Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 496: Why embarrass yourself

"Boy, the tone is not small! What on earth do you want to do?" Can't swallow to reply, White Wolf said first.

Although the old demon hunter was still slapped on the side by the sorcerer Ye, this time the latter did not object to his words.

Raising his hand to press other people who still want to express their opinions, Yanzi looked at Lu Yuan intently and asked, "Tell me, what's your plan?"

Lu Yuan pointed to the three weird-looking four-axis drones still staying in the sky, and smiled and said to Yanzi, "Just make sure that the wild hunting skulls rushing over will not disturb your reading, and stick to it until you come out. Isn't it all right?"

"There is no need to embarrass yourself to play high jumps and low jumps. As far as I know, you have no experience in stunt skydiving. You only have the memory of Alex, but if you don't practice it yourself, it's too dangerous."

"Really?" Yanzi looked up at the drone in the sky, only to find that the landing gear of the three guys had been changed to a flat plate. Although the material cannot be seen from a distance, it should be quite strong.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yanzi understands Lu Yuan's plan roughly when he sees that thing.

She looked down at Lu Yuan, did not ask for details, and said directly, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"My success rate is very high." Lu Yuan smiled.

"Why do you bother yourself when you say it?" Yanzi asked again.

"Ha, I'm not at all embarrassed. You know, if it goes well, not only will I not lose, but I will also make a fortune."

"Hmph, ghosts believe you!" Swallow wrinkled her nose and sneered.

But then she looked down and said, "Okay, that's it!"

Although other people still had doubts, Swallow did not give other people time to speak. He just nodded at them, took the dark horse back into the space, said "Listen to the command of the road," and then ignored the surrounding skeletons and turned to Run to the gate of the library.

"Swallow!" The old demon hunter exclaimed, reaching out his hand to hold her, but she slipped past it by a margin.

"Okay, everyone, cover me!" Lu Yuan didn't explain his plan to other people. He squatted down on the spot, dancing with his hands as if fiddled with something in the air.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do when they heard a muffled thunder in the sky. They looked at the swallows subconsciously, but saw that the group of wild hunting skeletons around the swallows hurried to the door of the library, stopped for some reason.

Take a closer look, they are surrounding a shattered wild hunting skeleton, turning around madly, as if they don't know what happened?

"Hey, I knew it was like this!" Lu Yuan chuckled and murmured, "The power of ordinary stainless steel arrows is still too weak to break their magic core. Cannon!"

"What and what?" The other people looked at each other and wanted to ask him what was going on, but they didn't know where to start.

But even if they asked, Lu Yuan didn't have the energy to explain it to them now.

After confirming that using electromagnetic guns to attack the frost magic cores of those wild hunting skeletons, they would be able to prevent them from exploding, and at the same time they could gain time and space points, Lu Yuan hurriedly switched the next gun to the door of the space.

The space door is naturally opened in the sky on the belly of the drone and the landing gear.

Because of this attack from the electromagnetic cannon, the swallow took advantage of the wild hunting skull to be attracted and swished into it through the glazed window of the library gate.

Perceiving the fragmentation of the colored glaze, those skeletons were agitated again, and they were about to chase in the direction of Yanzi.

As a result, a thunder sound much louder than the previous muffled thunder sounded, and at the same time a brilliant blasting flower exploded in the center of the skeleton group, which was an OQ-45-type bottom grenade with a 152mm caliber.

Nearly eight kilograms of high explosives directly blasted all the existence within more than ten meters to pieces, and a whole group of violent skeletons did not emit a trace of frost and chill, and they went to nothing.

The huge explosion energy even melted a considerable part of the nearby ice and snow, exposing the vegetation inside that hadn't had time to wither.

However, the turf in the middle of the explosion was not as lucky as their relatives and friends not far away, and even the charred corpse was not left behind, and it was directly blown to ashes.

However, although this gun has solved the headless skull, the explosion sound enough to pierce the tympanic membrane of a person is still clearly discernible at least a few kilometers away.

The other skeletons around were stimulated by the sound, as if water dripped into the hot oil pan, and directly exploded.

Then there was a group of skeletons, moths swarming like a fire, and for a moment it gave people a feeling of surging waves.

"What to do?" The other people's faces were brushed, and they became whiter than the surrounding ice and snow. They didn't know what to do, but they listened to the road and laughed, "That's right! Be careful! efficiency!"

"The cost of my shell was nearly a thousand dollars. Although it was not the money I paid, it was still a big loss if I only exchanged a few skeletons for this shell!"

"How great it is now!"

Two waves of thunder sounded one after another, and two flames exploded again in the middle of the two skulls on the north and south sides before the tide, directly exploding dozens of skeletons around them into powder.

And dozens of meters away from the center of the explosion, where the power dropped, the skeletons with only a few broken bones, faced the center of the explosion one by one, exploded circles of frosty stars, and restored the surface that had just been thawed by the explosive. It was frozen.

What's interesting is that the other intact skeletons affected by Frost Nova's magic not only did not continue to explode, but as if they had been doped with stimulants, they rushed toward the center of the previous explosion at a faster speed.

"Hey, refreshing!"

Glancing a little at the four-digit credit notice in the message column, Lu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

However, he didn't stop, and continued to remotely control the space door, changing it to the next set of muzzles to be fired again.

So the two skull tides were firmly controlled outside the garden by his volley of two cannonballs every few seconds.

Occasionally, there were a few fish that slipped through the net, and they were easily stopped by the awakened old father and others.

By this time, they naturally understood what Lu Yuan meant to cover him before.

With this cooperation, Lu Yuan can manipulate the opening and closing of the space door without any worries.

Although the working space produced by the system is simple and convenient to use, it is based on the general method.

Like Lu Yuan, not only did the door on the outside side switch back and forth on the three drones, on the other side of the space, the door also moved back and forth in front of the muzzle trajectory of several self-propelled artillery.

It sounded almost two volleys of the front and rear feet, but in just one or two seconds, Lu Yuan made at least eight operations on the space gate.

1. Place the beacon on the belly of the UAV; 2. Move the door to the front of the corresponding muzzle; 3. Open the space door and wait for the shell to fire; 4. Close the door to recover the beacon. Then repeat it on another drone.

Because of such frequent and rapid operations, Lu Yuan could only focus almost all of his attention on this matter.

Three 2S19 Musta S and three 2S5 Hyacinths, a total of six self-propelled artillery, were divided into three groups and fired non-stop under the control of Shiafe, and they continued to bombard indiscriminately for nearly two minutes.

As a result, the sea of ​​skulls and skulls that would have drowned everyone in other people's deductions was actually first blown to ashes by artillery shells.

When the 2S5 Kombat with a capacity of only 30 rounds in the internal battle room emptied the internal bomb bay, the violent skeletons running near the southern part of the city were almost wiped out.

The new skeletons that ran further away were able to cope with the firing frequency supported by external bombs.

Although the Skeleton Sea near the barracks on the north side had not completely stopped, it was only a matter of time before it was wiped out under the 2S19 attack with 20 more rounds of ammunition.

The 3 self-propelled artillery has a total of 150 shells. With the efficiency of taking away at least 20 skeletons per shot from Luyuan, 3000 can be dealt with after all shots.

Although considering the decline in enemy density in the later period and the sporadic firefighting, overall it is impossible to have such a high killing effect, but there is still more than one thousand.

In general, emptying the bullet bays of six self-propelled artillery can give Lu Yuan an extra 2,000 violent skeletons. It is the five-figure space-time points that have been accounted for again, which makes Lu Yuan quite excited for not making a fortune in a long time.

But he wouldn't say anything nonsense, just do it again.

He, who has personally made a simple version of the self-propelled artillery on other planes, knows how much his inventory has been spent in the past few minutes when he has been loosing firepower.

Let alone the replenishment of the inventory, it would take him at least a week for the overhaul and maintenance of the six self-propelled artillery after the launch, as well as the replenishment of the bomb bay.

Using modern warfare to fight the enemies of the medieval magical world, although it is fun to fight, but the cost can also rise sharply.

As the Skeleton Sea weakened, Lu Yuan was a lot easier, not to mention the others. But their faces are rather ugly.

Obviously, they were all frightened by Lu Yuan's indiscriminate bombing methods.

They didn't know that the road was far away, and it took up half of the family's wealth, not to mention it, and they couldn't do it again in a short time.

In their eyes, Lu Yuan is a super fireball that can be called an archmage-level fireball that fires two shots every three or four seconds, nearly 200 rounds in a row.

With this ability, let alone that any spellcaster can't do it, I'm afraid it is to organize all the spellcasters they know together, so don't even think about it.

At this moment, Lu Yuan is no longer as simple as a pervert in their hearts, it is simply an evildoer.

No, there is also an elemental **** who has a bad face here, she thinks it is a monster, that is, it can only be a monster like a god! God evil!

Although Lu Yuan didn't know that he had an extra name that was the same as some perverts in a famous board game, but even if he knew it, he would only find that, to a certain extent, this name is not too exaggerated.

The single army is not a group army. If it is only equivalent to a mechanized synthetic brigade, there is already a self-propelled artillery company far away, which seems to be completed, eh, one-thirtieth?

However, considering that Lu Yuan already has a heavy artillery company or a self-propelled artillery company, it should be one-twentieth or even one-tenth according to the cost.

Well, there is still a long way to go.

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