Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 539: War is coming back

According to the information held by Lu Yuan, the 28th Brigade is currently stationed in the eastern city of Odessa, Chorno Morsik.

So after sleeping in a hotel at Odessa Airport for one night, early the next morning, Lu Yuan ran to the local car dealership outside the airport to rent a scooter and went straight to the destination.

However, on the way from the airport to Cjorno Morsik, it happened to almost pass through the entire Odessa. While enjoying the seaside scenery, I turned on the local radio to see if I could get some new information. .

However, upon hearing this, he found that he still thought of the situation in Odessa simply.

He thought that the Donbass war that was about to be fought in the past of the main plane, the protagonists were Donetsk and Lugansk in the east. The reason why other provinces that were also independent were not able to participate is just thunder. The heavy rain is only small.

But the situation is completely different when viewed at close range.

Because after Crimea entered Greater Rus, the aforementioned eastern provinces also announced that they were going to take the road of Crimea, so the provinces of the entire New Greater Rus region were ready to move for a while.

The so-called New Great Rus region refers to those lands along the Black Sea that were acquired during the war with the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Emperor Ekaterina the Great.

These lands were later given to Luxin by former Soviet leaders during the pre-Soviet period, and these are the provinces southeast of Luxin today.

For example, Donetsk Lugansk, who is now actively preparing for the war, but also Zaporozhye and Kherson, who came south and west from there, and even Luyuan now here, Odessa.

Because historically it was occupied by Catherine II, the only queen honored as the great emperor, not only the large Russian population in these areas, but also a stronger sense of identity with the great Rus.

Of course, because of the geographical proximity to the core area of ​​Kiev, these areas have been deeply involved with Rusin during the long development of more than two hundred years. Therefore, when the Donbass War came, only those two states were resolute enough. Enough to fight.

For example, Lu Yuan can now hear on the radio that the Odessa people are organizing tens of thousands of people to demonstrate in the municipal center to support the new Russin government and criticize the pro-Russian faction.

However, the Odessa masses of the pro-Russian faction could not bear the humiliation, and immediately organized anti-demonstrations and anti-demonstrations.

It sounded that the two factions had already met the pinpoint of the civic center.

The on-site brother of a certain radio station was very dedicated. He ran back and forth from the very new government to the pro-Ross faction, and he could hear the uncontrollable gasp when he explained the situation on the radio.

But this is just a situation of scolding across the street and it has not been able to maintain the minimum peace for long.

Soon, as the scolding escalated, the distance between the two sides got closer and finally evolved into a large-scale gang fight.

But this is just the beginning.

Amidst the sound of fighting and conflict, a gunshot shot across the sky, and then a group of people shouted in a Solitaire style, "Guns! They have guns!"

At the same time, someone could faintly hear someone yelling in Ruxin, "That grandson brought the gun? Put away the weapon!"

It was just that the voice was soon drowned out by the outrage of the people.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, Lu Yuan, who was quite familiar with this approach, immediately popped a word in his mind, "IAA"!

"Sure enough, there are you everywhere!" Lu Yuan murmured mockingly, but didn't intend to run over to catch the mouse. Instead, he turned the steering wheel and turned to drive north, ready to bypass the urban area where the situation may escalate at any time. , Continue eastward from the northern suburbs of the city.

Although the broadcaster on the radio was silent for a while, he probably ran to the safe area and found a high place to start broadcasting again.

The pro-Ross faction was shot dead and wounded by secret guns from the new government faction, making the sentiment even more angry.

In a short while, he used the former Suzu ancestor's artistic ability, Molotov cocktail, which is homemade incendiary bomb, and threw it to the very new pie on the other side.

Slowly unexpectedly reversed the situation and besieged the Tingxin faction in the municipal center.

But after Lu Yuan heard it, he didn't think they had succeeded at all. He knew that in the news in most parts of the world, including Rusin, they would become thug murderers and terrorists.

People in the world will only remember the persecution, violence and even massacre of their separatists against the pro-New Government people. Few people know that they are the ones who were beaten or even shot at the beginning.

Of course, even if they didn't have the subsequent anger and anger, they would only become even more inexistent clowns in the eyes of the world, and they would be thrown behind their heads after a laugh from passers-by.

This is where the advantage of occupying the battlefield of public opinion lies.

If they can finally successfully join this area to the Greater Ross Federation, it will be fine. Even if they are splashed with dirt and lose face, at least the lining is still there.

It is a pity that anyone with a strategic vision knows that even if the two provinces near the Donbass region actually enter the Greater Ross Federation one day, it will never be possible to enter Odessa in the south.

Quite simply, between Donbass and Odessa, although there is the Crimea Peninsula, there are also large areas such as Zaporozhye Kherson.

Unlike other regions, Zaporozhye is basically the spiritual sustenance of the founding holy land of modern Rusin. Neither the people there nor the people in the core area of ​​Luxin will allow to represent Luxin as a place of independent ethnic origin and betray Luxin.

It was once the place where the insulted Cossack leader led a rebellion under the rule of the Kingdom of Poland. The Khmelnitsky uprising was dominated by the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

Perhaps there are also some meanings of success and failure. Rusin regards the Cossack uprising as his modern national origin, so in his natural nationality, he must have something in common with the Amerika colonial people who did not want to tax the British king.

So after the formation of the former Soviet Union, Luxin, one of the most important industrial countries of the former Soviet Union, quickly fell to the west.

However, the core area of ​​the Ruxin nationality, which is based on the Cossacks, a free-democratic organization form, is only in the central region.

The New Greater Rus region in the southeast, Lviv, which was divided from Poland in the west, did not have a high sense of identity with Cossacks, but tended to Greater Rus and the former Polly Federation respectively.

Therefore, it has been said that the oligarchy of Luxin means that the capital representatives of the three different industries in the West and the Middle East play the same party and fight against each other. In fact, because these three places did belong to three different political entities, many problems continue to this day.

Because Zaporozhye in the New Greater Rus region has the highest identification with the Cossacks and it is almost impossible to enter the so-called Greater Rus Federation, if Osad, further west of them, is forced to join, it will only become another part of the Greater Rus. Le.

It has become another enclave far away from the country and surrounded by several political entities hostile to it.

Because of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Kaliningrad was caught between Boland and Lithuania. It was already enough for Ross to suffer. Another piece would not give him a headache.

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