Mermaid Effect

Chapter 95: still

Although it is illegal drug on the side of the cluster, but...

"He does not need."

Nero interrupted Lu Wu’s words coldly.

"Danny Moore does not need your medicine because he will not go back to the disgusting thing. The third constitutional chapter stipulates that the rights of the 'visitors' are inviolable. Your application is not Compliance with the regulations."

At the same time as the violent medical therapist speaks, a large number of mechanical arms slowly start to twist like a living thing. Lu Wu even had to take a step back – because behind Nero, it was clear that the cold ray gun used for medical therapy was storing energy and aiming at him illegally. In addition, in this ward, there are enough "medical block" devices to damage Luu while increasing the output frequency.

The smile on Luu's face became more bitter, which made him look closer to humans than Nero.

"You should know that I am ai. In principle, I belong to the Domitius family. Nero's current behavior will only cause us unnecessary harm to each other... Maybe it will also affect Danny Moore's. Spiritual stability."

He said that while walking towards Nero, the limbs showed an unfolded state indicating that they were not hostile.

In the blind spot of the line of sight of ai417, Luu showed Nero, a file other than the application, whose face became unusually ugly after seeing those block words.

You see, he still has no expression, but anyone who sees the current Nero will never doubt that he will open all the sights in the next second, and then take out their phalanx as an ornament. .

What he saw was the command of General Alman Moore to write to Danny Moore in the name of his father—to order his son, the “visitor” who should have been protected, to fully cooperate with this one.

Nero couldn’t imagine how disappointed Danny would feel after seeing this order from the family. Judging from his information, Danny Moore has been desperately trying to win the favor of his father. For this reason, this weak boy can even say that he does not hesitate.

Even as a member of the general, he became a "visitor."

This is always a noble meaning for the frontline soldiers to bring infinite joy and comfort, but in the old-fashioned United States, it is still somewhat contrary to tradition. Before Danny Moore, the highest-ranking "visitor" could not It is the son of a businessman.

But this can also explain why Danny Moore will make so many people crazy for him.

Nero’s face showed the blue lines left after the plasma flashed.

After taking a deep breath, he finally removed the martial arts that were aimed at Luu.

"Danny Moore. You need to go to Luu to go to the main ship."

Ai417 looked at each other with a blank expression, then hung down.

"I know."

He followed Lu Wu's back.

The development of the matter is the same as he thought, without any disappointment.

But it is clear that his tangled expression on the painful proposition of "how to digest a block with someone who is going to be a beast" gives Nero the wrong hint.

The doctor's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. He stared at the fading back of the ai417 with that cold, desperate sight, and then exposed the horrible expression.

"I will not allow them to treat you like this."

He whispered.



Well, for Nero's anomaly, ai417 is basically unaware.

The problem he had to face was more serious than he had imagined.

Sykestus was very serious—he had just heard the violent crash from afar as he walked down the transport bin.

In the silver exterior corridor, people frantically walked back and forth, each with a look on the face of the end of the day.

"No, the c-98 armor can't last for too long, replace it with the d-62 prototype, and put all the thickened bezels up, yes..."

"There is no way... The internal firepower system of the ship has been fully opened, but it is useless..."


The smile on Lu Wu’s face became extremely stiff. He turned his head and just turned his eyes on ai417.

"Sikestus is a little overheated. We are trying to cool him down, please don't worry."

He explained it dryly.


Go to the devil.

If the protagonist of this tragedy is not ai417 himself, this time he can almost sneer out.

Cool down?

From the moment he stepped into the main ship, he could clearly feel the turmoil here, those things... hormones or air blocks, whatever they call, all because of his arrival Tremor.

Can he feel the kind of civic?

Ai417 some do not know how to describe the subtle feeling.

All in all, it is not the emotion that can be "cooled" by any means.

"Danny Moore!"

In this short moment, someone has recognized the ai417, and they instantly showed a reassuring expression: "Thank God, you are finally here."

A female researcher walked up with a blushing face and brought ai417 deeper into the main ship.

Ai417 really hopes that the tears she sees in her eyes are not true.

The main ship of the "Star" is called Heimall, which is divided into thirty-two main residential areas. About 70,000 members of the Legion live and work in it, and this figure does not include the responsibility for daily operations. Biochemical people and levi people.

As the head and actual owner of the "Stars", Sextus lived in the area of ​​the main ship called the sacred mountain himinВj, connected by other parts called the "Hongqiao" truss bridge.

In theory, the “Sacred Mountain” is the most comfortable area of ​​the entire Heimdel. However, when ai417 is led by a female researcher, the smooth and beautiful internal structure that should be theoretically completely disappeared. In the field of vision, there are only twisted metal wrecks and various circuits that are broken by seven or eight pieces. The ugly armor is piled up at the end of the road layer by layer, and the bark that is like a beast is from armor. On the other side, even a few kilometers away, you can still hear the terrible sound clearly. Soldiers in white chemical protective suits are frantically reinforcing for armor.

Ai417 is simply not willing to think about how to behave in the future. Obviously, the "mask" is more terrible and uncomfortable than he wanted to be.

Of course, the researchers and Lu Wu who accompanied him both thought of this. They came to the depths of the sacred mountains with ai417, they were able to reach the farthest, and then the female researcher took out a blue injection.

"This is... drugs."

She stuttered the explanation.

"Titatan people like to use this... I think you need it too... This can boost your sexual desire and make your body become more 'adapted'..."

Ai417 frowns involuntarily because of the stuttering explanation of the female researcher. The latter's untimely ambiguity and embarrassment made his already bad feelings worse. Fortunately, Lu Wu quickly took over her job.

“This is a kind of sensational drug that is used in the Titan people’s upper society.” He said that the injection was taken from the female researcher’s hand. “The Titan’s males will also have very Obviously the problem of animalization, the more powerful the male is, the more terrible the state is. The drug is specially developed to avoid the female injury of the Titans, and your current state is obviously suitable. use it."

"Hit block..."

Ai417 swallowed a swallow and repeated it dryly.

"The drug is divided into two parts, the blue part, as she said before, can pierce your body, your body will become extremely sensitive, and there are A matching white pharmacy that allows you to enter a semi-conscious state, slowing down the possible damage caused by strong sexual spurs..."

After finishing Luu, the blue medicine was aimed at the ai417 naked exposed wrist, and began to ask: "But you still have the right to decide whether you want to use the block drug to spend this... difficult time. \\\"

Luu carefully selected the words.

Blocking the drug - these three words do not feel good, but ai417 nodded with almost no hesitation.

He really does not have any confidence that he can spend the upcoming things without the help of drugs.

It’s like Lu Wu’s, a tough time.

A few seconds after the medicinal agent entered his body, the young man's body felt his power.

The beating of the heart begins to accelerate, the breathing is short, and there is a sense of quickness that gradually spreads from the lower abdomen like a warm current.

From Lu's point of view, Danny Moore's pupil began to zoom in slightly, which made his eyes look blurred, and his body language became soft and soft.


Ai417 took a step forward, but almost fell to the ground, his legs began to soften under the influence of drugs.

The female researcher and Lu Wu clamped him and helped him.

Luu observed the degree of ai417's pupil release, and then nodded to the female researcher. She quickly handed out the matching white medicine to Luu.

"Very well, the drug is working, we are going to give you the rest of the injection now, letting you enter the 'stunned' state. You can feel the happening, but it will be like a dream, with the help of drugs. The sense of blockiness brought about by the block of drugs will be isolated from your gods... you just need to put a light block of pine."

Lu Wu said to ai417 that the steady language gave the teenager some comfort.

"I know……"

He said intermittently.

The Titans, who are thick and fleshy, are obviously not as sensitive to the sensitivity of the drug, but for a short period of time, he feels the heat.

His double legs seemed to be stuffed into hot water polo, the fire was hot and the block was wet. At the same time that the yang block gradually began to wake up, he began to unconsciously tighten his **** door, and a thick piece of viscous liquid oozes from the mouth of the hole where he remains red and swollen.

In normal times, in front of other people, the modality is exposed, and the shame is enough to make the ai417 unable to lift his head, but now he feels his brain is messy and becomes chaotic like a paste.

Lu Wu looked at the female researcher and then raised his hand and was about to push the injection into the young body.

However, at this time, an unprecedented sound was puncture from the back of the armor without warning.

It was a terrible high-frequency attack.




Ai417 only had time to hear the female researcher and Lou Wu’s muffled sound, and then the artificial sunlight shining through the corridor was instantly extinguished.

A black block is dark.

In theory, there should be no emergency lights at all.

The breathing of ai417 became heavy in a moment.


He whispered and yelled, but there was no response.

As if in the short moment just now, he was stripped from the whole world.

Well, our unfortunate teenagers don’t know that just in the short moments, all the creatures except him in the “Sacred Mountain” have been shaken and can now maintain their ability to think in this area. People may only have him... and, it.


No, the more correct description is the creature that was once called Syketus.

Ai417 wants to leave here, but the body is as soft as a heated wax.

He only insisted for half a minute and then there was no way to control the block system and fall to the ground. He wanted to block the block like a flame in his blood vessels.

"Oh no……"

He remembered that before this, Lu Wu didn't even have time to inject the drug into the body of his body.

He felt that he was like being possessed by the goddess of doom...

Ai417 did have an attempt to find the **** injection.

However, just before he did this, something came out of the black block.

The wet mass of the stuff is hot and hot, and the underlying mucous membrane is a very strong muscle.

It was a solid, full-fledged tentacle.

It looped around the ai417's ankle and then dragged him directly in a certain direction.

"Do not--"

Ai417 was scared almost screaming, but the sound stopped abruptly.

His mouth was blocked by something else.

The hot block is baked in a columnar body, and the round block is rolled into the head of the turtle.

It is a yang block.


The teenager wanted to spit out the thing reflexively, but the movements in his mouth made the stuff bulging more powerful.

What's even worse is that his body is making a block of heat... Yes, it's hot.

The number of tentacles is increasing, they are entangled in the dark blocks of the juvenile body, they are drilled in from the gaps in the clothes, in the ankles and large blocks of the legs, the chest and the chest are moving, those tentacles Rubbing the skin of the ai417 bare block, every place is like counting a lot of sparks.

Ai417 felt that his body was like a burning block.

His breathing became very heavy, but he was rubbed twice by some tentacles, and his genital tract was completely erected.

"Hmm... um..."

The mouth was still full of sputum, but when the ai417 didn't notice it, his wheezing became sticky and sweet.

Finally he was carefully prevented from being on something.

The complete black block is dark and has the sound of scales rubbing.

"Takaka ... Dan... Danny... I... my baby..."

The terrible sound that should not appear in the world at all is attached to the auricle of the ai417.

Someone from the back of the juvenile body is completely integrated into his arms.

His skin rolled hot, and the sweat almost wet the ai417's back.

And his Yang block, hard block, strong, like a baseball bat, pokes the big legs of ai417. The special touch made the ai417 unconsciously swaying his waist slowly...

Until he suddenly remembered one thing.

If the poke on his big leg is Siketus's corpus, what is in his mouth?

Sykestus answered the doubts of ai417 with his own action (part of the body).

There are a few tentacle sliders in the hands of the juvenile, and the tortoises that have been swollen and hard and hard in the palm of their palms have a block of heat flow.

Longer tentacle version of the birthplace colony?

Ai417 in the dark block with his own fingers to confirm what is entangled in his body, what is faint in his vague thoughts.

Even if the bridges that are not used in the third-rate color story novels appear again in this story ring, it is simply not logical!

Because it was too unbelievable, ai417 had the courage to lift up his sour and soft arm, and slammed the block to the solid body under his body.

He heard the other party immediately hoarse.


Almost at the same time, the meat pillars of the ai417, like the living pythons, smashed in a moment, and the one in the juvenile mouth was swollen to the extent of the hard block.

Ai417 can feel the tentacle tightening, he slowly sucks, the palm of his hand rubs on the tight skin of the other person - and then he finds between the other two legs.

He still remembers the horrible experience of the previous "mask", or between Seckstus's two legs, what a stunning feminine tuber.

However, what is happening there is far more unbelievable than before. What ai417 touches - one, two, three... a large number of pieces of meat are bulging under the palm of the juvenile They rubbed against each other, and the slimy liquid block made a squeaky sound.

For the first time in his life, ai417 began to thank the black block dark and the **** dying block.

Because the black block is so dark that he will not directly see the situation of Sykestus, but the remedy of the drug... According to the study, the acceptance of dirty and ugly things will change when people want to rise. high.

He can't even imagine what it is like to entangle himself with his creatures.

"No... don't be afraid..."

It was only a short moment, Sexetus was still keen enough to perceive the stiffness of the ai417 at that moment. He put his lips in the auricle of ai417, and squirmed and licked the soft, soft, soft ear.

If there is any special family who knows his type, he will definitely be shocked.

No one has ever been able to maintain human reason in this level of returning to the ancestors, and most importantly, he is still trying to take his own companion.

If you can let me go, I can barely be afraid.

Ai417 really wants to say this to Syketus, but when he opens his mouth, his lips are only vague and charming.

His eyes were tightly closed, and his sweat was on his cheeks, neck, and chest.

Several tentacles were drilled from the back of his two legs to the front, and the soft tip of the soft block wrapped around his numbness, slowly and licking the block and licking his horse's eye. Even if you don't want to, then ai417 has to admit that it doesn't feel bad... or that it feels great.

The heavy sensation of heat quickly spread in his body. "No... oh... um..."

The blockbuster that was forced out of the throat block was finally turned into a nasal sound that could not be controlled by the block.

Sykestus's hands stretched out from behind the boy, and the thin scales of the palms covered his thin chest. In theory, the head of the army who should have lost his mind at this time used his rough fingers to lick the juvenile's crotch and gently licked it.

"Call out... baby, call it out... let me hear your voice... let me listen..."

His long tongue, like a lizard, licked the ears and neck of ai417, and pleaded with him intermittently.

"Close... oh... shut up..."

Ai417 with a crying, panting hard.

He simply began to hate the man under his hat.

The words from the man's mouth will only make him feel ashamed.

However, at the same time, he also made him more passionate.

It was just a few times of pinching, and the ai417's milk block began to stand up and the bulk was large. His neck was leaning back, but his chest was completely uncontrollably raised up.

This reaction has undoubtedly made Sextus happy.

He suddenly reversed the gentleness before, and used the fingertips to pick up the two small swollen **** and smashed it with a piece of force.


The author has something to say: still the anti-theft chapter! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! It’s about two hours to replace...


Ps anti-theft chapter is ... 2k novel reading network

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