Mermaid Effect

Chapter 159:

"I love you……"

When Rand pushed Munster away from himself, he whispered a whisper from the monster's lips. Rand's movements were slightly stiff, and there was still a kind of honey-like collapse in his body. Feeling, the mood has become weird.

In fact, Munster does not use language to interpret its love for Rand - Rand has felt more than anyone else - he almost physiologic because of the overly strong feelings asphyxia.

If Munster is a human female... No, if it is a human male, I am afraid that Rand is already seriously thinking about how to accept it at this time (even if Rand does not feel that he has a homosexual tendency). After all, it is such a pure and unselfish feeling that no one can reject it), but...

Rand evaded the gaze of Munster's sweetness.

His gaze swept to Munster's tail - a different neon glow from the light of any human being, and some parts of Munster's upper body were also covered with small, small Scales.

Rand has never been so profoundly thinking about Munster as a "non-human" problem.

It loves him more than anyone else in the world, yes, but it...not someone...

Rand didn't know why he was so flustered. He feels that he is now infinitely close to the heroine in the ancient early romance novels. Maybe he has to take a rose and tear off the petals to divination whether he is ready to accept Munster's feelings...

"Rand, I really love you."

Munster didn't realize the complicated mood of Rand at all. Where did Rand go when he went there, and looked at him with that kind of eager, intimate look, even if Rand only accidentally followed it? The upper line of sight can also make it instantly open and reveal that silly smile.

Oh, God...

"Don't laugh like that, please."

Rand slammed his hand and pushed Munster's face down.

His face is hot in an uncontrollable manner, and the sound is so loud that he wants to bite his tongue. His words are like a seventeen-year-old girl with a soft and charming tail, which seems to be some kind of spoiled in every respect.

For God's sake, he, Rand Sifus is being spoiled? !

Obviously, the sweet, cotton-like fluffy feelings still affect him. Rand heard a voice in his heart. Moreover, in addition to the sequelae caused by emotional resonance, what makes Rand feel thorny is Munster’s face. Its face is almost – no, it should be said that it evolved completely according to the aesthetics of Rand’s innermost heart. Every nuance on the face can accurately poke Rand's preferences. It is precisely because of this, when Munster smiled at Rand, Rand even felt dizzy.

"In short..." he stuttered openly. "The most urgent task is to save Vinson... You can disembark in Florida as you said. Damn, my physical strength is better. It’s too slow to take a sailboat. ......"

Munster was silent, his eyes glinting at him.

... Rand twisted his head, and he hoped that this strange blushing temper between the two could fade early.




In general, for the rest of the period, the life of Rand and Munster wandered around a ship.

Rand couldn't swim for a long time, which made this long journey very complicated. After sneaking in a short sea, he had to board a boat for a while and get some food for himself and Munster. (Of course, food is not a problem for Munster, it is very good at fishing - just because it can't leave too far for Rand, which means its catch is not rich).

Under the scouring of sea water, the distinction between Rand and Munster became more and more obvious.

The first is Munster - seawater nourishes him without a doubt.

He became very, very strong.

His muscles swell faster than balloons, and the muscles are all hard, as if they are full of infinite power. In just two and a half months, its length and width have increased dramatically, and it now always reminds Rand of Schwarzenegger in his prime... When Munster is younger than the former governor Be more sturdy.

The most obvious evidence is that when they first entered the sea, Munster could only hold him forward when Rand took off. Now, when Rand feels uncomfortable, Munster will float to the surface, revealing his own pale brown, generous back.

Rand can lie on his back on Munster's back - the little monster under him can be said to be the muscle floating island he carries with him.

Munster's scales began to fall off shortly after they entered the sea, which worried Rand for a while, but soon he found that his fears were superfluous. After removing the old scales, Munster's tail grew very sharply. The new scales were finer and thicker than before, and the edges were sharp like a knife. Also changing is Munster's hair - its hair becomes very dense.

Before Munster's "hair" might also make people confuse it with real human hair, but now it is absolutely impossible - each hairy tentacles are nearly one millimeter in diameter, fluffy, strong, Flexible as a silver snake.

When Rand and Munster had to hurry at night, Munster would use these "hairs" to wrap the body around and cover his back. Of course, their role is far more than that...

Compared to Munster, Rand’s change is just the opposite.

After being separated from the deep white environment, and with special stimulation, his body's balance system of sputum and human beings is gradually recovering, which means that as time goes by, he becomes more and more like a human being.

His skin began to redden after prolonged seawater immersion, peeling, eye tingling to near blindness, and the demand for fresh water is growing...

What is even worse is the embarrassment behind his ear.

They are gradually "healing" and two twists have been glued together, leaving only a faint red bulge. Now, when Rand is underwater, he can only breathe with the last shackles of the last left and right - that feeling very painful.

To make an analogy, it is as difficult as blocking a mouth and nose with a thick towel.

Insufficient oxygen intake directly led to a drop in his swimming speed, because once he was strenuous, he could not help but breathe through the nose and mouth, and then inhale a lot of sea water, which almost caused his drowning. On several occasions, if it wasn't Munster, Rand was already dead in the vast sea.

He was tortured very badly.

The reason why Rand can slap his entire body on Munster's back is probably because of his extreme weight loss. When he sneaked into a cruise ship for a rest, Rand even became noticeable because of his appearance. Because no matter how disguised, when he is on the boat, the shape of the hungry people in Africa will still attract other people's peeping.

There is almost no fat under his skin, and you can clearly see the movement of muscles and bones as you move. Once beautiful, emerald-like eyes were covered with blind white film, his vision became very poor, and the nose and cheeks were ulcerated by seawater after peeling.

The contrast between Munster and Rand is full of dramatic transitions, and compared with the strong and handsome like Poseidon reborn Munster, Rand Sifus is like a zombie crawling out of a five-stream horror film. .

Of course, neither Munster nor Rand himself cares about this.

For Munster, even if Rand is a zombie, it is the most beautiful, angel with light, and for Rand, he has more important things to worry about.

Before the body completely changed back to humans, he had to find a way to get to Vinson.

The deep white has been ruined, how will the government treat the last Serbian experimental body Wensen in their hands...


"Rand? Are you okay?"

Munster worriedly interrupted Rand's worrying meditation.

A wave patted it, and it had to sink a little to the bottom of the water before hearing Rand's hoarse response.

"Not very good, I think."

In fact, even if Rand did not answer, Munster knew that Rand's condition was very bad. From the back of the ridge, Rand's body temperature was uploaded. It was like a charcoal fire. Rand was on a high fever. Just a few hours ago, Rand and it had to jump into the sea urgently because a visitor kept asking whether Rand, who pretended to be a guest, needed help. His excessive attention to Rand was deadly for the two people who were now in flight. In order to avoid the trouble that might come, Rand decided to go to the sea ahead of time... according to the radar chart he had previously seen in the captain’s room, in front of the two There should be another cargo ship in the nautical mile.

- However, this time God will obviously give Rand and Munster some tests.

Not long after the sea, Rand and Munster were keenly aware of the changes in the waves.

The waves are getting rough... the wind is starting to increase.

The sun has been lost in the clear sky and the air is thick.

And the **** thing is that the ship that should appear in their sight is not traced at all.

"Go to the **** cold front, the ship should be detoured in order to avoid the cold front!"

Rand said hoarsely on Munster's back, the attitude was rare and rude enough to peep into his extreme bad mood.

The skin that has been sun-dried to a large area has been infected. Rand clearly knows why he has a fever, and he knows that he must hurry to find a place to rest now, otherwise he and Munster will probably face the rough sea under the cold front.

After dealing with the sea for so long, Rand has seen the terrible power of the sea in the wind and the waves.

The salty taste in the air is increasing.

The higher and higher waves are shaking the Rand and Munster floating on its surface. The color of the sea has changed from the former azure to the black, and they will build a high wall of about one meter in front of Munster. Then suddenly collapsed and splashed a heavy white spray.

Even in this sea, Munster, with its excellent ability and solid body, can only drift like a swaying piece of debris - it feels a bit like being caught in a washing machine.

From time to time, the water wall will appear on top of their heads, rolling them up and turning them several times.

For a moment, Rand even felt that he was going to be caught in the bottom of the sea. He almost screamed, but every time he was tightened well - Munster’s hairy tentacles At this time play their amazing role.

They almost bundled Munster and Rand into a conjoined baby in the sea, and even with a strong current, there is no way to take Rand away from Munster.

Rand was dizzy, and gradually couldn't even feel his limbs. Everything was terrible. The sea turned into a real beast that was biting his body. He felt pain and was numb after the pain. Look, this is the strangest place.

Rand has almost lost control of the body because of the huge waves, but he can more and more vividly feel Munster - Munster's heartbeat sizzles on the skin of his chest. The faster and faster heartbeat quickly made Rand realize that Munster might not be able to support it.

"Can't... can't go on like this..."

Rand's belly and Munster shouted.

"We have to sink to the bottom to avoid big waves -"

But Munster shook his head.

"You can't stay at the bottom of the water for so long!"

To avoid the storm, it means that Rand and Munster must sneak into the sea for twenty to thirty meters until everything calms down. This is probably an impossible test for Rand's extremely vulnerable cockroaches.

It is precisely because of this that Munster has always insisted on acting on the sea, even if its own physical strength is also lost.

"Damn, go ahead, and you will be able to take it off yourself!"

Rand simply wanted to punch Munster.

"Do not--"

Munster is still shaking his head.

Among the scattered splashes of sea water, the aroma of death is spreading.

Rand took a deep breath... He slammed Munster’s neck and forced it to look up, and this position just made him hook up to the monster’s nervousness. Ear fins. Rand bit the thin, blood-filled film with his teeth -

The tentacle wrapped around him suddenly tightened to the point where Rand could almost hear his bones creak.

"Oh, a little..." Rand didn't know what he was thinking. In short, he gave orders to Munster in a special, hoarse and low voice. "Let's go first."

Because of the ear fins between the lips, Rand’s speech is somewhat vague.

His tongue tip clearly felt the film trembled.


"Dear, obey."

He said.

This may be an instinct, and before his sanity worked, he already knew that doing so would most likely drive Munster to act according to his mind.

In the end, Munster slammed the ground and fell to the bottom of the sea with anxiety.

Not long after, Rand's surroundings were shrouded in thick darkness. Suddenly out of the storm on the sea, the pressure under the 30 meters deep sea is not very good, and the extreme quietness under the sea is accompanied by the numbness caused by the temperature loss and high fever. Rand has some panic... as if suddenly Between, his body is no longer in this world.

He couldn't help but climb Munster's shoulder, and the slight vibration of his muscles under his palm was the only thing he could feel now...

"Rand, I am here."

Even without saying anything, Munster clearly noticed Rand's uneasiness.

It changed Rand's position from the back to the chest and put the skinny man in his arms.

A burst of blue, the blue fluorescent diffuse.

Rand trembled his eyelashes and stared hard at Munster, whose hairy tentacles were shining.

In the dark deep sea, this moment of Munster is just as sacred as the elves in mythology. Its face is beautiful and amazing, the hair sways slightly in the water, and the light trembles.


Rand’s mind showed a lot of admiration.

As we have emphasized before, every detail of Munster's appearance is long in accordance with Rand's most eager and irresistible*.

His resistance to it has been reduced to a minimum under the dual effects of high fever and deep sea.

Or, this atmosphere is subtle, people... want to do that kind of thing.

Before Rand realized that his lips had been naturally applied to Munster's lips.

Before closing the kiss, Rand closed his eyes. He could feel the tentacle wrapped around him tightening after a trembling, then began to wriggle on his skin, Capricorn.

【I love you--】

Munster’s strong emotions once again eroded into Rand’s mind.

His fingers behind Munster's neck couldn't help but slide along the cervical spine of the monster.

【I know. 】

In the silent sigh, Rand responded.


After a long, gentle and comfortable kiss that made the bones soft, Rand unexpectedly discovered that he could alleviate the anoxic dilemma by taking the oxygen from Munster's mouth.

Of course, strictly speaking, this scene is somewhat... 淫靡.

He kept on contact with Munster's lips, sometimes he was breathing oxygen, but in the end he couldn't help but have some other movements.

The brain is like melting soon... Rand thinks.

The soul seems to be flowing out of the body with the melting brain, the eyelids become heavy, and the vision is dim.

In the reassuring extreme sleepiness, Rand’s consciousness gradually went away.

"Rand! Rand, please, don't sleep..."

After returning from the stun that was too sweet to be drunk, Munster quickly realized that Rand's physical condition was extremely deteriorating. His head rested in Munster's arms, and he slid heavily to the side like a dried stem.

The breath is short and weak, and the breath that is spit out is not hot.

"Land? Rand, can you still hear me?"

Munster shuddered and stroked Rand's cheek, but the latter's breath weakened bit by bit and did not give it any response.

Munster rushed to the surface with Rand.

And at the same time -

The sound of the motor rang in the blurred intersection of the sea and the sky, which was rendered by the storm and the wind. Munster turned his head and his eyes fell in the direction of the sound.

It didn't take long for its amazing vision to see the dark outline that gradually emerged from the waves. On its deck, the striking American flag trembled in the storm.

It was a huge ship, but it was not a freighter.

It was a Burke-class destroyer of the US Navy. 2k novel reading network

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