Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 408: End of military training and retreat

In the blink of an eye, autumn passed and spring came, and it has been eight months since Lu Yuan first entered this plane of change.

When he returned to the main plane for the first time, he was still curious about what the soul wear would look like when he returned.

The flesh of this face turned into a vegetable?

As a result, the system's processing method was also very simple and rude. In fact, when he merged with the multiple bodies for the first time, there was only a layer of "skin" left on the original body, and the inside was still Lu Yuan's own body.

After a period of life, that layer of "outer skin" will naturally fall off, and the image that appears will become more and more like the real road far away.

The first prerequisite for this change is not to cause a backlash from the surroundings, and the people around will only accept his changes subtly.

For similar reasons, the dual body that Lu Yuan can merge is also limited in strength.

That's why the system said before that he can only fuse Perron, who has become a lonely ghost, and cannot fuse Sonaz, who is tall and magnificent.

Even so, it took Lu Yuan a few more months to complete the integration of Perun. And there is a new harvest.

[The host is completely integrated with the weak soul of Sonaz, the Isu, and has an extraordinary attribute-mind, which is increased to 9 points. 】

For example, Lu Yuan itself is like a computer, so fusing Sonaz before is like adding a set of external hard drives to this computer.

Although the data on the mobile hard disk can be used at any time, the reading speed is subject to multiple restrictions such as the hard disk rotation speed and the transmission port. Naturally, the speed will not be fast.

Complete integration is equivalent to copying the data on the mobile hard disk to the hard disk of the computer itself, and opening a detailed data directory in the memory.

The increase in mind is because of this copy, which is also a sharpening of Lu Yuan's own soul.

In general, Lu Yuan's own attributes have almost reached the stage where all 10 points are full.

At one point in the middle, he felt that the seven-day strengthening opportunity was not a waste, and he added a little more to his appearance.

Fortunately, the main plane is undergoing military training.

Regarding the main business of the retreat, the preparation of the six self-propelled artillery has been completed.

At present, not only can the electronic life such as Xiafei be directly possessed for complete movement, stop, deployment, shelling, and refilling, etc.

It is also possible to maintain the deployment of the quasi-artillery state, by means of an external control device, so that one person can control three at the same time to launch.

During the period, the various raw materials of Jinshan University contributed a lot. Although the semi-finished raw materials themselves are at a level similar to that of the main plane at the beginning of the 20th century, Lu Yuan did not use them for key parts such as gun barrels, so he barely used them.

On the contrary, he uses experiments as the structure and consumes so much material resources of the school, so naturally he cannot fail to express it.

So he threw a self-propelled artillery with a 120mm caliber howitzer, one size smaller than 2S19, to the military. This also added the word "senior" before his researcher title.

Anyway, the automatic artillery in this area is just this one, and there is no need to inherit the tradition of the 40-pounder gun in the Tsarist era. It must have the entire 122mm caliber.

For a few months, Turner and Alex also had a good time.

Turner, who learned a lot of coaxing skills, recently coaxed the guy who is still a child in every sense of the surge to almost call him a dad.

I won’t talk about traditional crafting or swallowing swords. Turner actually learned magic ventriloquism from some masters, but he learned them and used them in battle.

For example, a slight modification of the gun will make the enemy misjudge the aiming direction of the muzzle. Of course this is only for high-level enemies. The general minions have not been able to observe the direction of Turner's muzzle.

Compared with Turner who is technically slick, Alex has a lot more wild roads.

As Lu Yuan had judged before, after the three-month training period, Alex, the new rifle light cavalry, was sent to the eastern battlefield to be responsible for fighting the European Union Colonial Army.

Originally, the two families were feuds. They fought each other in Western Europe for thousands of years, but ended up fighting in Northern New South Wales.

However, they came one step later. Not only were there forces from another continent here, but even the local forces were also under the influence of that side, and their combat power was also greatly increased.

In this situation, the two feuds also had to unite.

It's just that China's main energy is still on internal development, especially coordinating the contradictions between the various tribes in the old era, and there is no large-scale use of troops on the border.

Even so, China's light cavalry will overpower the sphere of influence of the Rhus-Russian coalition forces, and firmly control the coastline in the northeast for a generation, and cannot go deep inland.

Alex relied on Rose’s drone for reconnaissance. He was often alone, inserted into vital parts of the coalition forces, and directly decapitated the commander, or destroyed logistical grain and grass. Later, he was directly on the wanted list of the colonial army. The biggest card exists.

It's a pity that the rogue bandits who came to try their luck all over Europe ended up just adding more guns to her.

Shortly after Lu Yuan sent the 120mm self-propelled artillery prototype, the last outer gathering area of ​​the Eastern Union Army except for the port, also had to retract back to the port because most of the logistics materials were destroyed by Alex.

Unfortunately, because the area near Zhongxinzhou is still the site of the Aztec Empire, there is no way to open the canal between North and South Xinzhou. Huaxia’s warships have to drive to the east of North Xinzhou and the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean, or go around the southern end of Nanxinzhou, or It traverses the entire Indian Ocean from its home country and detours from South Africa.

Either way, because of the lack of ocean-going supply bases and before the settlement of Dianlu’s dominance of the Atlantic Ocean, the last port city will be more difficult to defeat because of the cover of naval guns.

Of course, a few months later, after the assault produced 18 self-propelled artillery pieces of an entire artillery battalion, the situation was quite different. Moreover, Huaxia also has fighter jets to help with firepower correction.

As a result, the last war that Alex participated in was finally called the united war of the whole territory of North New South Wales.

It's a pity that a few people haven't had time to see what North New South Wales will develop into the territory of China. They will leave this plane forever.

Although in theory the main plane is 20 days, if there are eight hours of entry every day, 800 hours will be spent, which is a month, then 20 days is 20 months.

But in fact, during this period, Lu Yuan still allocated some energy to stay on the main plane to deal with funding issues.

After three or four weeks of operation, Lu Yuan's available funds have increased from barely five figures at the beginning to close to seven figures.

Several network work platforms are indispensable, Brother Er, Brother Er, Brother Er.

Ordinary people may be easily trapped there, but they have a long way to master the ability of hackers in the advanced era. If they don't take the initiative to cheat others, even if they do good deeds, those who want to scavenge the labor force will be bankrupted by him if they encounter one.

In short, after the military training is over, he finally has enough funds to take Turner and Alex around on the main plane.

These two have also practiced the Huaxia language quite well in the transformation of Huaxia, but the use of words is somewhat classical, and they need to pay attention to improvement.

Finally, it is about F22.

Because the duality of time and material is not allowed, in the end Lu Yuan can only continue to deal with this one later.

However, the experience of changing the world gave him a faint new plan. Maybe the original F22A will never appear again.

On Friday, September 23rd, the four-week military training finally came to an end. The black and thin young people who are trained will start a miserable life bombarded by various university courses.

And Lu Yuan, because of the need in the ectopic plane, has already completed self-study of engineering courses including advanced mathematics at the undergraduate level. English proficiency is also a matter of exchanging language packs, only political, philosophy and art courses are left to make up for.

With his current ability, there is no problem with the high probability of taking a postgraduate of the university's own major.

After all, the efficiency of self-study due to needs is much higher than passive listening.

However, in order to prevent the pragmatism from being insufficiently systematic and comprehensive, Lu Yuan is still ready to "discuss" with the relevant teachers after the start of the class.

Anyway, his ability to find fault with the courtyard had already been trained on the previous plane.

This weekend, I took Turner and Alex to the northern metropolitan area. For this, Lu Yuan is also a new tourist, and he has no qualifications to be a tour guide.

However, because the three people are most familiar with the same big city, they are all Los Santos, so there is no barrier to communication.

For example, when someone sees a shopping mall and says, "This feels like the so-and-so store in the city center", no one will get it wrong.

In Lu Yuan's eyes, some local young people, especially young girls, like to go to the trendy boutiques a few days ago, there are indeed many similarities with some stores in Los Santos a few years ago.

Some people say that the reason why international trade is better than intercity trade is because the international information gap is more obvious.

It’s easier to travel across cities than to travel internationally. On the other hand, people come to you with foreign daily routines and tell you that this is a foreign trend. When you see that it is very different from the locals, you really believe it.

In fact, the tastes and styles of a few stores include cost. In Luo San, they all have the quasi-slum taste at the junction of the central and Nancheng districts of Tuotuo City. It has become a trend here, which shows how useful information gaps are.

As for Chinese food, the Chinese food in the plane of change has begun to integrate the eating habits of the local Chumaxu, Navajo, and even the Central Sioux, and the Eastern Wendat. I want to let the knowledgeable Turner two. Amazing, it's still more difficult.

In fact, it is easy to understand that Huaxia cuisine is also due to the rapid expansion of eight major cuisines in the decades of the great development of ocean trade. The traditional dishes two hundred years ago may have to be halved.

Imagine that the concepts are the same, and the wisdom is the same, but with the other Huaxia in Beixinzhou, how many cuisines will be developed? Regardless of the plane, the ability of Huaxia people to make the best use of food materials is always the best in the world.

On the contrary, Lu Yuan looked at the excuse of dieting to lose weight. In fact, Alex, who was picky eaters, couldn't help but ask her strangely, "Why, your physical strength has gone up, don't you think you have a big appetite?"

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