Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 275: Severe weather patterns

As soon as Lu Yuan drove the Chevrolet-Cheval SS-454 into the office garage from the underground garage elevator of the Arcadia Commercial Center, he saw three figures encircling the front door, looking eagerly as he opened the door and came down. .

"Yeah, are you all here? Don't be so polite, and come together to greet me~" Lu Yuan saw that the posture was wrong, and hurriedly teased, hoping to ease the atmosphere.

But this method may be useful at other times, but for Turner and Alex, especially Turner, who are struggling with problems, it will only add fuel to the fire.

"Boss!" Turner, who has always been paralyzed, looked more serious this time, even a little shocking. He stood in front of Lu Yuan, staring straight at the opponent, and said every word, "Is this what you said, don't be surprised?"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan pretended to be puzzled, "Uh, you said surge? Yeah, didn't you tell you not to be surprised?"

"Um, to be honest, Dad did say this at the time, and I was right there~" A silver and black, one-man-tall robot, cautiously said by the side, with a two-fingered wire starting from the back. , Attached to the rear compartment of a dark green camouflage off-road vehicle.

It is the surge of remotely controlled motorcycle robots.

"You shut up! The sir is not allowed to just interject!" Turner turned his head and glared at the Surge Robot, and scared a two-meter-long robot to shrink his neck.

"Yes, sir! Sorry, sir!" Ji Chung hurriedly paid a military salute, stood erect, watching his nose and nose, and honestly said nothing.

When Lu Yuan saw this posture, his eyes lit up, and he smiled, "Hey, are you so familiar? Not bad, I knew it would be a good idea to send him to you for a practice."

Seeing his boss's posture that he was not afraid of boiling water, Turner was also a little helpless.

After a deep sigh, he said, "Boss, please make it clear in advance about this kind of thing in the future. Otherwise, it's easy to happen!"

"Isn't it all right?" Lu Yuan smiled flatteringly, "I believe you twelve minutes. Knowing that you can definitely handle these things!"

Rao is the always stern and serious Turner. Seeing that Lu Yuan is not afraid of boiling water, he was very helpless, so he finally shook his head and reluctantly let him go.

It's just that I don't care about the surge, but Turner has other things.

After a short pause, Turner continued, "There is one more thing, sorry, boss, the last time you gave me the potion, we have used almost the same this time. That, the ten potions that surge brought us, we also use Four dropped."

"In addition, because of the use of this extraordinary potion, I also called Alex over. What you can tell her and how much you can tell, you can ask the boss to decide by yourself."

Originally found that he had fooled the incident with the surge, Lu Yuan was a little relieved, when he heard that all the medicine had been used up, his face changed slightly.

It's not that he feels distressed. Compared with the safety of the two, those medicines that did not add up to a thousand points were nothing at all.

It's just that he is very aware of the therapeutic effects of those medicines on ordinary people. Using so much, it shows that they are not encountering an ordinary difficult battle.

In addition, these medicines are fast-acting tiger and wolf medicine after all, and if used in large doses for a short time, they are likely to cause permanent damage to the body.

As for the matter that Alex has not officially become his follower, and shouldn't be in contact with his inner circle so early, Lu Yuan didn't care about her being a swallow's dual body in another world.

"What is your mission? Is the enemy so difficult? Could it be that you have encountered a black armored soldier?" Lu Yuanbian said, and started a body scan at the two.

After confirming that both of them were more or less a bit overworked and injured, they exchanged two bio-repair agents, which are life-saving agents, and gave them a complete repair.

Lu Yuan's life expectancy has recently dropped by one year, and this time he also gave himself a shot by the way.

After it was confirmed that the three people's physical injuries had been repaired intact, Lu Yuan signaled Turner and explained their mission.

It turned out that this mission was to destroy Meriwether's air supply line in Blaine County, especially around the Senora Desert on the beach coast.

The old traditions of the Meika family, the more banned, the easier it is to breed new evils.

Just like the prohibition of alcohol at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, it promoted the expansion of the strength of the Sicilian Mafia in Meka, especially the East Coast. It has become the most legendary criminal organization in the history of the United States.

Now, because of the existence of the ban on flights in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, Meriwether's freight business in Blaine County is particularly active.

Although it is not certain who Meriweather provided what kind of goods this time, it must not be such a simple thing that Agent 14 was looking at.

The deeper the cargo water, the stronger the corresponding security force.

At least in the general sense.

This time it still fits this trend.

However, Agent 14 only provided two FAVs equipped with .50BMG heavy machine guns (FastAttack Vehicle, fast assault vehicle.)

The speed of this thing is fast enough that the desert terrain can cruise at speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour. To attack the supply line of transport planes and the like, it is really impossible to do without this speed.

But correspondingly, a fast assault vehicle that is fast enough has no armor at all. Even if the heavy armor is installed to the extreme within its bearing range, its bulletproof effect is basically the same as nothing.

So while trying to kill Meriweather's transport plane as soon as possible, while also fighting guerrillas with the convoy, and even slamming hard frontally, the car had no armor yet. One can imagine how difficult it is for Turner and Alex.

Fortunately, the surge arrived in time in the middle and late stages, and the dispersion attracted more than half of the enemy's firepower, allowing the two to successfully complete their mission.

Otherwise, don't even think about any of the ten treatment needles that Jiyong brought in the past.

Listening to Turner talked about the matter plainly, Lu Yuan could only imagine the tragic events of the war at the time with just a brain supplement.

"Dad, I have a video here, you can watch it~" After listening to Turner's story, seeing Lu Yuan's expression really wanting to see what you experienced at the time, Surge hurriedly jumped out.

"Huh? What did I say? Recruit! Go and do a hundred push-ups!" Turner's eyebrows crisscrossed, and he glanced hard at the surge, and said fiercely.

"Ah? Yes! sir!" Hearing the words, Jiyong fell on the ground without arguing, and started prone to stand up.

"Tsk tsk, what did you do to him? So obedient?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

"Me? It's not me, it's you." Turner shook his head. "Although I don't know what type of artificial intelligence surge is, obviously you entered him a military behavior template. You can use conventional military language. To modify his behavior pattern."

"Me?" Lu Yuan was stunned, and then remembered that when the surge was born, he seemed to have indeed laid down rules for him. During the mission, some of them should act according to the military template and call themselves the chief.

But it feels like this mode will not last long when he is acting with himself. As long as things come to an end, he will be fully exposed. How can Turner's side be so easy to use?

[Did the host not find it? Once the surge senses the completion of the task, he will tentatively call the host by the title of father in the dialogue. If the host didn't correct him as an officer in time, he would think that the mission was over. 】

{Well, it turned out to be like this? }Lu Yuan suddenly realized, {Is this kid so smart? }

{But, why is it different on Turner? }

[Because Turner is usually a soldier, and Gushing does not know how to call Turner in daily situations, as long as he sees Turner, he will default to him as an officer. 】

{Uh, haha, this is really, one thing drops one thing! }

With emotion in my heart, he watched people eat dishes, and there was a way to fix him in the future, Lu Yuan asked Turner some details, and found that the intelligence was still too little to make a definite judgment, so he temporarily let go of the task. Down.

Give each of Turner and Alex up to ten medicines. Lu Yuan thought for a while and felt that they were almost alive this time. In addition to the task of cheating, their physical fitness was a bit hindered, which was also the main reason. One of the reasons.

It's not that they are in bad health, it's just that they have obvious shortcomings compared with Lu Yuan, who is about to enter a non-human state.

The physical quality of a normal person can't be like his current one, with great strength, high agility and high agility. The perception is fast, and the ability to resist hits is good.

For these qualities of normal people, there is a faint problem of mutual restraint between the two.

For example, specialize in training strength muscles, such as weightlifting, and practice to high depths, with an inverted triangle muscle. Just a huge body shape will greatly reduce agility. No matter how sensitive his motor nerves are, how fast his mobility is, he is in a small size. The room is just not flexible enough.

The same is true for perceiving physique. If you want to see six ears and listen to the eight methods, every pore of the body can feel the vibration of the breeze, so the ability to resist hits is not good.

After all, the more sensitive you are, the more clearly you can perceive pain.

The reverse is also true. In a certain sense, practicing anti-attack ability is to train the body to be less sensitive to pain.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a normal person to be omnipotent.

Like Turner, he has strong perception, average resistance, moderate strength, and good agility, but his intelligence is basically only useful in the military field where he has been trained for a long time. It is too difficult for him to learn a new language or something.

Alex is a child with good strength, agility, and frustration education with a strong perception of general resistance to fights. It was the kind of injured lone wolf type, and it was able to live until now, half by strength and half by luck.

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