Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1012: Change again

"Damn it! Damn it! Actually hit the plan!"

"Who the **** is the **** of tricks?"

However, no matter how unwilling Shiv Loki over there was, her voice was rapidly declining.

Soon, the golden or dark green light on the outer armor of his consciousness dimmed, and even the whole body gradually became transparent.

In the end, this consciousness was like a soap bubble in the air, and it disappeared completely with a click.

Lu Yuan looked at the kill records in the system, nodded to the other self, and the two immediately turned around to clean up the surviving black armors around them.

However, just as the two of them almost eliminated the last black armor, the surrounding wall screens lighted up again.

It's Loki again!

However, this time Loki was neither a masculine man nor a charming woman, but the Ascharlotar green lizard that had been revealed in the outer space above Los Santos.

Obviously, this green lizard is the real Rocky!

"Very well, you successfully angered me! This time, I will never show mercy anymore!"

"Sonaz, look, who is in my hands?"

However, neither Sonaz nor Lu Yuan paid any attention to him.

On the contrary, the two raised their right hands almost at the same time, aimed at the last black armor in front of them, hit their chest with a punch, and slammed their consciousness into the door behind them together with the armor, from the front and rear doors respectively. Rushed out of the bridge.

When the green lizard version of Loki turned on the wall of the corridor and turned on the screen, he could only see the two guys who had robbed two sets of black armor again, rushing towards the stairs one after the other.

Seeing that, the two of them had a long time to know the direction of their goals.

Loki the green lizard even had a feeling that they knew their body for a long time.

Could it be that they even count this?

After all, although the previous serial set failed to hurt his roots, no matter what, the opposite ended up playing two games in a row.

The score on the court was an undisputed 2:0.

Although Loki could use the tricks he put out to test the two of them to hide his shame, he knew the facts very well in his heart.

Those two so-called clones are actually Rocky.

It's just that the real Rocky is not alone.

In other words, there is more than one person in the real Rocky.

Once upon a time, even the basic body of Isu, Luo, was inextricably linked with Hermes in the Olympus test field.

And when he became the new president of Ascharotar because of some chance coincidence, his real body became more.

But good and bad, because the real Rocky is more than one person, so he will feel relieved and boldly let the first two selves to test each other.

The result of the temptation was really good, and it made him understand the crux of why he was always cut off for so long, that is, the remnant of Isu, Sonaz.

But on the other hand, the self who was killed by those two **** was actually killed directly in this way, and there was no appearance of being reborn in a special way after returning.

Faced with this situation, he would inevitably take a high look at the two people over there unconsciously.

Of course, he actually didn't know that, although Lu Yuan had already expected his green lizard body, he had never thought that he was not actually in the body at the beginning.

After all, that body belonged to the former Evelyn Loki, the one that turned into a green lizard in space.

However, when Lu Yuan saw the two kill records before and after, he faintly guessed the situation right now.

Because of the two kill records, there is no trace of Aschalotar.

[Kill Loki (Hermes) x1, get 1200 time and space points. 】

【Kill Loki (Evelyn) x1, get 800 time points. 】

Lu Yuan and the two moved quickly, and within a dozen seconds after leaving the bridge, they jumped into the corridor stairs one after another.

The control center of the Green Mayflower UFO, that is, the bridge, can be raised above the hull when necessary, so that the UFO commander can directly observe the outside world.

Therefore, the bridge is on the uppermost layer of the flying saucer hull.

And Lu Yuan's destination, the cabin where Loki the green lizard in the wall monitor was located, was somewhere in the middle of the lower deck.

Combined with the familiar Roman column decoration behind the green lizard, Lu Yuan recognized at a glance that it was the cabin where a certain purple lizard was located, which was on the same floor as the training ground.

Although it seems that the other party has found the most unlucky cabin to hide his true body, to be honest, as long as the green lizard version of Rocky is still on the flying saucer, Lu Yuan can almost recognize him no matter which cabin he is in.

After all, he wandered around this base for so long last time, and he almost went around once he should or shouldn't go.

However, even so, his journey did not go smoother.

Because of the two previous failures, this time the Green Lizard version of Rocky has completely lost the tentative idea of ​​the previous one. It directly uses the indoor monitor to confirm the location of the two Luyuan, and then remotely puts a big picture on the corridor where they are located. trick.

There are indeed many extraordinary things about this flying saucer of Ascharotar.

Not to mention that it can switch from a physical state to an incorporeal body and enter this world of fine gold veins, nor that it can also block the light-separated energy in the fine gold veins from penetrating into the interior according to Loki’s needs.

Just say that the physical equipment brought in by it can still be used here, and the use effect is no different from that of the outside world, which is convenient and easy to use.

Therefore, the battle armor of the black armors of Luo Shengdu can also be used by Lu Yuan.

In the same way, the guns of those hapless guys can also be used by Lu Yuan.

In this way, with the firearms provided by the black armors and the location data of the UFO surveillance cameras in the system memory, the road hikes can rush forward at the same time, and the cameras in the corridor can be killed first.

Without the camera positioning, Loki wanted to use magic remotely, but the accuracy was not enough.

No matter how powerful the magic power he used, it would be useless if he couldn't hit someone.

However, Loki, who learned the lessons before, gave Lu Yuan insight into what is called wealth.

Didn't Lu Yuan shoot the camera remotely in advance? Well, Loki uses a large-scale magic plow directly at the location where all the cameras are damaged.

Moreover, a large-scale magic is continuously let go. It's exactly the style of descending ten wits with one force, and the water is full of Jinshan.

Seeing this, it doesn't really matter whether the camera is damaged or not. The Rocky over there can completely magically bomb all the internal compartments of the flying saucer.

Charged in this kind of corridor, Lu Yuan felt that he was a rat drilling in the cave. The whole cave was filled with hot water, and he would get burned wherever he went.

Even scalded to death.

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