Mermaid Effect

Chapter 154:

After seeing Munster, Rand almost attacked it. The dark emotions burned his nerves, as if the bone marrow had been soaked with poison, and the soul of Rand was filled with fear and anger against the creature in front of him -

However, at the moment he raised his hand, he saw Munster's eyes.

It’s hard to describe the kind of eyes in words, it’s just red, the dilated pupil, but in a very short moment, it delivers amazing messages and intense emotions that seem to burn.

Pain, sorrow, frenzy... Of course, and most importantly, it seems to share the pain that Rand suffered at the time, and the whole person has fallen into absolute confusion.

Munster's current appearance is like trying to kill himself, because the emotion is too intense, causing the capillaries near the eyeball to rupture, and the dark blue liquid flows out of its eyelids.

"That's not... that's not...I..."

Munster’s body was slightly stunned, and it clung to Rand, who had been stagnant for a moment because of its eyes, and choked in his ear.

"I won't... I won't do that... Rand... I'm sorry..."

Munster, God, Munster...

Rand can feel the sound in his mind repeating.

He felt the pain of being so soft and burned, but at the same time Munster's strong emotions came over. Rand didn't need to "invade" into Munster's mind to feel its current feelings... It was so painful and sympathetic to what Rand had suffered...

In countless painful and dark emotional fragments, Munster’s pure cherishment of Rand is very obvious. Like volcanoes that erupt in the deep sea, stinking sulphur, creeping black stones, cold and dark waters, the love flows like fresh magma, causing unavoidable heat. And light.

It made Rand calm down a bit.

After the emotions are not so excited, the remaining fragments in the memory can also be played back in a slightly calmer way.

It can be remembered that at the beginning, Munster did not want to treat Rand in that way. In the current situation, its state was also very obvious. It was not Munster. The fault.

Rand thought.

The remaining reason made Rand go back to God, swallowed a sip, and found a cool **** smell in his throat. Munster is still in a state of semi-crash, and Rand hesitated a little and placed his hand on its back.

The palm can feel the moisture of the monster's tight muscles...

Rand's back has a layer of disgusting goose bumps, which is the memory of his body. But he still insisted on taking a shot on Munster's back.

"Well, Munster," Rand's voice was hoarse and low, and the muscles were tight and distorted. "...we will leave here and say."

Even he himself was surprised by his calm voice.


Munster is as afraid that Rand will leave it, and the tentacles will be more tightly packed like a leech. And across Munster's shoulder, Rand can clearly see Caroline's dark eyes.

It was that very short moment, Rand received the maliciousness she passed.

It’s not what she said at all. I want to remind Rand about the dangers of Munster to tell him the truth – what she wants to see is the pain that Rand showed in the face of that horror experience. despair.

After realizing this, Rand couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness for her. And his emotions have become more and more calm.

The deafening roar came from outside the door, like an earthquake. The office trembled, the steel plates creaked under the squeezing of the structure, and the tubes on their heads finally shook in this explosion. A trembling, then burst.

The darkness once again enveloped the world.

Caroline vainly and vainly widened her eyes in the darkness. She hoped to see Rand but it was dark in front of her. Then she seemed to hear Rand whispering softly.

"We have to leave..."

His voice still sounds a bit blunt, and the object of the conversation should be the monster... and the act of Rand being able to communicate with the monster makes Caroline feel a little lost how to describe it. .

Rand was obviously affected after seeing the video, but it didn't get out of control, and just like this, Caroline felt that the heart was like a tiny insect, and it was a kind of dark pain.

"Rand... No... Rand... you have to think about it!"

Caroline shouted uncontrollably.

"It will hurt you... it will definitely..."


However, after a while, welcoming Caroline was still a dark silence.

No one cares about her.

Caroline could not help but climb in the direction of the memory of Rand...

However, she did not crawl a few steps, another fierce roar rang, and the floor was oscillating, which caused the originally weak woman to turn a few circles directly on the floor, and the broken lamp tube was tied to her skin. In the gap, blood poured out.

"Oh, damn..."

Caroline made a small curse - and was interrupted by the next explosion.

"Booming -"

Vincent's office door was broken, and countless pieces of debris and light blew into the room at the same time.

The special forces' end-lifting guns in pure black battle suits approached quickly from behind the smoke. They dropped the light between the falling bricks. In the green flame, they saw the first time in the middle of the room. Slowly creeping creatures.

"It" was chapped, with tiny "scales" reflecting the faint reflections, and the whole body was covered with blood, and behind her, a man with a suspected dark official was lying quietly on the carpet next to the desk.

Upon hearing the sound of the Special Forces team approaching, the creature raised his head under the light of the illuminator, and the horrible, distorted face immediately caught the attention of the players.

"It" opened his mouth and seemed to want to speak -

"Sonic attack!"

"Be careful!"

At the moment of seeing "it", the players' communicators also sounded two commands from the instinct.


Numerous sharp gunshots were connected, and the bullets poured into the body of the creature, and countless blood flowers on the "it". Their shooting was fast and fast, so they didn't realize that they were attacking not the imaginary scorpion experiment, but an ordinary human.

A woman who has been disfigured.


If it was a day before, this group of trained special forces players would never make such a serious mistake. But what they suffered in the dark white building this night almost completely destroyed their beliefs and spirit.

The monsters... The monsters are like creatures that have climbed from another world. Their attacks are silent, almost subverting the common military’s perception of the blaming world, if not the Poseidon forces. With the help, they may have died in the middle of the road.

From time to time, some people lost contact in the communicator. Their horrified screaming was followed by a long silence, then a loud voice when the flesh and blood chewed... The team that came to the Vincent office was already the most elite team, but the captain But I don't want to think about how many people can live behind him when the sun shines the next day.

The entire deep white building has become a purgatory. After the complete power outage, the air circulation system has been paralyzed. The air inside the building is sticky and stinky, full of blood and minced meat.

The captain knew that someone was trying to repair the cable, but the terrible bioh rat became the most terrible opponent in their long battle career - until now, they still have only darkness around them. The cold-blooded body of the sputum test body and the low-light night vision device with special structured skin make them a complete waste, so they can now only use the most primitive illuminators to move in the dark.

And after they fired the "monster", they entered the office cautiously and quickly.

The man next to the desk was turned over, his leg was hurt, and he had already fainted because of blood loss...

While the soldiers inspected the person in the office, the two groups of shadows—two creatures that were almost perfectly integrated with the darkness—embarched from the top of their heads out of the office with absolute quietness and dexterity.

When crossing the center of the room, Rand couldn't help but bow his head.

Even in the extremely dim light, Rand's eyes made him clearly see the body of Caroline...

The woman has completely lost the human form.

In a large number of pours, she became a mixture of broken meat and broken bones, but her head was rarely intact. Her head turned over in the previous impact, and her face was placed in the flesh and blood.

Her eyes are open.

Among the pupils that are gradually becoming turbid, there is still some unbelievable that has not yet dissipated. The mouth is slightly open, like what is screaming.

Rand’s eyes became deep...

What exactly did Caroline want to call at the time?

There was a thought that swiftly crossed his mind, but it quickly disappeared. He had a very faint sorrow for Carolyn’s sudden death, but everything was no longer important.

Rand skillfully used the scales that grew on his body to move on the ceiling hills. The gentle and beautiful woman in her memory was completely sealed into the box of the deepest thought, and then pushed to the corner.

In the rest of his life, maybe Rand will not open the box again...



The Shenbai Building has completely lost its original appearance this night.

There are many cymbal experiments lurking in the narrow corridors of darkness - they are natural hatreds for human beings created as biological weapons - not only because of the suffering they suffer under humans, but also because of themselves It was designed as such a creature.

They are fundamentally created to kill humans - from ** to spirit. And this nightmare for **** for humans is more like carnival for them.

Rand's mental control can only invade a limited number of creatures, and more... more creatures follow their own instincts this evening.

Rand saw a lot of dead people, many of whom wore researchers' white robes... They were generally the most miserable, and many people's wrecks were visible, and they suffered terrible torture before they died.

Even if she had prepared in her heart, when she saw the horror scene in front of her eyes, Rand felt that her heart was filled with a great sorrow and despair that could not be described in words.

The author has something to say: 2k novel reading network

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