Mermaid Effect

Chapter 120:

Rand thanked the Mexican, although he was tired of explaining that he was not related to Munster.

However, Munster now has a face of color and love for men!

And its **** pectoral muscle!

Even a chattering Mexican is not willing to believe that he and Munster really are not the kind of relationship - he also sent a badge of Rand's rainbow flag as a commemoration, or, as an encouragement.


Rand finally gave up the pointless defense.

He took the badge and handed it to Munster, whose face instantly glowed brightly - this is of course a metaphor, but you can clearly feel the pleasure of Munster.

Its eyelids still have redness and swelling (the newly grown skin is **** delicate), but the eyes are shining like the finest gems, and it stares deeply at the rand on the passenger seat. The kind of depression that wraps around it is completely overwhelmed by the joy of getting a gift.

The Mexican saw Munster's smiling face from the rearview mirror.

I have to say that even if the legs and feet are inconvenient, this tall silver-haired youth is handsome and eye-catching... He can't help but look at it because of exhaustion, and there are some absent-minded Rand.

He seems to have some indifference to the young man, but after he gets something, the action he gives to the other person is so logical. In the occasional confrontation, the Mexican can clearly feel the relationship between the couple. There is a kind of warmth that is appropriate.

This is actually a bit strange, because in general, he only feels this kind of warmth in some old couples who have been married for more than 20 years - rich in long-term mutual interaction and mutual love. feeling.

A loving couple.

Once again, he stamped Munster and Rand in his heart.

After about 200 kilometers on Route 87, the kind driver received a call from a companion.

"...Set the card? God, I thought they were only going to torture the residents of Kansas... I don't think a terrorist would want to stay in that small place... well, I will try to detour... ”

He didn't realize that the black-haired youth around him was stiff because of the tension he had revealed from the phone.

"I am sorry, man, where did you say where you are going? My companion told me that the police were setting up a card and checking out some suspicious people... It’s estimated that it’s a thing of the fart Kansas terrorists. It’s amazing, I have to turn to the next intersection and enter the city from another entrance. Don’t you mind?”

After hanging up the phone, he muttered at random.

Unexpectedly, however, his rider passengers unexpectedly stated that they could get off at the next intersection.

“We really appreciate you,” said Rand. “But we booked the Oak Inn, it happened to be at that intersection, I think we had to endure traffic jams – if we were lucky enough to find the next shift If you are in the wind."

He explained to the Mexican.

He showed a different acting skill, his smile was tired but gentle, and his eyes were abnormal when he said the "Oak Inn".

"I can go back and forth dozens of times on this road. I didn't notice that there is an Oak are sure..." the Mexican said.

"We are pretty sure, it's just a little hidden, but it's very special. I and Mang... my partner, I like it very much."

Rand nodded to the other side.

It's hard to explain why two people who are not couples stayed at the same hotel many times. Rand frankly "recognized" his relationship with Munster.

They finally successfully dispelled the Mexican's doubts and got off the bus at the intersection.

Of course, there is no oak hotel, there is no next ride.

Rand pushed Munster along a path for two hours.

The moon shines from the gray, the usual silver light, from the leaves on both sides of the path to the two silent people.

Rand felt tired and worried, and he kept thinking about what he should do next.

He has always been like a mouse, chased by stinky dogs - those inexplicably deep white. But this situation should not continue, Rand thought, he has to have a goal, a destination, for example...

Munster's tail accidentally showed a small piece out of the blanket, and the moonlight shone on the blue scales to reflect the brilliance.

It shines like a jewel... it is exposed from the gap between the pilling blanket and the squatting wheelchair.

Rand felt his breath.

A beautiful mermaid... Munster's current appearance allows Rand to call it without psychological obstacles.

So beautiful, so dreamy, like the protagonist in a fairy tale, people can't remove their eyes.

"The sea."

He suddenly spoke and muttered.


Munster looked up and stared at Rand with that kind of reliance and innocence. Its eyes were so crystal clear that Rand would feel himself as soon as he thought that it might suffer even a little bit of pain because of the deep test. The heart has been tightened.

"You should go to the sea."

Rand said to Munster.

He found Munster on the seashore, and the vast expanse of the sea allowed Munster to easily escape from the deep white round-up, and its physiological structure proved that it is the most suitable place to live in deep water...

"The sea? Is the 'Big Sea' that the little mermaid lives?" Munster looked a little confused. It couldn't remember the salty and deep waters that he had stayed with. From the beginning of its memory, it lived. The place is the fish tank in the living room. "If Rand feels that I should go... I will go, no matter where Rand goes, I will be with you.


Rand was slightly stunned by the word, a sourness that spread from the heart.

Oh, no, not "together", people who will return to the sea, only you, Munster...

Rand heard a voice in his heart and said coldly to the fascinating Munster.

- Rand never forgot what he did before.

- He killed Rogers himself.

He will never shun his sin. After everything is over, Rand clearly plans his future.

The place where he should stay is the prison.

...but in the end, Rand only smiled bitterly at Munster.

"You will like that place, there is a lot of food, there are not so many humans..."

Rand muttered to himself, his eyes condensed at the end of the darkness of the path...


After a long walk, Rand and Munster finally arrived in a residential area.

Rand's eyes swayed in this area, and the brows became wrinkled and tight. At the beginning, he thought that there should be a small town next to the road like a truck driver, so that he could avoid one or two hotels that didn't look at the documents seriously.

Regrettably, however, he has apparently not been exposed to current urban planning for a long time. Now the road in front of his eyes is very clean, the villas and villas are separated by carefully arranged lawns and fences, some houses are parked in the driveway, Ford and Toyota and others...

It seems to be a residential community of a medium class.

At this time, the lights in most of the houses were extinguished.

There was no one on the road, only the sound of rustling when Rand pushed the wheelchair. Rand was already very tired. His luggage was placed on Munster's knees, but his own feet and heels were as painful as a knife.

Rand's footsteps are getting slower and slower, he needs to rest, and even at this time, he still can't follow Munster's, let it go down the wheelchair - even if that speed will be much faster.

For a moment, Rand was annoyed at his own mistakes, but more exhausted.

He is very sleepy and very tired, and he needs a rest.

At the right turn of an intersection, Rand saw a two-storey villa painted in cream.

Plastic paper was placed on the door and in the window. The transparent plastic shook in the moonlight as a ghost. On the messy lawn at the door, Rand saw a wooden sign with the words "for sale" and a line under the handwriting. Phone number: 223-8721.

Rand took a long sigh of relief.

He looked back and looked around, still the unique quietness of the middle class, and the shrubs that were not well managed by the house for sale made a squeaking noise in the night wind.

"Looks like we found a place to rest."

Rand said to Munster.

He pushed it to the back door.

Rand had made a plan to open the door with something, but when he touched the doorknob, he found that the door was hidden.

If he is not as tired as he is tonight, he may become more alert, but he has been trekking for a long time, frightened and has not eaten for a long time, his thinking ability has become a bowl of chaos Corn porridge.

So Rand simply thought of this as a careless mistake of the real estate agent, then he asked Munster to wait outside the door, opened the door and walked in.

The dark room was filled with the smell of paint and glue.

But Rand moved to see the carton and a lot of foam on the floor, just need to take a little rest, Rand believes that he can give him and Munster a comfortable cot.

But when he was close to the pile of bubbles, unexpected things happened.

A tall black man appeared there.

"What the **** are you doing?"

His clothes are tattered and smelly. On the other side of the bubble, there are bottles and leftovers, stewed veal, and bread... The messy food types show that their source is most likely a trash can.

This is a tramp.

Although theoretically it doesn't make sense, but this is the case. The house for sale attracts homeless people, not just Rand...

"Sorry, I didn't see you -"

Rand never really touched them. He was shocked by the rude attitude of the other side and couldn't help but step back two steps.

He tried to explain.

But he didn't know that for the one in front of him, his sudden break-in was enough to make him react too aggressively.

"I am not malicious, I am just the road -"

Rand’s voice stopped short.

Along with a severe pain, a wooden stick slammed into his back.

At the very short moment of the fall, he saw that there was another person in the shadow of the room...




"John, he doesn't look like a 'bull' person."

The wanderer's companion, another scavenger, trembled and dropped the stick in his hand. He nervously slammed the rand that fell to the ground and said.

"Ghosts care about that! We can't let anyone know where we are now! Don't forget how much we stole the 'bull', he is crazy, I don't know how he put every intersection. Level..."

These are two equally unlucky chasers.

John and his little brother, oh, of course, they are also scavengers, but in the past few months, they have been responsible for poisoning the drug head named "Bull". Then, one day, they suddenly became so fascinated... Why didn’t they go by themselves? They have already acquired an ultra-low transportation fee of $15 each time. You know, the goods in their rectum, even if only the fingernails, are ten times the price.

So they stole some of the goods, but what was not so lucky was that they soon discovered that every highway junction and ordinary highway junction was inexplicably set.

The frightened people almost take it for granted that this is a terrible measure of the "bull". They never thought about it. The drug dealers who looked less eye-catching turned out to be so capable - they were almost scared. It is.

Thus, at the moment when Rand appeared, they instinctively launched an attack like a frightened bird.

"But, John... Oh, God, we shouldn't kill him..."The bulls don't have whites, I still think..."

The timid companions slammed down and reached out to Rand's nose.


A faint sound of water.

The companion felt on his finger, inexplicably dripping a drop of warm liquid.

"this is?"

He took his hand back with some confusion and looked at his finger with his eyes open.

It was a strange mucus that smelled of water.

"God, this is really disgusting."

He couldn't help but groan, then looked up and looked at John.

John looked strange - the next moment, he thought.

The man with dark black skin and tall body like black charcoal is like epileptic seizures. He suddenly turns his eyes, one finger to the ceiling, and his facial expression is distorted.

"That - that - that -"

He stuttered and repeated the word, but he didn't seem to be able to say the complete words.

"John? What happened to you?"

His companion was very confused. After a few seconds, he slowly lifted his head in the direction of John's finger.



He instinctively opened his mouth and wanted to scream.

But the last time he shouted in his life, he was directly cut off by the tentacles of his throat.

The warm, scarlet liquid fountain is madly on his body.

That is the blood spurted from the artery of John - the blood of the companion is the same.

He twirled a circle and tried to block the wound with his hand.

But more tentacles shot directly from the ceiling.

A beautiful face emerged from the darkness, and his eyes flashed a brutal blood red light.

This is the last scene that the scavenger saw before he died.

The author has something to say: mainly to solve the problem of Munster classmates eating...

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