Mermaid Effect

Chapter 129:

This is a cruel punishment.

If Rand can still maintain a little faintness, he will make such comments on what he has suffered.


Strong* washes his blood vessels, he feels extreme hunger and sexual desire (food and desire have always been the most fundamental desire of mankind), but only on *, in spirit, Rand has been thoroughly Was killed by that terrible pain.

His stomach seemed to be compressed together, overflowing the embarrassing saliva between his lips, and the intense pain permeated every inch of his body. This time, his body seemed to have the strength to explode. He frantically patted the inner wall of the medical warehouse. A few minutes later, "Prince" and La Isa rushed to him at the same time.

They looked at him with the kind of eyes that looked at the mouse.

But Rand has completely ignored this.

He was in pain, screaming irrationally, trying to break away from this terrible experience.

The "Prince" sniffed the slight breath of the air in the sniff, and suddenly a bright smile appeared.

"Laiza, let him out."

He says.

La Isa stared at the man who was like a madman, showing a faint sympathy, but she was not cleverly shown in front of the prince.

Then she tried to get Rand out of the medical warehouse as gently as possible, and then the latter struggled so hard that Laisha's gentleness had no effect. "Prince" has exposed the kind of humanity anxiety and urgency in front of Laisha. He finally took over the work of La Isa, directly resisting the struggling Rand, and fixed him to the metal bed specially prepared for this moment.

After feeling that the arms and ankles were firmly held in the metal ring, Rand's frantic and exhilarating struggles became more intense.

"You...what have you done to me..."

There was a broken scream from his throat.

On the bottom of his skin, especially in the legs, some hard scales are growing. They pierced Rand's flesh without hesitation and grew outward. His skin was white like a cream stone, but there A uniform two- to three-centimeter-long crack appeared quickly, and the edges of some sparkling things shone between the messy flesh-and-blood gaps—some scales were growing outward.

The pain caused by the forcible change has ran over the soul of Rand.

He was given some soup made up of fat, fresh blood and various vitamins - the terrible smell was enough for Bell Griers to vomit, but Rand was driven by the hellish hunger It took about two gallons of "concentrate soup."

His physical transformation required a lot of energy, and the "Prince" was very considerate to prepare food for him.

Just as Grande stared at Shergo's treasure and stared at Rand, he clearly saw the color of the scales, even if the blood could not match their bright red color.

If there is a paradise in the cognition of the "prince", it is the color of heaven.


In Rand's screaming scream, another fierce crash came from the medical warehouse. Only Munster's eyes were closed in the upper body, still in a coma (the special calming remedies are undoubtedly easy to use), but its body seems to have been called, and began to frantically hit the inner wall, his body The fragile frameworks built by the "Blue Line" break in this unrelenting self-consumption, and it is easy to self-reproduce to a certain volume of muscle tissue. As the over mature fruit falls to the bottom of the medical warehouse, it rises blue. Colored blood fog.

"Mans - s - special -"

At this time, the "Prince" suddenly noticed that he did not know from which moment, lost the rational Rand under the triple action of pain and mutation and drugs, and the screams in his mouth became the call of Munster. first name.

"Munster - save me - save me -"

This is a call for help from instinct.

Obviously, his call for help does not seem to be useless.

"Prince" can't really paint that feeling, but it has a very vague sense, there is an inexpressible invisible sensor between Rand and Munster, and this kind of induction is changing with Rand's degree. And gradually strengthen.

It is precisely because of this that in the deep coma, in theory, it is impossible to hear the sound of Rand, and Munster will respond to him with instinct.

"Impressed..." "Prince" raised his eyebrows and looked at Munster, who had broken his blood. He gave a secret sneer, then he turned to Laisha. "Turn up the amount of tranquilizer injection, we are temporarily I don't need it yet. One meal, one meal is the right thing to do."

"Yes, but..."

But Laisha did not follow his instructions. She stood in front of the panel, and her hesitant eyes turned back and forth between the screaming Rand and Munster.

"What are you hesitating? La Isa?!"

The face of the "Prince" showed a horrible look.

He has already perceived the kind of weakness that Laisha has violated in this period of time...weakness. She no longer trusted and executed his orders without any doubt, which made the "Prince" feel a violent insult.

Damn human genes.

he thinks.

If he is not a clone - if he is a pure Serbian - a red scale.

It is impossible for La Isa to have his own thoughts, and it is even more impossible to violate his orders as it is now.

He even wanted to kill Laisha directly here, but fortunately in this short moment, the girl seemed to realize that she was not right. She was astonished as a deer and quickly ran to the place where the tranquilizer was injected. And the slider that was pulled down, even if the value on the panel soon turned red due to the violation of the high-dose injection, the warning noise began to reverberate in the wet and dark bottom of the pipeline.

"His Royal Highness?"

La Isa is flustered... even if she is not in the data, she should not feel this way.

She is already dead.

She gave a new life by "Prince."

But Rand's screams still made her very overwhelmed, and the human emotions that she thought had been erased slowly penetrated like the seepage of the bathroom.

The "Prince" was very annoyed and impatient with Laiza's reaction, and even anger.

But this time he has no intention to scrutinize that little tool. He now has more important things to deal with - Rand's mutating has reached the final stage, and his limbs suddenly fall like a power-off doll after an irregular twist.

At the same time, his feet made a whistling sound.

Rand's thighs start to close together...but it's not because of muscle movement but because of the amazing variation in his body... his skin begins to melt, some flesh-colored worms are growing, and they are like It was the inferior toy magnetic plasticine that began to attract each other and began to blend into one after touching each other.

Rand's lower limbs are merging.

If all goes well, his skin will first firmly tie the leg bones together, and then the two bones in the body will melt. The calcium and energy that he had previously ingested will prompt him to belong to human beings. The tail vertebrae - it has degenerated, but in the body of Rand it will re-grow...

However, if Rand can really mutate to that extent, his control of the prince as a red scale will increase dramatically. As the weaker side of the power, the Prince will choose to swallow when the mutation is not fully completed.

Just say - now.

The sound of the fabric being torn open...

The prince tore his own human coat, and he stood naked next to Rand, and his appearance began to change. On the dock, the horrible appearance of the demon who climbed out of **** was once again presented in the eyes of Laisha.

Those who shine with metallic luster, those that shake the steel, the sharp mouth...

"Prince" climbed into a metal bed like a long worm...

Its sharp mouthparts dripped with corrosive saliva on Rand's skin, but this time Rand's skin did not react.

Rand's pupils are enlarged, the white of the eyes is gradually disappearing, and a hoarse voice appears in the throat...

His eyes reflected the prince's now monster-like head, and the head was approaching him.

The mouthparts squeezed in from Rand's cold lips, and the digestive juice was secreting...

At the same time, from the "Prince", there are countless translucent tentacles, they directly penetrate the skin of Rand, like a otter, began to **** up his blood...

Strong sense of satisfaction like electric current engulfed the "prince" in that moment.

Power is flowing, power is...

Suddenly, the “prince” felt that his vision had changed.

Just like a TV with poor signal reception, everything around him is shaking, changing...

He could still feel the cold surface of the metal bed, the rigid body of the body, and the energy of the steady red blood, but in his mind, the "prince" found himself in another place. .

A transparent cage -

Numerous pipes and shackles bind it to a small space. On the other side of the blurred vision, he could see the back of the glass curtain wall, the staff wearing white coats walking around, watching him whisper, recording what, communicating something.

He used to be familiar to anyone...

Even without thinking, the “Prince” realized what was here.

Here is the deep white.


In the sewer line.

La Isa widened his eyes in horror.

She found that the body of the "Prince" suddenly became stiff like a stone statue.

Those tentacles are broken like burnt.

What is even more terrifying is that the "Prince" suddenly made a cry of trembling.

"Oh... Rand... my Rand..."

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