Mermaid Effect

Chapter 113:

Munster's head was covered by a film, and the translucent film was now completely milky white, while the other half of the face was not full of cracked crust, which looked like a pine skin. The red eyeball sparkles with a moist luster between the cracks in the skin.

"Oh, God, what you are doing now is really..."

Rand couldn't help but scream at his temple.


Munster climbed into the bed with some worry, and his tongue tipped out of the gap in his lips, shaking like a snake.

"Your legs, injured... I want to make you... comfortable."

It stuttered hard to explain.

It can be seen that its attention is not placed on its own face at all. As a monster, it is obviously not aware of how impactful its current appearance is on normal people.

Rand looked at his calf, and he noticed that Munster's saliva-covered skin had a refreshing sensation of comfort.

He doesn't quite know what the saliva of a creature like Munster is, but since it claims to be healing, Rand feels that he should believe it.

Some uncomfortably pulled the quilt and covered his bare body.

"Hey, come over."

Rand gently patted his side and signaled Munster to come to it.

"I am sorry that I accidentally kicked you, but what I want to say is that it is very rude to arbitrarily blame others..."

He gently taught Munster.

Just a long time ago, in the small apartment of Pine Street, he always had this kind of relationship with Munster. He taught him the knowledge of the human world, and it rewarded his sincere and pure emotions.

Rand reached out and gently touched Munster's head.

The touch from the fingertips tells him that the milky white film is now hardened, and only very serious can you feel the rhythm under the film with some slight tremor.

Rand couldn't help but check Munster's other half of his face, and then found that the cracked hard skin on his face turned out to be loose. One accidentally, a small piece of hard skin touched directly under the touch of Rand. Its face peeled off.


Munster made a short, small protest.

"Wait, Munster, let me see."

Rand was serious about what he had seen before. He held Munster's face with one hand, and the other hand pressed the little piece that was exposed in his eyes after the hard skin peeling. White skin on the skin.

Delicate, smooth, soft... warm skin.

Rand was surprised to find the change in Munster's face.

"your face……"

"Oh, Rand, you made me so strange!"

Munster couldn't control himself, and his tail slammed on the sheets.

For Munster, this feeling is so wonderful... In fact, this is the first time it feels the touch of the outside world.

The living conditions of the scorpion in the deep sea make their skin structure destined to be less sensitive, and Munster naturally has the same.

Prior to this, its skin was covered with very fine scales that were visible or invisible to the naked eye. The scales on these skins made it easy to move freely on vertical or horizontal walls, but on the other hand, they were touchy. The feeling is slow.

However, the new skin that it has degenerated this time is sensitive enough to make Munster feel scared.

Rand just touched his finger on his cheek, and he could clearly feel the temperature of his fingertips, soft... The feeling was simply too comfortable, it was almost to make its body completely soft - it couldn’t help Shaking his body and avoiding Rand.

At this time, it felt as if his tail seemed to be pressed.

The next second, a burst of three hundred and sixty degrees of surround sound □ □ slammed in the room.

"Oh, oh, that's there, that's there... great, my big beast... oh... I'm gonna go..."

"Dear... bite me... **** me..."


Rand stunned and watched the high-precision large-screen display hanging on the four walls of the room. The images of several sexual and male entanglements (and deeper communication) appeared unreservedly at different angles.

Munster turned his head and looked at the blushing scene with unprecedented curiosity.

"Why is that man calling my name?"

It pointed to the screen closest to them and asked with great interest.

"To shut up."

Rand hurriedly reached out and covered Munster's face. At the same time, he leaned out and tried to reach the remote control. He randomly pressed the buttons on the buttons in an attempt to turn off the **** video.

But the end result was that he made his bed start to spin.

That's right, the bed in this room can still be **** and spinning - after a few seconds, the whole bed starts to bump up and down. This apparently developed to take care of the physiological needs of "normal customers" has directly brought Munster and Rand together.

Of course, strictly speaking, the only person who really can't keep the balance is Rand. Munster's special physiological structure allows it to stay very smoothly on this creaking and trembling bed.

However, unlike any previous one, this time it didn't have the first time to "save" its dear Rand - its attention was completely attracted by the protagonist of the video as the recipient. .

Forgot to say, it was a young man with pale skin, black hair and green eyes.

He was pressed under the "big beast", screaming and bearing the impact of the latter, his face was red, his eyes blurred, and he screamed again and again.

Munster lost all his eye and a positive eye before this, its only remaining vision is so vague, but it is such a very short moment, the image of the black-haired youth in the video and its blue Germany is coincident.


In Munster's fantasy, it seems to hear the sound of some sort of chain breaking, a new, unprecedented sense of impact on its spirit, almost burning its nerves.

"Great, oh oh oh, ok -"

After a very subtle "squeaky" sound, the sound of the sound that rang through the sky suddenly disappeared.

Those screens turned black, then slowly moved up and eventually disappeared into the dark space above the ceiling.

The bed stopped rotating and the tremor stopped.


Rand muttered in relief, throwing the remote control in his hand into the piled up bedding.

For such a small moment, he felt that his cold sweat had to come out.

He never felt so embarrassed.

"I never knew that the current hospital has developed to this point. It seems that all aspects of life can actually use high technology, ha, haha..."

Randham said, he tried hard to start looking for a topic, trying to cover up the terrible accident that happened just now.

However, Munster's body is still stiff, even if it has only one eye now, Rand can see how embarrassing it is now.

It stayed in the previous position, staying at the side of Rand like a sculpture, and the hair and scales quickly turned into a strange blue-violet at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The color is so bright that it will make people feel a little disgusting.


Rand swayed in front of it in horror, only to see the latter stunned and turned back.

Its eyes are extraordinarily shining.

"Rand, why..."

"Shut up, there is no 'why'." Rand decisively interrupted his question. "What you saw just now is some kind of communication in human society... You have seen the show, are you? There have been scenes like rhinos and rhinos, lions and lions... this is very normal..."

"But he called that man "Munster."

Munster suddenly said.

"God, I said, can we stop this topic? It's just a nickname or something. If you like, I can call you that way..." Rand had some incoherence, he really didn't know. How to get rid of this strange scene in front of him, in the panic he can only maintain the ease and calm on the surface by joking.

So he got into Munster's ear like that, and lowered the voice and repeated the word slowly.



Then he patted Munster's shoulder and climbed down from the bed.

"We have delayed some time, I think, I don't know when the deep people will find us, but the insurance is to leave here as soon as possible..."

He said that he pulled out the clothes that could only be described as "wrecks" from under the bed.

"Damn." He looked at the cloth in his hand and cursed.

Fortunately, from the Rogers home, he brought some clothes, but the women's clothing is only the one before.

Obviously, from today on, his career of disguise is over.

Rand put a plaid shirt and trousers on himself, and then struggled to find a similar look in his stack of documents.

The next day, he will be Franklin Anton, but the other has a light brown hair and clumsy glasses.

"God, I think we have to get some hair dye... and a pair of glasses."

Rand had some headaches and took photos.

Maybe it was because of panic... From beginning to end, he didn't notice too much of Munster's unusual silence.

The latter's gaze stayed deep on Rand's back.

Munster felt a panic and nervousness because of the scenes that emerged from his head, and there was also a secret excitement.

In the video I saw before, the young man’s 呻·吟 is just like a videotape that keeps playing back in its mind...


Rand looked back, and he looked at Munster's frown, and then leaned on with some worry.

"Do you still have something uncomfortable?"

He asked.

At the moment when Rand was close, Munster slammed into the wall like a frightened rabbit... After a few seconds, he fell straight on the ground because of the too smooth mirror.

Its tail swept to the bedside table, and the poor cheap cabinet fell directly to the ground.

A stack of thick industry publications was suddenly scattered on the ground.

Naked, dew female with plump chest and buttocks, male with wheat-colored skin and eight-pack abs... The exposed picture is particularly conspicuous on the black ground.

Munster was also in the first place. On the cover of one of the publications, he saw the young black-haired youth he had seen before. He turned sideways and deliberately showed his hip curve, while the body was very Softly leaning against the arms of another tall male.

Munster’s eyes fell on the man’s face.

Whether it is a youth or a man, they all have a beautiful face that conforms to human aesthetics.

"Oh, God, what you look like now..." Munster didn't know what was going on, but he suddenly remembered this morning, Rand looked at the sentence he said with a smile. words.

It lifted his head in silence and looked at the wall.

The mirrors reflected countless identical faces at the same time... belonging to Munster's face.

Ugly face.

The author has something to say: 2k novel reading network

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