Mermaid Effect

Chapter 145:

Any creature with sputum cells in the body, their thinking for Rand became a room that can enter and exit at will.

He can easily invade their minds, look through their eyes, listen through their ears, use their bodies to feel everything around them, and if Rand wants, he can even control them in a short time. Actions and emotions...

It was half a month since the female researcher “runs out of control” in his room that day, during which time Rand gradually realized his special abilities.

Of course, his memory still has some problems. He is more forgetful than normal people, and he still has no way to think of his past.

The faults of those memories are still not filled, which sometimes makes Rand feel uneasy, but from a practical point of view, he does not have much time to waste on recalling the past.

Every other day or two, Rand’s room would have an emotionally unstable “monster”, and combing their emotions, calming their spirit gradually became a kind of work for Rand... at least he I think so.

He still feels mental pain because of the poor creatures, but his body has not deteriorated because of this continuous "treatment." The researchers wrote on the top report that Rand Sifus has begun to adapt to emotional resonance with other creatures - in fact, Rand just found a window to vent pressure.

In the absence of the arrival of the monster, he began to "go tour."

From advanced researchers who have injected mermaid stocks, to a-class scorpion weapon derivatives, to those unsuccessful, weak experimental animals.

Rand began to let his soul wander in different life individuals.

It was also at this time that he saw the ... creature.

Experimental body 7371.

Others call it that.

It is different from all the scorpion experiments that RAND has seen.

It's very beautiful, you have to admit it, it's like the real mermaid that will appear in fairy tales, with a slender fishtail, a body-building body and exquisite beauty, beautiful to the face that can't blink. .

Under its backdrop, any other sputum experiment looks like garbage in the third-rate sci-fi movie props room...

At the same time, its IQ is also very high.

Rand didn't know why he was so sure, but he had this instinct.

In fact, during this time, Rand has been exposed to enough Scorpion experiments - they can be said to be the best in the experimental body, otherwise no one will pay. Send them to Rand to calm their emotions.

If there is no use, the weak or incompetent Samuel experiment will be treated as garbage directly after the crash.

The sputum experiment bodies that Rand is exposed to generally have more IQs and abilities than their original individuals. In the case of Mary, it can easily make three-digit multiplication and division, under the guidance of others. It can also lightly cross the artificial maze full of traps.

But that's all.

There is still an imprint of animals that cannot be erased on them.

However, the experimental body 7371 is different. When Rand saw it at the first sight, Rand knew that it had the ability to think independently of other experimental subjects, even if it did not pass any routine test because of serious emotional problems. The same is true.

Compared to other experimental bodies, it gives Rand a human feeling.

But the strange place is here, Rand is full of love and compassion for other Serbian experimental bodies, but has a more complex emotional reaction to this experimental body 7371.

He will feel fear and disgust because of it.

Rand still remembers the first time I saw the scene of the experimental body 7371 through the invasion of thought.

“He” is a senior laboratory principal, standing in the huge glass curtain wall and looking down.

It was a huge space close to the football field, with high ceilings, walls and floors covered with silver anti-impact molecular foil, and at the edge of the ceiling, a set of ring-shaped pulse guns were all ready for attack - The muzzle is facing the experimental body in the center of the room.

It was bruised and slammed on the ground, and the **** pupil was filled with anger and disgust.

In front of him, an electronic curtain was erected.

A cold-eyed staff is looking at it through the video.

"I will cover up the power template removal process of the ae-ki deep-sea submarine. I know that you can understand everything I have demonstrated. I hope that you can complete this task with me, or you will continue to be punished. ”

The staff member is talking.

At the same time, in the observation room where the head of the invasion of Rand was located, some people were discussing the unique experimental body.

"...I heard that you tested IQ on it before?"

"Yes, the result is simply scary. It is higher than most human IQs, especially in terms of space and graphic thinking... but it is not surprising that most of the shackles have conceptual thinking. ”

"Yes, but it doesn't look like that kind of docile type," a speaker frowned at the close-up of the test body 7371 on the display and said, "How did you get it to do the test before?" We have no way to take it at this point, it is full of hatred for humanity..."

"Hey, you must feel ridiculous when you say it..."

"God, tell me soon! This test makes me tired - God knows that I am starting to worry that it will someday be cooked by a pulse gun."

"We told it that if it could complete the test, we would let it contact Rand Sifus..."


After Rand heard his name, his emotions fluctuated uncontrollably.

This kind of volatility made him feel a twist in his sight - he would soon be popped up by the senior manager.

But at this time, under the observation room, the experimental body 7371, which is separated from the "he" by a few tens of meters, feels like it, and immediately lifted his head and looked at the name. Manager...

No, Rand always feels that what he really looks at is himself.

After confronting the bright red eyes, Rand felt a strong disgust and anger. In the next second, he saw the scorpion experiment body slamming toward the observation room... the room was there. It was in a moment of confusion, but Rand was completely unaware of it.

He was ejected by the manager's thoughts.

When he returned to God in his own body, he found himself unconsciously shrinking into the corner, his hands and shoulders curled together, and his face was covered with tears.

He didn't know what was going on, but at the first sight after seeing the experiment, the sharp fear was burning like a flame in his body...

But the weird thing is that even after suffering from this kind of fear and anger, when Rand "swimming" again, he found that he would come to the side of the experimental body 7371 without knowing it.

Just as there is some invisible magnetism in the experimental body 7371, Rand will always invade the researchers or biological thoughts around him unconsciously, and then observe it through the eyes of other creatures.

Rand can feel some parts of his soul, attracted by the experimental body 7371...

He watched it learn little by little about dismantling the power panel of the submarine, learned to operate the high-tech metal exoskeleton, learned to cut off and blow up the submarine cable... just as Rand thought, the experimental body 7371 was smart enough. Unbelievable.

But at the same time, in some ways, it is as simple as a child - those people have been telling it, as long as it does something, they will take it to see Rand.

They have never fulfilled their promises, but the experimental body 7371 will always listen to them.

Rand didn't know why he would become a bargaining chip for those who were deep, which made him feel very uncomfortable and angry, but the reality made him know that he could not resist.

And to be honest, when the deep-skinned staff first told the experimental body 7371 to meet him, he even believed, and thus insomnia for the whole night. He is still afraid and disgusted with the beautiful and amazing creature, but he can't deny that some of his soul is happy about it.

Even when Rand realized that the deep white was only deceiving the experimental body, he felt a little disappointment.

Rand is almost going crazy because of these two opposite emotions in the body... Even he is very confused, why is he so worried about the experiment?

Just like now, he unknowingly "goes to the side" of the experimental body 7371.

Still the huge silver lab, the air was filled with damp smell (this taste, I don't know why Rand felt nostalgic), he looked sideways and looked obliquely above, the observation room was exceptionally far away. He couldn't see the shadows of the people inside, but he could feel the arrogant gaze of those who lived high.

This feeling is not good at all.

The experimental body 7371 was placed in front of him.

At the hand of Rand, there was a huge cage. At the head, two pigs were struggling and felt the breath of the experimental body 7371. They vented their urine because of fear.

This is a test - the experimental body 7371 installed a laser cutting gun on the finger not long ago. If it can be successfully put into use, the sputum test body can easily cut the outer shell of the submarine by this tool, or it can be used on the surface of the ship. Attack the enemy. However, at present, this cutting gun is still an experimental weapon, and now the test done in the dark is to let the experimental body 7371 try on the pig (just like all other tests, pig hair, skin And the visceral distribution is strikingly similar to humans) to gather information.

The author has something to say: unfinished... For the little red flower to come first...

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