Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 295: God tama blew up infantry

"You can say that, why don't you come and help?" Lu Yuan snorted coldly, and was rather unhappy to say cheap words to Agent 14.

But this is the end of the matter, and he is not someone who has to give up because of this kind of thing.

Anyway, a 20mm bullet, even if it is not a high-explosive bullet, is a heavy guy that can tear him apart.

Coupled with the surge of cooperation, the heavy assault squad composed of more than ten people was really beaten by him to hide in the bunker and couldn't raise its head.

Seeing at most ten seconds later, the surge will be able to drive the car on the road, and the distance from the group of people is getting wider and wider.

The gang of guys who dared not show up in the bunker suddenly jumped out of the bunker one by one like chicken blood. They didn't even hold their guns, so they rushed straight toward the half-track tank.

Although Lu Yuan was frightened, he was not afraid at all. Since you are out to die, I don't care about queuing to shoot you.

However, after fighting, he realized that the speed of these guys was much faster than when they were advancing tactically. Just go on like this, when Lu Yuan kills them all, there will always be one or two caught fish that can run into the blind spot of the dual-line gun behind the car.

So while he was firing the gun, he was also calculating the time, and his right hand was ready to take out his spare pistol at any time to make up for the fish that slipped through the net.

But when the first slippery fish jumped onto the car bucket, the guy actually yelled at Lu Yuan madly, and then the whole person exploded into a pile of blood like a bomb.

Among them, dozens of fragments like bone spurs, propelled by the explosive shock wave, pierced Lu Yuan's light armor severely, passed through Kevlar fibers and alien saber-toothed tiger skin, and plunged directly into Lu Yuan's body.

If it hadn't been for the stinging warning to emerge again and let him avoid the vital part, this would have taken his life away.

"I X! When did the agents blew up? It's this kind of biological shrapnel! High-tech!" Lu Yuan yelled, not even daring to listen, enduring the severe pain, and continued to face the remaining militants. Strike past.

His high-tech scolding is not all nonsense. In fact, the failure of the system to warn in advance was related to the way those guys blew themselves up.

To put it simply, those people are not self-detonators wearing bomb vests, but have planted several directional bombs in several special parts of their bodies.

The bombs are not conspicuous because they are blocked by skin, fat tissue, muscle tissue, etc.

When they explode, they will smash the bones of their special parts, and then use them as directional shrapnel, spraying them in certain directions.

It's not so much a human bomb, it's more like a human shotgun.

Undoubtedly, this thing, together with these people, must be a biological weapon or a biological weapon secretly developed by some anti-human force.

"MMP! I thought that the enemy behind the scenes this time was Meri Weather, but TM turned out to be the Black Armored force!" Lu Yuan scolded viciously while firing.

I don't know whether to scold the enemy for being more cunning, or scold Agent 14 for not allowing more intelligence, or scold yourself a bit more for being careless.

"Sir, are you okay?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but ask because of the excitement that Lu Yuan had forbidden to speak out.

"Don't worry, you can't die!" Lu Yuan said cruelly, and by the way, he took out a treatment needle from the portable space and pierced it through the armor gap.

[The host is best not to use up all the injections. The shrapnel in the host is the bone fragments that belong to the human skeleton, and the low-level picometer repair robot cannot tell whether they belong to the host. 】

[If you inject too much, they will treat the shrapnel as a part of the host's original tissue, making it grow in the host's body. 】

"I X, don't you say it earlier!" Lu Yuan hurriedly took out the half-injection.

"So, I can only bear it?"

[If the host can get on the operating table for surgery as soon as possible, it would be great. 】

"What's the use of talking nonsense!" Lu Yuan angrily killed the last of the first batch of self-destructed infantry, but he did not stop at all, turned the gun head, and continued to attack in the air.

It turned out that while he was fighting with the battered infantry, several bird helicopters also emerged from the vicinity and went straight to the half-track tank.

Not only that, but at the junction of the sky and sea in the distance, several Valkyrie helicopters faintly flashed out.

If the Little Bird Helicopter dared not launch rockets or missiles in the urban area because of the ban on flying, then the air cannon on the Valkyrie Helicopter is not afraid of being criticized.

In other words, although Lu Yuan would not be bombarded by the bird's rockets to a large extent, he would definitely be bombed by the Valkyrie's cannon.

In view of this, he dared not relax for a moment, and poured firepower on the helicopter that was catching up with him without money.

In fact, it does not require money.

Not to mention, one of the biggest differences between air-to-air weapons and ground-to-air weapons is that the former cares about whether they can be hit rather than how powerful they are. The latter is more concerned about whether the power is enough, even if it is not so accurate, the big deal is that if I expand the scope of the explosion, I can hit the target.

This is because, with existing technical conditions, man-made objects in the air are always much more fragile than those on the ground.

Therefore, even though the bullet power of this old World War I machine gun in Lu Yuan's hand is really not good, shooting an unarmored light reconnaissance gunship is like flying a fly. As long as it can hit, it will be done in one click.

What? Isn't the road hit rate not high from far distance?

That's right, but it's a single shot sniper rifle. Right now he is using a machine gun with a much higher rate of fire. Once the number goes up, the hit rate is not enough, but the hit count will go up.

Elementary school or junior high school math application problems, the probability of an anti-aircraft gun hitting an aircraft is 10%. Asking how many anti-aircraft guns are arranged can increase the probability of hitting an enemy aircraft to 90%.

It's really rare, this thing can be used.

But soon he discovered that he was still facing a big problem, that is, in the real world, the number of bullets is limited!

This kind of old-fashioned machine gun generally does not have more than 200 rounds of ammunition in the magazine. For this Oerlikon machine gun, there is also a 60-round drum, and you can imagine how low its conventional ammunition is.

Right now this one, although the drum has been expanded because of the vehicle, the two machine guns combined, the magazine has only about 1,000 rounds of ammunition. That is only 500 rounds per shot.

Lu Yuan had already used up nearly 300 rounds just after fighting the battered infantry. This was already considered as saving by his ammunition. This killed two birdies and a Valkyrie. After all he had done, there were only three ammo left. More than one hundred and less than four hundred.

But looking around, there are at least six helicopters rushing towards him, and two of them are still armored Valkyrie helicopters.

According to the ratio of ammunition use/hit just now, it is obvious that more than 300 ammunition in this mere amount of ammunition is definitely not enough for him to dispatch the remaining enemies.

"He's X, does he really have to show his hole card again?" Lu Yuan was still unwilling to say.

"Ah? Sir, do you want me to go back and drive the tank?" Suddenly the surge suddenly answered.

"Who said that?" Lu Yuan shouted immediately, "Concentrate on driving your car! Don't think about anything! Obey orders!"

"Ou~~" The surge was defeated, "You know how to say, bad dad, bad dad!"

"..." Lu Yuan was speechless for a while, "You didn't turn off the microphone!"

"Huh?" The half-tracked chariot slipped sideways without any cause, but luckily escaped a cannon.

After Lu Yuan killed the Valkyrie that came in, he heard Jiyong whisper in the channel, "Sir, I didn't say anything just now, and you didn't hear anything~ This is an auditory hallucination, this It's not true either!"

"Humph!" Lu Yuan hurriedly pulled the machine gun and pointed it at another Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie helicopter is an enhanced version of the UH-1 "Huey" armed helicopter, which seems to be a unique model in this world.

In addition to the addition of the belly automatic cannon that currently poses the greatest threat to Luyuan, this helicopter is also equipped with protective armor.

As a result, it takes two or three shots to kill a bird helicopter machine gun. When dealing with the Valkyrie, it takes time and bullets to rise.

Waiting for Lu Yuan to aim at the periphery of the cockpit bottom, pouring out nearly a hundred bullets before letting a shot pass through the armor to kill the pilot, and then let the guy fall from the air. Forty left to send.

Looking at the bottomed magazine, Lu Yuan sighed and greeted the other three birds.

Just when he thought he had to choose the lesser of the two evils between exposing the chassis and fleeing in a hurry, a familiar voice was suddenly connected to the team channel.

"Boss, turn east from Qingbai Avenue!"

Lu Yuan was taken aback, and then said with joy, "Alex? Are you nearby?"

"Yeah, boss. I didn't expect such a coincidence!" Turner joined at this time.

"Ling Kesi?" Lu Yuan smiled, "This is really helpful. I just ran out of ammunition and food, and I don't know what to do!"

"Don't be too slow, come here!" Alex Jiao shouted.

"Uh, good!"

Speaking of Alex, Lu Yuan is also a forehead lawsuit.

Originally, Alex's attitude towards him has changed since he gave away the Lotus Superbike. But I don’t know when, Alex lost a good face when he saw Lu Yuan.

But not having a good face is better than being pushed back, so Lu Yuan pinched his nose to recognize it.

[Does the host really know why? 】

"What?" Lu Yuan was very surprised that the system ran out to answer the conversation.

[One day, when a certain red-haired woman issued an offensive statement to the host, the host did not see Alex who flashed by the window upstairs? 】

"What are you talking about?" Lu Yuan was shocked and nearly fell off the back of the truck.

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