to be taken away. Or ordinary people do not know how to open a variety of machinery. For example, excavators and cranes are burning at this time.

After a little observation, Gao Yang decided to walk in the room and take a look to determine if there were any casualties in China. After a glance, he went to a row of houses that did not seem to have been burnt.

Gao Yang raised his vigilance, observed the surroundings, and slowly walked toward his goal. There are no obstacles on his way. The only thing that needs attention is to go through a row of burnt-out bungalows.

After passing through the row of simple houses, Gao Yang slowed down, and after slowly approaching the wall, he suddenly flashed forward quickly to prevent someone behind the corner, just as he rushed forward. However, I saw a black shadow suddenly emerged from the corner of the wall, and grabbed his hand and grabbed his barrel.

Gao Yang made a move to search forward. But in fact, it is still a big idea, if he is really focused. It should be able to shoot at zero and one second in advance, and now the time of his shooting is delayed by a few tenths of a second. The consequence is that the gun is caught.

Gao Yang pulled the trigger and the shotgun made a loud noise, but the shotgun did not accidentally hit the enemy. The enemy had already pushed the muzzle, but Gao Yang kicked the right foot with a silent kick. Go out.

From the moment the barrel was caught, Gao Yang had subconsciously made a counterattack. If his foot kicked the enemy’s calf, then Gao Yang would take a punch when the enemy dumped forward. After knocking down the enemy with the quickest action, he has the opportunity to continue shooting.

After receiving special training from Li Jinfang, Gao Yang’s melee fighting action is already instinctive, and the speed is not unpleasant. When he was trained in Israel, in this close-range shooting and fighting training, his Israel Fighting instructors can’t stop this punch unless they can pull away.

But now, Gao Yang is faster than his mind. Even when he doesn’t realize it, his feet are already kicked out, but the touch on Gao Yang’s toes is not the human calf. When he felt the toe kicked into the hard object, and the hard object then shrank back and unloaded, Gao Yang realized that his foot was blocked by the sole of the man.

The most swift way to resist Gao Yang’s kick is to lift his foot and hold it, but Li Jinfang can do it alone.

踢出的一脚被人挡住了,但Gao Yang 的左拳也挥了出去,左拳以不太适合发力的姿势,向着敌人的咽喉而去。

因为左手不是主手,再加上左手本来是端着shotgun 的,Gao Yang 这一拳能发挥出的力道不足三成,不过他的左手距离敌人的咽喉非常近,再加上咽喉极为脆弱,只要Gao Yang 这记极为迅捷的一拳能击中敌人的咽喉,还是能至敌人于死地。

但是,Gao Yang 极为快速的一拳再次被挡了下来,他的敌人右臂蜷肘一格,就让Gao Yang 的一拳落了空。

电光火石之间,Gao Yang 左拳被格开之后,右手放开了握着的shotgun 后紧握成拳,极速挥出了一记完整的半步崩拳。

接下来的事情,超出了Gao Yang 的认知,他的敌人同样撒开了握着的枪口,然后双手一抱,就锁住了他的右手。

挥出了一击完全发力的半步崩拳,但拳头却被人锁住了,Gao Yang 一瞬间惊骇欲绝,因为,现在的他使出一记完整的半步崩时,Li Jinfang 也只能或躲或者卸力,而不能瞬间锁住他的拳头。

正在Gao Yang 惊骇欲绝,右脚再度要踢出时,却被身后伸出的一条手臂牢牢抱住了他的脖子,随后身体就拽的向后倒去。

被锁铁钳似的胳膊锁住了咽喉,Gao Yang 立刻就喘不上气来了,很快就觉得眼前发黑,虽然还在拼命的挣扎,但他根本没有任何力量。

Gao Yang 很快就眼冒金星,就在他要失去意识前一刻,一只手伸了过来,揭去了他蒙在脸上的面罩。

就在Gao Yang 的面罩被揭开之后,他立刻被向前放倒在了了地上,双手向后反剪着被人抓住之后,他脖子上的胳膊终于松开了。

脸贴着地的Gao Yang 立刻快速的喘气,等着大脑恢复了供血,眼前不再发黑之后,回过神来的Gao Yang 立刻用English 道:“你们是什么人?”

“who are you!”

和敌人异口同声的问话之后,Gao Yang 立刻愣住了,因为打倒他的人用的是汉语。而在快速的回过神来之后。Gao Yang 立刻用汉语道:“你们是什么人?”


问话再一次撞车了。而这一次,Gao Yang 用的是汉语,而问他的人用的是English ,不过Gao Yang 用汉语再次问了一遍后,控制住他的人立刻有个人道:“真的是华夏人!”

听到Gao Yang 说的是汉语之后,蹲在他前面的人立刻道:“你是华夏人?你来干什么?”

Gao Yang 没好气的道:“次奥,这还用问?你看I, your father 像是来打劫的吗?除了救人还他妈能干什么?”

这时接连挡住Gao Yang 三次攻击,并成功的锁住了他拳头的那个人立刻道:“我次奥。果然是自己人,动手的时候就觉得不对,快,快放开。”

扭着Gao Yang 双手的人把Gao Yang 松开了,Gao Yang 立刻双手撑地嗖的一下就站了起来。

待Gao Yang 一站起来,扫视了一圈之后,却见他周围站着七个人,全都是黄色面孔,身上穿的也都是平常的衣服,但除了站在他对面的那个人之外。手里都拿着ak步枪。

Gao Yang 身后的一个人也是沉声道:“朋友,你到底是什么人?”

Gao Yang 吐了口气。道:“华夏人,隔壁的营地过来的,过来看看这里什么情况,你们又是什么人?是这里的工人吗?”

一个人走到了Gao Yang 身前,对着伸手的同时沉声道:“对不住了,我们发现有人过来,也不知道是什么人,然后看你脸上黑乎乎的,以为你是黑人呢,又是全副武装,就想先拿下再说,结果最后才发现你脸上的是面罩,真是对不住了啊。”

一场误会,Gao Yang 也不能多说什么,何况这些人表现出来的实力让他在极度惊讶的同时,也是非常的佩服,能在近身夺枪并以格斗时后发尽数封住他的攻势,这样的人,那绝不是一般人。

Gao Yang 点了点头,道:“没事儿,一场误会,你们是什么人,是这里的工人?”

跟Gao Yang 说话的那个人摇了摇头,道:“不是,我们也是得到消息后赶过来的,其实我们比你也就是早到二十分钟而已,那什么,兄弟,你是做什么的?我看你的装备,可不是一般人能有的啊。”

还不等Gao Yang 开口,站在Gao Yang 对面的一个人就急声道:“你是哪里人?你的半步崩哪学的?”

Gao Yang 微微愣了一愣,道:“你在说什么,我听不懂。”

听到Gao Yang 的话之后,那个出手夺枪的人急声道:“你不知道?那你告诉我你的拳脚跟谁学的?”

Gao Yang 犹豫了一下后,沉声道:“在武馆里学的,在华夏上学的时候,在一家武馆里学的。”


Gao Yang 不知道这些人是干什么的,但他决不能把Li Jinfang 说出来,可是就在他打算编个瞎话把这事儿糊弄过去的时候,却听他身后的一个人突然道:“我就觉得不对,这路子看起来太熟了,牛魔王要是不说的话我还不敢肯定,要是没错的话,他的路子我也练过,这,这分明是Frog 教咱们的嘛!”

听到Frog 两个字儿,Gao Yang 的身子立刻僵住了,就在他骇然转身向后看去的时候,却听另外一个人也是沉声道:“没错,就是Frog 教的那一套。”

而这时,被称作牛魔王,也就是锁住Gao Yang 的那个人沉声道:“废话,要不是我跟Frog 没事儿就互相切磋,刚才他这两下我根本挡得住,这小子用的路数我熟的没法再熟了,他要不是Li Jinfang 教出来的,我把脑袋拧下来给你们当球踢!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!


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