Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 483: Can we talk about it

…Swallows didn’t know what to say for a while.

After a long delay, she said, "You mean, at the moment, you haven't seen these things in that novel or game?"


"But, do you have so many targeted preparations?"

"This...this is a coincidence." Lu Yuan suddenly realized that Yanzi didn't have any special performance in the weapon-master combat style that she showed herself, just because she thought that these responses were all pre-plans that Lu Yuan had prepared in advance.

Well, dealing with those wild hunters might indeed be prepared because of the game, but dealing with the earth elemental **** who was imprisoned by the witch in the forest just now depends entirely on his daily accumulation.

In particular, he has recently been studying special detection methods such as sonar and infrared radar to match heavy weapons.

"Coincidence" is perhaps the most accurate description of these.

However, Lu Yuan felt that there was no convincing when he said this.

However, just when Lu Yuan thought that the swallow was going to express her various unbelief, the witch hunter pinched Rose’s little paw and said in a deep voice, "Well, let’s ask Avalak to see if he fights. What idea!"

"That's it? You believe me?" Lu Yuan couldn't believe it.

"Why, would you still lie to me?" Yanzi raised his eyebrows, "Uh, I mean, about this kind of thing."

"Don't be proud of you guy, I know there are some things you must have lied to me! For example, what Ella, or those women you are in other worlds!" As he said, a fan fist hit Lu Yuan's back.

"I don't believe it, you guys don't steal it! Humph!"

This fist is really hard to argue with. What can he say? I was still talking about life in the front, but I ran off into that kind of thing in the back. Sure enough, girl's mind, boy, don't you guess?

Fortunately, he still has things to do right now, and this doesn't know how long he should talk about.

Soon, the two returned to the battlefield where the tree demon goddess and the elf sage confronted each other.

Although both guys found that the swallow had escaped from the air, the dryad goddess burst and wounded people because of her mentality similar to chaos. Therefore, even though the elves and sages deliberately sought peace, the two later Still fighting started a fire.

When Lu Yuan and the two came back, they saw an oak tree with mottled and withered leaves that were frozen like frost on eggplants. They tried to gather the remaining branches and roots together, using them as long whips or spears, and hit them like pear blossoms in a rainstorm. Elf sage under a protective shield magic.

And Avalak under the protective cover over there condensed a frost magic from time to time to "trim" those vine whip root guns.

If one swoop on the oak side is not in a hurry, and the frost light ball penetrates the defense line and reaches the trunk body, another large piece of branches and leaves will wither.

In general, even though the Dryad Goddess has turned from defense to offense, the balance of victory is still leaning toward Avalak.

However, as Lu Yuan said to Yanzi before, the tree demon's current state is abnormal, more like mania or schizophrenia, and his judgment of reality has decreased.

When Lu Yuan shouted through the loudspeaker to stop the two of them, although Avalak did not remove the protective shield, he still stopped the magic ball that was intermittently attacking, while the oak tree still attacked as usual.

As a last resort, Lu Yuan had to throw out three cloud explosive bombs again, completely turning a piece of bushes outside the battlefield into scorched earth, and when the next step was to cast the oak itself, the dryad goddess Green Ella hated to withdraw from the tree. Branch roots.

"Are you threatening me? I'm obviously helping you!" Green Ella, who had recovered the appearance of a human-sized dryad, shouted at Lu Yuan in the sky very dissatisfied.

"Also, what are you doing so high? Do you want me to yell at you like this?"

"Of course not." Lu Yuan hurriedly threw another dark object on the ground near the tree monster.

This time it is not any type of shell, but just a military-level communicator with image transmission and visualization functions.

In other words, it's just a military video phone. It is a simplified version of the military multifunctional mobile video smart box.

Soon, Lu Yuan's figure appeared on the screen, and the sound was changed from the external amplifier on the aircraft to the telephone speaker.

"What are these? Why do you have so many inexplicable things? These are all items from your hometown?" Green Ella stood suspiciously in front of the video call and said.

"It looks like you are from a more exciting world! Outsider!" Avalak also ran over some time, making Lu Yuan hesitate to throw another set of communication equipment with a sigh of relief.

There is no way. Fortune is so far away that he has damaged a set of radar probes, a centurion robot, and an armored off-road vehicle worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't want to lose another set of military video phones.

In a world without satellites, if you want to make a video call, that phone must have its own high-speed wireless transceiver, and the cost is not low at all.

Fortunately, after the swallows escaped, the roots and the like of the besieged armored vehicles by Green Ella were slowly withdrawn. Although Rose, who was the main control center, left with Yanzi, the main control computer of the vehicle had been updated by Lu Yuan after all, and it was not troublesome to install a "timing start scheduled task" function.

So when Lu Yuan came back, the insurgent trapped in the mud hole had actually restarted and crawled out of the pit slowly.

Therefore, while mediating the fight between the Dryad Goddess and the Elf Sage, Swallow and Rose have already got off the plane to retrieve the off-road vehicle that ran into the scorched swamp.

Seeing Avalak walking to his side, Lu Ella frowned provocatively and said, "Why, do you dare to come back? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Hehe, you just injured someone in a violent violent, and you didn't hurt me at all. What's so terrible about me now?" Avalak was very disdainful of his own teleportation ability.

"Should we try again?" Green Ella was about to make a move.

Lu Yuan was about to speak to mediate, but saw that the picture in his tactical HUD suddenly flashed, but there was an extra figure, and it was the swallow who had successfully recovered the insurgents.

"Hey! You two! If you fight again, I'll go straight away!" The swallow nodded to Lu Yuan without a trace, and immediately shouted to Green Ella and Avalak, and called the two guys together. The second round of the battle that was about to break out was suppressed.

Originally, Swallow's words were not lethal.

Think about it, A and B are going to fight, whether the independent third party C leaves or not, will it affect the conflict between A and B?

But probably not.

Unless, A and B fight, in order to fight for C.

However, as soon as Swallow said this, the tree demon and elves really stopped fighting. They directly exposed their original intentions and saw that Lu Yuan, who still needs to be a signal repeater in the sky, shook his head secretly.

I thought that these two guys didn't hide their thoughts about Swallows at all.

Yanzi was prepared for this. Seeing the two stopped and waited honestly in front of the screen, she sighed and asked, "Very well, then let's talk about it!"

"Where did we talk before?"

"Yeah, Hoarfrost is an evil **** who invaded from an alien plane. The blood of ancient times, that is, me, can seal the evil god? At the same time, after sealing the evil god, you can also use the escaped power to create a new god. Is that true?"

Seeing Green Ella nodded, Yanzi looked at Avalak, "Then what do you have to say?"

"I do have some, but don't worry, you can ask what you want to know, and I will tell you if I can." Avalak raised his eyebrows.

"Really? Well, then I will ask." Yanzi said solemnly, "The first question, since you don't deny these, then, when did you plan to tell me these things?"

"..." Avalak was silent for a few seconds before slowly speaking, "Originally, it would never be."

"You just need to know that you are the blood of the ancients and the key to saving the world. That's enough."

"The essence of Hoarfrost, what other incidental consequences will there be, has nothing to do with you."

"I just didn't expect that the heart of a tree that has been chained for thousands of years can know so many things."

Yanzi glared at him fiercely and said, "Anyway, I'm just a disposable item. Apart from using it, everything else has nothing to do with me, right?"

"No, I just don't want to increase your burden?"

"What burden? I have to use my life to seal the evil god, so what burden can I have?" Yanzi said angrily.

Avalak opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

Instead, the tree demon Ella said in a negative test, "He dare not tell you that what you did at the expense of your life is just a seal. Sooner or later, the evil **** will return."

"What?" Yanzi reacted, sealing the true meaning of the word.

"Well, so, the elves who have the blood of the ancients and the ability to travel through time and space will not stop crossing the plane, right? That's why you don't want to fight back and flee all the way?" The swallow looked at Avalak with a complex expression. .

The wizard sage remained silent.

"Okay." Swallow stretched out his hand and rubbed his eye sockets, temporarily gave up the elf sage, and asked the tree demon Ella, "Then your purpose for helping me is to get those escaped supernatural powers after I seal the evil god. Huh?"

"Now, with those divine powers, I can try to resurrect more of my clan and restore the prosperity of our tree monster clan in the past!"

"At that time, what about the other races of this face? Slaves of Dryads? Or the slaughtered flower manure?" Yanzi asked with raised eyebrows.

"That's something that the elves can do!" Dryad Ayla said angrily, "We are different from the dryads, we can assimilate! As long as they are transformed into dryads, they are part of us, and they can continue to be part of us. This face is thriving!"

"A woman can become a tree demon, what about a man?" Yanzi asked.

"Man? Of course it's a tree shepherd! Otherwise?" The tree demon Ella asked the swallows very strangely, "Why, is there no tree shepherd in this world now? What about Brochiron's tree demon? Breeding? Is it pure transformation?"

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