Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 300: I know it's not that simple

"As long as you don't betray us, we can't deliberately disturb LSPD. Let the poor city hall employees enjoy a peaceful life, isn't it?" Lu Yuan cut off.

"Ha, that's how it feels, then, the rest is up to you!" Agent 14 didn't respond unexpectedly, and wanted to flash people after a few moments.

However, Lu Yuan suddenly asked at this moment, "Hey, is the salvage on your side going well? Meriweather didn't make trouble?"

"Hey, if those guys can come to make trouble, they still need to hire...?" Agent 14 said smoothly, suddenly reacted halfway through the conversation, and immediately changed his words, "Uh, I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Okay." Lu Yuan didn't rush to continue to pressure him, but said while fiddling with the cargo box in his hand, "What's your job? The Professionals, right?"

"The legend is inextricably linked with FIB, and a criminal organization that often does dark work for them. Professionals actually went to the countryside like Perito Bay and worked hard to salvage the sunken ship?"

"Hey, what will the contents of this cargo box be? It always feels like something I am quite familiar with! For example, some kind of special narcotics?"

"This is interesting. It seems that someone has recently photographed this neighborhood, right? The same legendary security consulting company Meri Weather with FIB, seems to be doing experiments in this neighborhood?"

"At this time, IAA is going to come to join in the peace, um, what is the reason?"

Hearing that Lu Yuan said that there were a lot of things from here, Agent 14 suddenly had a short breath for a few minutes, and after a few deep breaths, he slowly calmed down.

"It's amazing, you deserve to be a sweeper, and your sensitivity to intelligence is stronger than that of ordinary mercenaries! I don't know if it is a good thing or, hum, a good thing?" Agent 14 said in a strange manner, "Okay, if you have any questions, just ask. But you are responsible for the consequences!"

Seeing Agent 14 playing the hob meat, Lu Yuan knew that even if he asked anything from him, he wouldn't want to cover the matter easily, maybe how much trouble he would cause.

Moreover, Lu Yuan collected all the clues seven or eighty-eight. Based on the previous dialogue, the proof he wanted was actually obtained long ago, and there is no reason to force Agent 14 to give a positive answer.

So he just smiled, and turned away from the subject, "It's really miserable to speak of it. How many people have you beaten for such a small amount of money?"

"The Meriweather Mercenary Group, a professional criminal organization, yes, yes, there is a mysterious force that can actually use power armor!"

"Tsk tusk, I always feel that it's really wrong to provoke so many enemies for that little money."

"If one day, these guys come together to deal with me, it will be a big loss!"

Don't look at Lu Yuan's words as talking about himself on the surface, in fact, anyone who hears it knows that he is talking about IAA, or the group of IAA of Agent 14.

As he said, the reason why he fights with so many enemies is because of the tasks given by the IAA. In other words, these enemies are actually the enemies of Agent 14.

Sure enough, after being awakened by Lu Yuan, he not only had many enemies, but also relied heavily on Lu Yuan's combat power, Agent 14's attitude instantly softened.

"Go ahead, what do you want?" Agent 14 said helplessly.

"Hey, just a simple question." Lu Yuan smiled, "What is the thing you grabbed?"

"Why are you asking about this?" Agent 14 suddenly became puzzled, "Well, it was you who stole things from Meriweather?"

"No, no, if it's me, do you think you need to grab that thing again?" Lu Yuan hurriedly denied.

"That's true, the sweeper, he is famous for eating people and not spitting out bones. No, it is famous for being unable to get in, uh, no," Agent 14 finally found a chance to retaliate verbally, "then How do you say it? Uh, the battlefield is cleaned up, yes, this is it."

"That's why it is called a sweeper! How could it be possible to leave such an important thing on the scene?"

"Hey, it's almost done! I like picking up tatters and eating your rice? Give that money every day to clean up the battlefield and sell waste products. What's wrong?"

After such a long time, Lu Yuan began to recognize the name of the "sweeper" that he did not particularly like at the beginning.

After all, with this name, you can reclaim enemy equipment on the battlefield grandiosely, without fear of others' suspicions.

Especially after the bunker was built, he dismantled the recovered equipment from time to time, and threw it to the bunker’s mechanics to use it as raw materials for production, creating an underground munition factory. In the words of Agent 14, “the industry with the highest profit margin for so many years. ".

More or less in the face of this profit, Agent 14 stopped talking nonsense and directly replied, "In fact, it's nothing, it's just that some people are doing narcotics synthesis here in the name of experimentation."

"The ones you have are the finished products."

{really! }Lu Yuanxin sighed.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan asked tentatively, "Then this technology comes from the Humane Laboratory?"

"Hey, be careful, didn't you say it all, that incident has never happened before, so don't mention it again!" Agent 14 curled his lips and said.

Lu Yuan was not greedy, and being able to get a positive answer to that question from Agent 14 was far beyond his expectations.

After all, with regard to special drugs, although he always thought that whether it was Agent 14, Leicester, or even the Hunter squad, they were all in the same group, but there were indeed many differences in the details.

For example, this is the first time that Agent 14 mentioned the existence of special drugs.

I knew everything I wanted to know, and I knew that the other party wouldn’t say anything when I asked. Lu Yuan ended the conversation bluntly, wandering leisurely along the coastline to Nanluodu Port, and then took the APC and the cargo box. Give back to Agent 14's deputy.

It's just that Lu Yuan's phone rang again before a few people returned to the office.

Looking at the most familiar caller ID, "unknown", Lu Yuan hurriedly waved to the other two people on the tram, motioned them to pay attention to the surroundings, and then pressed the answer button.

"Well, I still have a task here, do you want to take it?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was not Lester, but Agent 14 who had just been contacted.

"Don't you think the money is not enough? The reward for this mission is a lot! 1.2 million. And the mission is quite simple. Are you interested?"

"Hehe, you all said that, but there is no such thing as a high-priced task that is really easy!" Lu Yuan chuckled, but continued, "Let's talk about it."

"This and this, if you are interested, wait until you come back." Agent 14 hesitated at this moment, "It's still near the previous factory."

"Huh?" Lu Yuan originally thought that there was a problem with him calling in such a hurry, but now he was actually going to say it, and he felt even more difficult in his heart.

However, after seeing the crowded light rail cars, Lu Yuan still agreed.

Since Agent 14 offered a high price of 1.2 million yuan, it was not easy to take a tram on Luyuan's side. It took sixty oceans, called a rental, and took the Turner back to the abandoned factory.

"Hey, you know that asking the security firm to send an AMG is free, right?" Alex couldn't help but ask.

"It's free and true, but using this service is equivalent to activating the member that day. It is to teach the membership fee, well, 200 a day!" Lu Yuan waved his hand.

" won..." Alex sighed helplessly, "You are the unquestioned champion in stingy."

"Hey, you can't say that." Lu Yuan hurriedly said, "You said I'm stingy, when did I deduct your salary? Give you a full dividend, okay? Let's talk about conscience! I should spend it. To spend, you can save money. This is called frugality. Do you understand it?"

"Yes, yes. You are the best!" Although Alex was still a little unconvinced, he couldn't help but drop a few points after thinking about his current cool super motorcycle.

It is estimated that the same thing was thought of, and at the same time, the reason for that incident was also thought of. Someone who wanted to continue to use procrastination, almost wanted to give himself a few mouthfuls in annoyance.

Tell Alex about being generous. Can she think of the super motorcycle that Lu Yuan paid for?

Alex also made it clear at the time that she knew that Lu Yuan bought the car because she wanted her not to continue to beautify him, so that he could get her a Transformers motorcycle.

But that beauty trick, in the final analysis, seems to have succeeded more than half.

If Lu Yuan hadn't been afraid that he wouldn't have a good fruit when he came back from the main house, he would almost make a mistake several times.

As a result, he actually brought all these things out in front of Alex, so forget about the annoyance.

Fortunately, at this time, the agent of Agent 14 jumped out from nowhere, and also brought a few armed and modified muscle sports cars, Dodge 1969 Superbee, Super Bee.

"This is? Double revolving machine gun remote control station? Small rockets at the front? Rear mortar launchers?" Lu Yuan wondered as he looked at the cars.

"I almost forgot that you are still a mechanical master. How about it, isn't this good?" Agent 14 smiled on the channel, "If you want, I can give you a little cheaper?"

"Haha, that's not necessary. Use a muscle car as an arming site, why don't you use an armored off-road vehicle directly? I'm afraid it's too cruel to control. Why don't you die like this thin-skinned stuffing with high sensitivity, high attack and low defense?" Lu Yuan But he pouted his lips, disdainfully said.

"But since we have all moved out this kind of thing, why, let us destroy it this time?"

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