Mermaid Effect

Chapter 103:


United States


Deep White Biotechnology Headquarters

Secret emergency center


Anderson stuffed his soft, fat body into the black lambskin boss's chair. He turned a circle behind the walnut table and then confronted Caroline's face.

"You guys... Vinson Sifus... How do you deal with it?"

Caroline pulled out his cigarette from the middle of his lips and pressed it heavily on the ashtray at hand.

Her burned face is reminiscent of the devil who climbed out of hell. The doctor has warned her numerous times about her fascination with cigarettes and alcohol, but she doesn't seem to care so much. For example, the cigarette scum that has been burned out in the ashtray at hand is completely filled.

The gray ash fell on the sleek table, and Caroline scraped it over, pouting and blowing them in the right direction against Anderson.

Anderson licked his own eyebrows. He slid a little back without a trace. The hair that had been carefully combed looked a bit greasy, and his mouth was pulled down, making his expression look ugly and hesitant.

Caroline didn't even want to see Anderson's disgusting face. This hypocritical and cowardly man couldn't even match Vinson's hair—but he is now sitting in Vinson's position.

Just thinking about this, Caroline felt that she was going crazy.

She smoked another cigarette from the cigarette case and forced herself to calm down to face Anderson.

"Handling? I don't like your words very much, Anderson, that's Vincent Sifus. At least from the equity point of view, he still owns this company. The next time you are in front of me, you better learn not to use 'handling'. This word is used to modify Vincent."

she says.

"I thought that he is now a batch-only experiment, and the focus of our current conversation is not this. I know that you still have deep feelings for him. In fact, I am also, but he must be ' Dealing with 'falling. We don't have much time. The people in the Ministry of Defense will send a investigation team at nine o'clock..." Anderson looked up and frowned at Caroline.

"Vinson Sifus is just sick."


Anderson was finally irritated by the indifference that Caroline showed.

He stood up and took his hands on the table.

"Need me to remind you why we are here now? Because he was sick, he gave birth to a first-level experimental accident! More than 170 casualties! Half a 'Poseidon' compilation, and Our existing 94% of the experimental bodies were forced to destroy! Caroline, have you ever thought that if the gang’s gang found out that even the deep white high-levels became because of your **** mermaid stock? Monsters, what do they think?! They will stop the whole project! Not to mention the damage caused by this accident..."

"so what?"

Caroline suddenly spoke and interrupted Anderson’s snarl.

"We haven't seen the same accident, but Vincent can always fool the idiots. Anderson, since you are sitting here, you should work harder instead of putting all your energy. On with my assistant*."


Anderson's face turned into a blood red at that moment, and he quickly rushed to the crown because of the undisguised ridicule in Caroline's tone.

Yes, he actually has some regrets.

Being a deep-skinned ceo seems to be infinite, but the facts are almost cruel – especially the “Serb scheme”, which is a secret biological weapon test program that represents a darkness that is quite different from the normal business activities that Anderson has contacted. Even more annoying is that this plan is now full of loopholes, and various high-level experimental accidents have made Anderson's head burned. It is even more frightening to hide these accidents on the government side.

He was like being on the throne of the Hell King. Others saw the dazzling treasure, only he knew that the bottom of his **** was sulfur and flame.

Anderson stood there, staring at the ugly woman in front of him with a very vicious gaze. After a brief silence, his face was distorted.

"I think the dialogue between us is meaningless, Caroline, you are crazy... I don't care, I will honestly report the problem with Vincent to the people in the Ministry of Defense, it is too dangerous, it It will destroy all of us, it should be destroyed!!!" He waved his arm like an irritated orangutan.

"Oh, is it? Then? Then the entire experimental project was stopped... Have you forgotten how much we have spent on them? Do you really think we can get away from this thing?"

Caroline approached Anderson, her eyes turned behind the hard-shelled skin, and the terrible appearance made Anderson feel a physical nausea, and the threat in her words made Anderson extremely annoyed.

"Then I will order the internal destruction of him."

Anderson slammed Caroline's collar. Of course, he shouldn't treat a woman like this, but now Caroline really can't make him conscious... In his eyes, standing in front of him. This creature is just a monster.

"You better dare to do that..."

Caroline screamed, she looked at Anderson, and the madness in her eyes made the latter shudder.

After a brief stalemate, Anderson tightened his mouth and released Caroline's collar.


"So, what the **** do you want to do? Let Vinson continue to stay in the lab like this? Damn, I thought you were feeling good with him..."

"I will find a way."


"I can make Vinson become normal," Caroline said. The tone was very firm and with a fever. "I just need a little bit of time. I have found a way to solve it."

Anderson turned around and he stared at Caroline, full of incredulity.

"The way you said is..."

"The things we need to do are very simple," Caroline opened her mouth, revealing the bright red gums and the yellow teeth under the influence of the drug. "We need to find Rand Sifus..."


Kansas, United States

Munster did not understand what happened in a short moment.

In the last second, it was still immersed in the joy of heaven - although Rand was unconsciously taut while it was close, his heartbeat and breathing showed a wonderful and gentle rhythm on his body. The sweet smell that came out also fully proved his response to Munster...

However, in the next second, everything changed.

Rand became cold and stiff like a tombstone that was frosted.

The sweet breath disappeared, replaced by a bitterness with a metallic breath.

"Rand? What happened to you?"

Munster stunned to Rand's side, reaching out and trying to hold his waist, as if he had been doing it before, to express his intimacy. But this time it was escaped.

Rand and Rogers exchanged their eyes, and the expression on their faces looked so weird.

Then Rand went back and he frowned, not knowing how to face a naive and sweet little monster.

"I need to go out for a while, Munster."

After a long time, Rand said with sorrow, his voice became extraordinarily hoarse because of tension and fright, as if a red stone was stuffed in his throat.

"I will go with you!"

Munster immediately said.

Regardless of Rand's slight struggle, he hugged his thighs, staring pensively at Rand with red eyes full of water, and his tail twitching gently on the ground, fully expressing his emotions.

But this time Rand was totally unmoved, and even he seemed to be a little absent-minded. Obviously, more important things are bothering him.

"Rand, I don't think it fits..."

Rogers said coolly on the side.

"I know." Rand interrupted Rogers, then he lowered his head and stared at Munster, taking a deep breath.

He looked at Munster's eyes full of pain - of course, in fact, Rand even felt that he was lashing his own soul as a human conscience and compassion.

"Munster, can you please stay at home? I think the place I will go is not suitable for you."

He said to Munster in a gentle manner that violated common sense.

If the body in Rogers’ mouth is really the girl who claims to be Laisha, then Munster is the murderer who killed her.

A murderer who killed an innocent girl -

Under such circumstances, Rand could not do anything with Munster to identify the body anyway.

This was a great sin, but in the end Rand decided to let himself face it alone.




Under Rand's persuasion, Munster finally stayed at home with extreme reluctance, and Rand forced it to swear that it would never leave the room under any circumstances.

Munster agreed, although the luster on it suddenly dimmed.

But even then, it is still conspicuous, at least for Rand.

Rand had already sat in Rogers's car and looked up at the window on the second floor bedroom through the window. Munster was lying there, looking at the car motionless. Rand and his eyes immediately turned up. Munster looked like he was finally happy. He patted the glass across the window and waved goodbye to Rand.

"I will be back soon, Munster."

Rand couldn't help but shouted at it.


Rogers's compartment was filled with a strong perfume smell, which made people feel dizzy.

Rand was sitting in the passenger seat, uneasy, and unspoken, and it was because of this that Rands didn't pay much attention when Rogers drove the car to the opposite direction to Kansas City.

But in the end, the thicker bushes on both sides of the road made him feel a little bit wrong.

He made a clever move and then slammed back to God.

“Is this road really going to Kansas City?” Rand looked at the plants on both sides of the road that were too dense, the branches and leaves intersected to form a green cloister, and a strong uneasiness rose slowly on his chest.

He smelled some of the other flavors that were concealed under the perfume - the smell and smell, and the carrion-like odor of the body tissue fluid remaining on the tool for fermentation. The tools placed in the rear compartment slammed into each other.

Rogers turned his head and grinned at him.

"Don't worry, our destination is coming soon."

He says.

"But... we are not going to the police station? Rogers, are you going the wrong way?"

After Rand saw the smile of Rogers, the hunch of the wrong kind in his heart became more and more serious.

"Oh, this road is not going to the police station, but we have not taken the wrong way."

Rogers said softly in a girlish tone. The smile on his face became deeper and deeper. He began to disguise his disguise. He laughed like a metamorphosis that would appear in a film and television drama, and let Rand feel More and more creepy.

"I do not understand……"

He said that the left hand could not help but sneak into the button of the seat belt. His throat was very dry, but he always wanted to swallow.

Rogers blinked.

When Rand is about to press the unlock button on the seat belt.

Rogers fiercely pulled out a sixty centimeter-long crane nose cone from the storage compartment below the door, and then he forced the awl to the Rand Enterprise to open the seat belt without any prompts. That hand.

The hawthorn cone quickly formed a piece of congestion on Rand's back, and Rand screamed, almost fainting.

In his screams, Rogers’s morbid screams also rang.

"Be a good boy, Rand, don't make me angry."

He giggled and said.

A handcuff with a bitter smell was pressed **** Rand's face. The latter was sluggish because of this sudden change, and he struggled to break free, but after a few seconds he lost to the powerful sleeping pills that Rogers prepared.


Rand's body did not slide to other positions under the strap of the seat belt. His head slammed into the window and the center pillar of the car. A small piece of bruise appeared in his forehead, but this time he already Lost all the ability to perceive.

Next, Rogers walked with the unconscious Rand for two hours.

They finally arrived at another stop where Rogers prepared for himself, a hut on a bare ground.

The entire cottage is made of stone and powered by a diesel engine – but now this place has been set up very quickly by the Rogers as a torture chamber.

He also customized a wooden frame that looked like the one that killed Jesus. When Rand woke up slowly from the coma, he found his wrists and ankles tied to the top four ends of the cross by rough twine.

The light in the hut was very dim, and Rand's blurred vision was the only thing that could be seen clearly. Only Rogers sitting in front of him, he became completely different from the friendly one whom Rand knew.

Even after a long while, Rand realized that this person with metamorphosis and distorted expression was Rogers.

Under Rogers's **** is a ragged wooden crates, with a thick and thin iron rod behind him. In the corner, a torture tool that looks like an iron virgin is very visible. The most striking thing in this dark stone house is an operating bed.

Its railings have been rusted and have a prominent squat on the bed and bed.

"I got this in the Peach Lake Public Prison."

Seeing Rand looking at it, Rogers shrugged his shoulders, he said with a smile.

"There was the earliest place in the United States to use the death penalty... It was a very early age. In fact, the death penalty there was not so much a death sentence as a human death test. Those bizarre pharmaceutical associations With such sequelae, the doctors made a mess of death. At that time, in order to prevent the death row from struggling to hurt the group of doctors, the prison used a special surgical bed with a sputum— —Oh, Rand, I really like to see your present expression, it’s so beautiful. You are very smart, know what I mean, there is nothing wrong, I will use this bed to call you later...”

Rand looked stiffly at the chattering Rogers. He didn't listen to Rogers's series of words without any nutrition.

He just wants to know...


he asks.

"Because I love you, Rand, my little brother." Rogers stood up, then he took Rand's face. "Because I hate you... You forgot me, you forgot everything, you forgot At the beginning, my mother and your wonderful little family."

"I really don't understand what you are doing, Rogers? Are you deliberately approaching me? For money? Or are you against the deep animal protectionists? What do you want to do..."

"Hey--" Rogers put his finger on his lips. He looked eagerly at Rand. "Don't say something that is offensive, Rand. Yes, I just deliberately approached you, but I Close to you is not for money or something else, I am close to you You are one of my most outstanding works."

Rogers smiled and cut Rand's clothes with scissors. He held a flashlight near Rand and illumined his bare skin. After discovering nothing in Rand, Rogers suddenly became gloomy.

"Damn, have you ruined my work? Rand... you are a bad boy..."

He screamed, turning around uncontrollably and grabbing a soldering iron stick, slamming it on Rand's arm.


Rand shouted out uncontrollably, just now, he clearly heard the sound of the broken arm bone.

Because of his tied posture, he could not control the strength of his arm after the fracture of the lower arm. His weight pulled his broken hand, which made him more painful. In just a few ten seconds, Rand saw his arm swell and showed a purple-red color.

Rogers then beat the Rand with the stick a few times, but fortunately this time he beat the abdomen.

After venting his anger, he changed back to smile.

He leaned over and kissed Rand's eyebrow gently.

"You should remember it quickly, so that what we are going to do is more interesting.

Rand had been bowing his head before this, looking like a dead dog. However, when Rogers approached him, he suddenly turned his head. He opened his mouth violently and then bite into Rogers's ear.


Rogers jumped up and he broke free from Rand and licked his ears.

Blood rushed out of his fingers.

Rand's teeth are dyed red.

"You are a bitch."

Rogers’s face was filled with crazy anger. He raised his hand and gave Rand a slap in the face. Just like before, he didn’t seem to be able to control his anger. He fanned Rand for a long time until Rand The face swollen at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Rand slowly turned his head. He spit a blood and found that his head had his own teeth. The violent pain made Rand feel a tinnitus, and he couldn't even feel his face for a short time, as if his soul had been out of touch with his body.

He was so painful that he wanted to curse God, but he opened his mouth and found that he couldn't even speak because of the swelling.

On the other hand, Rogers, who was raging like a devil a few seconds ago, changed another face without warning after a few seconds. His eyes were full of tears, and his hands regained Rand's face and whispered to him in a trembling tone.

"Oh, I really don't want to be like this to you, my little brother, my rand... why are you always so embarrassed?"


Rand's body involuntarily hit a spirit.

"My little brother, why are you always jealous..."

This sentence suddenly crashed into the depths of his heart, and a strong sense of fear suddenly rose.

A switch left in his soul seems to be suddenly opened by this sentence.

"you are……"

Rand looked up and said to Rogers with a sigh of pain.

"I am your brother. Your creator, Rand, remember the poem?" He lowered his voice, his eyes staring eagerly as he had been beaten before, and his face was swollen to almost unrecognizable facial features." You are sleeping in the grave in the prime of life, there is a star in the palace of death, you will understand that it is insightful to us, who is betrayed, who is taken away by the stars..."

He said to Rand.

That's... it was the poem on Rand's skin that happened... Rand suddenly thought about it.

The author has something to say: the sonnet of death

Gabriela Mistral

You are placed in the cold alcove,

I will let you go back to the bright world,

They don't know that I have to rest there,

Our dreams are connected together.

I let you lie in a sunny place,

Take care of the sleeping baby like a mother.

The earth becomes a soft cradle,

Shake your painful baby.

Then I went to scatter the dirt and rose petals.

In the blue misty moonlight

Cover you lightly.

I am safe to go,

Because no one will ever come to this grave

Fight me for your body!

One day, this long-term depression became heavy.

That is the body that the soul will inform me.

It is no longer willing to walk heavily on the rosy road.

Even though the people there are laughing and laughing...

You will feel someone is digging the grave,

Another sleeping woman came to your quiet side.

When people bury me,

We can talk to you!

Then you will know why

You are in the prime of life

But he was sleeping in the grave.

There is a star in the palace of death,

You will understand that it is insightful to us,

Whoever betrayed, who will be taken away by the stars...

That day, evil hands caught you,

The stars take you out of the lily garden.

When the evil hands unfortunately reach into the garden,

Your life is in the year of joy...

I said to God: "He was introduced to death,

Don't let anyone lead his lovely soul!

God, let him escape the evil palm,

Let him sleep in your long dream of humanity!

"I can't call him, nor can I walk with him!

A black wind knocked over his boat.

Not letting him return to my arms, is to let him die in his prime. ”

In the flower-like years, the boat is no longer moving forward...

Don't I know how to love, don't I have feelings?

I will judge my God, your eyes will be the clearest!


This chapter is made with voice input.

Always feel weird

It is estimated that the daytime will continue to be modified before the 2k novel reading network

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