Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 396: Annihilation Hunting Task Force

When a person's emotional ups and downs, physical function and intelligence will drop significantly.

Even if it is a human body that has been strengthened by biochemical technology, but has not specifically dealt with the emotional module, this negative impact is inevitable.

Fortunately, the leader of the group, Slashing Spear, was still alive, and immediately integrated the black armor, and then fled back.

But before two seconds had passed, the Slashing Spear was shot again from nowhere, something that could not be seen, touched or heard, punched a hole from head to toe.

The remaining six people really became headless flies, with a tendency to fly everywhere.

At this moment, Shiafe's rapid-fire shells smashed down like hail.

This time, because there were enough artillery shells, a few black armors finally learned that the enemy's artillery fire was shot from a suspended iron slab in the sky. They didn't recognize it as a drone because of the perspective.

The black armor raised his gun and fired back, and was easily avoided by the iron plate in the sky. But the hail of ammunition drenched by the iron plate seemed to have grown eyes, and he greeted the black armor heartily.

However, after a few rounds, Lu Yuan received three more kill records.

"Wow, sir, it's okay, it's okay, you can stop Big Brother Raven, I haven't enjoyed it yet! My gun has been loaded! Change me for me!" Lu Yuan shared the surge of the battlefield screen Can't help but rush.

"I, my lord, let me come first! I just took a head!" Rose also joined the fight for merit.

Seeing that the two younger generations were rushing out, Xiafei had the elder brother's bearing, and greeted Lu Yuan, and stopped the attack.

No way, the firepower projection of the three little guys was realized by Lu Yuan remotely deploying a certain working space on the iron plate of the drone.

The space door he unfolded every time was roughly the size of an iron plate, but it was only one meter square.

Such a small area is obviously not enough to house three different automatic guns.

Therefore, every time Lu Yuan changed a gun to attack, Lu Yuan actually changed the unfolded space door.

In this way, whoever of the three gunners can play must completely obey Lu Yuan's arrangements.

He opens the space door of which space, which gunner can shoot.

For Rose and the surge, the road is far away.

There are only three people left in the nine-person team, no matter how you deal with them afterwards, it will be inevitable. It doesn't matter who killed him, the time and space points will be counted on Lu Yuan.

At this moment, the last three people below didn't talk about formation or coordination anymore. One person, one direction, turned into a fan of nearly 180 degrees, and fled to the southern city.

Seeing Lu Yuan, he didn't hide behind the broken wall. With his left hand propped against the wall and his right hand holding the tablet, the whole person pursued to the easternmost person.

As he ran, he controlled the drone to tilt to the westernmost side, but with a roar, the grenade of the 125mm tank smoothbore gun exploded directly beside the man, giving Lu Yuan another kill record.

Then, switching from the west to the south, Rose's electromagnetic cannon smoothly took away the second person.

After two times, Lu Yuan put the tablet away and took out the heavy rifle and the remains of the dark eagle.

Regardless of how the two little guys in the communication device who still want to grab the head make a big noise, Lu Yuan raised his rifle unhurriedly. A black armor squeezed the trigger severely.

Finally, the surroundings finally recovered from the sound of gunfire. However, it didn't take long for the sirens of a fire truck or a police car to sound in the distance, from far to near.

Lu Yuan hurriedly cleaned up the nearby battlefield, recovered the warhead shrapnel as much as possible, and hurriedly left the factory area.

Regarding the black armor, anyway, they have their own self-destructing device and will not leave any traces of them. Including the corpse of the Dark Eagle thrown out of the portable space by Lu Yuan.

Why throw it? It's useless anyway, I keep it and take up space, of course I have to clean it up.

Is this good?

Well, it's hard to say.

Originally, Rose was very indifferent to that body, but Lu Yuan was thrown away like trash.

But watching her control the coil cannon and aiming around like that, Lu Yuan guessed that she was uncomfortable. It was probably because Lu Yuan didn't give her the last head.

Originally, Lu Yuan was a little hesitant about whether Rose would directly participate in the action of destroying the black armor. After all, those guys were once her subordinates no matter how bad they were, and there might be friends. It is somewhat difficult for her to kill a friend.

However, when Lu Yuan expressed her concerns, Rose not only didn't feel relieved, but instead took the initiative to invite her with outrage, as if she could kill all the black armors by letting her go on her own.

It turned out that after she recovered from the refrigerated state, she was no less angry with those nominal subordinates.

Although her identity as the biological daughter of the big boss is not a secret, because the historical issues are too complicated, people who know how to do it can promote it. Listening to some second-hand news is like getting a treasure to spread gossip. It is also a little bit confused. People who understand.

So, very consistent with the law of communication, her biological daughter passed the word that the word was omitted.

Daughter, it’s hard to say that it’s the birth, the stepson, adoption, or whatever.

Then it spread, and the daughter turned into a goddaughter.

At this point, the old driver in the black house will have to give full play to his ghs brain supplement ability.

In combination with her resurrection after being refrigerated, some good deeds are passionate novels with tens of thousands of words written, which are widely circulated within the black armor.

In this way, even if those people don't say anything on the surface, the secret words can make people alive.

Moreover, not everyone just talks nonsense secretly.

And because of the previous competition, the three teams and four teams, that is, the Charlie team and the Delta team, are old opponents.

The captain of the third team, Charlie No. 1, had been assigned to Los Santos due to the failure of the battle before, and he had been at odds with the Delta No. 1 Dark Eagle for a long time.

If the boss is like this, his subordinates will naturally follow suit.

Later, when Charlie 5's battle sickle failed, and the upper class sent the Dark Eagle to take over, although the Dark Eagle executed the war sickle because of the order of the upper layer, the rest of Charlie's team still counted the account on her.

The spear-cutting boss who had been impatiently out of touch with him for several hours just now was the representative of Charlie's squad who was accustomed to pulling the eagle's hind legs face to face.

So when Rose fired her first shot, intentionally or unconsciously, she picked this guy out and sent him to the tongue hell.

Because of this, don't look at her having a good time now, but Lu Yuan can guess that this "mature" duke with a careful eye hidden under the bold appearance is actually in a pretty good mood now.

What made her most uncomfortable might be that she lost to what she thought was the surge of the younger brother in the head-robbing battle, and felt that she was a little shameless as an older sister.

As for the two people's heads, it was obvious that there were two such things, but she forcibly ignored the past on the ground that the adult who drew with the child had lost.

Completely disregarding the person with the least head, that is, Lu Yuan's feelings.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan, as the biggest winner of nearly 2,000 time and space points contributed by a total of nine heads, would not care about such things as heads.

The system thinks that he got all nine heads, that's enough.

After leaving the factory quickly, Lu Yuan went straight to the west of the city, where the Meka embassy in Rusin in Shevchenko District began the next step.

Lu Yuan's first step was to wipe out the black armored hunting task force, not only to clean up these tails that tracked him, but also to cut off the enemy's arm. The key to saving is that these people suddenly came out to disrupt the situation.

Since most of Lu Xin's current chaos is caused by the Eastern European Affairs Office of IAA, then in Lu Yuan's plan, the protagonist of the big news can only be IAA.

So, if there is no other detailed information, what should I do if I don’t know where to find IAA? If there is an embassy in the United States, of course, just go straight to it.

However, it should be noted that IAA's activities in other countries are divided into two parts. In the name of the embassy staff, the guys who planned various reactionary events in private meetings with some local people are generally low-key, but they still belong to the bright side.

Those who provide weapons to the mob, or even send killers at critical moments, belong to the dark place.

The guys in the dark have different identities, but they often have a certain but infrequent intersection with the embassy, ​​but 100% are not direct staff of the embassy.

Of course, there are some people who never go to the embassy until the critical time. For example, the legendary deep agent, or the sleeping agent, is this type.

But for now, Lu Yuan's second step is not secret agents, but embassy staff on the surface.

Not long after the riots in the square during the day, Lu Yuan learned from the news that although some of the Russian mercenaries managed to escape from Kiev in the end, the few corpses left in the square were enough for someone to take them. Linked with the Great Rus Army.

In addition, there were also the bodies of suspected members of the Golden Eagle Special Forces at the scene, and their dressing was similar to that of the great Ross mercenary. This was even more so that the dirty water was poured directly on the Russin authorities.

Although those people in the Golden Eagle belong to the pro-Western faction, and there are even well-known elites, they are not important at all. It can't stop those media who have the right to speak.

The most foolish thing about the media is that they generally don't need to fabricate facts, but only need to selectively display facts.

As a result, some important officials of the American Embassy are now cooperating with Russin’s opposition, that is, the pro-American faction, on various news focus occasions, and aggressively attacked Russin’s authorities and Greater Ross.

Forcing the current leader of Lu Xin to step down, and inciting Lu Xin's anti-Russian sentiment.

Although the two parties were obviously the same country, Kievan Rus. But after the millennium has split, grievances and grievances have been born, and they can no longer be integrated.

And when those people said the words of those high-sounding fools on the surface, after they returned to the private space, they still knowingly burst out a few true inside stories.

Lu Yuan's purpose is these fierce materials.

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