Mermaid Effect

Chapter 157:


“Withdraw from the dark?” The commander’s lips shook. “Is this what you want?”

"Yes, this is what I want."

"Anderson" said.

"You know, this is actually useless, you can't escape, and many people die because of this..."

The commander cautiously tested Rand. In essence, he could not determine what the young man with a very tragic experience was thinking about, and his personality test report had not yet come out. The original test report showed that Rand Sifus had almost no aggression, but the reality was that he directly triggered the riots of the Serbian experimental body and caused the most serious biological test accident in the history of the United States. According to the experimental records provided by the previous deep white, Rand Sifus suffered inhuman human trials in the Serbian plan, and his brother, Vincent Sifus, is currently under control. In fact, the commander had already prepared for the threat of Rand and released Vincent, but now he simply asks the special forces to withdraw from the deep white building.

The commander took the time to glance at the data from the subordinates in real time. Those special forces were struggling in the deep white, and they could play a very limited role in the face of the new type of biological weapons. Whether it was evacuation or non-evacuation, the whole situation was not too great. Impact.

And precisely because of this, the commander could not judge Rand's true thoughts. His silence seemed to give Rand some pressure.

Through Anderson's lips, he said in a low voice: "Do you know? There are many primary experiments in the Serbian plan, some of which can release neurotoxins, which can be easily contaminated after being modified..."

"What do you want to do?"

This time, it is the turn of the commander to be nervous.

"Anderson"'s mouth slanted a bit, and he blinked. Through the fat face, the commander saw the pale, sad face of the black-haired youth.

"What I want to say is that as long as I am willing, I can easily poison a lot of people - I can control the sputum experiment body, and as a biological weapon, they are naturally disguised, in the current state of confusion, It’s not too difficult to escape into the SAR and attack."

Unbelievably, what spits in his mouth with a sad look is an unusually naked threat.

"We have tracking devices, and you can't escape much."

"I know... but before you track down the experiment, think about it, how many innocent people can we kill?"

Rand said softly.

The commander's brow wrinkled. He looked at his staff and then the "inducer." Those people were so sure that the threat of Rand Severus was not nonsense...

After thinking very briefly, the commander issued an evacuation order in the face of "Anderson." Of course, at the same time, the outer ring of the deep white becomes denser and more rigorous.

The missiles on the Apache attack aircraft were directly locked in the load-bearing parts of the Shenbai Building. On the turf around the Shenbai Building, the silver-colored isolation belt was erected.


From time to time, there was a cracking sound of the glass. The soldiers raised their heads. Under the bright white searchlights, they saw some huge tentacles that only appeared in the nightmare, popped out of the floor-to-ceiling windows and waved in the night sky.

Fifteen minutes after everyone was nervous, all the troops that had been sent to the Deep White Building were evacuated.

Rand allowed the ambulance personnel to enter, and some of the wounded who could not move because of the injury were also transported away from the infernal building.


"Okay, let's make the next conversation."

The commander faced "Anderson" and he was calm when he spoke, but his throat was beating.

Rand showed him a smile - the smile looked even apologetic.

"no need."

Rand said.

"I have got everything I want."

He nodded at the commander, and his thoughts were momentarily drawn from Anderson's mind.

The icy waters hit his skin, his vision was dark – he returned to his body, and in this extremely dim environment it was not completely dull. When Rand returned, he saw those gatherings. In the sputum test body on the other side of the waterway, some of them, the skin is emitting sputum fluorescence. Deep-skinned laboratories have attempted to transform some of the experimental bodies with lower attacking ability into ornamentals. Their scales have been artificially grooved and placed in a medium for luminescent bacteria. They have the illuminating function that the body should not have, but at the same time the bacteria and the grooves make the experimental body permanently entangled in intense itching and tingling, and as time goes by, those bacteria will corrode the experiment. Going through the muscles of the body, causing a large area of ​​scales to fester...

There are many similar trials, and it is precisely because of this that long-term pain causes the sputum experimenters to have extremely violent personality. Their bodies usually have a stronger than normal range, but the lifespan in the design is very short.

Most of the sputum test bodies are only one-time biological weapons. In terms of durability, the designers may not be able to predict the lifetime of their plans to match an ak47.

Just recalling that once they had peeked into the memory fragments in their minds, Rand’s lips were white. He reached out with pity and held them in his arms one by one.

His thoughts are like the breeze blowing into the gaps of the lilac bushes and entering their minds, cutting off all the pains they have sent out of the spiritual gate.

Rand explored as much as possible the happy memories of the sea of ​​broken thoughts, sea water, food, temperature... He magnified those happy balloons, filled the brains of the experimental body, and even instinctively And the conditioning is suppressed.

When Rand loosened the experimental body, the monsters in his arms showed a state of dilated pupils and unresponsiveness.

"Good boy... good kids, go."

Pain and sorrow stunned Rand's soul. He gave the final instructions to the experimental body, manipulating them to wobble and turn around, toward the deep white buildings that they wanted to escape before they brought them great pain. Go swimming.


Munster looked confusedly at the scene, and it subconsciously wanted to stop, but Rand's cold hand held it back.

"When I was young..." Rand whispered, then firmly stuck Munster's wrist and swam in the opposite direction - the exit of the pipe. "My parents have been worried about their place." The tests done will lead to bad consequences. They are worried that the country will take away their test results for the war... Of course, at that time they probably did not think that one day they will carry out the 'Saibu plan'... they are here. At the time of construction, the simplest self-destructive circuit was created to destroy all the experimental bodies inside the building at the worst time - the explosion caused by the incinerator fuel bank could collapse the entire building.

"You mean..."

Munster jerked back and looked at him with shock.

They have left the building of the Deep White Building and are about to enter the Washington Waterway. And those sputum experimental bodies have long since disappeared.

Even with Munster's amazing underwater vision, it can only see a flowing, dirty water curtain.

It never felt that Rand's hand was so cold.


A dull voice came from the direction of the deep white building.

Then there was a short, suffocating silence.

Munster felt that Rand’s hand was suddenly tightened... Then, the huge waves rushed toward them.

It was like suddenly falling into a huge washing machine, and Munster and Rand were swept into the whirlpool of a sudden frenzy before they could react.

Countless pieces were sprayed like a cannonball in the intense current, and the dark bottom of the water was shrouded in a dazzling light, and the temperature rose sharply.

Munster doesn't know how long he has been rolling in the water... how far.

It only subconsciously clasped the rand in his arms. The shock wave caused by the huge explosion was absorbed by the current, but the tremor caused by it was still very alarming.

Munster and Rand were directly rushed to the bottom of the tidal lake by the waves, where they slammed into the mechanical network where the government was set up.

The previous fragments had already smashed the net before Rand and Munster, and the observer failed at high temperatures. Rand and Munster were in a coma for a short time, and finally woke up slowly because of some unnatural light.

- Even at the bottom of the lake, Munster and Rand's visual photoreceptor cells clearly capture the blazing light that penetrates the water.


In the middle of the Chaoshan Lake, two human heads were drilled wet.

Rand's face was almost white, and he stared into the deep white direction for a long time.

After so far, the terrible roar is still clearly visible. The collapse of the building is slower than he thought. The sky is soaring in the air, and the burnt ruins are dyed into a kind of fairy purple in the distance. The sky is waving. At the same time, there are more and more concentrated whistle sounds and fire alarms.

The police who had been set up on the shores of the Chaoshan Lake were obviously attracted by the terrible explosion in that direction, which allowed Rand and Munster to cross the warning line in a relatively easy way – and then follow the original plan. Dive into the Potomac River.

Then there was a long and arduous underwater sneak.

Until the afternoon of the next day, they arrived at the sea.


The Poussin is a 19-story luxury cruise ship with a capacity of 6,000 passengers. From the Fort Lauderdale, passengers enjoy a pleasant northward cruise along the east coast of the North American continent... According to normal planning, they should be in Quebec City. Disembark and enjoy the beautiful maple scenery, but this morning, the captain apologized to announce to them that because of the terrorist attacks in Washington, they are likely to need to change the route to return directly.

This made the entire ship's visitors complain and again, full of dissatisfaction.

Dolan Chris is also one of the dissatisfied passengers - he has no intention to attend the party for the captain to make up for the passengers, but instead is holding a cocktail on the seventh floor deck and calling his girlfriend, desperately It is irresponsible to complain about this **** American.

His voice is a bit big...but there is only a jogging track on this deck, there is no popular basketball court and swimming pool, and most people are attending the dinner at this time, so there is no deck except Dolan. Others, his big tricks are therefore not so unacceptable.

"Damn, I already knew that I shouldn't come. I should stay in Mexico to accompany you. Maybe God just foresees this kind of **** thing so that you have to stay there..."

He swallowed the wine with a big mouthful, and after a few seconds, something in his eyes inadvertently caught his voice abruptly stopped.

"Dear?" The girlfriend had a confused voice on the phone.

Dolan rubbed his eyes. He stretched his head out of the railing and looked carefully at the dark sea through the lights on either side of the hull.

"...nothing, I think I might be a little drunk."

After watching it for a while, Dolan put the phone close to his ear and muttered to the confused girlfriend.

Of course he wouldn't tell her just now, he seems to have seen something weird creatures smashed from the bottom of the sea.

He has a long tail...but the upper body is human, and the speed is amazing.

No, no, it was his illusion - Dolan quickly determined this. He just looked out and saw only the sea and the monotonous waves.

Maybe it's just a dolphin... No, even the dolphins are impossible. Dolan thinks that what he saw just the hull that smashed the waves caused by the sea surface - Dolan swallowed the last bite. Muttering continued to complain with his girlfriend, and irritated to the other side of the deck.

And he didn't know that at the moment he turned around, the outside of the railing behind him stretched out a pale, dead-like arm...


Munster took some effort to drag the exhausted Rand to the boat.

It squinted at the man on the deck who was immersed in the phone porridge, and hugged the young black-haired youth in his arms, and quietly sneaked into the darkness.

This tanker is, to a certain extent, a lifeline for both of them - especially Rand.

The long-term underwater sneak has brought a great burden to the human body, and the body has lost a lot of heat. It is exhausted and exhausted, and it has lost consciousness a few hours ago.

Munster found an uninhabited sea view in the tanker. It dive in from the balcony and carefully placed Rand on a soft bed. Rand no blood, perhaps feeling the warmth, he lay in the blanket like a newborn kitten squatting.

After Munster had gone through it, he was quite clear that he was calling for "water" in a difficult way...

Looking around this uninhabited vacancy, of course, the cruise ship did not have water for the room. In anxiously, Munster instinctively took the behavior of stealing before the sea, and used his mouth to face Rand's lips.

Rand's tongue eagerly wrapped around Munster, who greedily sucked some kind of mucus secreted from Munster's mouth... although with a hint of astringency, he was the only one on the seabed. The thirst-quenching liquid that can be obtained, of course, is precisely because Munster's secretions provide Rand with basic heat and salt, which allowed Rand to finally support it.

Munster had a tight muscle because of Rand's "greed". Its front paws held Rand's cheeks, and the mouthparts rubbed quickly inside the mouth. Finally, Rand, who had enough water, loosened Munster, his throat trembled a little, and after a few seconds he coughed up.

He almost turned down from the bed - but at the last minute he reluctantly woke up. 2k novel reading network

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