Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 1800: Vital therapy

Upon hearing this, Lu’s master laughed, and the more he saw it, the more he felt that the boy was very close. He is kind and will be rescued when he sees the female tiger who was besieged and killed. But when he is jealous, he will be embarrassed and the handling method will be clean and neat.

In front of this expensive treasure, I can also face the color, not revealing greed. After the resignation, I can pick up those things without any tweaks. This is a straightforward look in his eyes. It is obvious that his heart is not Vulgar.

"Feng Xiao brother, I don't know if you are a master..." The gray-haired old man in a daze asked, but he hadn't finished talking, and he was interrupted by Feng Jiu.

"Lu Lao, don't ask me the teacher, my master is a weirdo. When I went down the mountain, I confessed that he couldn't be his name in the premise of people." Feng Jiu smiled and said with a pair of eyes.

"This way!" The gray-clothed old man had some pity. He thought that if he could find the master of the Fengxiao brother, perhaps the illness of the owner could also cure the rule. Who knows that the other is a person who avoided the world.

In this case, he couldn’t help but drop his gaze on Feng Jiu’s body and looked at it carefully. He asked: “I’m also very savvy about the medical skills of Feng Xiao’s brothers. And those medicines are also unusual. ""

"Ha ha."

Feng Jiuyi smiled, and some looked at them with embarrassment: "I didn't say it before? I will be a little bit, and it is still a skill to mend clothes. I know some herbs, but I am a doctor! It’s okay to cure animals and beasts, and I won’t dare to say anything about it.”

When I heard this, the Lujia people rushed to the corner. Ok! It turns out that he is a veterinarian, that is, the medical skills are better, they do not dare to ask him to see their home doctor!

"As for those medicines." She grinned in a corner of her mouth: "It is my master who gave me self-defense. He said that there are many bad people in the mountains, and that you will not suffer if you get some self-defense."

"I understand, understand." Gray clothes sighed and nodded, indicating that he would not have to say anything more.

"Okay, take a break!" Lu said, looking at Feng Fengji: "Feng Xiao brothers are also resting!"

"Good." Feng Jiu smiled and nodded with a pair of eyes, and came to the side of the white tiger to sit down.

Seeing this, the Lu family ordered another fire, and Lu was resting by the side of the tree.

The night, the deeper, the faint of the forest, the sound of the beast came, and the sound of the insects rang in the night, accompanied by the squeaking of the branches when the flames burned.

Even if there was precaution against the surroundings, but it could not stand the exhaustion, except for the four people who took turns watching the vigil, others gradually fell asleep.

The breathing of the people stabilized, thin, light, and the middle of the night passed. When the morning was about to come, the sky was gradually lit, and the female tiger moved and suddenly opened his eyes.

When the mother tiger woke up, Feng Jiu, who was sleeping on the mother tiger, opened his eyes and stunned the tiger's eyes.

Looking at the expression, she couldn't help but smile: "You are not dead, don't be so shocked."

Her eyes glanced at the people around her, and no one noticed her. So her hand gently touched the wound of the mother's abdomen in the eyes of the mother tiger. Yingguang came out from the palm of his hand and sprinkled it on the wound. He recovered the wound of the female tiger quickly with a little bit of vitality. After a while, the wound healed.

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