
Rand pressed the camera's camera button against the salad pot, and then he frowned and looked at the screen. The fish on the photo is a group of white light that does not see any shape.

Rand couldn't help but look at the salad plate in front of his eyes, and the fish swam as slowly as any normal fish in the world. Next to the brushed stainless steel salad pot, his mobile phone, a Suha camera (this is a gift from Vincent), which means adding the ordinary digital camera he is holding now. He has tried three ways to capture a photo of this weird fish - and all three methods have failed.

All the photos, hell, really all the photos, the fish that was photographed were covered by the strange white light, as if the center of the photos he photographed had been smashed with nails. Rand turned off the flashing lights and tried different focal lengths, but he couldn't always capture the fish. He is not a very good photographer, but he is not that bad. After thinking for a moment, Rand finally determined the reason: the neon light on the fish. As the wound of the fish was covered with white film more and more tightly, the luster of the fish became more and more obvious, as if the gray piece of the toy was covered with pearl frit, at some angles. Under the illumination, Rand can see the rainbow-like luster that it radiates.

Rand felt that the layer of luster caused him to be completely unable to take a picture of the fish. He reluctantly put away the camera, walked back to the computer and laid the line in the reply box.

Sorry, I can't take a picture of this fish.

He explained it a bit, but as he expected, the people in this fish fan forum almost completely turned his help into gibberish.

Rand is not very familiar with forums or other ways of communicating on the Internet, but when he finished his coffee this morning, he realized that there is no sea in Kansas, and this weird fish is a sea fish.

At first, Rand just wanted to save it, wait until the terrible wound is good and put it back, but now this thing has become complicated. Of course, if he asks Vinson to go back, Vinson will not prepare any questions and prepare the private plane...

Rand shuddered and he vowed that he would never want to do this.

He found a fish lovers forum on the Internet for help, but when he said that the fish survived well in the "saline" that was prepared with sea salt and water, everyone showed extreme Do not trust.

No fish can do this, just like no one can survive in the vacuum without any equipment for a whole day... Of course, people can survive for a period of time, a few seconds, tens of seconds or a few Minutes, but in the end he will always die of oxygen deficiency.

The same is true for fish.

It is absolutely impossible to let a real sea fish survive for such a long time with salt water prepared with salt and water.

The only one id tried to get Rand to take a photo to the forum, but this also declared a failure.

Rand was a little helpless. He sat in front of the computer. After a few minutes, the post sank and no one would pay attention to him.

Rand eventually decided to buy the fish tank first.

In fact, the easiest solution is to kill the fish, but Rand looked at the fish and couldn't forget to get it back from the beach.

To describe it in a funny way is that he feels that he may have some responsibility for it.

And... Rand looked around this somewhat over-clean apartment and thought it might not be a bad thing to have a pet.

Thanks to Rogers, his chatter made Rand easily find the pet shop in the city center. The other side didn't have much to say about the fish, but Rand still bought the fish tanks, pumps, and other things that he needed, and, of course, the most important, well-mixed sea salt.

Just like the members of the fish lovers forum, the boss did not believe in Rand’s rhetoric, what lived in the salt water for a whole day, and the fish that eat meat and cereals...

"Ha ha ha, are you raising a monster?"

The other party issued a ridicule, but this did not prevent him from carefully marking RAND's precautions on the sea salt package.

The next thing is basically smooth, but when Rand went home, he had to put down the aquarium that was almost life-threatening because of too many things on hand, so that he had the strength to go to the bag.

It is precisely because of this that after he clumsily opened the door, a dry hand grabbed him like a witch's paw.


Rand was shocked. He turned and saw the man who caught him. It was a gray-haired old lady. She looked like only half the size of Rand, standing there trembled, and the blue eyes that faded into gray because of aging stalked Rand from behind the folds of the skin.

"give me back!"

She vaguely yelled at Rand, a black cat who was almost as thin as her, screaming in her arms.

"sorry, I……"

Rand never encountered such a thing, he couldn’t figure out what was going on.

The old lady grabbed his hand and had a strange power that was completely incompatible with her age. He even had the illusion that her fingers would fall into his flesh.

And the cat, God, the cat looks like he is going to eat him.

"Give me back! Give Corolla back to me! Hey... my poor Corolla..."

The old man continued to yell at Rand, and this time he finally heard her words.

"Sorry. I don't know what you mean by Corolla, but I swear I have never touched her."

Rand tried to explain, but the old man still tried to scream at him as if he could not understand what he said, asking him to return the so-called Corolla. And the terrible cat is blasted, it looks terrible. The cat's snoring and the old man's voice were mixed together, and the confusion finally made Rogers open the door and poked his head.

"What the **** is going on... Rand?"

Rogers frowned at the trouble. After seeing the old man who was entangled with Rand, he even more surprisedly widened his eyes: "Mrs. Smith? Rand, how did you get rid of her?"

"I do not have!"

Rand yelled in pain, then he turned his head and tried to communicate with the old man: "Sorry, I really haven't had your Corolla..."

"It's useless, Mrs. Smith has Alzheimer's. She doesn't understand what you are talking about. And, Corolla is just a cat." Rogers came over, not knowing what technique he used, and easily taking Mrs. Smith from the blue. De side opened.

The move apparently angered Mrs. Smith, who screamed and smacked Rogers's chest, and the cat slid away from her arms.

Rand is trying to figure out what is going on at this time.

"Cat? Damn, I have never seen any cats... Hey, that is my home!"

His words were suddenly interrupted, because he watched as the black cat rushed straight out of the door to the room.

Rand rushed to the room, and then saw it on the kitchen counter. The cat now looks twice as big as it used to be. It uses a sound that seems to come from hell. Screaming at the salad pot on the cooking table.

Oh, his fish!

Rand rushed past and subconsciously extended his hand.

The cat's claws were directly caught in his hand, and the blood was almost instantly smashed out - before this, Rand never realized that it was just a cat catching that he could make so much blood.

And, the cat catch is a **** pain.

The blood from the wound fell some in the water, and Rand didn't know if the blood had stimulated the fish. It changed at a terrible speed - an unusually bright blue-green spread over it. Come, the tail is open, and most importantly, it has a bright red film behind it, like a cloak.

Then, the cat was like a ghost, and the snoring stopped, then its tail shrank to the middle of the hind leg, and the shadow slammed down the table and rushed out of the Rand house.


Rogers behind Rand tried to stop it, but unexpectedly failed.

After seeing the cat that escaped, Mrs. Smith began to call for another name in tears, Juana Gree Maria... and then she began to chase the cat.

Rand took his hand and looked at it with a stunned look.

"Rand! Are you okay?"

Rogers glared at Rand's hand and seemed to be standing there with a punch.

Rand waved his hand to say nothing, but he quickly took a breath of air because of his own actions.

"In fact, except for a little pain, I think there should be nothing..."

"You are bleeding!"

Rogers looked fainting, but he still helped Rand get hydrogen peroxide and bandages.

"Oh, it’s just bleeding," Rand looked at the wound that had been washed away by the hydrogen peroxide. It was about two centimeters long on the wrist - not serious, but it was really **** pain. "The old man... Mrs. Smith... I think you should go see her."

Rand was a little worried about the old man (although her cat was like a madman), she didn't look like a person who could keep herself safe, especially when chasing a cat.

At Rand's insistence, Rogers had to leave his house to determine Mrs. Smith's condition - Rogers promised that he would find a way to call Mrs. Smith's guardian to deal with the problem, but Rand had to be in the house first. Stayed until he came back and sent him to the hospital.

After he closed the door, Rand slowly returned to God.

He moved to the front of the salad pot. 2k novel reading network

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