Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 324: New invitation

A few pieces of news are scattered among a large number of other violent news, and they are not conspicuous, but if you are familiar with the plot of the original work, you will naturally know what the above pieces represent.

The train for Meriweather should have been hijacked by Mike and Trevor. In order to make up for Martin Madraso, who had his ear cut off and kidnapped his wife, with the help of Lester, they obtained an Aztec statue for the Meheke drug lord.

That thing is said to be quite effective for the unspeakable concealment of men.

By the way, it needs to be done. The city of Meheiko, the capital of Meheiko, was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.

Based on this, it is only natural that the Maihekou people believe in Aztec mythology.

The second piece of perfume thief news can basically be concluded, that is, FIB threatened the offline three protagonist team to raid the humanitarian laboratory.

As for whether it was the nerve gas or the cheap perfume formula that was stolen, someone who once copied all the data from the facility information center would not know which one it was.

After Lu Yuan and their raid, the Humanitarian Laboratory first fell into the hands of IAA, and then I didn't know what PY transaction happened, and returned to Meriweather's control until now.

In the previous "Battle of Pearly Gas", Mike also snatched the nerve gas from the transport vehicle of the Humane Laboratory that could make the whole house fall asleep.

So smoothly, it is obvious that the version in the news is the result of another PY transaction.

Compared with the previous two news items, the third one is a bit too inconspicuous.

The same type of cases, in Luo Sheng, do not say every day, at least there are three or four cases every week.

It's just this, Lu Yuan thinks it should be Cui Fo's cousin and cousin's girlfriend who were killed by Cui Fo.

Although the original plot was somewhat vague about who killed these two people, Lu Yuan always believed that from the moment the two took out their weapons in front of Cui Fo, their destiny could no longer be changed.

It doesn't really matter whether the two of them killed each other or killed themselves, or both were killed by Trevor.

After these pieces of news, Lu Yuan briefly enjoyed peace for a few days.

The little guy surged, entangled for a long time between luxury cars and airplanes, and finally chose a luxury car. It cost Luyuan a full one million dollars to buy a super sports car nicknamed the Viper. In fact, it is the so-called super sports model of Bugatti's Weihang series.

Of course, compared with the original price of more than two million euros, the price of this car is a bit too conscientious, and Lu Yuan corrected it for two days before finally hitting the street.

It’s just that he didn’t wait for how he would enjoy the newly acquired car, although in fact the main body of enjoyment was actually a surge, another piece of news caught his attention.

"The bloodshed broke out in a peaceful town named North Yankton. A gun battle broke out in a cemetery in the Ludendorf district of North Yankton. Several Asian gangsters died, a grave was desecrated, and the whole town was shrouded in panic and confusion. middle.

The following is the report sent by our correspondent Steve Petola at the scene.

‘Thank you, Sheila. ’

‘It is reported that most of the dead were Asian gang members related to a triad gang. Its leader is named Chen Wei. ’

‘The desecrated grave belonged to the famous bank thief McTownley, who had exchanged fire with the police in the same area nine years ago and was shot and killed by a FIB agent. ’

‘Why his grave was desecrated and the connection between him and the triad are still unsolved mysteries. ’

Yellow ferret news. "

After reading the news, Lu Yuan couldn't help but sighed, "Cui Fo's speed is quite fast. Hezhe hasn't been idle in the past few days."

"Four things, right? Everything has something to do with him."

"I thought he would dove in the magpie's nest, and after he took over the Vanilla Unicorn Club, he would enjoy a few more days of normal life. Have you discovered Mike's little secret?"

"Dad? What is that? Who is it?" the surge on the Viper asked smoothly.

"Hey, it would be too troublesome to explain." Lu Yuan smiled, tapped on the dashboard lightly, "Why, are you tired of running? Go home if you are tired of running."

"Ah? Will you go home now? No? Dad, let me run this tank of oil, okay?" As soon as I heard that I was going to go home, the surge immediately left all those things behind, miserable. Pleaded eagerly.

Lu Yuan glanced at the on-board display with a smile, and gave him a look, then plunged himself into the high-end leather seat again, and snorted comfortably, "Then I will take a nap again, yourself. Let's play."

"Well, pay attention to frequently changing license plates and avoid the camera. Also, it's okay to go racing with people, don't have an accident!"

"Don't worry, dad! The second generation of little idiots came to drag me with me, hum, let them lose a car overnight!" Ji Chung vowed.

"Really? Then you go ahead."

That's right, not only didn't these two guys stay in the office honestly at this time, they came out and started the underground race instead.

But after all, Surge has a racial advantage. Recently, it has made a name for itself in the urban underground racing circle.

Let him work hard again, and maybe he can really earn back the money Lu Yuan spent on the car.

When I first arrived in Los Sanctuary, Lu Yuan and Yanzi didn't talk about tens of thousands of tasks, even tasks involving thousands of salaries.

But now, just a game of more than ten minutes, the surge can win the opponent tens of thousands of dollars. There is a sense of sight that the more money you have, the easier it is to make money.

At the same time, the stock market is still continuously contributing numbers to Lu Yuan's account.

With sufficient financial support, Lu Yuan's recent research progress can be described as leaps and bounds.

In his so-called snooze, he actually uses the system as an auxiliary computer to design and plan various new props.

For example, he studied the heavy armor in Perito Bay from the inside out. Although the design idea of ​​that thing was backward, but with the technology he mastered, a lighter version was quickly made, but the performance did not decrease but increased.

It's just that there is still no power system, so it can only be regarded as a bulletproof suit, not a power mech. It can't be compared with the battle armor used by black armored fighters that can even be matched with a rocket jet backpack.

Fortunately, at least that thing pulled into the gap between the two sides.

Compared with protective equipment, the progress of weapons is higher. I believe that next time I meet a black armored soldier, I can beat them severely.

Lu Yuan's daydreaming did not last a few more days, and soon he received a new invitation.

However, this invitation is different. The main difference is that the initiator will not give him a cent, and Lu Yuan did not refuse it.

In fact, he had anticipated this, and if the person was delayed to find himself, he was still going to run around in front of the person to remind the other person that he still had such a helper.

The initiator of the invitation is Xiaofu.

The job content is also very simple, help save Mike from the triad.

The reason for this has to go back a bit.

In fact, Chen Wei's triad has always been a buyer of small drug trafficking organizations in Blaine County. Not only Trevor, but most of the gangs, including the Lost Gang, the Aztecs, and the O'Neill Brothers, have more or less business dealings with the Triad Society.

It’s just that after Trevor killed all the above-mentioned gangs, although he left Ronaldinho as the CEO to take charge of these things, after all, Trevor’s previous business was mainly based on black eating black. Now that there are no other blacks, he has no food. , So the supply was cut off.

For this reason, he also hinted that Guo Lu Yuan would come to help, but as a Chinese, Lu Yuan would not help him with that kind of thing. Last time he participated in Trevor's "first round of fundraising operations", Lu Yuan was not to expand his business, but to find special narcotics behind the scenes.

It doesn't matter if the stock is out of stock on his side, it saves Lu Yuan from taking the initiative to clean up the dregs of the triad group of forgotten ancestors.

Although to be fair, the triads in this worldview are basically the descendants of Chinese descendants outside of the main body of Chinese.

They do not share the same set of values ​​or even the same set of historical views with the subject Chinese Americans, and their ancestors may have already taken them out.

In short, Trevor is out of stock, and the triad's sales have been severely affected.

Although forces such as Madera Socatel and Vigo Gang can also provide sources of supply to the triad, if cooperation with them can make enough money, the triad will not find small forces like Trevor to cooperate at the beginning. .

Capitalists always pursue high profits.

So slowly, the triad wanted to kick Trevor out of the game, occupied Trevor's current turf, and then made goods by himself.

It's just that Trevor has little power and ability, and has never let them find a chance.

But the last time Trevor ran to North Yankton to inspect McTownley's grave, the triad finally found the opportunity to start.

Although Trevor and Mike had nothing to do after the battle with the triad, they were angry that Mike deceived himself for nearly ten years and forged the illusion that Brad was still alive. In fact, he was buried there as McTorley a long time ago. So Trevor moved Mike's car before leaving.

Since then, Mike was unfortunately caught by the triad.

Only Trevor knew about this, but after Xiaofu helped Devan Winston get a few luxury cars, the other party didn't pay him, so he wanted to discuss it with Mike. It turned out that Mike was missing after searching.

"So, I would like to ask you to help me discuss with the triad and save Mike back!" Said Xiaofu who had found Shangluyuan.

Hearing what he said, Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh, guessing the general trend, but unfortunately he didn't guess the details.

He thought that Xiaofu was looking for him to approve of his skill, but he wanted to make himself a lobbyist.

But Nick Lu did mix in the triad for a while, but Lu Yuan was not really Nick Lu.

And even if it is true, letting him be a lobbyist will only make the triad side directly tear up the votes.

After all, although Nick Lu had been involved in gangsters, he was actually an undercover, the kind of undercover who avenged his parents.

This kind of underage undercover agent, regardless of how beautiful Mika is saying, but they are not used less in the world.

The real Nick Road is one of them.

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