Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 340: Negotiations between two parties

When Mike rushed from the observation deck to the vicinity of the stairs, Meriweather's helicopter suddenly blocked him.

"Don't shoot yet?" Lu Yuan on the other building, seeing that Mike's road ahead was blocked by a gunship, had to hide behind the bunker passively, and asked Trevor again.

Trevor didn't answer, but he straightened his body straight, took the sniper rifle, took two glances in the direction of the helicopter, and steadily pulled the trigger.

Hearing only a gunshot, the helicopter pilot's chest was exploded with a **** mist. Then, the helicopter swayed to the ground, centering on the central landscape in the center of the square.

"Hey! If someone in this world kills you, that person must be me!" Trevor shouted to Mike after appreciating his masterpiece.

"So, are you here to finish this job? T?" Mike yelled back, and he hadn't called his real name, but called "T".

"No, no, no, no, how come! I'm just here to take advantage of this opportunity!" Trevor hurriedly said, "Now, run quickly!"

After speaking, Cui Fo greeted Lu Yuan, "I will leave my back to you, N!"

"I thought you would let me save M." Lu Yuan shrugged, and when he recovered the drone, he also brought the mask up. Then he took out a handful of popular M4A1 and poured it out at the surrounding FIB. Firepower.

"Hey, the fat guy still doesn't need help. When it's critical, remember?" Cui Fo asked.

Soon, Mike added Trevor to his communication channel somehow, and shouted to Trevor, "T, are you still bringing your helper? Okay, whatever, you are in a better position. Dave cleared a route and he was surrounded!"

"Dave? That's the guy who killed Brad and wanted to kill me?" Trevor snorted coldly. "Why don't I aim the scope at him and pull the trigger again?"

"That **** Hines escaped alone!" Mike said, "Now we can't lose our last friend in FIB! Let's talk about it later! Now, we must save him!"

"Okay, okay." Trevor picked up his gun and shot wildly at the enemy near the reflection pool, still muttering, "You owe me personal love again, M!"

"Maybe, it doesn't matter, I am not good at math!" Mike joked, and then said, "Dave, these FIBs that chase us down, can't you think of a way?"

"I can't help it!" Dave shot and said, "These corrupt guys are either focusing on our team's budget or simply taking the money from the IAA. I can't control it!"

"Is the IAA money?" Mike sneered. "Then they fight with the white-haired old man?"

"Also, I thought your group was the gathering place for corrupt agents!"

"What a joke, although our team is a bit greedy, but it's definitely below average. There is absolutely no such greedy guy!" Dave asked immediately, "but those Meriweather, hey, there's another helicopter. They definitely don't have a funding problem. The money is so much that people are jealous!"

Listening to several people shooting from there and talking nonsense, Lu Yuan also wanted to join in.

After all, there are a few questions, and he still wants to ask them side by side. For example, why did Meriweather appear and was hired by FIB? Why?

But if there were only Trevor and Mike, there was also Dave.

That guy happened to be a FIB agent, and Lu Yuan didn't want to expose himself and make trouble for himself.

Although he did not have time to browse through the information obtained from the FIB building yesterday, he still read the information of Agent Dave Norton.

How should I put it, there is a reason why McTownley worked with such a guy back then. Because of his lack of ability and ambition, his morality is almost corrupted by years of cold reception or FIB's own ethos, and he has not completely lost his enterprising spirit.

In short, it is the kind of corrupt people who are willing to cooperate when the gangsters want to clean up.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. This kind of guy, once the situation is bad, will sell his collaborators at any time in exchange for a chance to get out.

When the confrontation just happened, he actually stood up to persuade Steve Hines to surrender his gun, which is an example.

In Lu Yuan's eyes, the unreliable agent 14 of the IAA Americas Office is more trustworthy than the Dave Nord.

With Lu Yuan behind him to protect, Trevor doesn’t have to choose between helping Mike first or killing the enemy who can hit him first. Anyway, all gunners who aim at him will be killed by Lu Yuan’s shots in less than a second. .

No matter whether it is FIB or IAA or Meri Weather, there is no sniper, which means that all the gunmen who threaten Trevor are also within the range of Lu Yuan.

The only Meriweather gunship that may be a little troublesome, but it is smashing with Mike and Dave wholeheartedly.

But in this way, they provided Trevor with a sniper rifle on the rooftop with an excellent shooting angle, and after a while, Trevor was taken down from the sky again.

"Very well, the fat guy should almost be able to escape, let's go too!" Feeling that the situation is almost the same, Trevor closed his gun and said.

"Where are you going now?" Lu Yuan nodded and asked again.

"Follow me." Trevor said to him, raising the contact device and shouting to Mike who had fled to the parking lot, "Before you disappear, I have something to talk to you."

"Talk about it!" Mike said while looking for the car.

"Not here! Find a quiet place. Well, this is near Morningwood (Morningwood, prototype Westwood Westwood), just go behind the pawnshop there!" Trevor replied.

"no problem."

"See you later!"

Soon, Mike and Dave robbed a car alone and drove down the mountain from the parking lot.

On the far side of Lu Yuan, he also ran to the parking lot behind Trevor.

The remaining enemies, probably attracted by McDave's attention, followed one after another. On Luyuan's side, as long as you pay attention to walk around them, you don't have to worry about being targeted.

Lu Yuan doesn't care about detours, but Cui Fo is in a straight line.

No way, Lu Yuan had to help him blaze a trail.

Although this journey is not easy, there is a surprise.

At least, Lu Yuan had a fairly reasonable speculation about why Meriweather would appear.

On the way they had walked before, in the flower pond in front of a certain building, there was a sign that said,

"Warning some brave guys, all the property here is under the protection of Meriwether Security Services Company. If anyone dares to move their minds, be prepared to be smashed into a sieve by bullets!"

Although it may be a bit arbitrary to say that, as far as the current intelligence is concerned, Meri Weather is likely to be the team that strictly abides by the work of the five or six teams just now.

"Can you believe it? Merriweather made such a big battle just because someone was fighting here?" Lu Yuan said to Trevor, pointing to the sign.

"What?" Trevor was taken aback, and then said, "Well, it's just to scare people, they don't have such a good service, unless they charge money from the rich owner!"

"Really?" Lu Yuan slapped his lips and said again, "Then you say, a bunch of rare cultural relics have been collected from all over the world, and a whole set of museums have been specially built to store them for visitors to visit for free, and a Researcher and a foundation."

"You said, such a proprietor, is it considered a rich proprietor?"

"Huh?" Cui Fo was asked in a daze, then hesitated, "Well, this, that, maybe, forget it."

It can be said that if such a rich person can't get Meriweather's VIP service, I don't know who else can enjoy it. Is it only Uncle Sam himself?

But Lu Yuan could also understand Trevor's disdain for the owner. After all, from start to finish, the local security guard has never appeared.

But from another perspective, the absence of security guards does not mean that someone has done their work. Meriweather is also the security guard here in theory.

Without the enemy's tracking, the two soon arrived at the Morningwood pawnshop mentioned earlier.

After the two waited for a while, Mike also ran over eagerly.

Seeing Trevor poking there, Mike sighed, took a cigarette from his bag, and was about to light it on himself.

When Trevor saw it, he quickly cut off the cigarette from his hand and threw it on the ground. He said in a strange way, "Smoking? This is not good for your health, Mike, why are you so irresponsible for your body?"

"Really?" Mike sighed again, "Maybe it's because I just got involved in a melee of several parties, including two government intelligence organizations and a private armed army!"

"Maybe it's because of too much pressure, I have to find a way to vent!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, then we have to take good care of your small body, and there are more important things waiting for you!" Cui Fo said.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked. "Also, where was your follower just now?"

"I'm here." Lu Yuan also walked out from the corner at this time, "The parking space is hard to find, it takes a while. It just so happens to give you a chance to reminisce about the past."

"Nick? So it's you?" Mike glanced at him and said, "Who do you think is so good marksmanship?"

"Why, did you tell him about that?"

"What's the matter?" Trevor wondered. "Wait, you have something to hide from me? Nick? I entrust you with my back?"

Seeing that Trevor showed signs of nervousness again, Lu Yuan hurriedly said, "Hey, remember that before you call me to help, I said that when I finish my work, I have something for you to help, remember?"

"Well, I'm listening." Trevor recalled now, and he calmed down.

"And Mike, before I came, I didn't know that Trevor suddenly asked me for help. It was for this purpose. It was Trevor's own idea to save you, not my success in lobbying." Lu Yuan explained to Mike again.

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