Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 585: While the battle is in progress

The MK153 shoulder-fired multi-purpose weapon adopts the principle of recoilless rocket launcher. When launching, the detonation gas jet generated by the propellant is ejected backward at the same time, thereby generating a reverse momentum similar to the momentum of pushing the projectile forward.

As a result, the recoil of the artillery during launch will be greatly reduced, reducing the launcher's difficulty in launching and improving accuracy.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages. Since recoilless guns will spray high-pressure jets to the rear at the time of launch, if there are people in the rear at this time, they will be easily burned by the wake.

When Lu Yuan fired the first round of three rockets at the gate of the dock before, there was no one else behind him, so he didn't feel anything at that time.

But then the enemy instead attacked from the alley inside the dock. Lu Yuan also turned and aimed at the direction of the enemy's attack. As a result, he forgot that this happened to make the armored off-road vehicle where Agent 14 was in his rear.

So after the first rocket hit, although it once again resulted in a dominator, Agent 14 was stunned by the wake because the door was wide open.

Fortunately, when the jet reached his position, the high-temperature gas had almost escaped. He did not light his hair, but the dust carried by the airflow did not spare him. After the shot went down, he almost became a drill from the chimney. The old man with red pajamas and white beard came out.

"Oh my god, man! Are you going to make it easy?" The gray-headed agent 14 coughed a few times, and somehow he cleared the dirt from his mouth. "Are you sure your mission is to save me, not to kill me, right? Bar?"

"Okay, so young, don't be haggling! I know it!" Lu Yuan curled his lips, pretending to be disdainful and forced a smile, "Hurry up, if you really don't want to die, just hurry up. Give me the remaining ammunition!"

"In addition, there is a helmet in the rear compartment, so you can wear it for fear of being blown by the wind!"

"And the helmet?" Agent 14 was overjoyed when he heard the words, and did not care about the distance before, threw him the remaining three rounds of ammunition straps, and squeezed it from the gap between the main and co-pilot seats into the rear compartment.

Before turning over, he saw the tactical helmet with windshield and face shield rolling around under the seat. He quickly grabbed it and put it on his head, just to avoid the wake of a rocket projectile far away.

"Well, it's so dangerous!" Seeing another cloud of sand and dust hit the front driving seat, Agent 14 rejoiced loudly through the mask, no matter how low and unpleasant the sound blocked by the mask was.

"Heh, how fast is your hand?" Lu Yuan didn't need to look back. He knew that Agent 14 had put on the mask just by listening to the voice. He changed the bomb again while chuckling. Are the two ammunition boxes next to you? Take out all those ammunition!"

"Huh?" Agent 14 was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked around, only to realize that he had just thought about the helmet, and didn't notice that there were two sets of high polymer ammunition boxes on the right back seat.

"This is, the rocket?"

Agent 14 murmured suspiciously, and opened the lid of the box according to the instructions near the switch on the outside of the box. Seeing six spare cartridges racked up by the same high polymer shelf inside, he couldn't help but exclaimed again, "I'll go , How much ammunition did you bring?"

"Ha, you think it's cheap, if it weren't for the mechanics to bring so many ammunition, we might not be able to rush out this time!" Picello's voice sounded from the car horn.

As soon as Agent 14 thought about it, he stopped talking. He simply picked up two boxes and wanted to get out of the car and pass it to Lu Yuan.

However, he overestimated himself and underestimated the boxes. When pulling with both hands, he almost broke his arm muscles by the boxes each weighing nearly forty kilograms.

The pain caused him to take a breath, but seeing Lu Yuan start to install the last ammunition, he had to gritted his teeth, exchanged the same ammunition box with both hands, circled directly behind Lu Yuan, and handed it to him.

At this time, Lu Yuan had already killed the three masters of the second wave. Just about to take a break, he heard the huntress's warning from the communication device, "Be careful, another wave! At ten o'clock, the dock. In the alley by the side back door!"

Speaking, she tapped the multifunctional tactical helmet on her head again, and added, "The infrared thermal imaging camera can see them!"

"Huh? I have achieved optical stealth, but I didn't make infrared stealth too? He knows what technology is easy and what is difficult, right? Sick?" Lester, who was still on the channel, laughed and cursed. .

"We don't understand the brain circuit of a billionaire, maybe this is his hobby?" Picello sneered with a three-point defense.

"Guys, concentrate! It's not enough to support me with a heavy Oerlikon machine gun!" Lu Yuan keenly realized that since he killed the first batch of enemies with the MK153, the others were a little too nervous, and finally couldn't bear it. Stay awake.

"Also, Cowboy, you have to help me open the front cover of the cartridge! It will save me a little time, okay!"

"Uh, I'm sorry, it's a little strange to not use this thing for a long time!" Listening to Lu Yuan, Agent 14 who had just walked to Lu Yuan and handed him an ammunition hurriedly responded.

"Huh? Have you used this thing?" Lu Yuan saw that he changed his arrogance and became so easy to talk, and he couldn't continue to sneer. He raised his hand to retrieve the cartridge and swayed, and pointed again. Point to the ammunition box and signal the opponent to dismantle the others directly.

In order to facilitate storage, the MK153 cartridge is usually equipped with a front cover. This thing also has the function of insurance at the same time, which can effectively prevent the self-detonation of ammunition failure.

Because of this, you need to open the front cover of these ammunition before using them, and then hold up the glass fiber reinforced plastic cartridge, screw it into the back of the launcher, and connect the internal circuit, so that you can complete the preparation for launch at any time.

Only one of the three masters of the third wave was killed, so after Lu Yuan installed the first one in the ammunition box, he immediately carried the MK153 on his shoulder and aimed it at the place where the flames of the remaining two revolver guns flashed. The rocket was also shot out.

"I remember this old thing of the last century, only the Marine Corps who is thrifty and housekeeping is still using it? Why, have you still been in the Marine Corps?" While launching, Lu Yuan continued the gossip with Agent 14.

"No, no, don't guess." Agent 14 immediately made a negative three. "You also know that there is still a lot of inventory of this thing. I just used it in some courses."

At this time, this rocket also successfully hit a master. However, unlike the previous instant explosion, after the rocket hit, it was a small explosion with almost no fire, as if a bag of flour burst out of the air.

Then, the substances that filled the air were suddenly ignited again, and the surrounding area covered by the "flour" instantly fell into a sea of ​​flames.

"Is this? Is this a fuel-air bomb?" Lu Yuan muttered to himself, surely but bewilderedly, looking at the familiar firelight not far away.

He must be certain that this thing is a fuel-air bomb, but the confusion is because he doesn't understand why it is this thing!

"Picero! Did you take the wrong ammunition?"

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