Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 603: Continue task

Of the five, perhaps Alex's mother Corinna is the least worrying. Of course, considering that she is nearly ten years older than Bitner, this is quite normal.

She used the money left by Alex to open a high-end clothing store nearby, and Daphne is now working for her. However, Porcelain Doll is not a salesperson, she can't do that kind of work because she is thin-skinned and terrified. She is Corinna's online store administrator and finance.

On the whole, she is a nerdy for the future.

This time Turner came back and the family was naturally quite happy, but considering the safety issue, everyone still agreed that these changes should not be shown to the outside world.

Then after the crowd colluded, Lu Yuan realized that Zhang Wuji's mother was really right. These beautiful women, whether young or old, were able to lie at their fingertips.

Not to mention the quirky little Liz, even Daphne's shy little guy, when she talks about panic, she deceives people.

When things were arranged at home, Lu Yuan asked about his nasty electronics company.

When he heard that Turner had hired a full-time store manager and clerk to look at the store, Lu Yuan's last worry was relieved.

The next step is to act afterwards.

There is no need for Gunther to reply in this regard, Helena also knows the details.

When they worked for Leicester before, they didn't just work with Unlucky Ghost and Stone Head.

It was the casualties that everyone else died, and Lester had to dig out the pair of live treasures from Blaine County.

At first, the two people didn't want to come.

They are now one of the best underworld gangs in Blaine County, and they even have multiple underground factories under their name. They produce everything from hacao to white powder, from counterfeit banknotes to fake certificates. Although the efficiency of making money is almost a problem, fortunately, economic activities are quite active.

It is said that they have a gangster network called Passepartout, which specializes in helping them engage in that kind of business.

I don't know what method Lester used later to force the two to come. As a result, I didn't expect that they had not cooperated a few times, and they were also cold.

With this information from Helena, Lu Yuan also had cares in his heart.

As long as Turner and Yanzi are assigned two more offices to register as mercenaries, they will be able to join in the future tasks as newcomers.

After all, there are only Gunther who is not stable in Leicester's team, semi-novice Helena and former KGB peripheral mercenary mechanic Sergey are three people, it is really short of people.

As for how to register mercenaries, Lu Yuan didn't want to alarm the lieutenant this time, so it was up to Turner and Yanzi to go to the underground world to make a name.

Anyway, with their current abilities, except for the Black Armored forces, few people can beat them.

However, this plan was not really implemented in the end, because when they were about to go out to do some entry-level scattered tasks, Lester suddenly gave Gunther and Helena a new task.

The agent 14 whom Lu Yuan helped rescued before was not the only IAA agent controlled by the enemy.

There is also an old agent codenamed ULP who is also suspected of being under the control of Ewan Hertz.

ULP means United Freedom Newspaper. It is a newspaper business established in Liberty City. Of course, it is actually a subordinate organization of IAA.

This one has also appeared before. For example, when the three protagonists of Luyuan helped the offline showdown with FIB agents, among the people who ran to arrest FIB, there was this IAA special agent led by ULP.

In addition, although Lu Yuan was still on the submarine at the time, according to Helena, the ULP claimed to have been following Bogdan closely and was one of the first intelligence personnel to spot the former KGB agent on the way to Los Santos.

When he heard this, Lu Yuan frowned unconsciously, and a figure floated in his mind. It was the man who kept him frowning in Donbass, the Dutchman Julian.

No way, based on Lu Yuan's impression of the ULP agent, it is difficult for him to connect that guy with the identity of a shrewd and capable intelligence officer.

In Lu Yuan's view, even if Bitman 14 is a little more reliable, it is only because he is older and more experienced.

Saying that he was the first to grasp Bogdan's movements, the only reasonable explanation Lu Yuan could think of was that he had an informant or spy on Bogdan.

Following this train of thought, Lu Yuan naturally suspected Julian.

But now is not the time to verify this.

Because of the unexpected situation on the ULP side, Lackman of the IAA approached Leicester, and Leicester called Gunther and Helena to help them rescue the ULP who had just escaped from Perito Bay as quickly as possible.

As a result, Gunther could just use the reason of lack of manpower to put Turner and Swallows into the team, who had not been officially registered.

Moreover, since Agent 14 who had blown the northwest wind with Lu Yuan has not recovered yet, the IAA side naturally recognized the situation reported by Gunther that the mechanic Sergey was unable to carry out the mission.

In other words, Lu Yuan can "heal" at home with peace of mind this time, so the other four people can form a full firepower team.

The identities of Turner and Swallows are easy to make up. Gunther's "express" company is still in business, and will hire novices to help from time to time, so it is not surprising that he finds two good players among those who have helped.

The four-person team left quickly, and Lu Yuan didn't plan to just stay at home like this. Of course he can't be free.

In just two days, he collected a lot of good things in his work space.

They were either oversized or half-damaged, and they were quite laborious to organize.

However, the benefits they can bring to Lu Yuan are also obvious.

After all, a cruise missile nuclear submarine, a tilt-rotor aircraft, a stealth helicopter, and a cyber biochemical man wearing stealth combat armor, any one of them will be enough for him to study and digest. have.

In addition, when Ruxin was engaged in the arms production line, he had another plan for the production of auxiliary combat equipment. After the Donbass War, the main body of the thing was basically completed, and even more than half of the weapons were built. A big project that requires his energy.

With so much work piled up, let alone a few days of free time, if nothing else disturbs him, he might be able to stay in the work space for a year.

So starting from saving ULP this time, in the following week, he did not participate in Leicester's mission.

Because he was a submarine crew brought by Bogdan, Leicester had no direct command over him, and he is now staying at home on the grounds of recuperating, and there is nothing to say about Leicester.

Anyway, for Leicester, as long as he has enough staff.

It was Bogdan's reaction that surprised Lu Yuan a little.

He neither urged nor visited him, he just said a few words in the communication device that would make Lu Yuan recover from his injuries, and he never came to bother again.

This made Lu Yuan very hesitant.

The IAA had promised Bogdan to replenish him with a cruise missile submarine afterwards, and that kind of boat still needs a "missile expert."

Now Bogdan clearly has a tendency to abandon the mechanic Sergey. What does that mean? He found another missile expert? In Los Santos?

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