Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 1022: Master, are you here?

With enough time, Lu Yuan was finally able to take a break for a while.

You can't do things like making tea and sweating, but you can still do it by flipping through the phone and reading the newspaper.

Well, for him, it means to open the interplane communication device and communicate with Turner to check the progress.

However, when he opened the contactor, he was immediately overwhelmed by the massive amount of data in the channel.

After finally regaining his senses, he suddenly realized that he had been fighting back and forth with Loki for a long time here, but his body was only a few hours, but when he was outside, several days had passed.

The time after synchronization is 367:21:20.

That is the night when he entered the first year and two days of this fifty million years ago.

And because the battle with Loki was too dangerous, he didn't open the new message prompt. As a result, the information inside actually piled up like a mountain and gathered into a sea.

No way, then we can only start sorting out.

In fact, in addition to a small number of greetings and doubts, most of the content inside is the battle report on the front of the outside world.

Losing the leadership of the Luo Basic body, and even the deceptive leadership of the rebellious Rocky clone on the Green Mayflower UFO, the morale of the Lizardmen from the outside world is naturally unlikely to be high.

When the Lizardmen Legion had frequent fainting moves, it was as cautious as Turner, and in the end, he also made a wave of mischief, agreeing to the proposal of the air-explosive W78 thermonuclear warhead that the Yanzi and others smashed.

Of course, because the swallows had been grounded for three months, this task could only be done by Rosecuff.

The advantage, however, is that there is no need to develop a carrier such as a small missile, and a remote-controlled drone can be directly modified, and a W78 warhead can be placed in its cabin.

Such a plan naturally received strong opposition from Yanzi.

Most of the complaint information in Luyuan's information record was contributed by the Yanzi at this time.

In the end, because Lu Yuan did not issue any new instructions, Yanzi's objection was rejected, and she had to stay in the command vehicle and watch it remotely.

However, Turner still felt sorry for his apprentice. This UAV was assigned to the Swallow on the remote control station of the command vehicle after being separated from the remote control of Rosecuff's air combat AI remote control.

Of course, only a few occasions.

After all, whoever did the remote-controlled bombing is the one who counts. Turner also needs to use these heads to recover the cost of buying W78.

Even so, the swallow's harvest is not small.

On the other side, after a nuclear bomb air blast attacked the main force, the last few fortresses of Campeche defense zone on the Yucatan Peninsula were quickly flattened by several people.

However, because the landforms here are more complicated, in the later stage, the advancing speed also slows down.

When Lu Yuan was in sync with Turner, they had just levelled the last fortress in front of Chicxulub, Uxmal.

This time, because Turner's points gained a lot, he gave Yanzi to bomb with a remote control plane again.

As a result, something unexpected happened this time that surprised everyone including Lu Yuan.

After the Swallow obtained the full version of the traversing system from his ancestors, he also had the ability that Lu Yuan had always been able to skip the intermediate step of doing system tasks to obtain time and space points, and he could directly get reward points for killing enemies.

Therefore, she also has kill record information now.

And this time, there is such a kill record:

[Kill Loki (Loki) (Remnant) and get 450 time and space points. 】

Yanzi's surprise after discovering this record can be imagined, and she immediately passed it to Lu Yuan.

And now, after finally seeing the end of the historical information, Lu Yuan was planning to take a break and relax. After seeing this information, a heart pounded again.

what happened? !

Rocky is not dead yet?

Uh, not dead yet clean?

Is it possible that there are other versions of Loki?

Then this war must continue to be fought?

Could it be that the road is so far away to clean up all the lizardmen legions here?

"That's not necessary."

With the sound of a unique and feminine female voice, Cassandra suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yuan.

"Good job, worthy of being my apprentice. Master didn't teach you for so long in vain~"

"Scared? Master, can you come over? Uh, projection?" Lu Yuan, who was almost frightened by the sudden appearance of his cheap master, on the floating chair, quickly stabilized his balance and jumped off the chair.

"Master, are you a cop? Always show up after things are over?"

Of course this is just ridicule.

But there is also a bit of sincerity.

For example, in the desperate way, Lu Yuan had to use the Soul Piercing Skill, which resulted in Sonaz's eternal disappearance.

However, Cassandra seemed to see through his thoughts a long time ago, or he never intended to hide it.

"Why, I tried to test people in every possible way, and I used the time cycle to play a closed loop of life, refreshing my memory. When they are really gone, I will miss them again?" Cassandra joked.

When Lu Yuan heard it, it became clear in his heart.

My master, as expected, knew about Sonaz a long time ago.

And she also understood the true meaning behind her attempts in the cycle of time at the Asa Experimental Site 80,000 years ago.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is Rocky.

"Well, there are other Loki, but it doesn't matter, your mission has been completed." When Lu Yuan asked doubts, Cassandra immediately replied, "Because of this, I will come over. Just like you That said, if things are not done, how can I show up?"

As she said, she blinked at Lu Yuan rascally.

Only with this level of explanation, Lu Yuan would naturally not be satisfied.

So Cassandra simply started from the initial encounter between Loki and Aschalotar to illustrate the problem.

Lu Yuan temporarily shielded the complex and other materials, only refined the core, and finally clarified the key.

To put it simply, the Ascharotar Green Lizardmen, who originally meant to be the children of the dense forest, are the survivors of a devastating event in a more complex world.

Although they claim to be the jungle stars, or the children of the jungle, it's only because the world they first lived in was a dense forest in that destroyed plane.

After the destruction of the world, they went through a lot, and eventually, they became the current Void Flyer Green Light Devil, and became the existence that brought turbulence and even destruction to other planes.

However, in the process, they have also been downsizing and have to absorb as much fresh "blood" as possible from there every time they reach a new plane.

Of course, in fact, it should be said to be fresh "smart".

Fortunately, they absorbed Loki's super intelligence in this face.

Unfortunately, Loki's intelligence will only pit them to death.

In Aschalotar's mind, race continuity is paramount. But in Loki's heart, he was.

In the tailwind, most of the two directions are the same, but in the face of adversity, the son of the jungle hopes that the capable person will sacrifice himself for the race, while Loki believes that he can sacrifice the race to keep himself alive.

So, there is the current result.

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