Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 309: This hatred is big

As the two talked, they had arrived at the rooftop apron of Arcadia Commercial Center, and both got on Gunther's bird gunship.

Listening to Gunther explain why Bainia counted the death of her late husband on Martin Madraso, Lu Yuan quickly sorted out what was going on.

After Niya survived, she definitely wanted to revenge for her husband.

But on the one hand, her husband wanted to wash his hands with the golden basin, and there would definitely be enemies within the faction. On the other hand, other local gangs will certainly take advantage of the situation.

After that, New Medellin gradually grew bigger, as evidenced by it.

After the local development of Columbia, the plan of revenge did not work, so Niya simply ran to Los Santos, preparing to find opportunities for revenge here.

It should be one of such attempts to instigate Martin Madraso's subordinates to testify in court.

But since Martin can kill the betrayer once, there is nothing impossible to do it again.

And Lu Yuan also knew that most of the people who helped him kill the witness this time were the offline protagonists Mike and Trevor.

He also knew that this task was originally used by Mike to "compensate" Trevor. Because Trevor's previous mission to fish for gold in a haystack failed.

However, Trevor, who is not worrying, actually tied Martin Madrasso's wife, Patriza, when the report was completed.

This is also one of the first plots in the original work that can clearly show that Cui Fo has a serious Oedipus complex, abandoned psychology and other mental illnesses.

Shaking his head and clearing all the mess in his mind, Lu Yuan quickly asked, "Since Niya is not on the plane, what are you doing in such a hurry? Uh, Niya is lost? It won't be made by Madera. Didn’t the Suo’s kidnapped? It’s the black armor again?"

"No, no." Gunther hurriedly came to deny Erlian, "It's the opposite."

"on the contrary?"

"Well, I'm afraid, Niya can't stand another failure, and she's ready to run to the enemy." Gunther said.

"One more time?" Lu Yuan said in surprise, "Wait, do it yourself? You mean, Nya wants to attack Martin Madraso's manor alone now?"

Hearing Lu Yuan's question, Gunther nodded with a wry smile, "After receiving the news that Havel was killed, she immediately changed her appearance. She was irritable and uneasy."

"I finally tried to persuade her, thinking she could calm down, but in a blink of an eye, people disappeared."

"I can't answer the phone, and her bulletproof car is not in the garage. There are also a lot of grenade shock bombs in the warehouse..."

"Okay." Lu Yuan understood when he heard this. At this node, he was missing with a heavy weapon, and he would go out to cause trouble in all likelihood.

"How long has she been away?" Lu Yuan said again.

"Up to now, about half an hour." Gunther said.

"It's only half an hour? Are you efficient enough!" Lu Yuan wanted to make a joke to ease the tension, but the effect was not flattering.

"Boss, please, help!" Gunther said with a sad face.

Lu Yuan suddenly turned to look at Gunther, who was in the main driver's seat. The latter was frightened, "Boss, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

"You really fell in love with Niya?" Lu Yuan asked instead without answering.

"This, this, I don't know either." Gunther glanced at him twice, and finally frustrated. "I know what you want to say. Since she can avenge her deceased husband in desperation, it means that in her heart, even herself Not as important as that guy, let alone me..."

Lu Yuan suddenly interrupted, "Before you said that her husband used to wash his hands for his wife and children. Niya, she has children, right?"

"... used to be." Gunther was weak again. "That guy is also miserable. I am afraid that God intends to make up for him, so that Nia fell in love with him!"

"The guy's previous wife and children were killed in gang fights."

"Later Niya finally got pregnant, so he wanted to retire and let the two children grow up safely."

"When I was killed by a mercenary, I took the initiative to dedicate myself to survive for his wife and children."

"But what he didn't know was that after the killing of the door, Niya also miscarried too much because of fright..."

Lu Yuan nodded and said, "So, Niya seeks revenge from Martin, not only for her husband, but also for her own children! The two reasons are related to each other and it is difficult to distinguish."

After that, Lu Yuan stared at Gunther again, "You know, Niya, in this situation, is likely to be self-destructive herself. If she is not allowed to settle, this kind of thing will happen once and twice. Times until the end."

"……I know……"

"Even if she is allowed to end this matter, she will have nothing but emptiness by the time, or will be in the dark, the best situation is only 50-50%." Lu Yuan said again.

"...I understand that too."

"Yeah." Lu Yuan looked at Gunther with a bitter face, nodded and said, "Have you never thought about finding another motivation for her to live? You know, do something on rubber. ."

"Boss! What do you think of me!" Gunther suddenly sternly said, but his voice dropped as soon as he finished snorting, "In fact, we didn't use rubber afterwards."

"Because of that miscarriage, she not only lost one child, she also lost all her future..."

"Okay." Lu Yuan gave a wry smile, shook his head and sighed, "This hatred is really strong."

"Okay, she walked for half an hour, right? She drove her armored Range Rover SUV? In this case, the fastest way from the garden bank west of your office to Martin Madraso's estate is Take the downtown highway."

"In half an hour, she should be near the racecourse now."

Lu Yuanbian said, he looked down the plane, hoping to find Niya's black armored SUV.

As a result, the car was not discovered yet, but a group of people gathered at the entrance of the Federal Court in the downtown area. Lu Yuan couldn't help but wonder, "What? There are gangs attacking the court? The police don't care?"

Gunther glanced at it and said casually, "That's not a gang, uh, okay, I can't say no. But that's a demonstrator. Huh, it's no use!"

"Demonstration?" Lu Yuan asked with some curiosity.

"Didn’t someone accidentally kill a black man during law enforcement last year? The man was found not guilty. The black people exploded and protested everywhere." Gunther pouted, "Is it useful? Just on this scale. It’s like a joke, it’s better to build a gang and get immediate results."

"Um." Lu Yuan nodded thoughtfully, "It's okay, it's a spark. Anyway, the white people won't change it. Someday there will be a big news."

"Yeah, yeah." Gunther nodded, "but that has nothing to do with us. Boss, can you help me pay attention to business?"

"Um, I'm sorry," Lu Yuan said helplessly, "Well, there shouldn't be anywhere near here, so let's fly directly to the racecourse!"

Gunther is absolutely nothing, please dial the joystick and it will fly to the northeast.

Just as the two reached the high-speed sky near the racecourse, and Lu Yuan was about to lean down and look down, he heard a burst of fire near the horizon further north.

"That was, an explosion?" Lu Yuan was stunned, "No? She arrived at the manor so soon?"

Before he could say anything, Gunther pushed the joystick forward, and at the same time he raised the left-hand distance lever, the entire helicopter tilted its nose forward and galloped forward.

When Lu Yuan saw this, he had no choice but to laugh, "Hey, you said there is equipment on board, where is it? Is it in the back seat?"

"Uh, yes." Gunther woke up suddenly and found that Lu Yuan was still wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, and he was rather embarrassed, "What, boss, wait a while I will find a way to give you time to change clothes."

"Hey, forget it!" Lu Yuan waved his hand, "You keep your balance, I'll change it now!"

"Huh?" Gunther was taken aback, but he saw that Lu Yuan had opened the co-pilot's cabin door and squeezed out from the gap in the cabin door, holding the armrest outside the cabin, and then jumped into the rear cabin in two or three steps. .

"Boss, you, it's too dangerous!" Gunther couldn't help but said.

"You better pay attention to the power lines in front!" Lu Yuan said with no air, "Aircraft crashes are even more dangerous!"

Not to mention that Lu Yuan was stupid and bold, and he dared to jump and play outside the high-speed helicopter without protection. It is true that he has several sets of protective measures, and the worst is that he also has spare parachutes in his "terrain utilization props".

Moreover, as long as the [High Speed ​​Reaction] is turned on, Gunther flies fairly smoothly, which is not difficult for him.

After sitting on the seat in the rear cabin, Lu Yuan began to search for spare equipment from the weapon box. Body armor, tactical vest, and combat helmet are all available. There are even bulletproof leg guards and knee pads.

But the weapon is a bit miserable, except for a Remington M870 pump-action shotgun, there are only two M4A1s.

It's not that there are other weapons. There is also a weapon box with "Picero Exclusive" written on the box. There must be other weapons there.

But don't even think about it, this is for Gunther's own use, and Lu Yuan is even less interested in using it.

{Forget it, it's a big deal when it's time to make magic, just pick it up from the ground! }Lu Yuan made up such a sentence in his mind without beginning and ending, and then knocked on the top of the phone to signal Gunther that he was ready.

Gunther had already flown over the manor. The flames before, really came from here.

The main entrance of the manor opens westward, leading to a north-south highway.

The rest of the direction is protected by a fence, but the protection on the east side is relatively thin.

The previous explosion was on the southeast side of the manor.

At this time, the cartel gunmen near the manor had already gathered around, shooting randomly at a building like a wooden stable.

Not far from the stables, a black SUV was crashing into another wooden house, and there was a puff of white smoke from the hood.

That car is Niya's bulletproof Range Rover.

Gunther saw where this situation was still able to sit still, and dived straight down, shooting at the incoming person with a burst.

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