Metal Lich
28 Metal Lich chapter 23 energy shot of the monster bat.
"HP 49 pts, 48 pts, 47 pts, HP 46 pts, 45 pts, 44 pts…!" My life was flashing red, since I was losing life points, the bat was sucking my life, I tried to peel it off but it's stuck worse than a tick.
I ran with all my strength, in a second I was out of the corridor, I already knew I was fast, but I didn't know how fast I was, until I looked back, I'd run out of the corridor faster than a sprinter.
The corridor was crumbling when I saw the Bat Beam approaching to me. The rubble diminished the power that was being send towards my position, but this Beam was melting everything in its path, so I jumped off the stairs.
I still listening in my mind the countdown of my points of life, that to my disgrace the bat stuck to my hand was still sucking it out of me. Suddenly I saw a red light illuminated the room, it was right behind me, I felt very hot…
"Paff paff paff! Paff paff paff!" I heard; it was like someone had dropped a box of beer bottles.
Then I started to feel pain all over my body. Simultaneously I saw that all my fast statuses were falling to 0. An intense heat began to invade my body, then I could see that fire started to dance on my arms. with this I knew my whole body is on fire, The pain was there but it was not as intentional as it should be, surely my sensors were melting since at the end of the day this body was half machine and half magic or something.
My life points stopped being sucked:
"Surely it was the last thing that was going to be consumed before the spark of my life disappeared just like that!" I thought.
"Ping Ping!"
"Your Defense, force field, light feather field, vitality, resistance, durability, they have been consumed by the enemy's attack!" Me Omnivaiz said.
"Apparently, it was like what I had thought!" My Omnivaiz confirm it. The only hope I had was get to the ground faster, to try to spin around in the water and try to put out the fire. Suddenly I heard the voice of a child, who said:
"I'll protect you!" The hair of the bat covered my entire body until I fell into the water, then a glow starts to covered my body. The fire went out.
I looked up and saw how the lightning Beam, continued its way, destroying the door on the other side of this room, leaving only 6 stairs available. I saw this from within the purple glow.
"Puu puu puup!"
"Your body has returned to your previous evolution by force, part of your biomass have been consumed and your state has become hungry. This means that until you eat every 6 minutes you will lose 6 biomass point of biomass, until you eat or reach level 2 of hungry.
Level 2 hunger: you will start to feel a more acute feeling of hunger, then a headache since you would be losing 1 mana point every 3 minutes. When you have no mana you enter level 3 of hunger.
Level 3 of hunger: Then body pain every 2 minutes, because you are losing 1 point of duration. But instead of converting you truck you will become a human or the equivalent a cyborg.
Level 4 of hunger, the last level: From there every minute you will lose a point of life, until you die and become a zombie. The problem with reaching level 2 is that thereafter each higher level adds to the lower level of effect. So keep that in mind.
I have found living and self-aware genetic material stuck to your body, which gives you 55 defense points. You want to keep it or delete it, each of these options has its consequences? Yes or No!" My Omnivaiz said.
I open my state to see the damage of the attack in all its glory:
Name: Kenishi Wells.
Alias: Metal Lich.
General Status: Cursed +.
Not hungry
Leak in: -12 HP
Defense: 0 pts
Level: 0
Colour: Silver, Brown
Drag speed: 400 kilograms.
Occupation: Garbage collector.
Title: Truck Vagonet.
Race: Digital Creature
Health point: 20./209 pts.
Energy Shot: 44/100 pts.
flashligth: A 0
flashligth: B 0
Mana point: 20/20 pts.
Force field: 0/100 pts.
Light feather field: 0/100 pts.
Height: 1.76m (0.4 m. D)[133cm.P].
Width: 41 (49) cm.
Weight: 57 (50) kg
Biomass: 1094 g.
Food time: 250/360 m
Intelligence: 14 + 10 pts.
Wisdom: 5 pts.
Strength: 41/28 +13 pts.
Energy: 2/19 pts.
Spirit: 13/13 pts.
Agility: 64/15 +50 pts.
Vitality: /19 pts.
Stamina: 14/19 pts.
Dexterity: 5 pts.
Resistance: 0/15 pts.
Attack: 6-252 pts.
Regeneration: 18/51 pts.
Durability: 0/50 pts.
Accumulated points: 0 pts.
Ext: 30 pts.
Next Level: 102 pts.
Ext Biomass: 1100 g.
Next Level Biomass: 112,952 kg.
Copy Skills.
Frankenstein Body.
Frog tongue-Non Newtonian saliva .
The ability Endless stomach (Curse) Level 0 (13% + strength).
Wells United + Bonus of 10% status points (+3.34 experience for each well around).
Change Shape (Robot Primate to Truck Wagon).
Can use any type of technology of any origin.
Cannot create magic spells (Misleplick Curse).
Geomancer .
Tail: fifth limb +50 agility points and +10 smarter point.
Spell List:
Ghost in the Sheld.
Rise Rice Exterminator.
Body level 0 (+5 pts)
2 Torch 5% (): 2 meters of light as a lamp, Melee or long-range Energi Shot Damage: 5% from attack and strength. 100 pts light and duration. 33 pts light and duration (burn out).
Clothes: +2 defense (burn out).
Poker body in pieces
Yute bag cover
Queen Phone Bot
40 zombie bodies
50 kg wood pulp
25 kg metal chip
royal crown
skeleton body
50 torches
5 jugs
I goin to die from the abnormal state:
"Leak in -12 HP!" That forces me to lose 12 life points every 5 minutes which means that in 20 minutes minimum I would lose my life if I was careless.
"As long as no one betrayed me treacherously" I said, while visializing all the bats that had attacke me at this time. I would definitely become, bat food if I didn't get these 55 defense points, so I said:
"Yes!" To my Omnivaiz
I suddenly feel tired and listless.
"Ping, ping, ping …. Ping!" rang 10 times.
"You have returned to your Gamma evolution!" My Omnivaiz said.
"Gamma evolution?" I said. A floating window opened in front of me. As I got up off the ground, allowing me to see my reflection in the water. I could see my imitation of the electric rat in the water.
"Shit this form, again! "I thought. I Look at the window and it said:
Epsilon: This is your basic form, a creature made up of organic elements and cybernetic devices. Cyborg, is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Delta You belong to a race of robotics capable of transforming into a vehicle, that at the same time has a Primate form and that you were designed to exterminate any thing in your way Rice Exterminator,is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Gamma Imitation of electric rat or pocket monster that fused with a parasitic bat. Digital Creature, is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Beta Mud man made with your own hands, almost perfect. Digital man, is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Alpha: This evolution to transform is not available (N/A).
Omega: N/A.
Note: Here I leave you your new levels of power. Entertain me more, with affection: Misleplick.
I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. The bastard hacked my system again, now instead of having as 5 evolutions more, now I only have 2 more evolutions left, and the worst thing is that I don't have the slightest idea of how to make a Powerfull evolution.
I looked again at the details of Gamma evolution and I realized that my evolution to electric rat was fused with a bat. This means that my appearance should have some bat features. So, I closed the window and took a closer look at my reflection.
I saw was the figure of a bat, but still had the head of the electric rat, but my skin was not jute, I was covered in bat hair.
I tried to move my wings and but what I saw was my iron tail when trying to move my hands, I felt frustrated again, seeing this condition, but it was strange clearly my reflection had wings. I decided to do a little warm-up to distinguish the different parts of my body. But before anything else, I looked everywhere to see if that huge bat was still chasing me.
That hallway from where I escaped and the path to the dungeon below, was blocked by the remnants of the lava that was created by the energy shot of the monster bat.
I ran with all my strength, in a second I was out of the corridor, I already knew I was fast, but I didn't know how fast I was, until I looked back, I'd run out of the corridor faster than a sprinter.
The corridor was crumbling when I saw the Bat Beam approaching to me. The rubble diminished the power that was being send towards my position, but this Beam was melting everything in its path, so I jumped off the stairs.
I still listening in my mind the countdown of my points of life, that to my disgrace the bat stuck to my hand was still sucking it out of me. Suddenly I saw a red light illuminated the room, it was right behind me, I felt very hot…
"Paff paff paff! Paff paff paff!" I heard; it was like someone had dropped a box of beer bottles.
Then I started to feel pain all over my body. Simultaneously I saw that all my fast statuses were falling to 0. An intense heat began to invade my body, then I could see that fire started to dance on my arms. with this I knew my whole body is on fire, The pain was there but it was not as intentional as it should be, surely my sensors were melting since at the end of the day this body was half machine and half magic or something.
My life points stopped being sucked:
"Surely it was the last thing that was going to be consumed before the spark of my life disappeared just like that!" I thought.
"Ping Ping!"
"Your Defense, force field, light feather field, vitality, resistance, durability, they have been consumed by the enemy's attack!" Me Omnivaiz said.
"Apparently, it was like what I had thought!" My Omnivaiz confirm it. The only hope I had was get to the ground faster, to try to spin around in the water and try to put out the fire. Suddenly I heard the voice of a child, who said:
"I'll protect you!" The hair of the bat covered my entire body until I fell into the water, then a glow starts to covered my body. The fire went out.
I looked up and saw how the lightning Beam, continued its way, destroying the door on the other side of this room, leaving only 6 stairs available. I saw this from within the purple glow.
"Puu puu puup!"
"Your body has returned to your previous evolution by force, part of your biomass have been consumed and your state has become hungry. This means that until you eat every 6 minutes you will lose 6 biomass point of biomass, until you eat or reach level 2 of hungry.
Level 2 hunger: you will start to feel a more acute feeling of hunger, then a headache since you would be losing 1 mana point every 3 minutes. When you have no mana you enter level 3 of hunger.
Level 3 of hunger: Then body pain every 2 minutes, because you are losing 1 point of duration. But instead of converting you truck you will become a human or the equivalent a cyborg.
Level 4 of hunger, the last level: From there every minute you will lose a point of life, until you die and become a zombie. The problem with reaching level 2 is that thereafter each higher level adds to the lower level of effect. So keep that in mind.
I have found living and self-aware genetic material stuck to your body, which gives you 55 defense points. You want to keep it or delete it, each of these options has its consequences? Yes or No!" My Omnivaiz said.
I open my state to see the damage of the attack in all its glory:
Name: Kenishi Wells.
Alias: Metal Lich.
General Status: Cursed +.
Not hungry
Leak in: -12 HP
Defense: 0 pts
Level: 0
Colour: Silver, Brown
Drag speed: 400 kilograms.
Occupation: Garbage collector.
Title: Truck Vagonet.
Race: Digital Creature
Health point: 20./209 pts.
Energy Shot: 44/100 pts.
flashligth: A 0
flashligth: B 0
Mana point: 20/20 pts.
Force field: 0/100 pts.
Light feather field: 0/100 pts.
Height: 1.76m (0.4 m. D)[133cm.P].
Width: 41 (49) cm.
Weight: 57 (50) kg
Biomass: 1094 g.
Food time: 250/360 m
Intelligence: 14 + 10 pts.
Wisdom: 5 pts.
Strength: 41/28 +13 pts.
Energy: 2/19 pts.
Spirit: 13/13 pts.
Agility: 64/15 +50 pts.
Vitality: /19 pts.
Stamina: 14/19 pts.
Dexterity: 5 pts.
Resistance: 0/15 pts.
Attack: 6-252 pts.
Regeneration: 18/51 pts.
Durability: 0/50 pts.
Accumulated points: 0 pts.
Ext: 30 pts.
Next Level: 102 pts.
Ext Biomass: 1100 g.
Next Level Biomass: 112,952 kg.
Copy Skills.
Frankenstein Body.
Frog tongue-Non Newtonian saliva .
The ability Endless stomach (Curse) Level 0 (13% + strength).
Wells United + Bonus of 10% status points (+3.34 experience for each well around).
Change Shape (Robot Primate to Truck Wagon).
Can use any type of technology of any origin.
Cannot create magic spells (Misleplick Curse).
Geomancer .
Tail: fifth limb +50 agility points and +10 smarter point.
Spell List:
Ghost in the Sheld.
Rise Rice Exterminator.
Body level 0 (+5 pts)
2 Torch 5% (): 2 meters of light as a lamp, Melee or long-range Energi Shot Damage: 5% from attack and strength. 100 pts light and duration. 33 pts light and duration (burn out).
Clothes: +2 defense (burn out).
Poker body in pieces
Yute bag cover
Queen Phone Bot
40 zombie bodies
50 kg wood pulp
25 kg metal chip
royal crown
skeleton body
50 torches
5 jugs
I goin to die from the abnormal state:
"Leak in -12 HP!" That forces me to lose 12 life points every 5 minutes which means that in 20 minutes minimum I would lose my life if I was careless.
"As long as no one betrayed me treacherously" I said, while visializing all the bats that had attacke me at this time. I would definitely become, bat food if I didn't get these 55 defense points, so I said:
"Yes!" To my Omnivaiz
I suddenly feel tired and listless.
"Ping, ping, ping …. Ping!" rang 10 times.
"You have returned to your Gamma evolution!" My Omnivaiz said.
"Gamma evolution?" I said. A floating window opened in front of me. As I got up off the ground, allowing me to see my reflection in the water. I could see my imitation of the electric rat in the water.
"Shit this form, again! "I thought. I Look at the window and it said:
Epsilon: This is your basic form, a creature made up of organic elements and cybernetic devices. Cyborg, is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Delta You belong to a race of robotics capable of transforming into a vehicle, that at the same time has a Primate form and that you were designed to exterminate any thing in your way Rice Exterminator,is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Gamma Imitation of electric rat or pocket monster that fused with a parasitic bat. Digital Creature, is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Beta Mud man made with your own hands, almost perfect. Digital man, is the name of this form, you have to say the name of this evolution to transform.
Alpha: This evolution to transform is not available (N/A).
Omega: N/A.
Note: Here I leave you your new levels of power. Entertain me more, with affection: Misleplick.
I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. The bastard hacked my system again, now instead of having as 5 evolutions more, now I only have 2 more evolutions left, and the worst thing is that I don't have the slightest idea of how to make a Powerfull evolution.
I looked again at the details of Gamma evolution and I realized that my evolution to electric rat was fused with a bat. This means that my appearance should have some bat features. So, I closed the window and took a closer look at my reflection.
I saw was the figure of a bat, but still had the head of the electric rat, but my skin was not jute, I was covered in bat hair.
I tried to move my wings and but what I saw was my iron tail when trying to move my hands, I felt frustrated again, seeing this condition, but it was strange clearly my reflection had wings. I decided to do a little warm-up to distinguish the different parts of my body. But before anything else, I looked everywhere to see if that huge bat was still chasing me.
That hallway from where I escaped and the path to the dungeon below, was blocked by the remnants of the lava that was created by the energy shot of the monster bat.
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