Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 454: Why don’t you understand, as long as there is love, there is pain

"Oh." Lu Yuan nodded nonchalantly, turned to Serana and asked, "Why, didn't he give you the scroll?"

"He said, we must first eliminate the evil spirits that helped the Dragon of World Destruction before giving me the scroll, otherwise it will solve the doomsday. If there are evil spirits, the world will still be destroyed." Miss Serana looked at it complicatedly. Toward the road far.

"Well, Ahra than him...?"

Seeing that the eldest lady also wanted to ask this question, Lu Yuan waved his hand and smiled lightly at her, beckoning her to be safe, but finally turned to look at Ella who was shrinking in the team of comrades.

Seeing the mature version of Ella, who should have exuded confidence and arrogant charm at the moment, it seemed that she suddenly became old and became an old woman, with her back hunched unconsciously, her eyes lost her previous look, Lu Yuan's heart was particularly different. taste.

However, if you should ask, you still have to say.

"Aila, do you know that Helsin killed our child and used it as a soul guide to reincarnate his clone into Ahrabi?"

As soon as this statement came out, the people around who knew what Helsing existed couldn't help but take a breath, while the others began to whisper as if they heard some private gossip.

The leader of the two teams was so angry that they hurriedly rectified the order of the teams.

But Selana's eyes flashed when she heard the words, as if she understood why Lu Yuan killed Ahrabi, her heart tilted toward Lu Yuan, and her feet slowly moved away from the battle circle of the comrades. In the middle, move to the side, but fortunately, in the following melee, support the far side of the road.

Lu Yuan secretly gave her a gesture, indicating that he understood her plan. But his eyes were firmly fixed on Ella.

Ella tried hard to stand up, but she was not as aggressive as before, and finally just nodded stupidly.

This look made Lu Yuan pitiful and angry, and his voice became three-pointers louder, "Why don't you dare to look at me? What are you afraid of? From beginning to end, why are you sorry to me? Why are you so guilty!"

The sound was suddenly loud, and the people around were also startled. There was the recruit with a bow. His hands were shaken by the sudden rise of the pitch. A steel arrow went straight to Lu Yuan's chest, but he was surprised. Lu Yuan raised his hand and flicked gently, and he was bounced onto the wooden stand next to him.

Originally, a mistake could not be played, but Farkas didn't know whether he had benefited from Dagward's alone, and shouted, "Go together, kill him!" He took the lead and attacked Lu Yuan.

However, Lu Yuan still stared at Ella intently, but he hugged his hands in front of his chest and condensed a green ball of light, and then pressed his hands down violently, a green light ripple spread out to the surroundings, and everyone was swept by the light. Fall directly to the ground.

Only Serana and Ella were deliberately let over by this green light, still maintaining their previous postures.

This is a master-level transformation spell, mass paralysis, and it was also the magic used by Namira's spider clone.

One move resolved the surrounding interference. Lu Yuan saw that Ella was still silent, so he simply took two steps forward, hugged her horizontally, turned around and nodded to Serana, and ran out of the city first.

Selana dumbly watched the man holding another woman running outside, feeling quite subtle in her heart. Although I wanted to eat some flying vinegar, but thinking that I didn't have much friendship with that person, the two of them even had children. Uh, at least they had, and there was no way to eat this flying vinegar.

Seeing Lu Yuan ran farther and farther, Serana looked at the people on the ground who had not been able to touch the paralyzed state, secretly cheered herself up, and ran out behind Lu Yuan.

Ella, who was held in Lu Yuan’s arms, was still a little stupid, but lying in this familiar embrace, those memories that she thought she had forgotten came to her heart again, her eyes filled with tears unconsciously, and finally Overflowing.

Perceiving the whimpering sound of the woman in her arms trembling, Lu Yuan looked at the distance from Baiman City and knew that the disruptor would not be able to catch up for a while, so he randomly found a comfortable position and still hugged her in his arms. In the middle, sat down lightly.

Just like this, I hugged the crying woman, patted her back and sat for a while, until her crying ceased, Lu Yuan said softly, "Is it better?"

"Yeah." The woman replied with a heavy nasal voice because of tears, turned around and buried her head in Lu Yuan's arms, whimpering to his chest, "I'm sorry..."

Lu Yuan continued to pat her back and whispered softly, "There is nothing to be worth, sorry, you are also a victim."

"No, I'm not, I agreed!" With that, Ella began to cry again.

Lu Yuan knew what she was talking about, that was, he agreed to use her reproductive organs and the initial cells in them as a soul-attracting thing.

However, Lu Yuan shook his head, "That is a demon god, I am afraid it is the demon **** that your family has believed in for hundreds of thousands of years? Facing his request, even if you disagree, you will be brainwashed into agreement by him."

"You have no choice."

"No, although you're right, but it's not." Ella suddenly sat up from Lu Yuan's arms, looking straight into Lu Yuan's eyes for the first time, with tears in his eyes, and said every word." At that time, I really wanted to gain strength and felt that I could give that, so I agreed!"

"I know that everything can be blamed on that existence, but I can't deceive myself. That is really my choice. It is me who betrayed our children and all the children in the future!"

"It's me, sorry for him, sorry for them, sorry for you!"

"If you are sorry, just sorry for yourself." Lu Yuan said softly.

At this point, he finally understood the root cause of Ella's indifference to him this time.

It seems that Shanghai Erxin didn't lie about this, because it was Ella's choice that she could not face Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan really wanted to ask her whether she was looking for power because she felt that she was too weak to help Lu Yuan because of the stimulation of the Demon God clone?

In order to deal with the Demon God, instead of turning to another Demon God for help? To this end, but do not hesitate to sacrifice yourself?

Is it worth it?

However, looking at the once lively girl with abnormally old eyes and tears in front of her, she couldn't say a word in these words.

If it is said that those who decide who suffer the most and who regret it most, it must be Ella herself.

I am afraid that in the past twenty years, whenever she thinks of herself, she will think of this choice that made her regret her life, which will affect her behavior.

Therefore, although she tried her best to train herself and had outstanding combat achievements, she still couldn't get the recognition of her former pioneer, and entrusted her with her comrades-in-arms group.

With a light sigh, Lu Yuan hugged Ella back in his arms and hugged her tightly, and said in her ear, "It doesn't matter. We were so small back then that we weren't suitable for being parents at all. It's also that I have no experience and negligence, otherwise From the beginning, he would not be allowed to appear."

"It doesn't matter if you can't give birth to your own children. Now that the battles in Skyrim are so frequent, almost all of them are orphans. If there is no one to take care of them, it is likely that more than half of them will die before they reach adulthood."

"We can adopt some children as ours."

"We can also build a big house next to Lake Elena and watch these children grow up."

"You can also feed some cattle, sheep, and chickens."

"If any thief dares to touch one of our little chicken hairs, we will hunt him down to the ends of the world."

As he spoke, Lu Yuan's eyes also shed tears.

Followed by the two of them, just about to remind Lu Yuan that the woman in his arms was already lifeless Serana. Seeing him crying, she swallowed it again, turned and walked to the side, consciously acting as a guard.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, everything is over."

"Actually, I should apologize. I'm sorry, I'm late."


In fact, seeing Ella's first glance again, Lu Yuan knew that this once lively and cheerful girl, the once energetic female soldier commander, had come to the end of her life.

Maybe other people are still not sure, but there is a long way to be able to resonate with the background energy of this world at any time, but the energy distribution in her body can be seen clearly.

Her soul was broken, like a candle that was about to burn out, only when the wind picked up, the lights went out.

Originally, Lu Yuan wanted to lead her to rekindle her heart, but she didn’t expect to express her guilt and was relieved by Lu Yuan. The last bit of obsession in her heart also disappeared.

Lu Yuan knew that this was also related to her ability to retain werewolves from beginning to end.

In other words, she didn't really have the end of her life, but was done by Heersing.


Half a day later, he scattered the burnt ashes of Ella on the shore of Lake Irina, and around the Constellation Stone, Lu Yuan stared at the rising of the eastern sun, and said to Serana, who put on the hood, "Sorry. , Originally this time I wanted to accompany you to solve Yong Ye's in advance."

"It doesn't matter." Serrana said quickly, "Just, where are you going? Revenge for Ella?"

"Ha, that's it." Lu Yuan said with a noncommittal smile, "If possible, I have to pay the debts I owe."

"Although I don't understand it very well, it doesn't matter. I will be here, waiting for you at the castle." As she said, Selana's pale face under the hood was dyed with a hint of blush.

Lu Yuan sighed inwardly, only if he didn't understand Missy's puns, after thinking about it, he handed her a whole package of newly refined trap potions, and said, "Save some use. Maybe I leave here. For a while, he will also get some news, and he will rush out."

"These potions, if he hadn't been blessed by external forces, would have beaten him back at least ten times."

"But if someone cheats, you can run away first. It's okay to escape back to the soul stone mound. Be careful not to fall into the trap of the ideal lord, you can always persist until I go back."

After explaining this, Lu Yuan turned and walked south.

Serrana hesitated for a moment, and wanted to step forward to express her feelings again, but seeing the constellation stone by the lake in a blink of an eye, she couldn't help but think of Ella, and finally did not take this step.

Lu Yuan, who had been watching behind him, couldn't help sighing. While feeling a little lost, he felt more relaxed.

"Finally, don't owe more debts."

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