Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1020: The disappearing center of control

The deceased is gone, and the most important thing for a living person is to try not to let yourself become the dead as much as possible.

At least don't become it right away, such as Lu Yuan now.

His way from the lower cabin back to the uppermost floor of the center was smoother than ever before.

In addition to the lack of Rocky's magic and those black armor guards disrupting the situation, the most important thing is that he does not want his family and friends to cherish the memory of himself as he cherishes Sonaz.

However, even so, when he rushed back to the bridge, the flying saucer, which had been steady as the earth, was already shaking, as if the passenger plane was plunged into a storm and thundercloud.

The shaking was so severe that Lu Yuan was afraid that the oxygen mask on the airliner would fall from the ceiling.

After entering the bridge, he immediately turned on the paid scanning function of the system and began to find the navigation control module and navigation module.

However, looking at the bridge that had been bombed in the previous battle so that the entire hall was empty, even Lu Yuan knew in his heart that the console computers piled up here before were just blindfolds. Not the key to controlling this alien spacecraft.

There is no equipment at all. Is it possible to control this flying saucer, do you need the kind of rough magic of Aschalotar?

But if that's the case, what method did Mike Cole use to raise the flying saucer on the bottom of the sea before Evelyn Rocky got here?

Wait, McCall! ?

By the way, the guy was blocked by Lu Yuan when he sneaked in, and he was almost killed by Lu Yuan's guns and burned to death with thermite explosives.

But it was all at that critical juncture, and the guy didn't come down and ran away with his legs and feet, instead he wanted to sit on the captain's floating chair.

That's right, after Evelyn Loki later seized control of the flying saucer, she also went straight to the floating chair.

That floating chair is definitely the key!

However, Lu Yuan looked around the bridge, where is the floating chair?

Hidden by Loki's guy in advance?

That bastard, he is going to be vulgar when he dies!

Lu Yuan didn't dare to waste time, and immediately started digging three feet mode.

Especially the corner of the elevator near the corner where he almost roasted Mike Cole with a thermal bomb through the wall panels, is the top priority of his search.

However, he almost gathered the family portrait of the AR rifle used by the black armor from the ground, but he couldn't find the shadow of the captain's floating chair.

At the same time, as the shaking of the flying saucer became more and more intense, the automatic announcement in the cabin communication speaker also rang.

The broadcast is in Aschalotar's native language, the language of the jungle star.

The content is the kind that Lu Yuan is most worried about, the countdown.

Although it is not the countdown to self-destruction, it is expected to reach the target position for several minutes and dozens of seconds, but Lu Yuan can't guess where it is at this time. That **** Loki must have set a certain equivalent for the flying saucer before he died. In a self-destructive destination.

This is the proof of the increasingly violent hull.


In this special world, although Lu Yuan's work space can be expanded, the interplanetary space-time door cannot be opened at all.

In fact, it's not that it can't be opened, it's that it can't be fixed.

It seems that that kind of interplanetary space-time gate will be excluded by the world of fine gold veins.

If Lu Yuan wanted to go back, he had to leave the fine gold vein first.

However, if you want to leave the fine gold vein, you have to leave the flying saucer first.

The flying saucer was locked by Loki again.

After going around a long time, there is still no solution.

How about hiding in the work space? Just like in Yanzi’s old house, on the elven planet destroyed by Hoarfrost, hide in a hard object such as a shield and see if you can survive it?

No, no!

Too passive.

What if Rocky’s destination is something like a magma mouth?

The flying saucer plunged in, and there was no **** left after being burned, so would the shield be spared?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but raise his hand and stroke his forehead, as if he wanted to wipe off the sweat accumulated from overwork.

As a result, the conscious body naturally does not secrete sweat, but his posture made him notice an area that he had accidentally ignored.

In the air!

To be precise, it is the top of the cabin!

Floating chair Floating chair always subconsciously regards that thing as a prop of some kind of superconducting magnetic levitation technology, so Lu Yuan always thinks that its floating ability is mostly just a gimmick, it is a fancy face project.

But what if that thing uses a principle similar to the swallow's tyrant flying motorcycle?

Can it really fly by itself?

Loki that **** actually flew it to the top of the cabin, where he was covered with a chandelier.

If Lu Yuan had not been turning on the paid perspective function of the system at this time, I was afraid that he would be fooled by the light of the chandelier subconsciously, and would not notice the stuff behind the light!

Humph, Loki, bastard, really Loki!

His IQ is used in this kind of crooked ways.

As long as this guy uses this kind of crooked brain in a serious place, he won't end up where he is today.

With emotion in his heart, Lu Yuan quickly went through several transformations, jumped to the ceiling, and pulled the floating chair out of the partition like the lamp housing.

However, he sat on this thing and fiddled with it for a long time, and the light buttons on the top were responsive, but it was like a phone with a locked screen, and he was not allowed to enter the operating system at all.

He can only use functions such as checking the time.

One step at a time!

Loki this bastard, is he determined to waste Lu Yuan's last time with this method a little bit?

Isn't it the lock screen? I crack it for you!

Lu Yuan also made a ruthless gesture.

To say so, in fact, he hasn't studied the technical line of Aschalotar's operating system at all. Even the most powerful technology expert, when encountering a technology system that has not been studied, it is impossible to crack it casually.

This is not to dismantle the bomb, it is to break the lock of others on the premise of ensuring that the system is intact.

What do you say about the famous saying about unlocking? Those who are most annoying to robbery, um, use violence, they have no technical content at all!

But now Lu Yuan can't use violence, and there is no way to talk about the technical content. What is he still ruthless?

Hey, because he found the key to breaking the game on the side of the floating chair handle.

It was a stone panel with four rows and four columns that looked like a chessboard.

And these sixteen small grids, no matter their size or material, were exactly the same as those small stone pieces that Lu Yuan had collected from Aschalotar.

On the panel, most of the grids are empty, except for the two grids in the second row, second column and third column, respectively depicting some strange pictographic characters.

At this point, if Lu Yuan couldn't find any clues, he would be blind to his IQ that had been expanded many times.

The stone flakes with colored spots from other lizardmen. The two character numbers on the other side have never exceeded four. Doesn't it fit this lattice stone plate?

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