Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 149: Picello, special cargo, new car

After completing the day's dashboard intensive training with a bitter face, Lu Yuan received an invitation text message from Picello again.

Since the end of the mission that day, Picero's text message of "out for a drink" has not stopped.

Lu Yuan didn't think much about it before, but now his head is finally free. After a little pondering, he knows that this guy is afraid that there is nothing to ask for his help.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan felt that it would be okay to go and take a look.

Although he feels that Picello and himself are not very good, but now he has finally formed a four-person firepower team with at least no major contradictions, and it is better to maintain it as much as possible.

In fact, he was a bit miserable by the system and wanted to go out to get some air and change his mood.

It's around seven o'clock on Thursday night. It's too early to go to bed, and it's a bit late to do business. It's a good time to go out to drink, chat, and connect with feelings.

After receiving Lu Yuan's text message, Picello called back directly.

When he heard that Lu Yuan was temporarily out of car, he immediately stated that he would come directly to Lu Yuan's apartment to pick him up.

This performance made Lu Yuan even more convinced that this guy must be asking for himself.

After waiting for his "Rally Fighter", he just found a bar and chatted for a few words, Lu Yuan understood what he wanted to do.

To put it simply, his Lance Courier Company signed a supply contract with a buyer before the ban was issued.

Moreover, I don't know if it is eager to use it, or has the predictive ability to know that Picello will definitely not be able to complete it, and actually gave a purchase price that is twice the market price. Originally it was worth more than 2 million yuan, but it was actually bought at a price of 5 million yuan.

Unfortunately, how could the other party suffer.

Given such a high purchase price, Picello's obligation is to send the goods they want within the time limit specified in the contract, in accordance with the amount and time.

In the event of a breach of contract, although Picero does not need to pay compensation based on the purchase price, he still has to pay the counterparty the corresponding liquidated damages in proportion to the purchase price, regardless of whether he is remunerated.

This means that, for example, the other party wants 200 pieces of goods in total, and the purchase price of these 200 pieces of goods is 5 million U.S. dollars.

So, if Picello only sends 100 pieces within the specified time, not only will he not get even a penny of commission, but he will also pay the buyer 2.5 million US dollars.

Seeing that there is only more than half a month left before the deadline, the gap on his side is still half smaller. So I am looking for a reliable helper everywhere.

"No, you dare to sign such a contract that clearly pits you?" Lu Yuan took a breath after listening.

"Oh, how did I know that there would be a no-fly order!" Picello drank all the tequila in the glass in one breath.

"You also see how slippery my helicopter is! If there is no such thing as a ban on flying, this kind of trivial matter, I would have done it half a month ago!" Picello said bitterly. " Who won't pick it up if it's cheap? Will you not pick it up?"

Lu Yuan touched his nose, trying to say "I will", but didn't say anything.

In all fairness, with Picello's driving skill, it would not take him many days to collect and distribute 200 pieces of special cargo.

It's as if someone suddenly found Lu Yuan and asked him to help transport a batch of goods abroad. Put aside the ethical judgments of whether or not the goods violate the law, and he will certainly accept the judgment based on whether it can or cannot be.

Because no matter what it is, as long as he has enough working space, he can buy a civil aviation ticket and send it there. Why not do it?

The problem of the no-fly order that Picero encountered was like in Lu Yuan's case, his work space suddenly became unavailable. In that case, he would have to be blind from a long distance.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan nodded silently, drank the whiskey in his glass in one sip, and said, "Okay, how do you want me to help you?"

"Did you agree?" Piqueiro rejoiced in the past, and immediately greeted the bartender to fill up the wine for the two, and then toasted Lu Yuan a glass of wine. "Actually, my main problem now is that I can't be too busy alone!"

"You know that special goods are all those who are in the bottom of the dark world. If they collect enough goods, they will be sold from the security office system."

"And buyers like me have to snap up their purchases on the trading platform of the security firm. Quick hands have hands, slow hands."

"Because the purchase price of those goods is fixed by the security firm, the more you buy at a time, the more money you spend."

"For the seller, the more pieces he sells at one time, the more money he gets."

"In this case, if I wait to grab it on the trading platform, I won't have time to collect it. When I collect it back, there may not be any spot on the platform. In this way, the efficiency is naturally very low."

Lu Yuan nodded and asked, "Then you hire someone from the security office."

Picello smiled bitterly, and doubled the agave in a mouthful, and said, "I hired! But the security office hires people, and the salary is paid daily. I will give less, the people who come are too good. I am. Give me more, I don’t have to wait for the shipment, I will go bankrupt first!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't just rush to help Leicester for just 5,000 yuan!"

"Yeah." Lu Yuan understands in his heart that this guy really regards going out to work as a way of socializing, no wonder he has a text message every day to invite himself to drink.

"By the way, didn't Leicester send the last dividend? This morning?" Lu Yuan asked again.

"Well, I got it. With these three hundred thousand, I can last a few more days!" Picello said.

With these three hundred thousand, Turner should be able to move as soon as possible.

Lu Yuanxin said.

"Then, you want me to help you ship the goods, are you staring at the trading platform?" Lu Yuan said again after sipping a glass of Chinese wine.

"Right!" Piqueiro nodded heavily, "And, if you can help me finish the contract, wouldn't that batch of goods be charged at double the price? The extra double is all yours!"

"Really?" Lu Yuan's heart was suddenly moved.

Picello means that if Lu Yuan can help him deliver the goods in quantity before the contract expires, Lu Yuan will get half of the 5 million U.S. dollars, which is a full 2.5 million U.S. dollars.

Although this amount is a bit awkward, it can quickly catch up with Lu Yuan's current total assets.

Whoever put it there, it has to be tempted.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan asked again, "Are you sure? Give me half of the money?"

"I'm sure!" Picello nodded vigorously, "You haven't seen Party A's most recent face! Looks like waiting for me to bankrupt my family and pay him! Just look at me and get angry!"

"If I hadn't spent a lot of money to complete this contract, just because you can earn it back for me, you can take all the money!"

"Okay, I understand." Seeing Picello's gritted teeth, Lu Yuan probably understood his current state of mind.

After thinking about it, he felt that as long as there is a clear answer to the last key question, this matter can really be taken.

So he asked, "Then who is Party A? Is it luck, or did they know that there will be a no-fly order?"

The no-fly order incident was a major incident that Lu Yuan encountered when he first came to Los Angeles. It also involves the "chain saw" that mysteriously disappeared.

It can be said that it was this incident that directly laid the tone for Lu Yuan's work in Los Santos.

If the so-called Party A knows in advance that a no-fly order will occur, then they are not the mysterious force, but they must be people closely related to that force.

There is also the biochemical warrior that will self-destruct in the underground meeting of the triad a few days ago. The true appearance of this mysterious force must be quite amazing.

In that case, it is almost impossible for Picello's contract to be completed.

Unexpectedly, Picello waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, those grandsons are pure luck!"

"Actually speaking, they are not outsiders. It is a multinational logistics company formed by my relatives and friends in Mehekou. Well, you know."

Yes, of course I do. It is a transnational smuggling group. Lu Yuanxin said.

Seeing Lu Yuan nodded, Picello continued, "Originally, they begged me. It seems that their other supply channels have been beaten recently, and they wanted to get more goods from me. As a result, I didn’t expect. In the end it turned out that I was stuck by them."

"I know what you want to say. Since I am my own person, I will definitely not lose money." Picello waved his hand to stop Lu Yuan who wanted to speak and continued.

"Hehe, that's not the style of our group. Brothers, settle accounts clearly, let alone sign a contract. If you agree, you have to do it. If you can't do it, don't agree. Otherwise, don't want to get mixed up in this circle for the rest of your life. !"

Lu Yuan nodded, and suddenly felt that this guy Picello was not as greasy as he felt at first, but still had a temperamental spirit.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan no longer hesitated. Patting Picello on the shoulder, Lu Yuan said softly, "Okay, I'll take this job."

The answer is yes, but there are some things that have to be done in advance.

The trickiest thing is that he doesn't have the right means of transportation right now.

Although Picello's rally fighter can lend to Lu Yuankai. But that guy is someone else's car after all, so it doesn't go well to drive.

And in case of a knock, even if Picello doesn't say it, Lu Yuan always feels bad.

Fortunately, with previous experience, Lu Yuan quickly ordered a new car on the car dealer's website and asked them to expedite it to the apartment garage.

It is exactly the kind of bulletproof car he drove when helping the Hunter squad before, the Mercedes-Benz AMG bulletproof version.

After comparing with the Silla Bangmo modified EVOX armor version, Lu Yuan found that although the speed and acceleration of the Mercedes-Benz AMG bulletproof version is not as good as the Silla magic change, it is more smooth to drive, especially the steering in high-speed driving, the Mercedes-Benz is more stable and can be More controllability.

In addition, the bulletproof armor plate of the AMG bulletproof version is installed on the body of the car. This is less costly and more convenient to replace.

And, because it is an official vehicle, this bulletproof car can drive normally in Los Santos.

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